Tweets Analysis - Keyword: @NikaMelkozerova


Total number of tweets analysed


Earliest tweet was on


Latest tweet was on


Tweets covering

10 days

Average age of authors' accounts

6 years


These tweets are discussing the relationship between the U.S. and Ukraine and the actions of Russia in the region. The people in the tweets are asking the U.S. to give Ukraine money, weapons, and safety guarantees. They cite America’s $40 billion debt to Ukraine, and argue that the U.S. should help Ukraine in its fight against Russia and support its sovereignty. They also criticize citizens of Russia for their lack of action in the matter.

Topic Modeling

  1. Conflict between US and Ukraine
  2. Return of money and weapons
  3. Support of Ukraine by the US
  4. Attitudes toward Russia
  5. Effect of Russia on Ukraine

Emotional Analysis

The tweets express a range of emotions, from anger to frustration to disbelief. The authors are primarily angry at the lack of respect they feel they are receiving from the US and its taxpayers, as well as the lack of support they are receiving in their fight against Russia. They also express disbelief that Russians can still think of Ukraine as a “brotherly nation” despite the trauma they have experienced over the centuries. Finally, there is a sense of frustration that the US is not doing more to help Ukraine in its fight against Russia.

Trend Analysis

  1. US military and taxpayer support for Ukraine
  2. Consequences of post-Soviet demilitarizations
  3. Perceived attitude of ungratefulness by American taxpayers
  4. Support for Ukrainian democracy against Russian adversaries
  5. Russian citizens held accountable for crimes of Russian government

Disclaimer: The text analysis on, powered by OpenAI, does not represent the views of or its affiliates. The analysis is for informational purposes only and not an endorsement of any viewpoint.

Types of Tweets

Number of Retweets


Percentage of total tweets


Number of Original tweets


Percentage of total tweets


Number of tweets that contain Mentions


Percentage of total tweets


Number of tweets that were Replies


Percentage of total tweets


Number of tweets that were Quotes


Percentage of total tweets


Number of tweets that contain Hashtags


Percentage of total tweets


Top 5 devices used to tweet

Source Count
Twitter for Android 1296
Twitter for iPhone 1005
Twitter Web App 963
Twitter for iPad 86
TweetDeck 5

What devices were used to tweet

Top 10 accounts with highest followers count

Username Name Bio Followers count
dianefrancis1 Diane Francis SUBSCRIBE TO MY SUBSTACK NEWSLETTER 227,954
tikhondzyadko Tikhon Dzyadko Главный редактор телеканала "Дождь" 202,779
IuliiaMendel Iuliia Mendel Former Spokesperson to President @ZelenskyyUa Author: The Fight of Our Lives @PostOpinions contributor proud Ukrainian🇺🇦 in love❤️‍🔥 141,349
RobAnderson2018 robert jon anderson Freelance writer, ombudsman, humanist. Author of DRUM & Jon of All Trades. Former political candidate & Cautionary Tale. NY Yankees fan. No DMs please. 113,590
denkmit Simon Patterson Lives in a van and chases motorbikes around the world for fun and beer money. Freelance MotoGP journalist. Opinionated. 76,095
NewDayForNJ Tricia Flanagan (R-NJ) America’s Biochemist TM …I’m a feisty one 🇺🇸 Jersey Bold 🇺🇸 Host, We the People | Healthcare | National Security | #2A #NRA Press: 72,898
Euan_MacDonald Euan MacDonald Editor-At-Large,, New Voice of Ukraine; BBC freelancer. Totally biased: against fascist regimes; in favor of democracy, rule of law, human rights. 71,474
_Tymoshenko Anton Tymoshenko Stand Up 59,093
Rebel44CZ Jakub Janovsky Military history, SCW, OSINT, space, electric cars. NATO/EU supporter. Bellingcat and Oryx Blog contributor. 53,850
egavactip Mark Pitcavage Senior Research Fellow, ADL Center on Extremism. Historian, long-time expert on right-wing extremism. Long-lost scion of Sidney Greenstreet. My own views only. 53,375

