Tweets Analysis - Keyword: @nandoodles


Total number of tweets analysed


Earliest tweet was on


Latest tweet was on


Tweets covering

10 days

Average age of authors' accounts

6 years


The tweets focus on the Servant Foundation, a consortium of billionaires and Hobby Lobby owner David Green, receiving PPP loans from the federal government to sponsor "Jesus Gets Us" TV ads; as well as a feud between groups that make and sell ratings for news websites. Microsoft is also spotlighted for starting to tune out disinformation peddlers from the left. Lastly, a conversation ensues about sex offenders, with one person claiming that one should receive milder punishment for their acts and another disagreeing.

Topic Modeling

  1. Political Influence of Billionaires and their Need for Federal Bailouts: Hobby Lobby Owner David Green, Servant Foundation, Jesus Gets Us TV Ads
  2. Disinformation Industry and its Role in Political Discourse: CheckMyAds HQ, GKaminsky, Microsoft, DisinfoIndex
  3. Sex Offenders and Juvenile Punishment: Milder Punishment for Sex Offenders
  4. Leftist Ideology and Judging Statements: Leftists and Holding Past Statements, Following Struggles to Understand
  5. Fascism and Reactionary Tactics: Keeping Receipts, Fascist Tendencies

Emotional Analysis

The emotions expressed in these tweets range from anger and frustration to disbelief and confusion. Many of the tweets are directed at @nandoodles and are criticizing her stance on various issues, such as the Servant Foundation receiving PPP loans and her opinion on juvenile sex offenders. Some tweets express disbelief and confusion at the idea of billionaires receiving federal bailouts, while others express outrage at the idea of milder punishments for sex offenders. Overall, the emotions expressed in these tweets are predominantly negative.

Trend Analysis

  1. Sponsorship of “Jesus Gets Us” TV ads and PPP loans
  2. Feud between groups making and selling ratings for news websites
  3. Disinformation as an industry
  4. Milder punishment for sex offenders
  5. Turnabout is fair play

Disclaimer: The text analysis on, powered by OpenAI, does not represent the views of or its affiliates. The analysis is for informational purposes only and not an endorsement of any viewpoint.

Types of Tweets

Number of Retweets


Percentage of total tweets


Number of Original tweets


Percentage of total tweets


Number of tweets that contain Mentions


Percentage of total tweets


Number of tweets that were Replies


Percentage of total tweets


Number of tweets that were Quotes


Percentage of total tweets


Number of tweets that contain Hashtags


Percentage of total tweets


Top 5 devices used to tweet

Source Count
Twitter for iPhone 648
Twitter Web App 572
Twitter for Android 484
Twitter for iPad 100
Twitter for Mac 9

What devices were used to tweet

Top 10 accounts with highest followers count

Username Name Bio Followers count
RVAwonk Caroline Orr Bueno, Ph.D Behavioral Scientist. Postdoc @ UMD. Studying disinformation, cognitive security, mediated communication, crises. Opinions are mine. 455,396
DrSanjaysinghK डॉ. संजयसिंह कछवाह (कच्छवे) दैठणकर M.B.B.S., M.S. , राष्ट्रीय कार्याध्यक्ष,श्री राष्ट्रीय राजपुत करणी सेना, अ.भा.वि.प.,बजरंग दल,वि.हि.प.,रा.स्व.संघ प्रदेश स्तरीय कार्य शिवसेना जिल्हाप्रमुख 139,247
TGearhardt TGearhardt CFA & Political Junkie / #NYCFC #SoccerForAll 134,814
nandoodles Nandini Jammi Now: Co-Founder @CheckMyAdsHQ, Your Friendly Neighborhood Adtech Watchdog 🐾 / Prev: Co-Founder, @slpng_giants / 96,566
Brasilmagic I vote blue 💙 Liberal Democrat, Atheist #Science #Technology #SinglePayerHealthcare #SocialDemocracy #NoMoreStudentDebt #PaidMaternityLeave 85,174
hillglazier Rodrigo PhD Psychiatry 84,445
mattdizwhitlock Matt Whitlock Republican communicator. Former: @NRSC, @SenOrrinHatch, @SenMikeLee, corporate comms. Bay Area born and raised. New dad. BYU grad. Tweets are my own. 75,756
IMontoyaInsists 🏳️‍🌈☮️ Inigo Montoya Persists 🌻 🌊 🇺🇸 🌈 ❄️ He/Him, Husband, Father, Grandfather, and member of #GeeksResist Blocked by @GovMikeHuckabee, @RealJamesWoods, @DLoesch, & @dbongino 66,247
reddit_AMA reddit AMA The official twitter for /r/IAmA - reddit's Ask Me Anything subreddit. 57,029
BostonJoan Joan Donovan, PhD Academic Free Agent, Meme Wars: 🏳️‍🌈🦫 43,939

