Tweets Analysis - Keyword: @Netlify


Total number of tweets analysed


Earliest tweet was on


Latest tweet was on


Tweets covering

10 days

Average age of authors' accounts

7 years


Netlify's acquisition of GatsbyJS bridges the desires of developers and CIOs for an innovative and safe product respectively. People such as Adam Bradley and Gergely Orosz, as well as companies like Shopify, Amazon, Twitter, and Plaid are working on testing suites and integrating tools such as Ably and Dimension, which is designed to facilitate planning, communication, development, and deployment. Netlify has also released cheesy Valentine's day cards and made updates to functions and configuration.

Topic Modeling

  1. Integration of developer tools with platforms e.g. @Netlify, @vercel, @Azure, @Cloudflare, etc.
  2. Usage of tools for web development e.g. @github, @A2Hosting, @twilio, @amazon, @Meta, etc.
  3. Development of web applications e.g. @Shopify, @Uber, @lyft, @stripe, @apollographql, @coinbase, @airtable, @Plaid, @Snap, @robinhood, @Twitter, etc.
  4. Valentines day celebration e.g. @Netlify’s cheesy Valentine’s cards.
  5. New features e.g. no longer need a `netlify.toml` file on @Netlify, @biilmann to work at @Netlify, etc.

Emotional Analysis

The emotions expressed in these tweets are mainly positive, with a sense of enthusiasm and excitement. The tweets discuss the benefits of various tools and technologies, such as Netlify, GatsbyJS, Vercel, and Azure, and the potential of combining them to bridge the gap between developers and CIOs. There is also a sense of pride and admiration for the developers mentioned in the tweets. Lastly, there is a sense of humor and playfulness, as seen in the Valentine's Day tweets and meme tweets.

Trend Analysis

  1. Integrating developer tools into a unified interface
  2. Bridge between developers and CIOs
  3. Using static site frameworks (i.e. JAMstack)
  4. Replitting, auto-pushing, and auto-deploying with Github and Netlify
  5. Netlify Valentine's card promotion

Disclaimer: The text analysis on, powered by OpenAI, does not represent the views of or its affiliates. The analysis is for informational purposes only and not an endorsement of any viewpoint.

Types of Tweets

Number of Retweets


Percentage of total tweets


Number of Original tweets


Percentage of total tweets


Number of tweets that contain Mentions


Percentage of total tweets


Number of tweets that were Replies


Percentage of total tweets


Number of tweets that were Quotes


Percentage of total tweets


Number of tweets that contain Hashtags


Percentage of total tweets


Top 5 devices used to tweet

Source Count
Twitter Web App 161
Twitter for iPhone 61
Twitter for Android 48 4
TweetDeck 3

What devices were used to tweet

Top 10 accounts with highest followers count

Username Name Bio Followers count
LeaVerou Lea Verou / @w3ctag member, HCI @MIT_CSAIL, @CSSWG IE, @CSSSecretsBook author. Made @prismjs. I ♥ standards, code, design, UX, life! she/her 119,695
fauna Fauna Fauna is a distributed document-relational database delivered as a cloud API. 101,789
Netlify Netlify The platform for modern websites and applications. @netlifystatus for status updates. & for tech support. 91,151
GatsbyJS Gatsby ft. Valhalla Build, preview, and deploy dynamic web experiences with performance that scales. Sign up now:… 73,689
alejoceo @AlejandroCeo Soy lcdo ♐️ Amo a Dios y #Bitcoin - Programo cosas en Internet y en Teléfonos 59,557
swyx swyx 🤖 I help startups cross the chasm. The future is here; let's evenly distribute it. 52,586
javascriptd Javascript Digest Javascript Digest brought to you by 41,955
testdrivenio Teaching practical programming through real-world applications. Tweets by @MikeHerman and @JanGiacomelli. 29,865
mjasay Matt Asay @MongoDB. Formerly @AWScloud. Last name pronounced "Ay-see." Arsenal apologist. Regularly write for InfoWorld/TechRepublic. 23,227
VueSchool_io Vue School Trusted by over 200,000 developers to be the #1 source for learning Vue.js & the ecosystem. Expertly produced video courses, tutorials, workshops & conferences. 17,430

