Tweets Analysis - Keyword: @MVEP_hr


Total number of tweets analysed


Earliest tweet was on


Latest tweet was on


Tweets covering

10 days

Average age of authors' accounts

5 years


The tweets discuss a variety of issues related to international affairs, including the issue of Croatian citizenship granted to children in the Democratic Republic of Congo, the meeting between the Croatian President Zoran Milanović and the Brazilian Minister of Foreign Affairs Mauro Vieira, Iranians' call for official negotiations with elected representative of Prince Reza Pahlavi, Indian dance performances in Zagreb, the signing of agreements between Croatia's Ministry of Foreign and European Affairs and the UNICEF, and the donation from the Croatian Government to UNICEF for the procurement of generators in Ukraine. The tweets also discuss the invitation of Prince Pahlavi to the Munich Security Conference and that of the NATO Strategic Communications Centre of Excellence director to Canberra. Finally, it is inferred from the tweets that the Croatian Government and other international actors are actively engaging in humanitarian and diplomatic initiatives.

Topic Modeling

  1. Politcal policies & diplomacy
  2. Cultural events & education
  3. Relation with Iran
  4. Protests & resistance
  5. International conferences & relations

Emotional Analysis

The tweets express a range of emotions, from outrage and disbelief at the unequal treatment of people from the Democratic Republic of Congo, to confusion and frustration at the lack of meaningful action by government officials. There is also a sense of pride in the accomplishments of the Croatian Diplomatic Academy and a sense of hope for negotiations with Prince Pahlavi Reza. The tweets also express appreciation for the donations of generators to Ukraine and the celebration of the Humanitarian Carnival in Rijeka. Finally, there is a sense of anger and distrust of Nayak and Trita Parsi, who are accused of being lobbyists for the Iranian regime.

Trend Analysis

  1. Croatia and international affairs
  2. Government policy related to državljanstvo
  3. Cultural experiences and performances
  4. Diplomatic relationships and agreements
  5. NATO's focus on hybrid threats and strategic communications

Disclaimer: The text analysis on, powered by OpenAI, does not represent the views of or its affiliates. The analysis is for informational purposes only and not an endorsement of any viewpoint.

Types of Tweets

Number of Retweets


Percentage of total tweets


Number of Original tweets


Percentage of total tweets


Number of tweets that contain Mentions


Percentage of total tweets


Number of tweets that were Replies


Percentage of total tweets


Number of tweets that were Quotes


Percentage of total tweets


Number of tweets that contain Hashtags


Percentage of total tweets


Top 5 devices used to tweet

Source Count
Twitter for Android 91
Twitter for iPhone 49
Twitter Web App 41
Twitter for iPad 4

What devices were used to tweet

Top 10 accounts with highest followers count

Username Name Bio Followers count
ItamaratyGovBr Itamaraty Brasil 🇧🇷 Ministério das Relações Exteriores do #Brasil | English: @Itamaraty_EN | Español: @Itamaraty_ES 361,212
VladaRH Vlada Republike Hrvatske Vlada Republike Hrvatske - službeni Twitter račun / Government of the Republic of Croatia - official Twitter account. 204,187
UNCERF CERF - The UN's emergency fund The @UN Central Emergency Response Fund supports rapid humanitarian response for people affected by natural disasters & armed conflict.#InvestInHumanity 147,734
dfat Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade 🇦🇺 Promoting & protecting 🇦🇺’s international interests. Travel updates via @smartraveller. 24/7 consular assistance ☎️ +61 2 6261 3305 109,352
India_Croatia India in Croatia Official twitter account of the Embassy of India in Zagreb, Croatia. Also follow us on and 20,097
Itamaraty_EN Itamaraty Brazil 🇧🇷 Ministry of Foreign Affairs of #Brazil | Português: @ItamaratyGovBr | Español: @Itamaraty_ES 17,836
Itamaraty_ES Itamaraty Brasil 🇧🇷 Ministerio de Relaciones Exteriores de #Brasil | Português: @ItamaratyGovBr | English: @Itamaraty_EN. 11,960
DoktorMn Dr. M N Medical Practitioner🫀 , Advocate for a secular, democratic #Iran 9,595
CroatiaBusiness Croatia Business Twitter's best source on Croatia news - we tweet and retweet on many topics. Retweets not necessarily endorsements. Editor: Brian Gallagher 6,857
MajlindaBregu Majlinda Bregu Secretary General @rccint. In previous life➡️;Journalist;🇪🇺Minister;MP. 🔛🇦🇱;Mom of👧👦; ♉️ #Empathy #HardWork💪📘🌳📽🏊‍♀️ 5,485