Top 10 accounts with highest friends count

Username Name Bio Followers count
DrSanjaysinghK डॉ. संजयसिंह कछवाह (कच्छवे) दैठणकर M.B.B.S., M.S. , राष्ट्रीय कार्याध्यक्ष,श्री राष्ट्रीय राजपुत करणी सेना, अ.भा.वि.प.,बजरंग दल,वि.हि.प.,रा.स्व.संघ प्रदेश स्तरीय कार्य शिवसेना जिल्हाप्रमुख 109,234
IMontoyaInsists 🏳️‍🌈☮️ Inigo Montoya Persists 🌻 🌊 🇺🇸 🌈 ❄️ He/Him, Husband, Father, Grandfather, and member of #GeeksResist Blocked by @GovMikeHuckabee, @RealJamesWoods, @DLoesch, & @dbongino 50,523
Brasilmagic I vote blue 💙 Liberal Democrat, Atheist #Science #Technology #SinglePayerHealthcare #SocialDemocracy #NoMoreStudentDebt #PaidMaternityLeave 48,881
MakeTexasBlue22 DemocraPatriotProChoiceTexan Educator/Administrator for 30 years, US Army Colonel Wife, Texas State Delegate, #BLM #FBR #ProChoice #BetoForGovernor 35,272
BexLamPharmd Bex Lam, PharmD Working on own mental health, Gen X raising Gen alpha. exhausted. Always learning 26,879
RealRandyWade1 @RealRandyWade President Trump supporter, 1A, 2A, and NRA supporter, USAF and USNR Veteran, singer, former music radio personality, truck driver. 24,296
melissamiller33 🇺🇸 MSQUARED🇺🇸 🗽 O say does that star-spangled banner yet wave A bit salty, apologies in advance, I am working on it.Partnered to Bear, @bear_forte, the original Neanderthal. 19,258
haldonahue Hal Donahue A retired military/energy guy is leaving the world a better place. Interests: foreign affairs, equal rights, military, veterans TicTok @haldonahue #DemCast 15,679
ArtsyFish007 Jimmy🐠Swimmy 🌊 🌊💙🌎🇺🇦🐠☘🏄 #bluecrew ArtisT, wld🐬s, ❤ anmls/good humans, PRO-CHO, ʎʇᴉʌᴉʇɐǝɹƆ, = RIGHTS 👈, GiV2LiV Spprt VETS StandUp 2 hate/lies #resister🐯🐕🎶🦨🪐🤿🦭 15,422
rr_edmonds RR Edmonds 😎🏊‍♀️ 🚴News and Twitter addict, figurative sculpture artist. Clay days are the best. NO DMs. No one has control over my body or yours. 12,811

Most active users

Username Bio Number of tweets
Stevebackagai Hello down there, I’m just checking things out, don’t be alarmed 👀 26
ArkayEsq science and shit. everything is interesting. amateur astronomer. netsec/grey hat/project redwood. this acct is a burner. 17
Ryan98764821 - 16
Waitformetosay Lover of dogs 16
TheCat09231543 I'm a cat that likes the truth. Authenticity of posts relies on your current brainwashing level & political party. No DMs 14
rbc12steps Occasional writer. I want to be the wind, brother! WHOOOOOOOOOSH! 12
wiley_coyotesr Smartest person in class of one. 11
KatieAnnieOakly Coffee addict, cat herder, Democrat & grandma. RESIST! I despise Trump & the GOP. Born & raised SoCal / LA County. ❤️ bunnies. Did I mention coffee? ☕️ 11
DaveEvans5555 - 10
freespeechbot1 Elon fanboy - Austrian economics dork - #freespeech Pronouns: Handsome/Brilliant 9

