Tweets Analysis - Keyword: @MovemberAUS


Total number of tweets analysed


Earliest tweet was on


Latest tweet was on


Tweets covering

9 days

Average age of authors' accounts

8 years


This group of tweets is discussing an upcoming follow up of the #ProPSMA trial of PSMA PET/CT versus CT/bone scan. It is noting the potential for potential high failure rates not normally seen with radiation therapy, discussing adjuvant therapy, inter-surgeon variation, and Movember 'Scaling What Works' grant evaluation and Knowledge Exchange workshop. It is also noting someone running the @ChiMarathon for @MovemberAus in October of 2023 and a Knowledge Community Convening in London.

Topic Modeling

  1. Clinical Trials – Follow-up of Pro PSMA trial PSMA PET/CT vs CT/bone scan, randomized treatments, treatment failure rate, inter-surgeon variation is volume dependent, Know and quote data.
  2. Organizations/Teams – Uroweb, MovemberAUS, PCFA, ANZUPtrials.
  3. Fitness/Exercise – Participating in marathon, raising funds for running marathon.
  4. Mental Health - Scaling What Works Knowledge Community Convening, Mental Health supporters.
  5. Twitter Conversations – Questions and answers regarding various topics.

Emotional Analysis

The overall sentiment expressed in these tweets is one of anticipation and excitement. The users are eagerly looking forward to the results of the #ProPSMA trial and discussing their expectations. They are also expressing gratitude to the MovemberAUS organization and other individuals for their contributions. There is also a sense of curiosity as the users ask questions and seek to gain a better understanding of the results. Finally, there is a sense of optimism as the users express hope for the outcome of the trial.

Trend Analysis

  1. The #ProPSMA trial PSMA PET/CT vs CT/bone scan
  2. Failure rates in PSMA N1
  3. The treatment was not randomized in the study
  4. Inter-surgeon variation and volume-dependent differences
  5. Movember ‘Scaling What Works’ Knowledge Community Convening in London

Disclaimer: The text analysis on, powered by OpenAI, does not represent the views of or its affiliates. The analysis is for informational purposes only and not an endorsement of any viewpoint.

Types of Tweets

Number of Retweets


Percentage of total tweets


Number of Original tweets


Percentage of total tweets


Number of tweets that contain Mentions


Percentage of total tweets


Number of tweets that were Replies


Percentage of total tweets


Number of tweets that were Quotes


Percentage of total tweets


Number of tweets that contain Hashtags


Percentage of total tweets


Top 5 devices used to tweet

Source Count
Twitter for iPhone 8
Twitter Web App 5
Sprout Social 1
Twitter for Android 1

What devices were used to tweet

Top 10 accounts with highest followers count

Username Name Bio Followers count
MovemberAUS Movember Australia Movember is the leading charity changing the face of men’s health on a global scale. 13,706
DrMHofman Michael Hofman Working together to improve patient outcomes with personalised medicine: PET/CT, theranostics. Nuclear Medicine Physician ☢️ Prof 🇦🇺 3,814
piet_ost Piet Ost Radiation Oncologist, Iridium Network, GZA Ziekenhuizen, Antwerp. Associate professor Ghent University, Belgium. 3,475
CEI_org Centre for Evidence and Implementation CEI is dedicated to using the best evidence in practice and policy to improve the lives of children, families and communities facing adversity 3,290
VedangMurthy Vedang Murthy Professor GU-Radiation Oncology, Tata Memorial Centre Mumbai. Ultramarathoner. Wannabe triathlete. 1,360
ProtonStorey Mark Storey Dr. Mark Storey MD - Radiation Oncologist. @OKProtonCenter. Background: #MDAnderson @VanderbiltU @BMESociety #RadOncMy blog: 845
mj_robbo Matt Roberts Urologist & Clinician Research Fellow @MetroNorthHHS / A/Prof @UQMedicine / @NURG_tweets Alumni / PhD (2017) / 👨‍👩‍👧‍👦retriever dad). Views my own. RT ≠ E 426
horey8666 mark hore ultra marathon runner, cyclist ,motorsports , western bulldogs,🐶prostate cancer survivor. mobro 255
G2GScotland Growing2gether Growing2gether - supporting disengaged young people develop #confidence and #selfbelief by #mentoring small children. Nurturing #Potential and Developing Trust 56
doctorpfeffer Robert Pfeffer Radiation oncologist working in Great Falls, MT 27

