Tweets Analysis - Keyword: Modric
Total number of tweets analysed
Earliest tweet was on
Latest tweet was on
Tweets covering
8 days
Average age of authors' accounts
5 years
Types of Tweets
Number of Retweets
Percentage of total tweets
Number of Original tweets
Percentage of total tweets
Number of tweets that contain Mentions
Percentage of total tweets
Number of tweets that were Replies
Percentage of total tweets
Number of tweets that were Quotes
Percentage of total tweets
Number of tweets that contain Hashtags
Percentage of total tweets
Top 5 devices used to tweet
Source | Count |
Twitter for Android | 197951 |
Twitter for iPhone | 151816 |
Twitter Web App | 49060 |
TweetDeck | 3216 |
Twitter for iPad | 1717 |
What devices were used to tweet

Top 10 accounts with highest followers count
Username | Name | Followers count |
nytimes | The New York Times | 54,770,258 |
ChampionsLeague | UEFA Champions League | 45,954,192 |
CNNEE | CNN en Español | 22,316,334 |
WSJ | The Wall Street Journal | 20,385,284 |
detikcom | detikcom | 19,606,538 |
aajtak | AajTak | 19,328,042 |
ndtv | NDTV | 17,625,077 |
TwitterSports | Twitter Sports | 14,836,635 |
timesofindia | The Times Of India | 14,636,811 |
CGTNOfficial | CGTN | 13,164,520 |
Top 10 accounts with highest friends count
Username | Name | Followers count |
sakamobi | | 949,422 |
Cooperativa | Cooperativa | 650,994 |
LA_RORRA | LA_RORRA | 420,941 |
movistar_es | Movistar España | 385,105 |
ElNacionalWeb | El Nacional | 339,576 |
Yubbie007 | ❂ Yübbîę Umoh ❂ | 259,144 |
latercera | La Tercera | 216,940 |
jramiroMX | CHILANGO | 208,772 |
Naija_PR | Naija | 197,410 |
TozzaFla | Tozza | 173,953 |
Most active users
Username | Number of tweets |
98coolnola | 264 |
lilo6y | 245 |
jovan_modric_ | 170 |
modric_124 | 167 |
modric_szn | 158 |
modric_ipduk | 140 |
News_Pakistan10 | 126 |
penaldoout | 118 |
INoticias_CL | 88 |
GoldForum2 | 86 |
Tweets per day