Top 10 accounts with highest friends count

Username Name Bio Followers count
miladin51 Miladin Žerajić dipl. novinar, aktivan, znatiželjan, dedek. Najdraža titula deda. 5,003
polkadood polkadood A loitering Jew with a cigarette. Pronouns: Fearless/Swashbuckler#Follow4Follow offered and appreciated.'Veritatem cognoscere ruat cælum et pereat mundus' 4,997
DoktorMn Dr. M N Medical Practitioner🫀 , Advocate for a secular, democratic #Iran 4,815
kazeroonkings @kazeroonkings ملت ایران ۹۹ دشمن و یک دوست بنام ملکه شهبانوفرح پهلوی *ماندگار* دارند. ورزشکار- پژوهشگر 🌺 میهن 🌻 شاه 🌻 مردم 🌺زگهواره تا گور دانش بجوی🌺 4,040
CroatiaBusiness Croatia Business Twitter's best source on Croatia news - we tweet and retweet on many topics. Retweets not necessarily endorsements. Editor: Brian Gallagher 4,025
UNCERF CERF - The UN's emergency fund The @UN Central Emergency Response Fund supports rapid humanitarian response for people affected by natural disasters & armed conflict.#InvestInHumanity 3,498
herohatta king wan mohd rozimy misunderstood 3,131
SunshineCity83 Marijana (M&M) This Life. Be Here Now. 2,960
WalterTynash1 Walter Tynash Christian Books AuthorGospel ArtistSong Writer 2,738
plivamuzlajno 🇭🇷 Ruka ruku mije, 40 sekundi 🇭🇷 Film, music, politics. 🇭🇷 The world was sane while patriarchy ruled. 2,255

Most active users

Username Bio Number of tweets
bfparsiiran 💝شاهزاده رضاپهلوی 💝سامانه نهاد پادشاهی مشروطه #نور_برتاریکی_پیروزاست💕دشمن تروریست مجاهد,تجزیه طلب ,رژیم فرقه تبهکاراسلامی ,چپی,توده ایی,عررررررررزشی🐴🐴 7
Nik01371539 I support @PahlaviReza, constitutional monarchy and the freedom of speech. 6
DoktorMn Medical Practitioner🫀 , Advocate for a secular, democratic #Iran 6
PrivatDoki Internists, Cardiologist🫀 , Advocate for a secular, democratic #Iran @PahlaviReza @ShahbanouFarah 5
MissMarpe از خون جوانان وطن لاله دمیده 5
KaticaMilicevic Domoljublje da ,nacionalizam ne! 4
justinfreedom12 ✌️زن،زندگی،آزادی✌️ 4
Abandukht1 @phoenixprjIran @PahlaviReza تا ابد #جاویدشاه My country is my identity 4
sarcevic_damir - 4
BrankoSudukovi1 - 4

Tweets per day

Top 10 tweets with highest Retweet count

ID Text Retweet count
1626133446090170368 Dear; @ABaerbock Iranians are happy that the elected representative of Prince #PahlviReza was invited to the Munich Security Conference, please start official negotiations with him. The regime and the IRGC are terrorists. @SecBlinken @Antonio_Tajani @MVEP_hr @JanLipavsky 21
1625611357302169611 Dear; @Bundeskanzler the message of the foreign minister of the regime to you is a shame, this regime and the IRGC are terrorists and oppressors. We Iranians have only one representative, Prince #PahlviReza, please enter into negotiations with him. @a_schallenberg @MVEP_hr 17
1627712645167030272 @NIAC=@IRGC We Iranians declare that Nayak and Trita Parsi are exactly the lobbyists of the regime and IRGC, our only representative is Prince #PahlaviReza. Please negotiate with them.@SecBlinken @Antonio_Tajani @ABaerbock @MVEP_hr @VP @POTUS @EmmanuelMacron @PahlaviReza @VP45 13
1626267052636885001 @MunSecConf Thank you for inviting HH @PahlaviReza to this important event! His highness is our representative and speaking on behalf of millions of Iranians who called him in various protests! Hear our voice!📣 @ABaerbock @VP @SecBlinken @nedprice @JakeSullivan46 @MVEP_hr 8
1626864837908213761 Thanks to @iccr_hq, the 50 years old Bhoomika Creative Dance Centre presented to the audience in Knap Theatre in @GradZagrebHr a 75 minutes of India experience with diverse themes and emotions. 3 more performances in 3 more 🇭🇷 cities coming up. @MEAIndia @MVEP_hr @AmritMahotsav 7
1628112986245107731 I had a great meeting with the Minister of Transport of #Algeria, Mr. Kamal Beldjoud, where we discussed strengthening 🇭🇷&🇩🇿 connectivity through potential infrastructure investments in transport, shipbuilding and marinas. @MVEP_hr 4
1625912705893662740 O Ministro das Relações Exteriores, Embaixador Mauro Vieira 🇧🇷, foi recebido por uma hora pelo Presidente croata, Zoran Milanović, em Zagreb, capital da Croácia 🇭🇷. @MVEP_hr 4
1626864850012872705 Good start of the 2nd day @MunSecConf with @MVEP_hr @grlicradman a constant friend and a staunch supporter for the 🇪🇺 integration of the region and regional cooperation #MSC2023 @rccint 4
1627298494355496962 Today was the iconic parade of the 40th Humanitarian #Carnival in #Rijeka. A colourful, diverse and friendly event. @MarkoF2021 @GradZagrebHr @Visit__Croatia @MVEP_hr @DanishMFA 4
1625930433283096586 @NFreeIran2022 @DoktorMn @RezaPahlavi @MichealMartinTD @Antonio_Tajani @Assafir_Perrone @MinColonna @FranceenIran @ABaerbock @GermanyinIran @jmalbares @AngelLosadaEU @JanLipavsky @larsloekke @UrmasReinsalu @Haavisto @a_schallenberg @AustriainIran @hadjalahbib @NikosDendias @WBHoekstra @frank_mollen @MVEP_hr 3

