Tweets Analysis - Keyword: @max_lucks


Total number of tweets analysed


Earliest tweet was on


Latest tweet was on


Tweets covering

9 days

Average age of authors' accounts

5 years


An inter-party working/study group in the French Assembly has been established to address Kurdish and Kurdistan issues. This type of group is also desired in the German Bundestag. Humanitarian aid should be provided to the earthquake victims in Turkey, Syria and Ukraine universally without visa requirements. Last Wednesday, a presentation was held at the Bundestag Human Rights and Humanitarian Aid Committee and the Fritz Bauer Forum. Questions have been raised, such as the whereabouts of the children who survived the earthquake, the possible kidnapping or involvement of criminal activity, and the need for more professional help for orphans and half-orphans. Additionally, Germany and the EU have been criticized for their bilaterals and multilaterals, as well as for their commitment to coal-based energy. Finally, German officials have been urged to oppose the injustices of the Iranian regime and terrorism from the Iranian Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps.

Topic Modeling

  1. Humanitarian Aid
  2. Kurden and Kurdistan
  3. Politics
  4. Fritz Bauer Forum
  5. International Relations

Emotional Analysis

The emotions expressed in these tweets range from hopefulness to frustration. The first tweet expresses hopefulness that a party-crossing working/study group will be established in the French AssembleeNat to focus on Kurds and Kurdistan, and that the same could be desired in the Bundestag. The second tweet expresses a call for humanitarian help for people in earthquake-affected areas, with a plea for humaneness for all. The third tweet conveys appreciation for the work of the Bundestag in presenting the Fritz Bauer Forum. The fourth tweet expresses concern for the children who survived the earthquake in Turkey, and a fear that they may have been kidnapped or become victims of criminal gangs. The fifth tweet expresses anger at the IRGC terrorists. The sixth tweet conveys gratitude to Max Lucks for his interest in the bilateral and multilateral relations between Germany and the European Union with Mexico in terms of human rights, trade, and energy policies. The seventh tweet expresses frustration at the lack of political action on coal. The eighth tweet expresses confusion at the politics of the city Max Lucks is representing in the Bundestag. The ninth tweet expresses anger at the Left-Nazis and calls for them to be thrown in jail. The tenth tweet expresses confusion at the lack of a Green Party candidate for mayor in the city Max Lucks is representing. The eleventh tweet expresses anger at the potential importation of issues from Turkey to Germany. The twelfth tweet expresses frustration at the gender-gaga of the Green Party. The thirteenth tweet expresses frustration at the lack of action to solve the issues of the imported people. The fourteenth tweet expresses anger at the lack of voice against the insanity. The fifteenth tweet expresses disappointment at the cheap rhetoric of Max Lucks. The sixteenth tweet expresses frustration at the lack of distance between the Green Party and Putin trolls. The seventeenth tweet expresses anger at the lack of control of the subcontractors, such as Visametric. The eighteenth tweet expresses disappointment at the lack of action on the issues.

Trend Analysis

  1. Kurden und Kurdistan
  2. Humanitarian Assistance/Aid
  3. The Role of Germany and the European Union with Mexico
  4. Earthquake in Turkey; Deprem Çocukları GuevendeMi
  5. IRGC terrorists; Khaled Pirzadeh
  6. German Political Landscape: FDP, CDU, LINKE, etc
  7. Gender and Sexism
  8. Visa and Immigration Policies
  9. The Role of the Bundesregierung and Subcontractors

Disclaimer: The text analysis on, powered by OpenAI, does not represent the views of or its affiliates. The analysis is for informational purposes only and not an endorsement of any viewpoint.

Types of Tweets

Number of Retweets


Percentage of total tweets


Number of Original tweets


Percentage of total tweets


Number of tweets that contain Mentions


Percentage of total tweets


Number of tweets that were Replies


Percentage of total tweets


Number of tweets that were Quotes


Percentage of total tweets


Number of tweets that contain Hashtags


Percentage of total tweets


Top 5 devices used to tweet

Source Count
Twitter for iPhone 23
Twitter for Android 22
Twitter Web App 6
projekt-bund-ab 3
Buffer 1

