Tweets Analysis - Keyword: @MintBlitz


Total number of tweets analysed


Earliest tweet was on


Latest tweet was on


Tweets covering

10 days

Average age of authors' accounts

6 years


Various Tweets reference the Hang 'Em High remake, a game-breaking bug in Halo, and a 3D recreation of the leaked Infection concept art for Halo Infinite. Other Tweets relate to special thanks, prefabs being created for Nacht Der Untoten, the release of a Halo Infinite Battle Royale, Valentine's Day wishes, art in a thumbnail, playing Halo Infinite in 2023, and fixing the "Phantom Punches" bug. All tweets reference MintBlitz as a source.

Topic Modeling

  1. Hang 'Em High Remake
  2. Big Content Creators and Fans of Halo
  3. Halo Clips and Weapons
  4. Forge and Battle Royale
  5. Valentine’s Day and Relationships

Emotional Analysis

The tweets in this collection express a range of emotions, including excitement, anticipation, love, doubt, joy, and relief. The tweets are related to the release of a remake of the movie "Hang 'Em High" and the development of a Halo Infinite Battle Royale game. There is also a lot of appreciation expressed for content creators and fans of Halo, as well as the team behind the remake and game. Finally, there is a sense of joy and pride expressed when the content creators and fans of Halo are recognized by others.

Trend Analysis

  1. Halo remakes/forge content
  2. Game-breaking bugs
  3. Mass attention/content creation
  4. Halo Infinite weapons and features
  5. Halo Infinite Battle Royale

Disclaimer: The text analysis on, powered by OpenAI, does not represent the views of or its affiliates. The analysis is for informational purposes only and not an endorsement of any viewpoint.

Types of Tweets

Number of Retweets


Percentage of total tweets


Number of Original tweets


Percentage of total tweets


Number of tweets that contain Mentions


Percentage of total tweets


Number of tweets that were Replies


Percentage of total tweets


Number of tweets that were Quotes


Percentage of total tweets


Number of tweets that contain Hashtags


Percentage of total tweets


Top 5 devices used to tweet

Source Count
Twitter for iPhone 767
Twitter for Android 685
Twitter Web App 484
Twitter for iPad 16
TweetDeck 5

What devices were used to tweet

Top 10 accounts with highest followers count

Username Name Bio Followers count
XboxANZ Xbox ANZ wololo - but on console too 😉 99,174
Unyshek John Junyszek @Halo Sr. Community Manager at 343 Industries. 90,040
MooncakeTS Mooncake Owner @Lucky7Gaming est 2012. L7 Sweetz. @Halo player, #1 most kills in Australia 🇦🇺 🫡. 32,351
EddyVinckk Eddy Vinck Founder @BrabantWeb, let me build your website → • Dev job search tips → Collab? Email me 📩 21,696
Plasmaposting Halo Plasmaposting You know who we are. Find us on Facebook too, time to rebuild. Send feet. Official home of Craig. You may remember us from the time Kotaku took us seriously 19,752
suddoth1 SUDDOTH 1 🅙 Former Pro Halo Player for Team: @RealityCheckgg Sponsored by @motulusa #R34GTR add me on Xbox: SUDDOTH 1 17,958
Infiniteforges Infinite Forges Level Artist @Gearboxofficial | I create immersive environments in Forge & Unreal Engine ⚒ Art Station: 15,109
Hollowtide ʜᴏʟʟᴏᴡᴛɪᴅᴇ // // Code “Hollowtide for 10% off with @ADVANCEDgg 11,628
Generalkidd Generalkidd Leader of Gold Team Productions. A YouTube channel dedicated to finding and showing interesting things in video games as well as making some whacky creations! 10,268
Rookie_425 Rookie425 3D Artist, Writer, Emergency Medical Technician 9,263