Top 10 accounts with highest friends count

Username Name Bio Followers count
MovemberAUS Movember Australia Movember is the leading charity changing the face of men’s health on a global scale. 2,076
CEI_org Centre for Evidence and Implementation CEI is dedicated to using the best evidence in practice and policy to improve the lives of children, families and communities facing adversity 1,792
horey8666 mark hore ultra marathon runner, cyclist ,motorsports , western bulldogs,🐶prostate cancer survivor. mobro 755
ProtonStorey Mark Storey Dr. Mark Storey MD - Radiation Oncologist. @OKProtonCenter. Background: #MDAnderson @VanderbiltU @BMESociety #RadOncMy blog: 398
piet_ost Piet Ost Radiation Oncologist, Iridium Network, GZA Ziekenhuizen, Antwerp. Associate professor Ghent University, Belgium. 392
DrMHofman Michael Hofman Working together to improve patient outcomes with personalised medicine: PET/CT, theranostics. Nuclear Medicine Physician ☢️ Prof 🇦🇺 356
mj_robbo Matt Roberts Urologist & Clinician Research Fellow @MetroNorthHHS / A/Prof @UQMedicine / @NURG_tweets Alumni / PhD (2017) / 👨‍👩‍👧‍👦retriever dad). Views my own. RT ≠ E 243
G2GScotland Growing2gether Growing2gether - supporting disengaged young people develop #confidence and #selfbelief by #mentoring small children. Nurturing #Potential and Developing Trust 229
doctorpfeffer Robert Pfeffer Radiation oncologist working in Great Falls, MT 119
VedangMurthy Vedang Murthy Professor GU-Radiation Oncology, Tata Memorial Centre Mumbai. Ultramarathoner. Wannabe triathlete. 98

Most active users

Username Bio Number of tweets
piet_ost Radiation Oncologist, Iridium Network, GZA Ziekenhuizen, Antwerp. Associate professor Ghent University, Belgium. 4
DrMHofman Working together to improve patient outcomes with personalised medicine: PET/CT, theranostics. Nuclear Medicine Physician ☢️ Prof 🇦🇺 2
horey8666 ultra marathon runner, cyclist ,motorsports , western bulldogs,🐶prostate cancer survivor. mobro 2
CEI_org CEI is dedicated to using the best evidence in practice and policy to improve the lives of children, families and communities facing adversity 1
G2GScotland Growing2gether - supporting disengaged young people develop #confidence and #selfbelief by #mentoring small children. Nurturing #Potential and Developing Trust 1
MovemberAUS Movember is the leading charity changing the face of men’s health on a global scale. 1
ProtonStorey Dr. Mark Storey MD - Radiation Oncologist. @OKProtonCenter. Background: #MDAnderson @VanderbiltU @BMESociety #RadOncMy blog: 1
VedangMurthy Professor GU-Radiation Oncology, Tata Memorial Centre Mumbai. Ultramarathoner. Wannabe triathlete. 1
doctorpfeffer Radiation oncologist working in Great Falls, MT 1
mj_robbo Urologist & Clinician Research Fellow @MetroNorthHHS / A/Prof @UQMedicine / @NURG_tweets Alumni / PhD (2017) / 👨‍👩‍👧‍👦retriever dad). Views my own. RT ≠ E 1

Tweets per day

Top 10 tweets with highest Retweet count

ID Text Retweet count
1625774731222974464 Don't miss it: 54 months follow-up of the #ProPSMA trial PSMA PET/CT vs CT/bone scan Mon 13 Mar 14:15 Abstract S65 #EAU23 @Uroweb @declangmurphy @veerukasi @MovemberAUS @PCFA @ANZUPtrials 41
1628001590698479617 As part of our evaluation of @MovemberAUS ‘Scaling What Works’ grant, we’re hosting a 3-day Knowledge Exchange workshop this week, bringing together delivery partners, implementation specialists & mental health guest speakers. #ScalingWhatWorks #MentalHealth #MovemberWorkshop 1
1625834799020769281 @DrMHofman @Uroweb @declangmurphy @veerukasi @MovemberAUS @PCFA @ANZUPtrials @lawrentschuk @mj_robbo @ButeauJames @DocJarad @mfrydenberg @DrAIravani @szetinglee1 I look forward to see how many of the 48 BCF and 13 DM were in the PSMA-PET and BS each? 1
1627624578166956032 We are looking forward to attending the Movember ‘Scaling What Works’ Knowledge Community Convening in London and sharing our work with other UK mental health supporters. @SAMHtweets @Beyond_Equality @CEI_org @MovemberUK @MovemberAUS 0
1626533027307462658 @MovemberAUS @ChiMarathon Thank you 🤙 0
1626464978764177410 This October 8th 2023 I have been selected to run ⁦@ChiMarathon⁩ for ⁦@MovemberAUS⁩ if you could spare a few dollars to get me over the line would be awesome, my goal is $3000 thanks mark. 0
1626065875945107456 @piet_ost @DrMHofman @Uroweb @declangmurphy @veerukasi @MovemberAUS @PCFA @ANZUPtrials @lawrentschuk @mj_robbo @ButeauJames @DocJarad @mfrydenberg @DrAIravani @szetinglee1 Yep, thinking same thing. Would be interested to see sub-divided between surgery and radiation up front. XRT add ADT (bad) but surgery has the subsequent treat aspect. 0
1625815800069201922 @DrMHofman @Uroweb @declangmurphy @veerukasi @MovemberAUS @PCFA @ANZUPtrials @lawrentschuk @mj_robbo @ButeauJames @DocJarad @mfrydenberg @DrAIravani @szetinglee1 The treatment was not randomized unfortunately, so we only get part of the answer, but looking forward to the details as this high failure rate is not what we normally see with RT. 0
1625803937738797056 @piet_ost @Uroweb @declangmurphy @veerukasi @MovemberAUS @PCFA @ANZUPtrials @lawrentschuk @mj_robbo @ButeauJames @DocJarad @mfrydenberg @DrAIravani @szetinglee1 ~50% surgery + ~50% RT in #ProPSMAIt's the type of randomised high-quality data you strive for! Hopefully see you in Milan for #EAU23 and we'll try to answer all your questions 0
1625785372524380162 @DrMHofman @Uroweb @declangmurphy @veerukasi @MovemberAUS @PCFA @ANZUPtrials @lawrentschuk @mj_robbo @ButeauJames @DocJarad @mfrydenberg @DrAIravani @szetinglee1 How come your salvage Tx is higher than your biochemical failure? Seems to indicate adjuvant Tx rather than salvage? 0