What devices were used to tweet

Top 10 accounts with highest followers count

Username Name Bio Followers count
janejane24 janejane - @janejane24 #NoWAR #Peace #FBR #BRD🇺🇦 #GreenIsAbadChoice #GodIsLove #WeAreTheChangeWeSeek #BlueEuropeJoinsBlueUSA #Democracy #Resist #NoFacism #FBR🌊 💛💙#gendergaga🤡🤡#bubbleFree 23,887
matschlegel Matthias Schlegel - Political Advisor 4 #Climate Action 4 #German #Green Party Leaders #COP28 #Energy #Agri #Mobility #Ecology | local: #Thuringia #Ilmkreis #EnergySharing 2,927
tumalwas tumalwas Gegen Antisemitismus,Faschismus, Frauenverachtung international. Für Kinderschutz ebenso. 🦉 2,863
bundestag_tweet Bundestag Tweets (Inoffiziell) Hier werden alle Tweets, Retweets und Kommentare der Bundestagsabgeordneten repostet. 2,246
Mnekkochan Lim 🦥 otaku | bookworm🫐 | fan of whatever i prefer to be fan of ! multi-fan🦋 2,076
MemoTanriverdi Mehmet Tanriverdi ☀️ Deutsch-kurdischer Unternehmer, Ehrenpräsident der BAGIV e.V., stellvertetender Vorsitzender der KGD und 1.Vorsitzender des MTV 1846 Giessen. 1,971
JMihram Johannes Mihram Grüner 🌻, #LGBTQIA+ 🏳️‍🌈, Antifaschist, Feminist, #vegan 🌱 (cis, er/ihn) 1,432
tuba2016eren Tuğba Demir Eş ,Anne ,Hukukçu,Mülteci ,@cbjurists Yönetim Kurulu Üyesi Hak arayisindayim...Filmin sonu ortasından iyi olsun,;)) 1,374
amir_minaei Amir. Minaei ‏‏iranian,polictical,econmest, 1,293
dolorojas Dolores Rojas Las opiniones son mías 1,154

Top 10 accounts with highest friends count

Username Name Bio Followers count
janejane24 janejane - @janejane24 #NoWAR #Peace #FBR #BRD🇺🇦 #GreenIsAbadChoice #GodIsLove #WeAreTheChangeWeSeek #BlueEuropeJoinsBlueUSA #Democracy #Resist #NoFacism #FBR🌊 💛💙#gendergaga🤡🤡#bubbleFree 26,276
suneeilg62 Suneeil - 4,703
tumalwas tumalwas Gegen Antisemitismus,Faschismus, Frauenverachtung international. Für Kinderschutz ebenso. 🦉 3,494
matschlegel Matthias Schlegel - Political Advisor 4 #Climate Action 4 #German #Green Party Leaders #COP28 #Energy #Agri #Mobility #Ecology | local: #Thuringia #Ilmkreis #EnergySharing 3,112
dolorojas Dolores Rojas Las opiniones son mías 2,962
amir_minaei Amir. Minaei ‏‏iranian,polictical,econmest, 2,092
JMihram Johannes Mihram Grüner 🌻, #LGBTQIA+ 🏳️‍🌈, Antifaschist, Feminist, #vegan 🌱 (cis, er/ihn) 1,890
ozselgin Anıl Özselgin Yazılımcı/Girişimci. Şirketimiz İstanbulda.Bazı aylar Berlin'de, bazı aylar İstanbul'da yaşıyorum. Digital Nomad denebilir. 1,528
ChristianeFio13 Christine Fröhlich. retired MD Interests: Anarchism, Socialism, nature, music, Society, human growths, old school feminist justice.Books, politics,travel, Mecfs. femsub retired 1,466
tuba2016eren Tuğba Demir Eş ,Anne ,Hukukçu,Mülteci ,@cbjurists Yönetim Kurulu Üyesi Hak arayisindayim...Filmin sonu ortasından iyi olsun,;)) 1,409

Most active users

Username Bio Number of tweets
matschlegel Political Advisor 4 #Climate Action 4 #German #Green Party Leaders #COP28 #Energy #Agri #Mobility #Ecology | local: #Thuringia #Ilmkreis #EnergySharing 3
bundestag_tweet Hier werden alle Tweets, Retweets und Kommentare der Bundestagsabgeordneten repostet. 3
YourNightmare_M - 3
suneeilg62 - 2
realsideshowme - 2
Germania1985 - 2
LangefeldBegum Menschenrechtsaktivistin #jinjiyanazadi 2
amir_minaei ‏‏iranian,polictical,econmest, 2
Coookie_68 Success is Not Final, and Failure is Not Fatal: it is the Courage to Continue that Counts... 2
tuba2016eren Eş ,Anne ,Hukukçu,Mülteci ,@cbjurists Yönetim Kurulu Üyesi Hak arayisindayim...Filmin sonu ortasından iyi olsun,;)) 1

