Tweets Analysis - Keyword: Nazis


Total number of tweets analysed


Earliest tweet was on


Latest tweet was on


Tweets covering

2 days

Average age of authors' accounts

5 years


There are various topics discussed in the tweets ranging from Anna Paulina Luna lying about her background to Robert Hébras, who was the last survivor of the Oradour-sur-Glane massacre perpetrated by Nazis, passing away at the age of 97. Another tweet discusses Hans Rosenthal surviving the Holocaust in a Schrebergarten and the USSR beginning the first of four waves of mass deportations of Poles to forced labor camps while still allied with the Nazis. There are also tweets critical of the Polish and Ukrainian governments honoring nationalists who collaborated with Nazis and killed Jews, as well as of the Spanish YouTube and streaming communities selling the rights to controversial videos featuring plot twists, development of characters, heroes-turned-villains, villains-turned-heroes, Nazis, and madmen seeking immortality. Lastly, Gustavo Petro is quoted for saying that the police of Peru march like Nazis against their own people.

Topic Modeling

  1. Nazism and Holocaust - Robert Hébras, Oradour-Sur-Glane massacre, Nazis, heroes turned villains, WWII and German forces, Nazi symbolism, Nazi collaborators, Nazi deportation and internment camps.
  2. Government and politics - George Santos in Congress, Anna Paulina Luna, US proxy war, democracy, police marching "like Nazis", representatives.
  3. Social media & content creators - Youtubers and streamers, social media, plot twists, "dallas MINIMIZANDO video", poltical correctness.
  4. Defamation & Bullying - being bullied, telling the truth, evidence and facts to support, accusing others of Nazism.
  5. History & Memory - Gustavo Petro, remembering victims and Holocaust, heroic escapes, avoiding photos with Nazis, honoring and paying tribute to victims.

Emotional Analysis

The emotions expressed in these tweets range from outrage to grief to disbelief. Many of the tweets focus on the lies of Anna Paulina Luna and the atrocities committed by Nazis during World War II. Some express disgust and revulsion at the idea of honoring Nazis, while others show solidarity and empathy for the victims of these terrible events. Finally, some of the tweets show defiance and a refusal to be bullied into supporting Nazis. Overall, the tweets reflect a deep-seated anger and sadness about the injustices of the past and present.

Trend Analysis

  1. False Information
  2. Nazism and its Opponents
  3. World War II and Remembrance
  4. Deportation and Immigration
  5. Bullying and Proxy War

Disclaimer: The text analysis on, powered by OpenAI, does not represent the views of or its affiliates. The analysis is for informational purposes only and not an endorsement of any viewpoint.

Types of Tweets

Number of Retweets


Percentage of total tweets


Number of Original tweets


Percentage of total tweets


Number of tweets that contain Mentions


Percentage of total tweets


Number of tweets that were Replies


Percentage of total tweets


Number of tweets that were Quotes


Percentage of total tweets


Number of tweets that contain Hashtags


Percentage of total tweets


Top 5 devices used to tweet

Source Count
Twitter for Android 19474
Twitter Web App 15551
Twitter for iPhone 11655
Twitter for iPad 1315
TweetDeck 128

What devices were used to tweet

Top 10 accounts with highest followers count

Username Name Bio Followers count
HuffPost HuffPost At HuffPost, we put people first. We believe that real life is news, and news is personal. 11,215,770
ELTIEMPO EL TIEMPO Principales noticias de Colombia, el mundo, deportes, economía, política, tecnología, cultura, estilo de vida, tendencias y mucho más. El Tiempo Casa Editorial. 8,467,510
proceso Proceso Información y análisis 5,317,582
RevistaSemana Revista Semana Periodismo con carácter. 5,268,139
MailOnline Daily Mail Online For the latest updates on breaking news visit our website #seriouslypopular 2,816,271
zeitonline ZEIT ONLINE Ja, das ist unser offizieller Twitter-Account. Hier bekommen Sie die wichtigsten Geschichten und aktuelle News. || Impressum: 2,580,176
franceinfo franceinfo L'actualité en direct et en continu avec le média global du service public. 2,299,607
abc_es Diario ABC. También en:… 2,284,838
VICE VICE Original reporting on everything that matters. Sign up for the VICE Newsletter: 2,017,851
ggreenwald Glenn Greenwald Journalist; Author; Host, @SystemUpdate_; Co-Founder: The Intercept, @TheInterceptBr, @abrigo_hope, @FreedomofPress, @ongcriadefavela. Vegan and Animals. 1,991,262

