Account Summary

Followers Count


Friends Count


Tweets Count


List Count



Sunnyvale, NS



Followers Analysis (based on followers sample)


Number of Verified accounts


Percentage of Verified accounts



Number of Protected accounts


Percentage of Protected accounts



Average Age of Twitter accounts

8 years


Number of users without a Bio


Number of users with a Bio


Percentage of users with a Bio


Percentage of users without a Bio


Worldcloud of Bios

List of top 10 keywords used in bios

Word Frequency
love 3234
life 2598
music 2235
sports 1406
time 1386
father 1386
lover 1349
husband 1105
proud 1093
dad 1033

List of top 10 hashtags used in bios

Hashtag Frequency
#blm 159
#billsmafia 126
#blacklivesmatter 123
#resist 111
#1 83
#leafsforever 74
#bitcoin 62
#maga 60
#wethenorth 57
#flyeaglesfly 44

Top 10 followers with the highest follower count

Username Followers Count Friends Count Tweet Count
JohnCena 14100502 571903 7451
IAmJericho 3599530 2353 75983
KameronBennett 1815693 1488595 96299
zacbrownband 1622696 3781 6467
EdgeRatedR 1471941 744 6779
BQQuinn 1022687 746 747
jamessmurray 1018472 2298 21527
rogerhamilton 928455 652139 22751
EdKrassen 924754 606018 52888
ZachBoychuk 829145 683753 9259

Top 10 followers with the highest following count

Username Friends Count Followers Count Tweet Count
KameronBennett 1488595 1815693 96299
ARTEM_KLYUSHIN 875834 719977 36589
ZachBoychuk 683753 829145 9259
rogerhamilton 652139 928455 22751
EdKrassen 606018 924754 52888
JohnCena 571903 14100502 7451
DanielNewman 570670 812375 85899
BeefEnt 430711 145101 518110
RealCoryMachado 371305 371300 18463
NOH8Campaign 345908 801211 13961

Top 10 followers with the highest tweet count

Username Tweets Count Followers Count Friends Count
LindaLeeKing 1332025 35420 25983
halladayfan32 1209509 19515 21415
PureMassacre89 738955 2185 861
RushFamTourneys 674301 11813 12988
matea_xO 636947 26500 1011
vivien2112 564004 12510 5638
BeefEnt 518110 145101 430711
gmarie55 512951 8173 8978
Calrtipper 508009 4533 475
DownatthePound 497719 5227 5709

Top 10 followers with the highest listed count

Username Listed Count Friends Count Followers Count
JohnCena 31676 571903 14100502
ARTEM_KLYUSHIN 27202 875834 719977
IAmJericho 11183 2353 3599530
NOH8Campaign 7553 345908 801211
EdKrassen 6261 606018 924754
reporterchris 4370 3873 231135
RVAwonk 4329 3081 449942
zacbrownband 4314 3781 1622696
rogerhamilton 4017 652139 928455
ericgarland 3282 2013 303725

Tweets Analysis


Total number of tweets analysed


Earliest tweet was on


Latest tweet was on


Tweets covering

1,923 days

Types of Tweets

Number of Retweets


Percentage of total tweets


Number of Original tweets


Percentage of total tweets


Number of tweets that contain Mentions


Percentage of total tweets


Number of tweets that were Replies


Percentage of total tweets


Number of tweets that were Quotes


Percentage of total tweets


Number of tweets that contain Hashtags


Percentage of total tweets


Top 10 tweets with highest Retweet count

ID Text Retweet count
920358974377127936 John Dunsworth gave a lot of gifts to the world, only one of which is the genius that is Jim Lahey. Some unreleased photos from season 12 5683
1073040057639030784 Watch from 3:28. Terrifying given the side effects of Adderall + being in control of the largest nuclear Arsenal on the planet 😳 4891
1317103550451863552 3 years ago today we lost John Dunsworth. He was such a brilliant and generous guy. He was always doing stuff to help people out 'just because'. I saw him do it 1000 times. It was part of his DNA. So in honour of John, how about everyone does a random act of kindness today? 3590
1070169228706107393 Look who I found in the @Penguins locker room!! #SidneyCrosby @trailerparkboys #NovaScotia 3209
1096034212598202368 10 brand new eps of @trailerparkboys is very, very....on its's we speak!! 1705
969051439862464513 It's official!!! Season 12 of #TrailerParkBoys will begin streaming on @Netflix on March 30!! @trailerparkboys @SWEARNET 1522
920637534572462080 Gord Downie. Another brilliant, wonderful soul is gone. Deepest condolences to the family. RIP Gord. Thank you for everything you gave us. 1133
1090727415628906496 I've lost too many friends who had mental health problems and know too many close to the edge. Reach out. End the ridiculous stigma. @Bell_LetsTalk #BellLetsTalk 1128
915335052153753601 FUCK OFF WITH THE GUNS!!!!! - Donny 830
1215961516861771776 So 2020's been shit so far with the horrific plane crash in Iraq, and losing yet another Canadian legend to brain cancer. We need positive energy. Bad. So how about a random act of kindness for a stranger today? Hold a door, give a compliment, pay for someone's 776

