Account Summary
Journalist. DPhil, Oxford. CEO, Deplatformed 8 times; still right. Facing the Beast: Courage, Faith and Resistance in a New Dark Age.
Followers Count
Friends Count
Tweets Count
List Count
New York
Followers Analysis (based on followers sample)
Number of Verified accounts
Percentage of Verified accounts
Number of Protected accounts
Percentage of Protected accounts
Average Age of Twitter accounts
5 years
Number of users without a Bio
Number of users with a Bio
Percentage of users with a Bio
Percentage of users without a Bio
Worldcloud of Bios
Top 10 followers with the highest follower count
Username | Followers Count | Friends Count | Tweet Count |
GreatestQuotes | 4234357 | 165122 | 36319 |
jordanbpeterson | 4131739 | 1083 | 34653 |
RepMTG | 2140873 | 352 | 4012 |
Biakicis | 2087714 | 1256 | 31842 |
mattgaetz | 2074653 | 3476 | 20330 |
DiamondandSilk | 2004906 | 89 | 24666 |
JamesOKeefeIII | 1579627 | 1431 | 19007 |
RichardGrenell | 1151240 | 3225 | 6448 |
LeBronJames | 1005569 | 969431 | 3398 |
SidneyPowell1 | 961602 | 1849 | 102716 |
Top 10 followers with the highest following count
Username | Friends Count | Followers Count | Tweet Count |
LeBronJames | 969431 | 1005569 | 3398 |
IamMzilikazi | 376256 | 546782 | 130552 |
Uldouz | 347127 | 461375 | 1207 |
fuzethemc | 284885 | 305787 | 40936 |
bigrain | 206829 | 207789 | 14508 |
GreatestQuotes | 165122 | 4234357 | 36319 |
VersaceFlip | 154506 | 155025 | 53626 |
ADevotedYogi | 138692 | 345279 | 437957 |
hughballou | 132168 | 120274 | 53129 |
Dr_Rafizadeh | 126290 | 122363 | 9932 |
Top 10 followers with the highest tweet count
Username | Tweets Count | Followers Count | Friends Count |
inabster | 1357839 | 36203 | 39817 |
rvp | 966711 | 5323 | 5844 |
jgmacleodauthor | 820931 | 75636 | 42479 |
MsAvaArmstrong | 816006 | 177577 | 94837 |
MsContrarianSci | 753097 | 7226 | 7958 |
cannoneerfour | 724317 | 9195 | 8652 |
PMgeezer | 715203 | 25310 | 25096 |
nausicalibre | 676580 | 11569 | 5279 |
JDjwhite54 | 673163 | 19776 | 20950 |
tahDeetz | 666847 | 7321 | 8039 |
Top 10 followers with the highest listed count
Username | Listed Count | Friends Count | Followers Count |
GreatestQuotes | 21368 | 165122 | 4234357 |
jordanbpeterson | 11894 | 1083 | 4131739 |
JamesOKeefeIII | 5689 | 1431 | 1579627 |
mattgaetz | 5682 | 3476 | 2074653 |
RepMTG | 4980 | 352 | 2140873 |
GrowMap | 4691 | 78605 | 101304 |
kristileilani | 4171 | 1822 | 48011 |
RichardGrenell | 3987 | 3225 | 1151240 |
edhenry | 3687 | 6152 | 316048 |
DiamondandSilk | 3412 | 89 | 2004906 |
Tweets Analysis
Total number of tweets analysed
Earliest tweet was on
Latest tweet was on
Tweets covering
57 days
Types of Tweets
Number of Retweets
Percentage of total tweets
Number of Original tweets
Percentage of total tweets
Number of tweets that contain Mentions
Percentage of total tweets
Number of tweets that were Replies
Percentage of total tweets
Number of tweets that were Quotes
Percentage of total tweets
Number of tweets that contain Hashtags
Percentage of total tweets
Top 10 tweets with highest Retweet count
ID | Text | Retweet count |
1633969473009876992 | My letter of apology. | 13727 |
1643686456207069184 | Pfizer KNEW its shots would damage the hearts of teens; they pushed forward anyway. 1223 deaths in the first 90 days, and they wanted to keep that info hidden from you for 75 years. So please follow our new account (@Pfizerbook). Reveals the greatest crime in human history. | 4413 |
1631799487453601792 | Horrifying Report: Autopsies show the mRNA vaccine SHREDS people from within. Conclusion of presenter: "If I were a woman at fertile age, I would not plan motherhood [with] a man who has been vaccinated." | 3888 |
1636842184576999424 | Horrifying Report: In the first 90 days after the mRNA rollout, 69 patients, including one infant, suffered acute kidney injury or acute renal failure. This was BEFORE the shots were authorized for infants. 23 of the 69 died. Blood is on Pfizer's hands. | 3845 |
1647345343221190657 | My entire Hillsdale College speech. 750,000 views on all platforms. I guess people want some answers about this greatest crime in human history. | 2287 |