Top 10 accounts with highest friends count

Username Name Bio Followers count
suddoth1 SUDDOTH 1 🅙 Former Pro Halo Player for Team: @RealityCheckgg Sponsored by @motulusa #R34GTR add me on Xbox: SUDDOTH 1 15,646
rRockalot Rockalot - 5,001
DrMigly Dr. Jack Top of the mornin' to ya laddies! I don't know what to put here! Somebody's patched us through, Ron. I'll give you walnutsh! 4,995
0113Kzum610 K FPSゲーム、シューティングゲーム、洋楽ロックを聴くことが趣味です。空手・柔道初段 ゲーム用アカウント@KazuMgaming 4,951
vyctorian Victoria 🏳️‍⚧️ | Stay home please Illustrator / Writer | Bi-gender | ☉♌ ☾ ♏ ↑♏ | Age: 25+ | Plural ♦⚰| Wolf Gnoll丨Shonen Protagonist丨Polyam | DMs Open | Discord: /Vyctorian\#4625 | Eng/日本語 OK 4,892
Alec0117 Alejandro "Servitas Vitae" GIGN 2011 motto. Catholic✝️- Graphic Designer - Storyboard Artist - 2D Animator - Packaging Designer. #Halo, Sci-Fi, Game/Film Soundtracks fan. 4,800
SnapBlastPLAY Snap Blast PLAY I love Xbox, breathing air and popping bubble wrap ➡️➡️➡️FOLLOW ME @ OWN RISK ▶️▶️▶️YOUTUBE - Channel COMING SOON! 4,719
Paulywoggsvoice Paul Adamson Lover of dogs and all things smart, funny, and gadgety. Technical Writer, Improviser, Voiceover Artist, Photographer. He/Him. 4,431
Mikemicproduc25 Mikemic productions. Names Mike Reilly, I'm a voice actor and creator of Legends Of The Priminals. I make Voice acting content. And i play video games too. 25 and Male. I'm random. 4,328

Most active users

Username Bio Number of tweets
Knut_Bread Knut 26
Stephen_Flaco Halo Forger, member @The_Nexus_Team, Artist, Designer, self taught programmer, gamer, car guru ,father, husband and a bit of a nerd 24
RealAjiZu Hello! I'm Aj, a massive nerd, Graphic Designer, 3D Artist, YT and Twitch content creator, and I occasionally mess with games. Enjoy! i hate this website 14
WilliamBosleyDM BLM. Will Forge on #YouTube. Xbox Live: Greater Pain. DM for #DnD5e running a homebrewed campaign. #DMsGuild designer, and still pretty new to Twitter. He/Him 13
Throlerren 20. FPS, MMO, RPG & MMORPG Enjoyer. I like older women. I hate humanity. 13
VadamVengeance - 11
theffapanda I've played Halo since 2001. Play every day, make content on YT, same name. 10
EliteFalcon_YT Founder & Head of @TheForgeFalcons I am also a Halo content creator & forger with great ambitions. 10
Tracytron24 10
TheForgeFalcons The Forge Falcons is a studio run by @EliteFalcon_YT focused on bringing content to Halo Infinite through maps, modes & machinimas. Not affiliated with 343. 9

Tweets per day

Top 10 tweets with highest Retweet count

ID Text Retweet count
1626051826662486017 Hang 'Em High Remake out Now!!! Bookmark below @halo @MintBlitz @MichaelSchorr @ForgeHub @FOTUS @XboxP3 @haruspis @KevinKoolxHalo 53
1626582243320950784 🚨Halo Infinite Battle Royale | Final Trailer🚨 Forsaken, a Battle Royale made in forge by @TheForgeFalcons , a truly incredible experience that you all will love. ft. Jeff Steitzer Special thanks to @UberNick @MintBlitz @FootedGhost & @iSpiteful on behalf of @TheForgeFalcons 27
1625993356705931269 🚨Forsaken Battle Royale🚨 The Battle Royale you've all been waiting for, trailer STARTS NOW! Watch below! @MintBlitz @FootedGhost @HaloFollowercom @HaloHubGG @HiddenXperia @iSpiteful @UberNick @Unyshek @Infiniteforges @ForgeHub @MichaelSchorr #HaloInfiniteForge #Forge #Halo 26
1624430132990722048 Made a 3D recreation of the leaked Infection concept art for Halo Infinite! #Halospotlight #HaloInfinite #halocommunity @Unyshek @ske7ch @MintBlitz @HaloFollowercom 16
1625259421071712256 Scripts & Prefabs are currently being created for Nacht Der Untoten by @TheForgeFalcons team. @HiddenXperia You'll love this 🫶 @FootedGhost @Infiniteforges @Mr_Rebs_ @MintBlitz @iSpiteful @HaloFollowercom @HaloHubGG This is a WIP. #Forge #HaloInfiniteForge 11
1624829790422462464 THE #HaloInfinite #BATTLEROYALE You Have Been Waiting For! @Blinnq_ @SgtAvel @Halo @Unyshek @MintBlitz @seanmcdubs @halodotapi @UberNick @iSpiteful @MichaelSchorr @Infiniteforges @RedNomster 7
1626647057132920834 My art in a thumbnail of @MintBlitz??? 👀👀👀 6
1627040585092632577 @HiddenXperia @UberNick @MintBlitz @TheActMan_YT @Installation001 @HaloFollowercom @FletchUH Just saying, if every big content creators / fans of Halo get this old script enough attention (just like how game-breaking bugs get fixed due to mass-attention), maybe they'll consider looking at it. 5
1626247547537727489 @MintBlitz during s3 or start of s4 4
1624907730644246528 I just hit what might be my greatest Halo clip of all time. @EEli_X @MintBlitz @Unyshek 4