Top 10 tweets with highest Like count

ID Text Like count
1625774731222974464 Don't miss it: 54 months follow-up of the #ProPSMA trial PSMA PET/CT vs CT/bone scan Mon 13 Mar 14:15 Abstract S65 #EAU23 @Uroweb @declangmurphy @veerukasi @MovemberAUS @PCFA @ANZUPtrials 139
1625815800069201922 @DrMHofman @Uroweb @declangmurphy @veerukasi @MovemberAUS @PCFA @ANZUPtrials @lawrentschuk @mj_robbo @ButeauJames @DocJarad @mfrydenberg @DrAIravani @szetinglee1 The treatment was not randomized unfortunately, so we only get part of the answer, but looking forward to the details as this high failure rate is not what we normally see with RT. 5
1625785030701088768 @DrMHofman @Uroweb @declangmurphy @veerukasi @MovemberAUS @PCFA @ANZUPtrials @lawrentschuk @mj_robbo @ButeauJames @DocJarad @mfrydenberg @DrAIravani @szetinglee1 Interesting data! 25% of failures in the first 3-6 mo for PSMA N1 seems a bit strange. What is driving that. If they get RT+ADT they cannot fail that fast. So they got RALP and had persisting PSA? 5
1625834799020769281 @DrMHofman @Uroweb @declangmurphy @veerukasi @MovemberAUS @PCFA @ANZUPtrials @lawrentschuk @mj_robbo @ButeauJames @DocJarad @mfrydenberg @DrAIravani @szetinglee1 I look forward to see how many of the 48 BCF and 13 DM were in the PSMA-PET and BS each? 4
1624549066284875777 Privileged to be part of this excellent study led by @nathanoverseas and colleagues Inter-surgeon variation is real and volume-dependent. Know and quote your data in the context of general figuresGreat data for clinicians and patients. Thx @MovemberAUS @PCFA @USANZUrology 4
1625803937738797056 @piet_ost @Uroweb @declangmurphy @veerukasi @MovemberAUS @PCFA @ANZUPtrials @lawrentschuk @mj_robbo @ButeauJames @DocJarad @mfrydenberg @DrAIravani @szetinglee1 ~50% surgery + ~50% RT in #ProPSMAIt's the type of randomised high-quality data you strive for! Hopefully see you in Milan for #EAU23 and we'll try to answer all your questions 3
1625785372524380162 @DrMHofman @Uroweb @declangmurphy @veerukasi @MovemberAUS @PCFA @ANZUPtrials @lawrentschuk @mj_robbo @ButeauJames @DocJarad @mfrydenberg @DrAIravani @szetinglee1 How come your salvage Tx is higher than your biochemical failure? Seems to indicate adjuvant Tx rather than salvage? 2
1628001590698479617 As part of our evaluation of @MovemberAUS ‘Scaling What Works’ grant, we’re hosting a 3-day Knowledge Exchange workshop this week, bringing together delivery partners, implementation specialists & mental health guest speakers. #ScalingWhatWorks #MentalHealth #MovemberWorkshop 1
1626464978764177410 This October 8th 2023 I have been selected to run ⁦@ChiMarathon⁩ for ⁦@MovemberAUS⁩ if you could spare a few dollars to get me over the line would be awesome, my goal is $3000 thanks mark. 1
1627624578166956032 We are looking forward to attending the Movember ‘Scaling What Works’ Knowledge Community Convening in London and sharing our work with other UK mental health supporters. @SAMHtweets @Beyond_Equality @CEI_org @MovemberUK @MovemberAUS 0

Top 3 Languages Used In Tweets

Top 10 Hashtags used

Hashtag Count
#eau23 3
#scalingwhatworks 2
#mentalhealth 2
#movemberworkshop 2
#propsma 2
#propsmait 1

Top 10 Hashtags Used In Tweets

Top 10 mentions

Mention Count
@movemberaus 15
@pcfa 10
@uroweb 9
@declangmurphy 9
@veerukasi 9
@anzuptrials 9
@drmhofman 7
@lawrentschuk 7
@mj_robbo 7
@buteaujames 7

Top 10 mentions

Wordcloud of Tweets


Average number of emojis used per tweet


Emojis used in tweets

Emoji Count Emoji Text
🤙 1 call_me_hand

Emojis groups

Emoji Group Count
People & Body 1