1636386176084094980 | The Greatest Crime in Human History What Pfizer and the FDA wanted to keep hidden for 75 years is all thoroughly documented here. Please support our efforts to expose such crimes — and hold the guilty parties accountable. | 2043 |
1646660024385536008 | When will Pfizer CEO Albert Bourla acknowledge the DEVASTATING effects its shot has on women? 77% of all immune-mediated/autoimmune adverse events affected WOMEN! | 1548 |
1629605215232991232 | So this is what I said in April of 2021 that led the CDC, the WH and Twitter to collude to try to destroy my reputation and career. Was I right? Would it have been safer for women and girls to let that discussion unfold? | 1518 |
1634301965403320321 | Horrendous Report: “Turbo Cancers” Following Genetic Therapy “Vaccines” Dr. Ute Krüger, a breast cancer specialist, noticed he's seeing more young people in his practice. Tumors are getting larger. And tumors are growing more aggressively and faster. | 1121 |
1636059037291741184 | Truly Evil: The FDA Approved the FOURTH Covid Shot for Infants | 961 |
Top 10 tweets with highest Reply count
ID | Text | Reply count |
1633969473009876992 | My letter of apology. | 5929 |
1639789275133640704 | Query: I’m reading Geneva Bible, translated accurately from Hebrew in 1560 by Protestant refugees. Gripping. Comparing to 1966 Jerusalem Bible, issued by revamped Catholic Church. No disrespect, but latter is full of mistranslation. Much softened. Why? Is this common knowledge? | 440 |
1631799487453601792 | Horrifying Report: Autopsies show the mRNA vaccine SHREDS people from within. Conclusion of presenter: "If I were a woman at fertile age, I would not plan motherhood [with] a man who has been vaccinated." | 403 |
1643686456207069184 | Pfizer KNEW its shots would damage the hearts of teens; they pushed forward anyway. 1223 deaths in the first 90 days, and they wanted to keep that info hidden from you for 75 years. So please follow our new account (@Pfizerbook). Reveals the greatest crime in human history. | 277 |
1636059037291741184 | Truly Evil: The FDA Approved the FOURTH Covid Shot for Infants | 261 |
1636842184576999424 | Horrifying Report: In the first 90 days after the mRNA rollout, 69 patients, including one infant, suffered acute kidney injury or acute renal failure. This was BEFORE the shots were authorized for infants. 23 of the 69 died. Blood is on Pfizer's hands. | 207 |
1640469033735651329 | YouTube and Facebook are preventing me from livestream reading from the Founders’ Bible. We live in Hell. | 197 |
1635698391781986304 | In case you missed it, my apology. I believed a farrago of lies regarding January 6. | 182 |
1644688850747289604 | Are you KIDDING me, VRBO??? Somehow you have ‘not vaccinated’ for me as a status that I never entered anywhere?? | 177 |
1633335452504674305 | Everyone in my former 'tribe' is upset that @TuckerCarlson aired government-held footage of events off public interest, and I keep thinking about how we (on the left) rightly lionized Daniel Ellsberg after he released the Pentagon Papers... | 171 |
Top 10 tweets with highest Quote count
ID | Text | Quote count |
1633969473009876992 | My letter of apology. | 2579 |
1631799487453601792 | Horrifying Report: Autopsies show the mRNA vaccine SHREDS people from within. Conclusion of presenter: "If I were a woman at fertile age, I would not plan motherhood [with] a man who has been vaccinated." | 228 |
1636842184576999424 | Horrifying Report: In the first 90 days after the mRNA rollout, 69 patients, including one infant, suffered acute kidney injury or acute renal failure. This was BEFORE the shots were authorized for infants. 23 of the 69 died. Blood is on Pfizer's hands. | 187 |
1643686456207069184 | Pfizer KNEW its shots would damage the hearts of teens; they pushed forward anyway. 1223 deaths in the first 90 days, and they wanted to keep that info hidden from you for 75 years. So please follow our new account (@Pfizerbook). Reveals the greatest crime in human history. | 161 |