Top 10 accounts with highest friends count

Username Name Bio Followers count
dianefrancis1 Diane Francis SUBSCRIBE TO MY SUBSTACK NEWSLETTER 126,988
nana4MANY LinFranco BRCA Stg 3 Surv #SlavaUkraini #BLM #Antifa #SaveDemocracy #ProudLiberal #LGBTQ Ally *NO DMs* **EndTheInsanity* #EqualRightsForAll 40,510
NewDayForNJ Tricia Flanagan (R-NJ) America’s Biochemist TM …I’m a feisty one 🇺🇸 Jersey Bold 🇺🇸 Host, We the People | Healthcare | National Security | #2A #NRA Press: 23,231
PaulStephenn Paul Stephen 🇨🇦💙🇺🇦 Human/Women's rights, Diversity, Inclusion. Feminist. Democracy & Freedom, #Resistance against Oppression & Authoritarianism. #vegan #IStandWithUkraine🌻He/Him 18,732
philipdoty phil doty Proactive, Retired Project Manager, 💙🌊🏒⛳️, 🚫DM, ALM, Resist Republicans, and obviously Pro Choice. Working on getting ready for 2024 one day at a time. 16,021
BasuAshis Ashis Basu Knowledge is Power. Share It. 13,551
RobAnderson2018 robert jon anderson Freelance writer, ombudsman, humanist. Author of DRUM & Jon of All Trades. Former political candidate & Cautionary Tale. NY Yankees fan. No DMs please. 13,531
ablnk Anthony Yarus 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸# BidenHarris George Floyd. Say his name. 😷# WearADamnMask😷 13,006
AdiyaLuv Adiya Luv 🐾🌊🌊🌊 'In the midst of chaos, there is also opportunity' Sun Tzu she/her Black Lives Matter/Community Leader/Organizer *FBR* No DMs *Blessed Be 11,247
NamedDuda Mrs.Duda No private messages. Politics. Environment. #ClimateCrisis. Equality. Humanist. Love animals. I block Far-Right/Tankies/Campists/Trumpists 🤮 A bit sarcastic 🤸 10,665

Most active users

Username Bio Number of tweets
Necro_304Mav Truth will prevail in time 194
dawnameeks7 - 43
FOEsword Freedom On Earth (FOE) from false gods, free to live our live's in peace, with out causing loss or harm to any human or their property #FreedomInOurLifeTime 41
Independents20 Political junkie in search of rational discourse. Followers will not be led, but engaged with civility.… 35
Trubshawe1 All the right wibbly noises, just not necessarily in the right order. He/Him 29
AllexGut - 27
deusxmach1na Opinions are my own. 25
BethZitzow Motto: Feel the fear and do it anyway! 24
gabrichidze see website for my artwork; my recent book is on Amazon 24
DomPistons @olivetcollege alum @WesternMichU alum - MPA Former Social Security and VA employee @millerlite enthusiast @USMC vet All views are my own 20

Tweets per day

Top 10 tweets with highest Retweet count

ID Text Retweet count
1626535194428866560 I wrote this piece for Al Jazeera on why many Ukrainians are angry with Russian citizens and believe they are as responsible for the war as Putin. Thank you to ⁦@NikaMelkozerova⁩ ⁦@cryptodrftng⁩ ⁦@A_SHEKH0VTS0V⁩ for speaking with me 26
1626693533410250775 @NikaMelkozerova @charliekirk11 If you’re so tired of us, then give us our money back. You owe American taxpayers more respect than your ungrateful attitude is paying—$40 BILLION dollars worth more. 17
1626151183520874496 @NikaMelkozerova 🇫🇮🌏❤️🇺🇦‼️🤬🤬🤬🤬 15
1623734183804960770 @NikaMelkozerova @SpaceX Could this be related to the Twitter CEO openly advocating Kremlin talking points? I'm sure the RU investment in Hyperloop is entirely coincidental. 12
1626865122126835712 @NewDayForNJ @NikaMelkozerova @charliekirk11 You can play this video while you're filling up 1040A. That's a gift from us. 12
1623737449901101059 @NikaMelkozerova @SpaceX I’ll never ever pay for any services from any company run by @elonmusk. The way he panders to authoritarian regimes while hypocritically pretending to care about free speech makes me sick. 12
1623693414507384832 @NikaMelkozerova @SpaceX This is beyond - beyond! - outrageous! Musky is helping RU by limiting its satellite capabilities. 😡😡😡Follow the thread. 9
1623736468354072578 @NikaMelkozerova Exactly, I know volunteers in Texas who bought Starlink for Ukraine. They bought it for Ukrainians to use it on the battlefield. If that was not in company's services then Starlink is falsely advertised and needs to give them their money back so that they can buy better products. 7
1623767778757935118 @NikaMelkozerova @SpaceX Ukraine's control of drones within its own internationally recognized borders is clearly defensive, not offensive. 6
1623764746498342912 @NikaMelkozerova @SpaceX This should make @DeptofDefense seriously question the viability and terms of any further contracts with @SpaceX. Will they pull the rug out from under @USAirForce based on similar absurd grounds? 6

