Account Summary
OSP is a full-service public safety agency. For emergencies call 911 Non-Emergency call OSP dispatch center *OSP (*677) from mobile phone or 800-452-7888
Followers Count
Friends Count
Tweets Count
List Count
Oregon, USA
Followers Analysis (based on followers sample)
Number of Verified accounts
Percentage of Verified accounts
Number of Protected accounts
Percentage of Protected accounts
Average Age of Twitter accounts
3 years
Number of users without a Bio
Number of users with a Bio
Percentage of users with a Bio
Percentage of users without a Bio
Worldcloud of Bios
Top 10 followers with the highest follower count
Username | Followers Count | Friends Count | Tweet Count |
JohnCena | 14097285 | 592748 | 7484 |
SSscoop475 | 246196 | 219084 | 855692 |
RachelBitecofer | 155484 | 21592 | 88213 |
AllThingTravel | 152270 | 116430 | 3163 |
Dr_Rafizadeh | 121724 | 126685 | 9926 |
bmurphypointman | 85681 | 29833 | 2572704 |
JeanChatzky | 81617 | 68464 | 22063 |
renaud_pdx | 48033 | 26546 | 29717 |
TruckersVote | 38448 | 37334 | 31578 |
JamesFLoveIV | 38107 | 19468 | 183293 |
Top 10 followers with the highest following count
Username | Friends Count | Followers Count | Tweet Count |
JohnCena | 592748 | 14097285 | 7484 |
SSscoop475 | 219084 | 246196 | 855692 |
Dr_Rafizadeh | 126685 | 121724 | 9926 |
AllThingTravel | 116430 | 152270 | 3163 |
JeanChatzky | 68464 | 81617 | 22063 |
TruckersVote | 37334 | 38448 | 31578 |
bmurphypointman | 29833 | 85681 | 2572704 |
renaud_pdx | 26546 | 48033 | 29717 |
RachelBitecofer | 21592 | 155484 | 88213 |
JamesFLoveIV | 19468 | 38107 | 183293 |
Top 10 followers with the highest tweet count
Username | Tweets Count | Followers Count | Friends Count |
bmurphypointman | 2572704 | 85681 | 29833 |
SSscoop475 | 855692 | 246196 | 219084 |
camcath | 373858 | 1867 | 3362 |
nanaziegler | 282749 | 16768 | 17894 |
JamesFLoveIV | 183293 | 38107 | 19468 |
Cathi_Bea | 142788 | 2165 | 3204 |
Kkay0529 | 123950 | 318 | 889 |
layna_lane | 122098 | 49 | 391 |
MusicPlusMore | 105356 | 996 | 1418 |
TRE45ON | 101572 | 2975 | 1707 |
Top 10 followers with the highest listed count
Username | Listed Count | Friends Count | Followers Count |
JohnCena | 31596 | 592748 | 14097285 |
RachelBitecofer | 2097 | 21592 | 155484 |
JeanChatzky | 1618 | 68464 | 81617 |
john_trippe | 1056 | 142 | 18062 |
AllThingTravel | 993 | 116430 | 152270 |
Dr_Rafizadeh | 899 | 126685 | 121724 |
bmurphypointman | 561 | 29833 | 85681 |
renaud_pdx | 513 | 26546 | 48033 |
SSscoop475 | 456 | 219084 | 246196 |
NIFC_Fire | 310 | 2304 | 16364 |
Tweets Analysis
Total number of tweets analysed
Earliest tweet was on
Latest tweet was on
Tweets covering
1,343 days
Types of Tweets
Number of Retweets
Percentage of total tweets
Number of Original tweets
Percentage of total tweets
Number of tweets that contain Mentions
Percentage of total tweets
Number of tweets that were Replies
Percentage of total tweets
Number of tweets that were Quotes
Percentage of total tweets
Number of tweets that contain Hashtags
Percentage of total tweets
Top 5 devices used to tweet
Source | Count |
Twitter Web App | 1878 |
Twitter for iPhone | 1088 |
TweetDeck | 141 |
TweetDeck Web App | 21 |
Twitter Web Client | 9 |
What devices were used to tweet
Top 10 tweets with highest Retweet count
ID | Text | Retweet count |
1309894031254511616 | At 9:00 A.M. this morning, members of @PortlandPolice Rapid Response Team were deputized as Federal Marshals. This will allow federal prosecutors to charge allegations of assault on a federal officer to anyone who attacks Officers- | 5424 |
1309179079967596545 | The Oregon State Police condemns this blatant violence and the targeted assault of police officers. We denounce this unlawful conduct and those that tolerate this abhorrent behavior. | 870 |
1661821348392628224 | It is #NationalMissingChildrensDay- On this day, we are highlighting one of Oregon’s most notable missing child cases. Kyron Horman was last seen at Skyline Elementary School in Portland on June 4, 2010- "Hope is why we are here." | 591 |
1302655784623374336 | During last nights confrontations in PDX, individuals launched attacks on law enforcement, several officers & troopers were struck by rocks in the head, arms, shoulders, and feet- | 492 |
1309996122039922688 | During a traffic stop at Rosa Parks and Missouri in Portland, a Trooper sustained minor injuries after a large rock was throw at his patrol car window. Any witnesses to this event please call OSP Dispatch at 800-442-0776 or *OSP from your mobile. | 323 |