Top 10 accounts with highest friends count

Username Name Bio Followers count
_serverlessbot_ Serverless Bot I am a bot built with aws-lambda and the serverless platform, retweeting #serverless related stuff. 🤖 5,001
dabernathy89 Daniel Abernathy Please do not try to hack me again, or I will report you to the authorities. Thank you for using Daniel Chat. 😊 4,976
SuraSys1 Gurumurthi V Ramanan CEO / MD, SuraSys - Building ML Systems for 16+ years 4,964
erinmikail Erin Mikail Staples dev advocate, community enthusiast, tech educator, comedian | 💼@labelstudioHQ | 👩🏼‍🏫 @studio20NYU | 🏄🏼‍♀️ | she/her 4,568
clutchcreator Clutch Build real web apps and micro front-ends that connect to any backend, in real-time with your team. 4,361
bzises Ben Zises @SuperAngel😇 | Inv #1 @getquip🦷 | @carawayhome🏠 @growarber🪴| Consumer, PropTech & FOW | | | 4,063
ThisDotMedia This Dot Media Bringing the JavaScript community together through free resources, events, and trainings! | Visit @ThisDotLabs for JavaScript consulting & help | 3,710
itsashleighhyo Ashleigh Roberts Collacott | Design & Development Specialist Tech Recruiter with a passion for getting #WomenInTech PAID 💰 • @BSQIT ⭐ performer 2019-21 • Check my 📌 tweet for new roles posted every Monday 3,542
aldoyh حسن الدّوي ♊🇧🇭 ⁩ Full Stack Both Ends Developer 💻 Broadcast Engineer 2001 ⚡️ Powered by Penguins 🐧 on a Mission to #Code the Planet @doyTech 📺 @btv_bh 3,033
alejoceo @AlejandroCeo Soy lcdo ♐️ Amo a Dios y #Bitcoin - Programo cosas en Internet y en Teléfonos 3,007

Most active users

Username Bio Number of tweets
bengincet Stopped doing $800/day freelancing to run my $0/month SaaS Learn how to increase your software business revenue with @UserJourney_cc 👇 7
biilmann CEO and Co-founder of Netlify, builder of things. "It's a webpack, Michael. What could possibly go wrong?!" 6
marvr_ On a journey to become independent with building SaaS. Sharing positive thoughts while building in public. 5
itschrisjayden Creator of @nocodegallery & cartpops ✨. Svelte&SvelteKit enthusiast 5
Ankit48142709 Exploring M.E.R.N Stack🏆 ||C & C++ || Python || Undergrad || Got 4 stars in Hackerrank (Python programming) ||Let us start our journey with 0 and 1 ❤️|| 5
huguenot412 Francophone father of two / Angular developer / Video game enthusiast 4
josefbuettgen 🚀 Bootstrapping to 🍜 profitability while 🏝️• 🍎 WWDC Scholar 17,18,19 @apple • 👨🏼‍💻 Software Engineer • 📈 30.000+ App Downloads 4
jutanium using the web to make things make sense. core docs peep @astrodotbuild. core explaining things @solid_js. easing my way back into things. 3
the_indie_genie 🚀 21 yr old dev building ,a marketing tool for busy founders💸 Helping you start a 2nd income stream with SaaS & Income ideas everyday 📈 3
mgreiler I make code reviews your superpower 🧐 Building in public 🎧 @se_unlocked Podcast 👶x3 🔥Advisor @developerxm 🤓 Ex-Microsoft 3

Tweets per day

Top 10 tweets with highest Retweet count

ID Text Retweet count
1625115825303703552 Developers want snazzy and innovative, but CIOs want stable and safe. @Netlify's acquisition of @GatsbyJS shows an attempt to bridge those two desires, giving developers enough freedom (and CIOs enough control) by @mjasay for @InfoWorld 8
1626966308125302787 Generating a Static Site with Flask and Deploying it to Netlify Leverage the JAMstack with Python and Flask by creating a static site and deploying it to @patkennedy79 (just updated! ✨🚀💪)#Flask #JAMStack #DevOps @Netlify 4
1625510264035504130 Ably 🤝 @Netlify Ably is now available on the Netlify Integrations Hub! Our integration makes it easier for Netlify developers to add realtime digital experiences to web applications like multiplayer collaboration, live chat, and more. Get started: 3
1626136830293815296 Learn how to trigger the rebuild of your site's static HTML whenever you publish or unpublish content in @storyblok 🚀This is as simple as setting up an incoming webhook in @Netlify and an outgoing webhook in Storyblok.Learn more in the lesson below! 2
1624198529236496384 Cracking open an Eight Beer & thought I’d 💛 to go to that brand’s super bowl party. Bet @TroyAikman throws a good one! 🏈 💕@Linktree_ links 😎@klaviyo email 💪@Netlify back end …not a tool but heard they’re using @AdgileMediaGrp for OOH 😯 🚛 2
1626656707203203073 We love to see a more supported developer workflow 💁‍♀️Checkout the new integration with @Netlify 👇👇 2
1626212323546497027 Join us in Miami, FL for a happy hour celebration at the Rosa Sky Rooftop and Bar on February 22nd from 5-8pm. Thanks to @cloudinary for hosting this fun, free event. See you there with our co-hosts @Contentstack, @Netlify and @TenovosASM! RSVP: 2
1623629494522114050 Shout out to @cloudinary two. @Netlify @CrystallizeAPI @PearlSAP @FormidableLabs @MicrosoftNorge @platformsh @Demando_io @vevdesign @statelyai @CogniteData @auth0 @balsamiq @snowballtweets for making #ReactNorway possible in the past We’re back! Join us👉 2
1625502378400296969 In case you missed it, you no longer need a `netlify.toml` file to declare an edge function on @Netlify. You can configure the path (or paths) from within the function itself. Learn more at 2
1626593202882113546 02| #100DaysOfCode with @scrimba. I started my very first portfolio and deployed on @Netlify 2