Tweets per day

Top 10 tweets with highest Retweet count

ID Text Retweet count
1624363053599817729 Die Menschen aus den Erdbebengebieten 🇹🇷 🇸🇾 brauchen nicht Visa-Erleichterungen, sondern die gleiche humanitäre Hilfe wie Menschen aus der 🇺🇦Diese durften die ersten 90 Tage ohne Visum einreisen.#Humanitätfueralle @berivan_aymaz @cem_oezdemir @max_lucks @DEonHumanRights 7
1624485782038671362 @RBehrouzDO @FranckenTheo @n_roettgen @SFRCdems @max_lucks @swsjoerdsma @senateur61 @FranckenTheo @WBHoekstra @CarmenWegge @JasonMBrodsky @marietouss1 @Janine_Wissler @hoppsen1 @YeOne_Rhie @Macit_SPD @SafaiDarya @Helge_Limburg @DuezenTekkal @AlirezaAkhondi @NatalieAmiri #IRGCterrorists 5
1625389384022507520 Von Bochum nach Berlin.Letzten Mittwoch, dem 08.02., haben wir im Ausschuss für Menschenrechte und humanitäre Hilfe im @Bundestag und das #FritzBauerForum vorgestellt.Vielen Dank an @max_lucks @Mi_Muentefering @J_Pahlke @derya_tn und allen weiteren Beteiligten! 4
1627415837496803330 Wo sind die Kinder, die das #ErdbebenInDerTuerkei überlebt haben?Sie brauchen ihre Familien! Waisen und Halbwaisen brauchen professionelle Hilfe.Sind die Kinder verschleppt oder gar Opfer von kriminellen Banden geworden?#DepremÇocuklarıGuevendeMi @ekindeligoez @max_lucks 4
1624769765389598720 @mamadporii @christianobrok @FranckenTheo @n_roettgen @SFRCdems @max_lucks @swsjoerdsma @senateur61 @FranckenTheo @WBHoekstra @CarmenWegge @JasonMBrodsky @marietouss1 @Janine_Wissler @YeOne_Rhie @Macit_SPD @SafaiDarya @Helge_Limburg @DuezenTekkal #IRGCterrorists #KhaledPirzadeh 3
1625276134685392896 Muchas gracias a @max_lucks por el interés y diálogo sobre las perspectivas de las relaciones bilaterales y multilaterales de Alemania y la Unión Europea con México en materia de derechos humanos, comercio y políticas energéticas en el contexto de la coyuntura política actual. 2
1624481415529213955 @max_lucks Na ja, wer weder FDP noch CDU in der Regierung sehen will in Berlin, der muss schon LINKE wählen. Ampel oder Schwarz-Grün wäre beides am Ende auch nur eine Auto-Koalition. 0
1624482535026618370 @max_lucks @bundestag_tweet @ABaerbock @NancyFaeser Wird eine bessere (Einreise)Kontrolle erfolgen als 2015? 0
1624476536106524674 @max_lucks @ABaerbock @NancyFaeser Wie wird eigentlich von der BuReg die Leistung der Subunternehmer, wie z.B. Visametric, kontrolliert?Oft sind die, meinem Eindruck nach, der noch größere Flaschenhals als die eigentliche Botschaft. 0
1624495675835666433 @max_lucks Was ist so schlimm am Auto? 0