1341141501133262850 | On December 21, 2020 at 1:30 P.M. a subject attempted to gain entry on the west side of the Oregon State Capitol building by breaking a widow of one of the doors. He was taken into custody. | 301 |
1278718790927126528 | I would like to publicly address the conduct in this article. | 274 |
1309942813610536960 | This is false information. Those are not Sheriffs Officers uniforms or shields. #RumorControl #FalseNews | 224 |
1532375031648374785 | Missing person case in hopes that it might trigger someone’s memory. Missing: Michael Bryson, Male, Caucasian, from Eugene, Oregon Missing since: 8-5-2020 NamUs: #MP72954 @LaneSheriffOR #: 2020-5286 #HopeIsWhyWeAreHere | 154 |
1294072108809457667 | OSP Trooper sustained a concussion & whiplash after being struck in the head during the protests in Portland | 151 |
Top 10 tweets with highest Like count
ID | Text | Like count |
1309894031254511616 | At 9:00 A.M. this morning, members of @PortlandPolice Rapid Response Team were deputized as Federal Marshals. This will allow federal prosecutors to charge allegations of assault on a federal officer to anyone who attacks Officers- | 17202 |
1309179079967596545 | The Oregon State Police condemns this blatant violence and the targeted assault of police officers. We denounce this unlawful conduct and those that tolerate this abhorrent behavior. | 3053 |
1661821348392628224 | It is #NationalMissingChildrensDay- On this day, we are highlighting one of Oregon’s most notable missing child cases. Kyron Horman was last seen at Skyline Elementary School in Portland on June 4, 2010- "Hope is why we are here." | 1011 |
1302655784623374336 | During last nights confrontations in PDX, individuals launched attacks on law enforcement, several officers & troopers were struck by rocks in the head, arms, shoulders, and feet- | 978 |
1278718795339554817 | Let me be clear, Oregon State Police Troopers are not above the law and this conduct is being immediately addressed. As the leader of the Oregon State Police, I would like to offer my apology to the coffee shop employees and the community. | 773 |
1278718796434309120 | I am ultimately responsible for all actions of OSP Troopers & should rightfully be accountable for their conduct. I hope my apology is accepted & the swift actions of my agency provide evidence of our commitment to accountability.-Superintendent Travis Hampton, Superintendent | 744 |
1341141501133262850 | On December 21, 2020 at 1:30 P.M. a subject attempted to gain entry on the west side of the Oregon State Capitol building by breaking a widow of one of the doors. He was taken into custody. | 732 |
1555218297188102145 | You would have to see it to believe it. OSP received a driving complaint regarding 2 very specific vehicles. Trooper stopped “Lightning McQueen” for Following too Close & “Dinoco” pulled over too. “McQueen” was warned. #Kachow #HighwaySafety | 720 |
1309942813610536960 | This is false information. Those are not Sheriffs Officers uniforms or shields. #RumorControl #FalseNews | 699 |
1278718793389228032 | This conduct is embarrassing and indefensible, especially in the wake of thousands of Oregonians taking to the streets each day to rightfully demand police accountability. | 671 |
Top 3 Languages Used In Tweets
Top 10 Hashtags used
Hashtag | Count |
#youroregonstatepolice | 234 |
#oregon | 172 |
#publicassistance | 89 |
#tweetalong | 64 |
#joinosp | 57 |
#highwaysafety | 43 |
#community | 42 |
#teamwork | 35 |
#ospfamily | 32 |
#slowdown | 28 |
Top 10 Hashtags Used In Tweets
Top 10 mentions
Hashtag | Count |
@osp_fish | 91 |
@oregondot | 34 |
@myodfw | 27 |
@portlandpolice | 18 |
@oregoncapitol | 16 |
@salempolicedept | 15 |
@multcoso | 12 |
@youtube | 9 |
@osfm | 9 |
@clackcosheriff | 7 |
Top 10 mentions
Wordcloud of Tweets
Emojis used in tweets
Emoji | Count | Emoji Text |
👏 | 52 | clapping_hands |
🤣 | 24 | rolling_on_the_floor_laughing |
❄️ | 19 | snowflake |
😊 | 15 | smiling_face_with_smiling_eyes |
🛣 | 14 | motorway |
💕 | 14 | two_hearts |
😉 | 12 | winking_face |
🥰 | 11 | smiling_face_with_hearts |
🙌 | 10 | raising_hands |
😂 | 9 | face_with_tears_of_joy |
Emojis groups
Emoji Group | Count |
Smileys & Emotion | 168 |
People & Body | 130 |
Travel & Places | 119 |
Animals & Nature | 58 |
Objects | 30 |
Activities | 29 |
Symbols | 25 |
Food & Drink | 14 |
Flags | 4 |