Tweets Analysis - Keyword: Musk
Total number of tweets analysed
Earliest tweet was on
Latest tweet was on
Tweets covering
0 days
Average age of authors' accounts
6 years
Types of Tweets
Number of Retweets
Percentage of total tweets
Number of Original tweets
Percentage of total tweets
Number of tweets that contain Mentions
Percentage of total tweets
Number of tweets that were Replies
Percentage of total tweets
Number of tweets that were Quotes
Percentage of total tweets
Number of tweets that contain Hashtags
Percentage of total tweets
Top 5 devices used to tweet
Source | Count |
Twitter for Android | 117087 |
Twitter for iPhone | 81095 |
Twitter Web App | 75379 |
Twitter for iPad | 5858 |
TweetDeck | 3043 |
What devices were used to tweet

Top 10 accounts with highest followers count
Username | Name | Followers count |
CNN | CNN | 60,557,128 |
nytimes | The New York Times | 54,681,559 |
TheEconomist | The Economist | 27,122,567 |
Reuters | Reuters | 25,653,081 |
arrahman | A.R.Rahman | 24,358,080 |
FoxNews | Fox News | 23,022,090 |
CNNEE | CNN en Español | 22,274,167 |
WSJ | The Wall Street Journal | 20,337,893 |
washingtonpost | The Washington Post | 19,950,514 |
detikcom | detikcom | 19,413,912 |
Top 10 accounts with highest friends count
Username | Name | Followers count |
sakamobi | | 956,821 |
Cooperativa | Cooperativa | 652,146 |
jilevin | Jeffrey Levin 🇺🇦 | 606,306 |
CordeiroRick | RICK CORDEIRO 👽 | 558,443 |
RogerBezanis | ROGER BEZANIS | 433,736 |
NkanyeziKubheka | Nkanyezi | 375,556 |
eldolardiario | El Dólar Diario 🇻🇪 | 351,761 |
ElNacionalWeb | El Nacional | 339,913 |
bynsny | Larry Kelly | 326,666 |
thejimjams | James Hirsen | 275,427 |
Most active users
Username | Number of tweets |
emam_musk | 253 |
musk_smile | 148 |
itsrohitchouhan | 138 |
Wu_Ming_Zhi_Bei | 123 |
test5f1798 | 123 |
saroma_musk | 108 |
ReciteSocial | 101 |
JotaJota_Musk | 80 |
Liam66665 | 74 |
Musk_freed | 74 |
Tweets per day