Tweets per day

Top 10 tweets with highest Retweet count

ID Text Retweet count
1623775047352713221 @nandoodles The Servant Foundation sponsors the “Jesus Gets Us” TV ads. They also received 2 PPP loans (both forgiven) totaling $1.365 million. Why does a consortium of billionaires, including Hobby Lobby owner David Green, need federal bail outs to shove their beliefs down our throats? 499
1623726215424053250 Combat the violent, dangerous, anti-democracy misinformation of Steve Bannon's "War Room," and many other similar malign actors, by following @CheckMyAdsHQ, @catthekin, @nandoodles - and support their work (and take part!) at: #adtech 15
1625498373511073796 I know this is wicked inside baseball, bbbbuuuuttttt there’s a feud happening between groups that make (and sell) ratings for news websites, so @nandoodles gets the goods! Disinformation is an industry. 15
1623746344731963393 @nandoodles u did see this one today tho right 10
1624858931830099968 @HipStitchery @nandoodles Read more about the “He gets us” rebranding of Jesus, and the ultra-conservative billionaires using taxpayer dollars to fund their donations to organizations that target LGBTQ, women, contraception, and fund private Christian schools here: Article: 9
1623880664532623361 @nandoodles just remind him that he swore he was leaving twitter and was a major shareholder in Parler but Rebekah Mercer stole his money and he owns 0% of Parler so he came back to twitter with his tail between his legs that should stop him from bothering you 8
1623779429599117312 @nandoodles @CheckMyAdsHQ 4
1623785982699896833 @nandoodles As a parent, I find your stance on pedos both alarming and disgusting. I’d tell you to take the ceramics class or join a choir, but I’m afraid there may be children there. They need to be protected from groomers like you. 4
1624794239325315072 @KatieAnnieOakly @nandoodles Jesus may indeed get us but…these pseudo christian conservatives don’t get Jesus at all! 3
1625226655785426957 @nandoodles @dcexaminer @xandr @DisinfoIndex Every time I read, that ad-tech companies as well as agencies use "blocklists", I die a little. As if fraudsters, disinfo-sites and money launderers would give a shoot about blocklists. And still, clients are happy paying the extra money for useless blocklists. 3

Top 10 tweets with highest Like count

ID Text Like count
1623775047352713221 @nandoodles The Servant Foundation sponsors the “Jesus Gets Us” TV ads. They also received 2 PPP loans (both forgiven) totaling $1.365 million. Why does a consortium of billionaires, including Hobby Lobby owner David Green, need federal bail outs to shove their beliefs down our throats? 941
1625498373511073796 I know this is wicked inside baseball, bbbbuuuuttttt there’s a feud happening between groups that make (and sell) ratings for news websites, so @nandoodles gets the goods! Disinformation is an industry. 72
1625166183027687428 @MatthewFoldi @nandoodles @dcexaminer @xandr @DisinfoIndex @gekaminsky @Microsoft Huge. This is great stuff. Glad to see Microsoft starting to tune out disinformation peddlers from the left. 71
1623778459834269697 @nandoodles @CheckMyAdsHQ 67
1625164919527047172 @nandoodles @dcexaminer @xandr @DisinfoIndex @gekaminsky @Microsoft NEW: Commie cries when she can’t get people who aren’t fellow travelers censored. 60
1625163493988044802 @nandoodles @dcexaminer @xandr @DisinfoIndex @gekaminsky @Microsoft Let’s gooooo @gekaminsky 60
1623785982699896833 @nandoodles As a parent, I find your stance on pedos both alarming and disgusting. I’d tell you to take the ceramics class or join a choir, but I’m afraid there may be children there. They need to be protected from groomers like you. 52
1623779429599117312 @nandoodles @CheckMyAdsHQ 49
1623880664532623361 @nandoodles just remind him that he swore he was leaving twitter and was a major shareholder in Parler but Rebekah Mercer stole his money and he owns 0% of Parler so he came back to twitter with his tail between his legs that should stop him from bothering you 46
1623785187795701760 @nandoodles 46

Top 3 Languages Used In Tweets

Top 10 Hashtags used

Hashtag Count
#1 3
#adtech 3
#deepfakes 2
#ai 2
#hateforprofit 2
#neverheardofyou 2
#foxnews 1
#foxnewslies 1
#foxnewsbreedsterrorism 1
#ppp 1

Top 10 Hashtags Used In Tweets

Top 10 mentions

Mention Count
@nandoodles 1835
@dbongino 203
@katieannieoakly 160
@dcexaminer 151
@checkmyadshq 130
@xandr 106
@disinfoindex 104
@gekaminsky 91
@microsoft 88
@mediagazer 84

Top 10 mentions

Wordcloud of Tweets


Average number of emojis used per tweet


Emojis used in tweets

Emoji Count Emoji Text
🤣 128 rolling_on_the_floor_laughing
😂 122 face_with_tears_of_joy
🤡 50 clown_face
🙄 13 face_with_rolling_eyes
🐱 13 cat_face
👏 10 clapping_hands
🤔 9 thinking_face
💩 7 pile_of_poo
😆 6 grinning_squinting_face
😭 6 loudly_crying_face

Emojis groups

Emoji Group Count
Smileys & Emotion 406
People & Body 49
Animals & Nature 14
Objects 9
Travel & Places 9
Flags 4
Activities 1
Food & Drink 1