Top 10 tweets with highest Like count

ID Text Like count
1626340638240153600 In der Französischen @AssembleeNat wurde eine parteiübergreifende Arbeits/Studiengruppe gegründet die sich mit #Kurden und #Kurdistan befasst. Auch im #Bundestag wäre so etwas wünschenswert @KGDOnline @diakurd_org @kassem_ts @max_lucks 10
1624363053599817729 Die Menschen aus den Erdbebengebieten 🇹🇷 🇸🇾 brauchen nicht Visa-Erleichterungen, sondern die gleiche humanitäre Hilfe wie Menschen aus der 🇺🇦Diese durften die ersten 90 Tage ohne Visum einreisen.#Humanitätfueralle @berivan_aymaz @cem_oezdemir @max_lucks @DEonHumanRights 9
1625389384022507520 Von Bochum nach Berlin.Letzten Mittwoch, dem 08.02., haben wir im Ausschuss für Menschenrechte und humanitäre Hilfe im @Bundestag und das #FritzBauerForum vorgestellt.Vielen Dank an @max_lucks @Mi_Muentefering @J_Pahlke @derya_tn und allen weiteren Beteiligten! 7
1627415837496803330 Wo sind die Kinder, die das #ErdbebenInDerTuerkei überlebt haben?Sie brauchen ihre Familien! Waisen und Halbwaisen brauchen professionelle Hilfe.Sind die Kinder verschleppt oder gar Opfer von kriminellen Banden geworden?#DepremÇocuklarıGuevendeMi @ekindeligoez @max_lucks 4
1624485782038671362 @RBehrouzDO @FranckenTheo @n_roettgen @SFRCdems @max_lucks @swsjoerdsma @senateur61 @FranckenTheo @WBHoekstra @CarmenWegge @JasonMBrodsky @marietouss1 @Janine_Wissler @hoppsen1 @YeOne_Rhie @Macit_SPD @SafaiDarya @Helge_Limburg @DuezenTekkal @AlirezaAkhondi @NatalieAmiri #IRGCterrorists 4
1625276134685392896 Muchas gracias a @max_lucks por el interés y diálogo sobre las perspectivas de las relaciones bilaterales y multilaterales de Alemania y la Unión Europea con México en materia de derechos humanos, comercio y políticas energéticas en el contexto de la coyuntura política actual. 4
1624769765389598720 @mamadporii @christianobrok @FranckenTheo @n_roettgen @SFRCdems @max_lucks @swsjoerdsma @senateur61 @FranckenTheo @WBHoekstra @CarmenWegge @JasonMBrodsky @marietouss1 @Janine_Wissler @YeOne_Rhie @Macit_SPD @SafaiDarya @Helge_Limburg @DuezenTekkal #IRGCterrorists #KhaledPirzadeh 4
1624481415529213955 @max_lucks Na ja, wer weder FDP noch CDU in der Regierung sehen will in Berlin, der muss schon LINKE wählen. Ampel oder Schwarz-Grün wäre beides am Ende auch nur eine Auto-Koalition. 2
1624778872590856192 @max_lucks Hab ehrlich gesagt nicht mit ner Antwort gerechnet und schon garnicht mit ner guten. 😅Aber Danke!Naja, ich bin mal gespannt, was das für die nächste Wahl in Bochum bedeutet. 2
1624850869270245379 @christianobrok @FranckenTheo @n_roettgen @SFRCdems @max_lucks @swsjoerdsma @senateur61 @FranckenTheo @WBHoekstra @CarmenWegge @JasonMBrodsky @marietouss1 @Janine_Wissler @YeOne_Rhie @Macit_SPD @SafaiDarya @Helge_Limburg @DuezenTekkal 1

Top 3 Languages Used In Tweets

Top 10 Hashtags used

Hashtag Count
#irgcterrorists 4
#erdbebenindertuerkei 2
#depremçocuklarıguevendemi 2
#benyaminqaffari 2
#türkei 2
#fritzbauerforum 2
#khaledpirzadeh 2
#humanitätfueralle 2
#saytheirnames 1
#kurden 1

Top 10 Hashtags Used In Tweets

Top 10 mentions

Mention Count
@max_lucks 54
@franckentheo 14
@n_roettgen 9
@abaerbock 8
@sfrcdems 8
@swsjoerdsma 8
@nancyfaeser 7
@senateur61 7
@wbhoekstra 7
@carmenwegge 7

Top 10 mentions

Wordcloud of Tweets


Average number of emojis used per tweet


Emojis used in tweets

Emoji Count Emoji Text
🇩🇪 8 Germany
🇹🇷 3 Turkey
🇸🇾 3 Syria
➡️ 2 right_arrow
🇺🇦 2 Ukraine
🙏🏼 1 folded_hands_medium-light_skin_tone
😉 1 winking_face
🧵 1 thread
😡 1 enraged_face
😅 1 grinning_face_with_sweat

Emojis groups

Emoji Group Count
Flags 16
Smileys & Emotion 4
People & Body 2
Symbols 2
Activities 1
Animals & Nature 1