Top 10 tweets with highest Retweet count
ID | Text | Retweet count |
1593649684362530817 | @@sickkkdoll's account is temporarily unavailable because it violates the Twitter Media Policy. Learn more. | 14068 |
1593455295933870080 | Soal #RIPTwitter, bukan platformnya yg ditutup tapi kantornya. Pegawainya diminta untuk bekerja remote di bawah pengawasan, kantornya akan efektif dibuka lagi hari Senin (21/11). Elon Musk khawatir ada pegawai yg menyabotase. Jadi bisa dibilang ini bagian dari protokol keamanan. | 9704 |
1593478333765128192 | “#RIPTwitter, Twitter bakal mati dalam empat hari” Get real. Twitter ga bakal mati dalam empat hari. TAPI, Twitter udah pasti mati dari hari pertama Elon Musk menjabat jadi CEO Twitter. Matinya cepet atau lambat, ga ada yang bisa nebak. Let me try to explain | 8825 |
1593462260042801154 | We worshipped Elizabeth Holmes & Theranos. Turns out she’s a fraud We worshipped Sam Bankman-Fried & FTX. Turns out he’s a fraud We worshipped Elon Musk. Turns out he’s a fraud Can we plz—for the love of God—stop worshipping billionaires & just tax the bejeezus out of them?! | 7995 |
1593468538702172160 | 2คืนแล้วคือ Elon Musk ส่งเมลหา พนง ที่เหลือใน Twitter ทุกคน บอกว่าการทำงานใน Twitter 2.0 จะต้องทำงานหนัก ไม่มี WFH และทำงานวันละหลายชั่วโมง ในเมลมีปุ่ม “YES” ถ้าไม่กด จะโดนปลดแต่ได้เงินเดือนชดเชย 3 เดือน 3 เดือนนี่คือโคตรคุ้ม เป็นเราเราก็บายว่ะ พนง. กลุ่มนี้มาทางเลือกอยู่แล้ว | 7700 |
1593462001438756866 | Elon Musk tomorrow when twitter still works | 7142 |
1593616294863147009 | Elon Musk’s industrial-style cleanup and fumigation of Twitter—complete with fanatics, deadbeats and losers screaming and predicting apocalypse on their way out—is precisely what we need to do to the entire federal government @elonmusk | 6421 |
1593653731953967104 | 𝕭𝕽𝕽𝕽𝕽𝕽𝕽🎉 🏆100$ | 7.5 $SOL 🏆1x @halo_labsnft Kraken To Enter: 1⃣Follow @Degen_Musk, @halo_labsnft 2⃣RT, ❤️ & tag 3 friends 3⃣Turn On🔔 ⏰48 Hours #SolanaGiveaways #Giveaways | 6237 |
1593613166172246017 | A Tesla burst into flames on a PA highway late Tuesday, burning so hot as to only be recognizable by its rims, firefighters said. Because of the lithium battery, extinguishing it took around 12,000 gallons of water, instead of 500 gallons or less. A metaphor for all things Musk. | 5181 |
1593482987965800448 | Elon Musk to his last 6 Twitter employees tomorrow | 5060 |
Top 10 tweets with highest Like count
ID | Text | Like count |
1593600581595238403 | 🚨GRAVE: Após crise do Twitter, muitos internautas passaram a usar o “Koo”, uma plataforma indiana semelhante a rede social de Musk. E aí, vão abrir o Koo? | 68271 |
1593462001438756866 | Elon Musk tomorrow when twitter still works | 49321 |
1593462260042801154 | We worshipped Elizabeth Holmes & Theranos. Turns out she’s a fraud We worshipped Sam Bankman-Fried & FTX. Turns out he’s a fraud We worshipped Elon Musk. Turns out he’s a fraud Can we plz—for the love of God—stop worshipping billionaires & just tax the bejeezus out of them?! | 40439 |
1593482987965800448 | Elon Musk to his last 6 Twitter employees tomorrow | 38145 |
1593478333765128192 | “#RIPTwitter, Twitter bakal mati dalam empat hari” Get real. Twitter ga bakal mati dalam empat hari. TAPI, Twitter udah pasti mati dari hari pertama Elon Musk menjabat jadi CEO Twitter. Matinya cepet atau lambat, ga ada yang bisa nebak. Let me try to explain | 35568 |
1593657710528135171 | Elon Musk alterou a animação do like de ❤️ para 💙 | 31624 |
1593616294863147009 | Elon Musk’s industrial-style cleanup and fumigation of Twitter—complete with fanatics, deadbeats and losers screaming and predicting apocalypse on their way out—is precisely what we need to do to the entire federal government @elonmusk | 28080 |
1593534605918887937 | Elon musk has changed Twitter like button from ❤️ to 💙 #RIPTwitter #GoodByeTwitter | 24511 |
1593455295933870080 | Soal #RIPTwitter, bukan platformnya yg ditutup tapi kantornya. Pegawainya diminta untuk bekerja remote di bawah pengawasan, kantornya akan efektif dibuka lagi hari Senin (21/11). Elon Musk khawatir ada pegawai yg menyabotase. Jadi bisa dibilang ini bagian dari protokol keamanan. | 23304 |
1593675644314984448 | 🚨AGORA: Elon Musk anuncia novas regras duras no Twitter para os usuários: “Isso aqui é liberdade de expressão, mas não liberdade de alcance. Tweets de discurso de ódio serão desmonetizados. Você não encontrará o tweet ou a conta a menos que o procure especificamente.” | 21252 |
Top 3 Languages Used In Tweets

Top 10 Hashtags used
Hashtag | Count |
#riptwitter | 12158 |
4880 | |
#elonmusk | 3024 |
#musk | 3007 |
#twitterdown | 2808 |
#goodbyetwitter | 1688 |
#twitteroff | 1151 |
#twittertakeover | 1147 |
#twittershutdown | 913 |
#mastodon | 690 |
Top 10 Hashtags Used In Tweets

Top 10 mentions
Mention | Count |
@elonmusk | 22248 |
@degen_musk | 1763 |
1761 | |
@aoc | 1496 |
@chief_twit_musk | 847 |
@zoeschiffer | 822 |
@sof1azara03 | 714 |
@choquei | 697 |
@youtube | 644 |
@bunniefied | 549 |
Top 10 mentions

Wordcloud of Tweets

Average number of emojis used per tweet
Emojis used in tweets
Emoji | Count | Emoji Text |
😂 | 9823 | face_with_tears_of_joy |
🤣 | 6684 | rolling_on_the_floor_laughing |
😭 | 5906 | loudly_crying_face |
🚫 | 1926 | prohibited |
🤔 | 1500 | thinking_face |
🚨 | 1205 | police_car_light |
😅 | 1193 | grinning_face_with_sweat |
🤡 | 1159 | clown_face |
💀 | 1147 | skull |
❤️ | 1030 | red_heart |
Emojis groups
Emoji Group | Count |
Smileys & Emotion | 49258 |
People & Body | 9970 |
Symbols | 5809 |
Travel & Places | 3315 |
Objects | 2327 |
Animals & Nature | 1506 |
Flags | 1360 |
Activities | 1126 |
Food & Drink | 1091 |