Top 10 tweets with highest Like count

ID Text Like count
1626051826662486017 Hang 'Em High Remake out Now!!! Bookmark below @halo @MintBlitz @MichaelSchorr @ForgeHub @FOTUS @XboxP3 @haruspis @KevinKoolxHalo 307
1627040585092632577 @HiddenXperia @UberNick @MintBlitz @TheActMan_YT @Installation001 @HaloFollowercom @FletchUH Just saying, if every big content creators / fans of Halo get this old script enough attention (just like how game-breaking bugs get fixed due to mass-attention), maybe they'll consider looking at it. 215
1626247547537727489 @MintBlitz during s3 or start of s4 197
1624907730644246528 I just hit what might be my greatest Halo clip of all time. @EEli_X @MintBlitz @Unyshek 182
1626627078614315009 @MintBlitz Yes 148
1626967602093252611 what ever you do dont give this weapon too @MintBlitz 🤣🐐 #HaloInfinite 143
1626582243320950784 🚨Halo Infinite Battle Royale | Final Trailer🚨 Forsaken, a Battle Royale made in forge by @TheForgeFalcons , a truly incredible experience that you all will love. ft. Jeff Steitzer Special thanks to @UberNick @MintBlitz @FootedGhost & @iSpiteful on behalf of @TheForgeFalcons 134
1624430132990722048 Made a 3D recreation of the leaked Infection concept art for Halo Infinite! #Halospotlight #HaloInfinite #halocommunity @Unyshek @ske7ch @MintBlitz @HaloFollowercom 133
1625993356705931269 🚨Forsaken Battle Royale🚨 The Battle Royale you've all been waiting for, trailer STARTS NOW! Watch below! @MintBlitz @FootedGhost @HaloFollowercom @HaloHubGG @HiddenXperia @iSpiteful @UberNick @Unyshek @Infiniteforges @ForgeHub @MichaelSchorr #HaloInfiniteForge #Forge #Halo 123
1625363559625670657 Happy Valentine’s Day to my best friend, lover & rock. I love you 💕 @MintBlitz 113

Top 3 Languages Used In Tweets

Top 10 Hashtags used

Hashtag Count
#haloinfinite 10
#haloinfiniteforge 5
#forge 4
#halo 4
#battleroyale 3
#1 2
#halospotlight 2
#halocommunity 2
#gaming 1
#stream 1

Top 10 Hashtags Used In Tweets

Top 10 mentions

Mention Count
@mintblitz 1962
@halo 112
@michaelschorr 99
@forgehub 95
@kevinkoolxhalo 76
@xboxp3 72
@haruspis 72
@fotus 71
@ubernick 68
@ispiteful 61

Top 10 mentions

Wordcloud of Tweets


Average number of emojis used per tweet


Emojis used in tweets

Emoji Count Emoji Text
😂 21 face_with_tears_of_joy
🤣 19 rolling_on_the_floor_laughing
👀 14 eyes
🚨 12 police_car_light
🔥 11 fire
😭 9 loudly_crying_face
🥲 7 smiling_face_with_tear
💀 7 skull
😅 7 grinning_face_with_sweat
🤜 6 right-facing_fist

Emojis groups

Emoji Group Count
Smileys & Emotion 167
People & Body 63
Travel & Places 23
Animals & Nature 6
Activities 4
Food & Drink 1
Objects 1