Top 10 accounts with highest friends count

Username Name Bio Followers count
HellsBelles_UK TӉЄ PRIŚONЄR PAUL QUIGLEY - Singer/Songwriter Producer MTV Actor - FYI: TAKEN by @Yah_Boy7 ӉЄԼԼŚβЄԼԼЄŚ 239,851
Free_Media_Hub Free Syria Media Hub Syria Death of a Nation 600,000 Dead 10 million refugees this is Syria 2022. 🇬🇧account supporting 🇺🇦 since 2014 🎖Support Hub @ 224,316
SupermanHotMale Tim Pro-Woman Respect Earth/Animals #ILoveUkraine 213,046
SSscoop475 ❤Scott S Cooper❤ ♏♂(スコット)FEED THE NEEDY& ENLIGHTEN THE GREEDY! ❤TIBETAN BUDDHIST ❤@Tashaeva ❤#TM1DN _ ❤#TeamUnidoS ❤@1LA_Lady ❤@ynovak ❤@Stelanovaeva❤@oksana_tasha 205,544
TheTNHoller The Tennessee Holler ALWAYS YELL THE TRUTH. Lifting up voices and shining a light on injustices in Tennessee. (DM with story tips!) CASH APP $TNHoller or CHIP IN at the link👇🏽 121,609
JohnRMoffitt John Moffitt 🌊🌊🧢🧢 Astrophysicist, paleontologist, geologist, speaker, playwright, engineer, artist, outspoken liberal, grandfather & graffiti fan & Waffle House. #Fam46 🇺🇦 109,290
MsAvaArmstrong AvaArmstrong, 🇺🇸Author Thriller-Romance author on AMAZON. MY OPINION STATED HERE. Expert at triggering Leftists. TRUMP WON 🇺🇸Taken by @EagleEyeFlyer ❤️ NO DM🚫 92,670
Chile_Alerta 📢ChileAlerta América Latina Unida 🇨🇱 Alir Alamo. Activista por una América Latina Unida y por un 🇨🇱 con #AsambleaConstituyente 92,454
caval100 Víctor Arrogante ✊🌹🔻 Ayer y hoy militante por la justicia, la igualdad y la solidaridad. Inmediatamente me di cuenta que era algo por lo que merecía la pena luchar. #porlaRepública 88,960
smc429 Brown Eyed Susan Fix The System #ArrestThePlanners #SlavaUkraini #RemoveBogusSCOTUS #NoHumanIsIllegal #BLM #GunReform #LGBTQRights 86,289

Most active users

Username Bio Number of tweets
bendevine999gm1 Exposing nazis in the Irish government 187
Gematria1958 Retired Army JAGC, Corporate General Counsel, AMAC Action Delegate FL, 1A 2A, 'generously' spreading wisdom as a 'voyager' on all Continents. Old & broken. 153
No_Nazis_Please Sunlight is the best disinfectant. Now on Mastodon!! 138
EclecticRadical Working class public intellectual. 45. One *consistent* MF-er! Host of @TheEclecticRad 76
AngrierPotato2 Even angrier than before! Censorship is a tool of weak hypocrites Reporting is for weak hypocrites who can't stand truth Twitter sucks. 🇲🇽🇮🇪 🐢 70
Socialclub58 Cannabis Socialclub Germany - Verein für Cannabis-Refugees die aus Deutschland fliehen wollen (falls die Legalisierung scheitert) 68
GeorgeSirdar Prepare for the multipolar world where there shall be just two forces, Truth 🆚 Satanism 58
LibbySnowflak In Twitter only to amplify Ukrainian voices. Outside of Twitter I love grappling and BJJ. 44
MinervaSols3 LA VERDAD OS HARÁ LIBRES ☘️🍀 El Comunismo es malo porque tienes una casa donde vivir🍀🍀☘️ El Capitalismo es bueno pero vives en la calle☘️ HUMANIDA MUNDIAL 36
RobbieFoss Censorship is the child of fear, the father of ignorance, and the weapon of tyrants. L H Anderson 35

Tweets per day

Top 10 tweets with highest Retweet count

ID Text Retweet count
1624197582145699842 Do we have ANOTHER George Santos in Congress? Anna Paulina Luna appears to have lied that her father was a convict (nope), that she suffered a home invasion at 4 am (nope), and that her father was Jewish (nope, he was Catholic - and *his* father fought in WW2 - for the Nazis). 4182
1624153876805869573 “Nazis blanqueados en su columna semanal…nazis orgullosos en su red social…nazis con toga”.🎼 Brutales Aria Aria. 👇🏻 1626
1624068301335805955 qd Zelensky lance au parlement eur « slava Ukraini » c’est légitime. Qd le parlement reprend « Heroiam slava » c’est problématique alors que c’était le cri de ralliement des nationalistes 🇺🇦 ayant collaboré avec les nazis et assassiné tant de familles juives. Those are facts 1 1597
1623930737077411840 ¿Por qué el Gobierno autoriza un homenaje a los nazis de la División Azul? 1547
1624433453079924737 Gustavo Petro "La Policía del Perú marcha como nazis contra su propio pueblo" ¡Bien dicho! 1084
1624025860909957121 Es correcto, con nazis de mierda no nos hacemos fotos. 😘✊🏽 886
1623965706789199873 Lupenreine Nazis setzen Zuwanderung mit Holocaust gleich. Widerwärtiger geht es wirklich nicht. Sollten alle wissen, die in Berlin zur Wahl aufgerufen sind. 821
1624358929848213505 🇫🇷🕊️ FLASH | Robert #Hébras, le dernier rescapé du massacre d'Oradour-sur-Glane perpétré par les nazis le 10 juin 1944, est mort à l’âge de 97 ans. 816
1623967028657680384 OTD in 1940, while still allied with Nazis, the USSR began 1st of 4 waves of mass deportations from Poland to forced labor camps. In this wave 140,000 Poles were sent to Siberia. Imagine forced deportations happening today.. 714
1624207360402096129 El presidente @petrogustavo acaba de decir que el estado colombiano es igual a los Nazis. Esto ya va más allá de lo absurdo. Increíble 657

