Account Summary

Followers Count


Friends Count


Tweets Count


List Count






Followers Analysis (based on followers sample)


Number of Verified accounts


Percentage of Verified accounts



Number of Protected accounts


Percentage of Protected accounts



Average Age of Twitter accounts

7 years


Number of users without a Bio


Number of users with a Bio


Percentage of users with a Bio


Percentage of users without a Bio


Worldcloud of Bios

List of top 10 keywords used in bios

Word Frequency
football 5878
sports 2966
love 2748
united 2633
life 2053
fc 1988
manchester 1784
arsenal 1676
views 1603
music 1569

List of top 10 hashtags used in bios

Hashtag Frequency
#mufc 591
#ynwa 357
#lfc 319
#glazersout 204
#coys 146
#fpl 133
#ggmu 127
#coyg 121
#nufc 117
#cfc 116

Top 10 followers with the highest follower count

Username Followers Count Friends Count Tweet Count
JohnCena 14104177 572070 7449
midoahm 5544972 1030 57707
UnitedStandMUFC 1922922 819 81469
toddcarey 1685832 1513497 131712
TrendEPL 1464233 585 132940
utdreport 1384269 128 77128
ManUnitedZone_ 1372817 367 33858
MichelleDBeadle 1364128 3891 27524
Robbie9Fowler 1163296 1014 7428
WatfordFC 905789 504 62323

Top 10 followers with the highest following count

Username Friends Count Followers Count Tweet Count
toddcarey 1513497 1685832 131712
JohnCena 572070 14104177 7449
ammr 409764 603264 97651
IamMzilikazi 376174 546518 130457
2thank 364379 395169 60837
CFCBlues_com 238026 289755 15034
ItsDLS 217145 246585 63313
MarkWOfficial 171823 162651 10751
HarryGoaz 142053 236253 1716
Asamsakti 128258 286703 53073

Top 10 followers with the highest tweet count

Username Tweets Count Followers Count Friends Count
ProEditores 1957219 38732 33586
AminZulkarnain 751619 402 4291
andypeahead 534595 993 3042
DantePasusu 533208 2492 2018
scorpiotiger77 486153 1402 5004
theBlackKaner88 454658 575 3070
CZZY__ 449860 2031 2171
ahammALDC 443568 7510 7285
AshaSin24116510 422944 1352 5010
jangels127 405890 1285 5003

Top 10 followers with the highest listed count

Username Listed Count Friends Count Followers Count
JohnCena 31680 572070 14104177
sam_amick 8788 1754 257072
MichelleDBeadle 8466 3891 1364128
jonmorosi 7932 7637 441744
shaunwalker7 5841 3052 212765
BBCSteveR 4137 4115 241010
KevinWeekes 4024 6488 283656
utdreport 3919 128 1384269
davidallengreen 3798 2060 231839
Robbie9Fowler 3629 1014 1163296

Tweets Analysis


Total number of tweets analysed


Earliest tweet was on


Latest tweet was on


Tweets covering

348 days

Types of Tweets

Number of Retweets


Percentage of total tweets


Number of Original tweets


Percentage of total tweets


Number of tweets that contain Mentions


Percentage of total tweets


Number of tweets that were Replies


Percentage of total tweets


Number of tweets that were Quotes


Percentage of total tweets


Number of tweets that contain Hashtags


Percentage of total tweets


Top 10 tweets with highest Retweet count

ID Text Retweet count
1531249805837705216 French interior minister says 70% of tickets coming into Stade de France were fake. That would mean 175,000 fake tickets on top of 75,000 attendance Given that, while held at a checkpoint for an hour, I saw zero evidence of any fake tickets, this sounds like TOTAL bullshit 1263
1526177168786702338 🤔 1171
1634504744096940033 Total respect for and solidarity with Gary Lineker and all those pundits, commentators, reporters & producers standing with him. It isn’t about “the BBC”. It’s about the government cronies who are currently running it (not for long, I suspect) & making terrible decisions. Abysmal 393
1533563938692022272 James Milner has agreed a new one-year contract at Liverpool on reduced terms, having turned down offers from other Premier League clubs and MLS #LFC 363
1568496200202043393 Have a great weekend everyone. You can go to the shops, gym, theatre, cinema, cricket, rugby (both codes), the races (tmrw at least). But football is off — even at junior level. Has football, in its eagerness to show deepest respect, missed an opportunity? 347
1559795958531104768 Very good news for Manchester City: Bernardo Silva is now focused on staying. His head was turned by interest from Barcelona, but, just like last summer, he's now happy to stay and focus fully on the season ahead at #MCFC 315
1614589255073910788 Antonio Conte on Arsenal's progression under Arteta. "It’s not difficult if you have time and patience. It’s normal when you work with the same young players and after four years they develop and become stronger." Normal? Not difficult? Really? 146
1584077813896065025 An interview with former Reading and Leeds manager Brian McDermott, who speaks with remarkable candour about low self-esteem, turning to alcohol and the “impostor syndrome” that haunted him as a player and a manager #readingfc #LUFC @TheAthleticUK 143
1600769854759473153 "How's Qatar?" people ask. Well ... I've seen some great football. Stadiums stunning! Lovely food! Friendly people! Everything so convenient for journalists. But ... there are so many "buts". They mustn't be ignored just because we're having a nice time 127
1547475302447816704 #MUFC finally closing in on a deal for Lisandro Martinez as well as Eriksen. De Jong? Still complicated. But this (new?) regime can’t be judged on whether one deal or another gets over the line. It’s not about deals. It’s about a vision — and delivering it 126

