Tweets Analysis - Keyword: @OmayraIssa


Total number of tweets analysed


Earliest tweet was on


Latest tweet was on


Tweets covering

3 days

Average age of authors' accounts

8 years


Omayra Issa, a graduate from Campus, is making a positive impact on Canada, inspiring others with her words and receiving praise for her accomplishments.

Topic Modeling

  1. Impact leadership
  2. Countrywide impact
  3. Support and admiration
  4. Proud accomplishments
  5. Inspiration

Emotional Analysis

The sentiment expressed in these tweets is one of pride and admiration. The first tweet expresses pride in a graduating student, @OmayraIssa, and their impact on the entire country. The second tweet expresses admiration and gratitude for @OmayraIssa and @kngprry, and the third and fourth tweets express admiration for @OmayraIssa and @Megan_Scribe and @SaskTeachersFed, respectively. All in all, these tweets show an outpouring of admiration and pride for the accomplishments of these individuals.

Trend Analysis

  1. Pride in accomplishment
  2. Impact in Canada
  3. Respect and appreciation
  4. Support
  5. Empowerment

Disclaimer: The text analysis on, powered by OpenAI, does not represent the views of or its affiliates. The analysis is for informational purposes only and not an endorsement of any viewpoint.

Types of Tweets

Number of Retweets


Percentage of total tweets


Number of Original tweets


Percentage of total tweets


Number of tweets that contain Mentions


Percentage of total tweets


Number of tweets that were Replies


Percentage of total tweets


Number of tweets that were Quotes


Percentage of total tweets


Number of tweets that contain Hashtags


Percentage of total tweets


Top 5 devices used to tweet

Source Count
Twitter for Android 6
Twitter for iPhone 3
Twitter Web App 2

What devices were used to tweet

Top 10 accounts with highest followers count

Username Name Bio Followers count
Megan_Scribe Megatron “Leader of the Decepticons” Scribe Ininiw iskwew | Norway House Cree Nation | Asst Prof in Sociology at TMU | Education Director for Yellowhead School | Lapsed Tweeter | 4,199
kngprry Perry King • arm me with harmony ✍🏾⚡️• author of REBOUND (@coachhousebooks, 2021) • communications @OISEUofT • kang variant 2,022
UAlberta_CSJ UAlberta Campus Saint-Jean Edmonton, AB, 🇨🇦 - Établissement francophone de @UAlberta - Faculté Saint-Jean + @CentreCollegial + École de Langue + @imeldacsj_ + Campus Calgary/GP/RedDeer 1,774
dhargravepr Diane Hargrave PR Communications consultant working with Canadian book publishers, arts organizations and not-for-profit groups. Studying Law, Continuing Ed. 1,531
aliciaebridges Alicia Bridges Digital reporter, ABC Perth. Formerly CBC. Co-host of The Pit podcast. Secure email: 1,073
Kennedy_writes Emily Kennedy EthnographyxJournalism.✍️@damnmag @tastetravelmag.Board member Ottawa Community Sport Media @sportsottawa.Former editor at iPolitics,OttawaMagazine. 670
ShoneGwendolyn Gwendolyn Shone Learner, teacher, lover et Bonjour!Les élèves ayants droit, francophones et en immersion française 168
Therealbill17 Therealbill decent 101
viralarcadian ☠arc☠ she/hers | 1990 | 🇨🇦 | ♋🔞 not a nsfw acc. but no minors please! 85