Top 10 tweets with highest Like count

ID Text Like count
1624197582145699842 Do we have ANOTHER George Santos in Congress? Anna Paulina Luna appears to have lied that her father was a convict (nope), that she suffered a home invasion at 4 am (nope), and that her father was Jewish (nope, he was Catholic - and *his* father fought in WW2 - for the Nazis). 15201
1624025860909957121 Es correcto, con nazis de mierda no nos hacemos fotos. 😘✊🏽 10703
1624358929848213505 🇫🇷🕊️ FLASH | Robert #Hébras, le dernier rescapé du massacre d'Oradour-sur-Glane perpétré par les nazis le 10 juin 1944, est mort à l’âge de 97 ans. 8621
1623965706789199873 Lupenreine Nazis setzen Zuwanderung mit Holocaust gleich. Widerwärtiger geht es wirklich nicht. Sollten alle wissen, die in Berlin zur Wahl aufgerufen sind. 5831
1624354181854134272 RIP Robert Hébras survivant du massacre par les Nazis à Oradour-sur-Glane. Il avait réussi a s’échapper de la grange alors qu’il s’était fait tirer dessus par les SS. Il y a eu ce jour 642 morts. Votre devoir de mémoire continuera grâce à cette vidéo : 🙏 5780
1623944223568326657 In einer Schrebergartenanlage überlebt Hans Rosenthal die Shoah. Freundinnen seiner Großmutter verstecken ihn in einer Laube vor den Nazis-zwei Jahre lang. Als sich Ende April 1945 die rote Armee Berlin-Lichtenberg nähert, läuft Hans Rosenthal seinen Befreiern entgegen. 4822
1623967028657680384 OTD in 1940, while still allied with Nazis, the USSR began 1st of 4 waves of mass deportations from Poland to forced labor camps. In this wave 140,000 Poles were sent to Siberia. Imagine forced deportations happening today.. 4486
1623751725743067140 La comunidad de youtubers y streamers españoles deberían vender los derechos de sus polémicas a Hollywood: tienen plot twits, giros de trama, desarrollo de personaje, villanos que se vuelven héroes, héroes que se vuelven villanos, nazis y locos buscando la inmortalidad. 4270
1624153876805869573 “Nazis blanqueados en su columna semanal…nazis orgullosos en su red social…nazis con toga”.🎼 Brutales Aria Aria. 👇🏻 3512
1624068301335805955 qd Zelensky lance au parlement eur « slava Ukraini » c’est légitime. Qd le parlement reprend « Heroiam slava » c’est problématique alors que c’était le cri de ralliement des nationalistes 🇺🇦 ayant collaboré avec les nazis et assassiné tant de familles juives. Those are facts 1 3192

Top 3 Languages Used In Tweets

Top 10 Hashtags used

Hashtag Count
#nazis 721
#ukraine 364
#dd1102 274
#biden 258
#golem 191
#russia 166
#feinstein 155
#donorbrains 154
#hamsandwichd 146
#dresden 141

Top 10 Hashtags Used In Tweets

Top 10 mentions

Mention Count
@apmassaro3 1127
@azov_media 627
@thegandalf4308 605
@bohdankrotevych 605
@zelenskyyua 601
@elonmusk 418
@petrogustavo 293
@laralogan 284
@jacksonhinklle 245
@dlf 235

Top 10 mentions

Wordcloud of Tweets


Average number of emojis used per tweet


Emojis used in tweets

Emoji Count Emoji Text
🤣 1083 rolling_on_the_floor_laughing
😂 949 face_with_tears_of_joy
🤡 459 clown_face
🤮 424 face_vomiting
🇺🇦 350 Ukraine
🇷🇺 350 Russia
🤔 317 thinking_face
😡 234 enraged_face
💩 181 pile_of_poo
🤬 171 face_with_symbols_on_mouth

Emojis groups

Emoji Group Count
Smileys & Emotion 6337
People & Body 1679
Flags 1269
Symbols 572
Animals & Nature 406
Objects 308
Travel & Places 192
Activities 94
Food & Drink 63