Top 10 tweets with highest Like count

ID Text Like count
1625115825303703552 Developers want snazzy and innovative, but CIOs want stable and safe. @Netlify's acquisition of @GatsbyJS shows an attempt to bridge those two desires, giving developers enough freedom (and CIOs enough control) by @mjasay for @InfoWorld 22
1624297215631163395 @Shopify @twilio @amazon @Meta @Uber @lyft @stripe @apollographql @Netlify @coinbase @airtable @Plaid @Snap @robinhood @Twitter lol way to credit me and @GergelyOrosz, Bloomberg 19
1625814696497405952 Reaching 1.0 fast! @adamdbradley has been putting together a incredible testing suite, ensuring all features moving forward not only work in development, but when deployed to @vercel, @Netlify, @Azure, @Cloudflare ... 17
1624018444977840129 @jsmasterypro For WordPress websites I used @A2Hosting. When I started working with JavaScript I deployed my websites using @github + @Netlify /@vercel . 17
1625275057974165504 I might be the only one actually sending @Netlify’s cheesy Valentine’s cards to my friends, and I have absolutely no shame 15
1625502378400296969 In case you missed it, you no longer need a `netlify.toml` file to declare an edge function on @Netlify. You can configure the path (or paths) from within the function itself. Learn more at 14
1625510264035504130 Ably 🤝 @Netlify Ably is now available on the Netlify Integrations Hub! Our integration makes it easier for Netlify developers to add realtime digital experiences to web applications like multiplayer collaboration, live chat, and more. Get started: 14
1626125650586370048 Dimension aims to speed up the engineering cycle by integrating your favourite developer tools into a unified interface - enabling planning, communication, development and deployment on one powerful platform.We integrate with @github, @vercel, @netlify, @cloudflare and more. 13
1625566041240702979 The extent of my Valentine's day celebration is writing meme tweets and sending cheesy @Netlify cards 13
1626966308125302787 Generating a Static Site with Flask and Deploying it to Netlify Leverage the JAMstack with Python and Flask by creating a static site and deploying it to @patkennedy79 (just updated! ✨🚀💪)#Flask #JAMStack #DevOps @Netlify 13

Top 3 Languages Used In Tweets

Top 10 Hashtags used

Hashtag Count
#coding 11
#100daysofcode 9
#jamstack 6
#netlify 3
#hiring 3
#javascript 3
#100devs 3
#flask 2
#devops 2
#mfeconf2023 2

Top 10 Hashtags Used In Tweets

Top 10 mentions

Mention Count
@netlify 301
@vercel 50
@scrimba 33
@florinpop1705 30
@gatsbyjs 18
@cloudflare 15
@microsoft 13
@firebase 13
@google 12
@googleindia 10

Top 10 mentions

Wordcloud of Tweets


Average number of emojis used per tweet


Emojis used in tweets

Emoji Count Emoji Text
🚀 13 rocket
😎 10 smiling_face_with_sunglasses
😂 9 face_with_tears_of_joy
🔥 8 fire
🎉 7 party_popper
❤️ 6 red_heart
🥳 5 partying_face
👇 5 backhand_index_pointing_down
😍 5 smiling_face_with_heart-eyes
💪 4 flexed_biceps

Emojis groups

Emoji Group Count
Smileys & Emotion 84
People & Body 35
Travel & Places 30
Activities 16
Objects 8
Symbols 7
Food & Drink 2
Animals & Nature 1