Top 10 accounts with highest friends count

Username Name Bio Followers count
dhargravepr Diane Hargrave PR Communications consultant working with Canadian book publishers, arts organizations and not-for-profit groups. Studying Law, Continuing Ed. 4,997
Kennedy_writes Emily Kennedy EthnographyxJournalism.✍️@damnmag @tastetravelmag.Board member Ottawa Community Sport Media @sportsottawa.Former editor at iPolitics,OttawaMagazine. 2,974
aliciaebridges Alicia Bridges Digital reporter, ABC Perth. Formerly CBC. Co-host of The Pit podcast. Secure email: 2,561
Megan_Scribe Megatron “Leader of the Decepticons” Scribe Ininiw iskwew | Norway House Cree Nation | Asst Prof in Sociology at TMU | Education Director for Yellowhead School | Lapsed Tweeter | 1,286
viralarcadian ☠arc☠ she/hers | 1990 | 🇨🇦 | ♋🔞 not a nsfw acc. but no minors please! 1,284
kngprry Perry King • arm me with harmony ✍🏾⚡️• author of REBOUND (@coachhousebooks, 2021) • communications @OISEUofT • kang variant 980
UAlberta_CSJ UAlberta Campus Saint-Jean Edmonton, AB, 🇨🇦 - Établissement francophone de @UAlberta - Faculté Saint-Jean + @CentreCollegial + École de Langue + @imeldacsj_ + Campus Calgary/GP/RedDeer 578
Therealbill17 Therealbill decent 221
ShoneGwendolyn Gwendolyn Shone Learner, teacher, lover et Bonjour!Les élèves ayants droit, francophones et en immersion française 175

Most active users

Username Bio Number of tweets
Therealbill17 decent 3
Kennedy_writes EthnographyxJournalism.✍️@damnmag @tastetravelmag.Board member Ottawa Community Sport Media @sportsottawa.Former editor at iPolitics,OttawaMagazine. 1
Megan_Scribe Ininiw iskwew | Norway House Cree Nation | Asst Prof in Sociology at TMU | Education Director for Yellowhead School | Lapsed Tweeter | 1
ShoneGwendolyn Learner, teacher, lover et Bonjour!Les élèves ayants droit, francophones et en immersion française 1
UAlberta_CSJ Edmonton, AB, 🇨🇦 - Établissement francophone de @UAlberta - Faculté Saint-Jean + @CentreCollegial + École de Langue + @imeldacsj_ + Campus Calgary/GP/RedDeer 1
aliciaebridges Digital reporter, ABC Perth. Formerly CBC. Co-host of The Pit podcast. Secure email: 1
dhargravepr Communications consultant working with Canadian book publishers, arts organizations and not-for-profit groups. Studying Law, Continuing Ed. 1
kngprry • arm me with harmony ✍🏾⚡️• author of REBOUND (@coachhousebooks, 2021) • communications @OISEUofT • kang variant 1
viralarcadian she/hers | 1990 | 🇨🇦 | ♋🔞 not a nsfw acc. but no minors please! 1

Tweets per day

Top 10 tweets with highest Retweet count

ID Text Retweet count
1624088772727148545 Nous sommes particulièrement fiers de notre Finissante du Campus, @OmayraIssa, et de son impact sur tout le Canada.#frab #frcan #CommunautéCSJ 1
1623459810522832899 @kngprry @OmayraIssa 😭 you don’t even know how much your words mean to me @OmayraIssa @kngprry ❤️ 0
1623387833934262273 @OmayraIssa @Megan_Scribe She really is!! 0
1623330695413399552 @OmayraIssa @SaskTeachersFed Incredible 🙌 0

Top 10 tweets with highest Like count

ID Text Like count
1624088772727148545 Nous sommes particulièrement fiers de notre Finissante du Campus, @OmayraIssa, et de son impact sur tout le Canada.#frab #frcan #CommunautéCSJ 5
1623459810522832899 @kngprry @OmayraIssa 😭 you don’t even know how much your words mean to me @OmayraIssa @kngprry ❤️ 1
1623387833934262273 @OmayraIssa @Megan_Scribe She really is!! 1
1623330695413399552 @OmayraIssa @SaskTeachersFed Incredible 🙌 0

Top 3 Languages Used In Tweets

Top 10 Hashtags used

Hashtag Count
#frab 2
#frcan 2
#communautécsj 2
#blackhistorymonth 1

Top 10 Hashtags Used In Tweets

Top 10 mentions

Mention Count
@omayraissa 12
@saskteachersfed 2
@kngprry 2
@ualberta_csj 1
@curiocbc 1
@jhrnews 1
@megan_scribe 1

Top 10 mentions

Wordcloud of Tweets


Average number of emojis used per tweet


Emojis used in tweets

Emoji Count Emoji Text
😭 1 loudly_crying_face
❤️ 1 red_heart
🙌 1 raising_hands

Emojis groups

Emoji Group Count
Smileys & Emotion 2
People & Body 1