Top 10 tweets with highest Like count

ID Text Like count
1627052683898286083 Ovo gledam i ne vjerujem!Pitam se po kom kriteriju su djeca iz DR Konga postali hrvatski državljani ako ovaj čovjek nije mogao dobiti državljanstvo dvadeset godina? Gospodo,ovdje nešto užasno smrdi! @AndrejPlenkovic @MVEP_hr 58
1626687489179103237 I šta ćemo sad..Vaše izjave više nemaju smisla!! @MVEP_hr @VladaRH 36
1625912705893662740 O Ministro das Relações Exteriores, Embaixador Mauro Vieira 🇧🇷, foi recebido por uma hora pelo Presidente croata, Zoran Milanović, em Zagreb, capital da Croácia 🇭🇷. @MVEP_hr 30
1626133446090170368 Dear; @ABaerbock Iranians are happy that the elected representative of Prince #PahlviReza was invited to the Munich Security Conference, please start official negotiations with him. The regime and the IRGC are terrorists. @SecBlinken @Antonio_Tajani @MVEP_hr @JanLipavsky 30
1625611357302169611 Dear; @Bundeskanzler the message of the foreign minister of the regime to you is a shame, this regime and the IRGC are terrorists and oppressors. We Iranians have only one representative, Prince #PahlviReza, please enter into negotiations with him. @a_schallenberg @MVEP_hr 30
1626864837908213761 Thanks to @iccr_hq, the 50 years old Bhoomika Creative Dance Centre presented to the audience in Knap Theatre in @GradZagrebHr a 75 minutes of India experience with diverse themes and emotions. 3 more performances in 3 more 🇭🇷 cities coming up. @MEAIndia @MVEP_hr @AmritMahotsav 29
1625509281339408387 O Ministro Mauro Vieira participou de reunião de trabalho no Ministério croata das Relações Exteriores e Assuntos Europeus, onde foi recebido pelo Ministro Gordan Grlic-Radman. Na ocasião, foram assinados acordos nas áreas de #cultura e #educação. @MVEP_hr @grlicradman 22
1626864850012872705 Good start of the 2nd day @MunSecConf with @MVEP_hr @grlicradman a constant friend and a staunch supporter for the 🇪🇺 integration of the region and regional cooperation #MSC2023 @rccint 20
1625201241734189065 Svečana dodjela diploma povodom iznimno uspješnog završetka 15. generacije Diplomatske akademije @MVEP_hr 🎓 20
1627712645167030272 @NIAC=@IRGC We Iranians declare that Nayak and Trita Parsi are exactly the lobbyists of the regime and IRGC, our only representative is Prince #PahlaviReza. Please negotiate with them.@SecBlinken @Antonio_Tajani @ABaerbock @MVEP_hr @VP @POTUS @EmmanuelMacron @PahlaviReza @VP45 17

Top 3 Languages Used In Tweets

Top 10 Hashtags used

Hashtag Count
#irgcterrorists 16
#mahsa_amini 13
#pahlvireza 10
#msc2023 6
#croatia 4
#algeria 2
#pahlavireza 2
#euacquis 2
#cfsp 2
#carnival 2

Top 10 Hashtags Used In Tweets

Top 10 mentions

Mention Count
@mvep_hr 184
@abaerbock 54
@a_schallenberg 48
@grlicradman 43
@mincolonna 39
@hadjalahbib 34
@wbhoekstra 34
@munsecconf 33
@austriainiran 32
@franceeniran 31

Top 10 mentions

Wordcloud of Tweets


Average number of emojis used per tweet


Emojis used in tweets

Emoji Count Emoji Text
🇭🇷 17 Croatia
😀 7 grinning_face
🇧🇷 6 Brazil
🇸🇦 4 Saudi_Arabia
📣 4 megaphone
🇪🇺 3 European_Union
3 soccer_ball
🇩🇿 2 Algeria
🇺🇦 2 Ukraine
😉 2 winking_face

Emojis groups

Emoji Group Count
Flags 36
Smileys & Emotion 18
People & Body 7
Objects 6
Activities 4
Animals & Nature 1