Top 10 tweets with highest Reply count

ID Text Reply count
1604439489375526913 Feels like some people are utterly desperate to overstate the brilliance of this England squad in an attempt to talk up the FAILURES of Southgate THE SERIAL UNDERACHIEVER. It's an incredibly insular outlook. Which current England player gets into a world XI? Second XI? 365
1531249805837705216 French interior minister says 70% of tickets coming into Stade de France were fake. That would mean 175,000 fake tickets on top of 75,000 attendance Given that, while held at a checkpoint for an hour, I saw zero evidence of any fake tickets, this sounds like TOTAL bullshit 314
1568496200202043393 Have a great weekend everyone. You can go to the shops, gym, theatre, cinema, cricket, rugby (both codes), the races (tmrw at least). But football is off — even at junior level. Has football, in its eagerness to show deepest respect, missed an opportunity? 239
1643673698723921920 People reacting like appointing Lampard as interim is the maddest thing Boehly and Eghbali have done at Chelsea. It’s actually the first sensible thing they’ve done. Offers them stability and time while they try to work out what the hell they’re doing 216
1614589255073910788 Antonio Conte on Arsenal's progression under Arteta. "It’s not difficult if you have time and patience. It’s normal when you work with the same young players and after four years they develop and become stronger." Normal? Not difficult? Really? 169
1523575292983488512 Klopp moaning about Tottenham's legitimate tactics, Guardiola claiming "everyone in this country" is pro-Liverpool and anti-Manchester City. None of it on the Ferguson/Mourinho us-against-the-world scale, but ... great managers do tend to talk a lot of crap at times, don't they? 150
1526177168786702338 🤔 114
1634504744096940033 Total respect for and solidarity with Gary Lineker and all those pundits, commentators, reporters & producers standing with him. It isn’t about “the BBC”. It’s about the government cronies who are currently running it (not for long, I suspect) & making terrible decisions. Abysmal 100
1533563938692022272 James Milner has agreed a new one-year contract at Liverpool on reduced terms, having turned down offers from other Premier League clubs and MLS #LFC 94
1573205233072742402 Harry Maguire set to start for England v Italy tonight. Southgate says “It’s important to back our best players.” His #MUFC form hasn’t merited that label but his England performances have. GS loyalty is based on that. Surely not *that* hard to understand 93

Top 10 tweets with highest Quote count

ID Text Quote count
1614589255073910788 Antonio Conte on Arsenal's progression under Arteta. "It’s not difficult if you have time and patience. It’s normal when you work with the same young players and after four years they develop and become stronger." Normal? Not difficult? Really? 217
1559795958531104768 Very good news for Manchester City: Bernardo Silva is now focused on staying. His head was turned by interest from Barcelona, but, just like last summer, he's now happy to stay and focus fully on the season ahead at #MCFC 184
1533563938692022272 James Milner has agreed a new one-year contract at Liverpool on reduced terms, having turned down offers from other Premier League clubs and MLS #LFC 164
1532030587304828940 PFA Player of the Year shortlist: 🔴 Virgil van Dijk 🔵 Kevin De Bruyne ⚪ Harry Kane 🔴 Sadio Mane 🔴 Mohamed Salah 🔴 Cristiano Ronaldo 142
1526177168786702338 🤔 119
1604439489375526913 Feels like some people are utterly desperate to overstate the brilliance of this England squad in an attempt to talk up the FAILURES of Southgate THE SERIAL UNDERACHIEVER. It's an incredibly insular outlook. Which current England player gets into a world XI? Second XI? 113
1531249805837705216 French interior minister says 70% of tickets coming into Stade de France were fake. That would mean 175,000 fake tickets on top of 75,000 attendance Given that, while held at a checkpoint for an hour, I saw zero evidence of any fake tickets, this sounds like TOTAL bullshit 76
1643673698723921920 People reacting like appointing Lampard as interim is the maddest thing Boehly and Eghbali have done at Chelsea. It’s actually the first sensible thing they’ve done. Offers them stability and time while they try to work out what the hell they’re doing 76
1600183226395410434 Cristiano Ronaldo dropped for Portugal v Switzerland. Fernando Santos said he "really didn't like" Ronaldo's reaction to being subbed v South Korea. Can't imagine he's liked his performances either. A miserable World Cup for him so far, one penalty aside 58
1568496200202043393 Have a great weekend everyone. You can go to the shops, gym, theatre, cinema, cricket, rugby (both codes), the races (tmrw at least). But football is off — even at junior level. Has football, in its eagerness to show deepest respect, missed an opportunity? 48