1647345343221190657 | My entire Hillsdale College speech. 750,000 views on all platforms. I guess people want some answers about this greatest crime in human history. | 96 |
1636059037291741184 | Truly Evil: The FDA Approved the FOURTH Covid Shot for Infants | 85 |
1636386176084094980 | The Greatest Crime in Human History What Pfizer and the FDA wanted to keep hidden for 75 years is all thoroughly documented here. Please support our efforts to expose such crimes — and hold the guilty parties accountable. | 81 |
1634301965403320321 | Horrendous Report: “Turbo Cancers” Following Genetic Therapy “Vaccines” Dr. Ute Krüger, a breast cancer specialist, noticed he's seeing more young people in his practice. Tumors are getting larger. And tumors are growing more aggressively and faster. | 67 |
1646660024385536008 | When will Pfizer CEO Albert Bourla acknowledge the DEVASTATING effects its shot has on women? 77% of all immune-mediated/autoimmune adverse events affected WOMEN! | 58 |
1635698391781986304 | In case you missed it, my apology. I believed a farrago of lies regarding January 6. | 44 |
Top 10 tweets with highest Like count
ID | Text | Like count |
1633969473009876992 | My letter of apology. | 47012 |
1643686456207069184 | Pfizer KNEW its shots would damage the hearts of teens; they pushed forward anyway. 1223 deaths in the first 90 days, and they wanted to keep that info hidden from you for 75 years. So please follow our new account (@Pfizerbook). Reveals the greatest crime in human history. | 7430 |
1631799487453601792 | Horrifying Report: Autopsies show the mRNA vaccine SHREDS people from within. Conclusion of presenter: "If I were a woman at fertile age, I would not plan motherhood [with] a man who has been vaccinated." | 6725 |
1636842184576999424 | Horrifying Report: In the first 90 days after the mRNA rollout, 69 patients, including one infant, suffered acute kidney injury or acute renal failure. This was BEFORE the shots were authorized for infants. 23 of the 69 died. Blood is on Pfizer's hands. | 6351 |
1647345343221190657 | My entire Hillsdale College speech. 750,000 views on all platforms. I guess people want some answers about this greatest crime in human history. | 5543 |
1629605215232991232 | So this is what I said in April of 2021 that led the CDC, the WH and Twitter to collude to try to destroy my reputation and career. Was I right? Would it have been safer for women and girls to let that discussion unfold? | 5215 |
1636386176084094980 | The Greatest Crime in Human History What Pfizer and the FDA wanted to keep hidden for 75 years is all thoroughly documented here. Please support our efforts to expose such crimes — and hold the guilty parties accountable. | 4522 |
1646660024385536008 | When will Pfizer CEO Albert Bourla acknowledge the DEVASTATING effects its shot has on women? 77% of all immune-mediated/autoimmune adverse events affected WOMEN! | 3376 |
1635698391781986304 | In case you missed it, my apology. I believed a farrago of lies regarding January 6. | 2458 |
1633335452504674305 | Everyone in my former 'tribe' is upset that @TuckerCarlson aired government-held footage of events off public interest, and I keep thinking about how we (on the left) rightly lionized Daniel Ellsberg after he released the Pentagon Papers... | 2259 |
Top 3 Languages Used In Tweets
Top 10 Hashtags used
Hashtag | Count |
#billcam | 3 |
#pfizerdocuments | 1 |
#hb | 1 |
#ab | 1 |
#scr | 1 |
#uk | 1 |
#hospitaldata | 1 |
#shocks | 1 |
#world | 1 |
#coviddeaths | 1 |
Top 10 Hashtags Used In Tweets
Top 10 mentions
Hashtag | Count |
@akamerica | 4 |
@warroom | 3 |
@brianoshea | 3 |
@deenie36 | 2 |
@dailyclout | 2 |
2 | |
@drdrew | 2 |
@tuckercarlson | 2 |
@naomiwo64160597 | 1 |
@pfizerbook | 1 |
Top 10 mentions
Wordcloud of Tweets
Emojis used in tweets
Emoji | Count | Emoji Text |
🚨 | 2 | police_car_light |
🇺🇸 | 2 | United_States |
🇬🇧 | 2 | United_Kingdom |
🇨🇦 | 2 | Canada |
😁 | 1 | beaming_face_with_smiling_eyes |
❤️ | 1 | red_heart |
💫 | 1 | dizzy |
Emojis groups
Emoji Group | Count |
Flags | 6 |
Smileys & Emotion | 3 |
Travel & Places | 2 |