Top 10 tweets with highest Retweet count
ID | Text | Retweet count |
1602772507966283777 | Luka Modric no boqueó antes de tiempo y nuestra gente lo aplaudió cuando salía. Los croatas no picaron el partido y los futbolistas argentinos los respetaron luego. No son acciones, son reacciones. El respeto se paga con respeto. Las provocaciones se cobran con otro sabor… | 22780 |
1601272908214849539 | Quick reminder: Luka Modrić is 37. Yes, 37. September 9, 1985. What an incredible, legendary player. | 18499 |
1602774248673939456 | Respect by all players and football fans in the planet. World Cup finalist & semi-finalist. Quality, leadership, pure class. Symbol of his country. Ballon d’Or winner. Art in motion. …last dance at the World Cup again as one of top players of tournament. Luka Modrić 🎩🇭🇷 | 16659 |
1601561761714704384 | “Todo mundo falha. Você vai voltar mais forte. Te amo, filho.” Modric para o Rodrygo👇 | 16061 |
1601921397663862784 | @@eijackson10's account is temporarily unavailable because it violates the Twitter Media Policy. Learn more. | 16061 |
1601694644890632192 | ¿Quién se merece estar en la final del Mundial? 🔄RT: Lionel Messi ❤️MG: Luka Modric | 7578 |
1602765902600339456 | la hinchada argentina aplaudiendo a modric cuando sale porque es tremendo jugador y siempre fue respetuoso con nosotros, para que los pelotudos en europa nos coman bien la poronga | 7443 |
1602425056210165764 | Los medios de comunicación en España nos venden a Modric como "ejemplar". Hoy ha liderado cánticos nazis con Croacia, fue condenado a 8 meses de prisión por fraude fiscal, está vinculado a la mafia en Croacia, es imagen de casas de apuestas y acaba de crear un imperio urbanístico | 5803 |
1601351393410830336 | Las palabras de Luka Modric a Rodrygo 💔 | 5341 |
1602801721910169603 | "La hinchada argentina ha creado un ambiente increíble. Enhorabuena a Messi, le deseo suerte para la final. Está haciendo un torneo increíble y está mostrando su calidad y toda su grandeza". Luka Modric. | 5123 |
Top 10 tweets with highest Like count
ID | Text | Like count |
1601561761714704384 | “Todo mundo falha. Você vai voltar mais forte. Te amo, filho.” Modric para o Rodrygo👇 | 192738 |
1601272908214849539 | Quick reminder: Luka Modrić is 37. Yes, 37. September 9, 1985. What an incredible, legendary player. | 140563 |
1602774248673939456 | Respect by all players and football fans in the planet. World Cup finalist & semi-finalist. Quality, leadership, pure class. Symbol of his country. Ballon d’Or winner. Art in motion. …last dance at the World Cup again as one of top players of tournament. Luka Modrić 🎩🇭🇷 | 132610 |
1602772507966283777 | Luka Modric no boqueó antes de tiempo y nuestra gente lo aplaudió cuando salía. Los croatas no picaron el partido y los futbolistas argentinos los respetaron luego. No son acciones, son reacciones. El respeto se paga con respeto. Las provocaciones se cobran con otro sabor… | 126529 |
1602801721910169603 | "La hinchada argentina ha creado un ambiente increíble. Enhorabuena a Messi, le deseo suerte para la final. Está haciendo un torneo increíble y está mostrando su calidad y toda su grandeza". Luka Modric. | 81694 |
1602765549297340416 | Los hinchas argentinos aplauden a Luka Modric. Y si. | 68097 |
1601243167331942401 | Luka Modric and Casemiro swap shirts ❤️ | 62010 |
1601289856319369217 | Luka Modric: “I'm sure Rodrygo will get stronger after this. Nothing happens. We all fail”. 🤍🤝🏻 #Qatar2022 | 61007 |
1602796223487942658 | Modrić: "Ojalá que Messi gane este Mundial, es el mejor jugador de la historia y se lo merece". | 59735 |
1601244107107700737 | Luka Modric and Casemiro swapped shirts at halftime 🤝 Football heritage ✨ | 56071 |
Top 3 Languages Used In Tweets

Top 10 Hashtags used
Hashtag | Count |
#fifaworldcup | 9348 |
#modric | 8830 |
#qatar2022 | 8514 |
#argentinavscroatia | 3507 |
#crobra | 3410 |
#messi | 2842 |
#croatia | 2731 |
#hrv | 2693 |
#argcro | 2411 |
#argentina | 2037 |
Top 10 Hashtags Used In Tweets

Top 10 mentions
Mention | Count |
@lukamodric10 | 3354 |
@elchiringuitotv | 2374 |
@adrirm33 | 2272 |
@fifaworldcup | 1952 |
@oledobrasil | 1740 |
@tntsportsbr | 1493 |
@gamerbr0ski | 1363 |
@_befootball | 1343 |
@brunoformiga | 1284 |
@espnfc | 1111 |
Top 10 mentions

Wordcloud of Tweets

Average number of emojis used per tweet
Emojis used in tweets
Emoji | Count | Emoji Text |
🇭🇷 | 23756 | Croatia |
🇦🇷 | 12016 | Argentina |
😂 | 12004 | face_with_tears_of_joy |
😭 | 11272 | loudly_crying_face |
👏 | 9022 | clapping_hands |
🇧🇷 | 8933 | Brazil |
🤣 | 8600 | rolling_on_the_floor_laughing |
❤️ | 6925 | red_heart |
🇫🇷 | 6834 | France |
🔥 | 6495 | fire |
Emojis groups
Emoji Group | Count |
Flags | 96067 |
Smileys & Emotion | 82168 |
People & Body | 38242 |
Symbols | 11215 |
Activities | 10699 |
Travel & Places | 9678 |
Objects | 7619 |
Animals & Nature | 3031 |
Food & Drink | 1059 |