Top 10 tweets with highest Like count

ID Text Like count
1531249805837705216 French interior minister says 70% of tickets coming into Stade de France were fake. That would mean 175,000 fake tickets on top of 75,000 attendance Given that, while held at a checkpoint for an hour, I saw zero evidence of any fake tickets, this sounds like TOTAL bullshit 10731
1526177168786702338 🤔 5536
1533563938692022272 James Milner has agreed a new one-year contract at Liverpool on reduced terms, having turned down offers from other Premier League clubs and MLS #LFC 5254
1634504744096940033 Total respect for and solidarity with Gary Lineker and all those pundits, commentators, reporters & producers standing with him. It isn’t about “the BBC”. It’s about the government cronies who are currently running it (not for long, I suspect) & making terrible decisions. Abysmal 3490
1559795958531104768 Very good news for Manchester City: Bernardo Silva is now focused on staying. His head was turned by interest from Barcelona, but, just like last summer, he's now happy to stay and focus fully on the season ahead at #MCFC 2895
1568496200202043393 Have a great weekend everyone. You can go to the shops, gym, theatre, cinema, cricket, rugby (both codes), the races (tmrw at least). But football is off — even at junior level. Has football, in its eagerness to show deepest respect, missed an opportunity? 2553
1614589255073910788 Antonio Conte on Arsenal's progression under Arteta. "It’s not difficult if you have time and patience. It’s normal when you work with the same young players and after four years they develop and become stronger." Normal? Not difficult? Really? 2155
1604439489375526913 Feels like some people are utterly desperate to overstate the brilliance of this England squad in an attempt to talk up the FAILURES of Southgate THE SERIAL UNDERACHIEVER. It's an incredibly insular outlook. Which current England player gets into a world XI? Second XI? 1542
1584077813896065025 An interview with former Reading and Leeds manager Brian McDermott, who speaks with remarkable candour about low self-esteem, turning to alcohol and the “impostor syndrome” that haunted him as a player and a manager #readingfc #LUFC @TheAthleticUK 1292
1547475302447816704 #MUFC finally closing in on a deal for Lisandro Martinez as well as Eriksen. De Jong? Still complicated. But this (new?) regime can’t be judged on whether one deal or another gets over the line. It’s not about deals. It’s about a vision — and delivering it 1033

Top 3 Languages Used In Tweets

Top 10 Hashtags used

Hashtag Count
#mufc 28
#lfc 26
#mcfc 24
#eng 20
#efc 10
#nufc 8
#saintsfc 6
#arg 6
#thfc 5
#fra 5

Top 10 Hashtags Used In Tweets

Top 10 mentions

Hashtag Count
@theathleticfc 28
@theathletic 15
@david_ornstein 12
@theathleticuk 12
@adamleventhal 7
@markchapman 5
@jackpittbrooke 5
@georgecaulkin 5
@domfifield 5
@markcarey93 5

Top 10 mentions

Wordcloud of Tweets

Emojis used in tweets

Emoji Count Emoji Text
đź‘Ź 10 clapping_hands
đź”´ 10 red_circle
🇧🇪 6 Belgium
đź‘Ž 5 thumbs_down
🤷🏻‍♂️ 4 man_shrugging_light_skin_tone
đź‘Ť 4 thumbs_up
⚪ 4 white_circle
🚨 3 police_car_light
🇬🇷 2 Greece
🥾 2 hiking_boot

Emojis groups

Emoji Group Count
People & Body 29
Flags 23
Symbols 16
Smileys & Emotion 13
Travel & Places 4
Animals & Nature 4
Objects 3
Food & Drink 2
Activities 1