Top 10 tweets with highest Like count

ID Text Like count
1626863836291600385 @NewDayForNJ @NikaMelkozerova @charliekirk11 You still owe us for nukes and SCUD rockets, that you took away from Ukraine. Today is the due date. And that's not including interests. So please go pay some taxes. 376
1626693533410250775 @NikaMelkozerova @charliekirk11 If you’re so tired of us, then give us our money back. You owe American taxpayers more respect than your ungrateful attitude is paying—$40 BILLION dollars worth more. 308
1626650330913214465 @Necro_304Mav @NikaMelkozerova @charliekirk11 We “conquered the land” with the help of France, if you’ll recall; Ukraine needing our help versus is much the same as France helping us oppose Britain. 223
1626865122126835712 @NewDayForNJ @NikaMelkozerova @charliekirk11 You can play this video while you're filling up 1040A. That's a gift from us. 212
1626864823001575424 @NewDayForNJ @NikaMelkozerova @charliekirk11 And US gives us BACK our strategic bombers, long range missiles and nukes? Friendly reminder: we willingly gave all this stuff away under US pressure for post-soviet demilitarization on return for safety guarantees. And now WE are DYING, while entitled US taxpayers just paying. 165
1623974208958267392 @StarskyUA @NikaMelkozerova As an American, I know exactly which types they are. They are nowhere near 10m, or even the 1m Wagner claims they need. But for the maybe 10,000 they might get, I say good riddance. They are voluntarily removing themselves from our society. It’s win-win 155
1626670700990799872 @Necro_304Mav @RobAnderson2018 @NikaMelkozerova @charliekirk11 What’s your angle here dude? Your worldview seems to be pretty simplistic. America benefits greatly from a stable Europe, and that’s saying nothing about letting countries invade other sovereign nations. If one applies your thinking to US history, we’d be in a WAY different spot. 154
1626713922224132096 @NewDayForNJ @NikaMelkozerova @charliekirk11 Also that money is not sent to Ukraine, it is spent in the USA to manufacture weapons for them that get sent. That creates jobs and wealth for Americans. Also updates US supplies as older stock is rotated. 141
1623737449901101059 @NikaMelkozerova @SpaceX I’ll never ever pay for any services from any company run by @elonmusk. The way he panders to authoritarian regimes while hypocritically pretending to care about free speech makes me sick. 137
1626712087572676608 @NewDayForNJ @NikaMelkozerova @charliekirk11 Get a grip Tricia! Ukrainians are fighting and dying to save YOUR way of life. If you don't understand the geopolitical ramifications of this war, read a bit more history. This small investment is much cheaper than American lives. 121

Top 3 Languages Used In Tweets

Top 10 Hashtags used

Hashtag Count
#mahsaamini 13
#ss35 13
#r2pforiran 13
#irgcterrorists 13
#russiaisaterroriststate 10
#slavaukraini 6
#ukraine 4
#putinisawarcriminal 3
#rootinforputin 2
#freethefalcons 2

Top 10 Hashtags Used In Tweets

Top 10 mentions

Mention Count
@nikamelkozerova 3369
@charliekirk11 1272
@necro_304mav 420
@newdayfornj 387
@spacex 262
@robanderson2018 140
@cbpinky 86
@frankwalker0206 80
@dizi25411638 79
@retretter8 67

Top 10 mentions

Wordcloud of Tweets


Average number of emojis used per tweet


Emojis used in tweets

Emoji Count Emoji Text
🇺🇦 61 Ukraine
🤣 57 rolling_on_the_floor_laughing
❤️ 48 red_heart
😂 45 face_with_tears_of_joy
👏 41 clapping_hands
💔 27 broken_heart
🙏 23 folded_hands
🤬 22 face_with_symbols_on_mouth
🙄 17 face_with_rolling_eyes
🤡 16 clown_face

Emojis groups

Emoji Group Count
Smileys & Emotion 432
People & Body 164
Flags 113
Travel & Places 13
Activities 10
Objects 9
Symbols 8
Animals & Nature 8
Food & Drink 3