Top 10 tweets with highest Reply count

ID Text Reply count
1039336186446151680 How the fuck is everybody doing!? Roll call from around the planet. Let's see how many countries we can get! And......go! 1078
972918842044198912 I need some kitty pictures! Let's go! 1047
1073040057639030784 Watch from 3:28. Terrifying given the side effects of Adderall + being in control of the largest nuclear Arsenal on the planet 😳 716
1288915472788992002 How is everybody doing? Chime in from your country, let's see how many different ones we can get 😁 602
892016351178608640 Someone tell me a joke in 140 characters or less..... 537
936998029625716736 So.....what is everyone asking for for Xmas? Let's hear the wishlist! 518
1096034212598202368 10 brand new eps of @trailerparkboys is very, very....on its's we speak!! 433
1096792313924177921 I've got 30 mins to kill...... impromptu Q&A? 430
1075567154290941952 Earlier tonight a young girl knocked on my car window, crying, and said "I have 2 kids at home and I have no money and I'm desperate, can you help me?". I gave her $20. A few minutes later I see her coming out of the liquor store with her boyfriend and a case of beer #MerryXmas 427
952181749475405829 All hail 'King Vince The Pince of Sunnyvale', the GREATEST kitty who ever was. Fuck I miss him. Let's see some #Caturday kitty pics n vids!! 381

Top 10 tweets with highest Quote count

ID Text Quote count
1073040057639030784 Watch from 3:28. Terrifying given the side effects of Adderall + being in control of the largest nuclear Arsenal on the planet 😳 1526
1070169228706107393 Look who I found in the @Penguins locker room!! #SidneyCrosby @trailerparkboys #NovaScotia 428
1317103550451863552 3 years ago today we lost John Dunsworth. He was such a brilliant and generous guy. He was always doing stuff to help people out 'just because'. I saw him do it 1000 times. It was part of his DNA. So in honour of John, how about everyone does a random act of kindness today? 406
1096034212598202368 10 brand new eps of @trailerparkboys is very, very....on its's we speak!! 347
920358974377127936 John Dunsworth gave a lot of gifts to the world, only one of which is the genius that is Jim Lahey. Some unreleased photos from season 12 320
969051439862464513 It's official!!! Season 12 of #TrailerParkBoys will begin streaming on @Netflix on March 30!! @trailerparkboys @SWEARNET 246
997239946652958720 HUGE thanks to @EthanCutkosky for taking me onto the @SHO_Shameless set today!! #CarlGallagher #Shameless 104
990310688345092096 Samples just arrived!! @trailerparkboys #GreenBastard 73
923236195169067008 It's official: @TrailerParkBoys "Out Of The Park: USA" will be available on @netflix on Nov. 24th!! 72
994333137604894722 What I wouldn't do to be able to sit and just have one more conversation with John Dunsworth. Fuck. 8-( 69

Top 10 tweets with highest Like count

ID Text Like count
1317103550451863552 3 years ago today we lost John Dunsworth. He was such a brilliant and generous guy. He was always doing stuff to help people out 'just because'. I saw him do it 1000 times. It was part of his DNA. So in honour of John, how about everyone does a random act of kindness today? 20819
920358974377127936 John Dunsworth gave a lot of gifts to the world, only one of which is the genius that is Jim Lahey. Some unreleased photos from season 12 14226
1070169228706107393 Look who I found in the @Penguins locker room!! #SidneyCrosby @trailerparkboys #NovaScotia 12896
1073040057639030784 Watch from 3:28. Terrifying given the side effects of Adderall + being in control of the largest nuclear Arsenal on the planet 😳 8818
1096034212598202368 10 brand new eps of @trailerparkboys is very, very....on its's we speak!! 6727
994333137604894722 What I wouldn't do to be able to sit and just have one more conversation with John Dunsworth. Fuck. 8-( 5926
920637534572462080 Gord Downie. Another brilliant, wonderful soul is gone. Deepest condolences to the family. RIP Gord. Thank you for everything you gave us. 5743
1215961516861771776 So 2020's been shit so far with the horrific plane crash in Iraq, and losing yet another Canadian legend to brain cancer. We need positive energy. Bad. So how about a random act of kindness for a stranger today? Hold a door, give a compliment, pay for someone's 5561
969051439862464513 It's official!!! Season 12 of #TrailerParkBoys will begin streaming on @Netflix on March 30!! @trailerparkboys @SWEARNET 4358
996553132267065344 I can't even describe how clearly I hear #LAUREL. Like the clearest pronunciation maybe I've ever heard of the word. And the people I'm with right now ARE FUCKING HEARING #YANNY . Like what the serious fuck? Am I having a stroke? 4004

Top 3 Languages Used In Tweets

Top 10 Hashtags used

Hashtag Count
#lykoi 20
#lizzieborden 15
#repost 14
#deeeecent 11
#trailerparkboys 9
#whosgotyerbelly 7
#bubblesandtheshitrockers 6
#sunnyvalecorrectionalfacility 5
#tpblive 5
#swearnet 4

Top 10 Hashtags Used In Tweets

Top 10 mentions

Hashtag Count
@trailerparkboys 101
@swearnet 32
@netflix 17
@msmithbubbles 12
@rickygervais 11
@paulmccartney 10
@rushtheband 9
@tomgreenlive 8
@robertswworld 8
@thebeatles 7

Top 10 mentions

Wordcloud of Tweets

Emojis used in tweets

Emoji Count Emoji Text
🇨🇦 69 Canada
🎵 33 musical_note
🎶 31 musical_notes
22 red_heart
🎊 16 confetti_ball
🍁 15 maple_leaf
🎉 14 party_popper
😂 13 face_with_tears_of_joy
😅 13 grinning_face_with_sweat
😳 11 flushed_face

Emojis groups

Emoji Group Count
Smileys & Emotion 96
Flags 85
Objects 70
Activities 42
People & Body 22
Animals & Nature 20
Food & Drink 19
Travel & Places 13
Symbols 3