Account Summary
Used to be at Google, then DC, now in Toronto. Tackling life with @aranoff and our twin baby boys (!!).
Followers Count
Friends Count
Tweets Count
List Count
Toronto, Ontario
Followers Analysis (based on followers sample)
Number of Verified accounts
Percentage of Verified accounts
Number of Protected accounts
Percentage of Protected accounts
Average Age of Twitter accounts
8 years
Number of users without a Bio
Number of users with a Bio
Percentage of users with a Bio
Percentage of users without a Bio
Worldcloud of Bios
Top 10 followers with the highest follower count
Username | Followers Count | Friends Count | Tweet Count |
JohnCena | 14104974 | 572024 | 7448 |
sundarpichai | 5198079 | 140 | 1849 |
benlandis | 2850498 | 1518141 | 1125 |
6BillionPeople | 2036437 | 4025794 | 183299 |
addthis | 2005688 | 782 | 9670 |
zlj517 | 1994353 | 171082 | 72047 |
sama | 1620564 | 804 | 6005 |
LeonKrauze | 1584444 | 22226 | 156885 |
CybersmileHQ | 1157664 | 19140 | 45630 |
funder | 1106421 | 88364 | 311859 |
Top 10 followers with the highest following count
Username | Friends Count | Followers Count | Tweet Count |
6BillionPeople | 4025794 | 2036437 | 183299 |
benlandis | 1518141 | 2850498 | 1125 |
djkingassassin | 1375190 | 474436 | 137836 |
Warx2TheMovie | 750857 | 230473 | 33653 |
ZachBoychuk | 684048 | 829788 | 9245 |
JohnCena | 572024 | 14104974 | 7448 |
larrykim | 569074 | 729220 | 85778 |
luxurytravel | 504858 | 720229 | 290352 |
2thank | 364402 | 395221 | 60837 |
rowdytukgoon | 341948 | 290912 | 40996 |
Top 10 followers with the highest tweet count
Username | Tweets Count | Followers Count | Friends Count |
jornalistavitor | 2913513 | 35814 | 36246 |
TransitoNaPonte | 2060189 | 69815 | 6642 |
Raymond_Norman | 1713418 | 52557 | 44196 |
bdnews24 | 1323057 | 223264 | 98795 |
EvanKirstel | 1130909 | 344145 | 310844 |
nutralift2 | 990143 | 12994 | 45256 |
SherBah46958042 | 888954 | 2373 | 4993 |
perfectdomain1 | 847500 | 1678 | 2615 |
birdwriter7 | 843715 | 73795 | 76195 |
Asher_Wolf | 803897 | 75592 | 55675 |
Top 10 followers with the highest listed count
Username | Listed Count | Friends Count | Followers Count |
JohnCena | 31681 | 572024 | 14104974 |
addthis | 13581 | 782 | 2005688 |
sama | 13000 | 804 | 1620564 |
EvanKirstel | 12978 | 310844 | 344145 |
reidhoffman | 10451 | 623 | 676487 |
ginatrapani | 10138 | 598 | 306948 |
paul_steele | 9878 | 157434 | 647483 |
larrykim | 9740 | 569074 | 729220 |
ericries | 9685 | 1756 | 317315 |
Kissmetrics | 9678 | 38734 | 220995 |
Tweets Analysis
Total number of tweets analysed
Earliest tweet was on
Latest tweet was on
Tweets covering
1,965 days
Types of Tweets
Number of Retweets
Percentage of total tweets
Number of Original tweets
Percentage of total tweets
Number of tweets that contain Mentions
Percentage of total tweets
Number of tweets that were Replies
Percentage of total tweets
Number of tweets that were Quotes
Percentage of total tweets
Number of tweets that contain Hashtags
Percentage of total tweets
Top 10 tweets with highest Retweet count
ID | Text | Retweet count |
991001598456487936 | Hey folks, Simone Giertz is amazing--the kind of person we need more of. She's facing a serious medical issue: If @SimoneGiertz inspires you like she inspires so many folks, consider supporting her on Patreon: | 284 |
821957769293103104 | I recently left Google to continue to serve at the US Digital Service. More details: Or: | 278 |
895491533243285504 | Your rap name is MC + your mother's maiden name. Also the last four of your SSN. Go. Oh, and your first pet's name. | 201 |
1099901408965525504 | Do any other Gmail users get the "add attachment" button and the "add link" button confused all the time? | 173 |
1023763309839962115 | Life is too short to iron clothes. | 170 |
1241726032236941312 | This site helps match suppliers of masks and personal protective equipment (PPE) with people who need it: Great to see this work by the civic tech community. | 146 |
1014872420287762432 | When I was at Google I called this the "evil unicorn problem" (because there's not much content for evil unicorns, but you can still search for that), but "keyword voids" is much more evocative. An important piece by @noUpside | 128 |
987471519583473667 | This is a blog post about how we helped the VA save $100 million dollars. I've been waiting to tell this story. Please read it at and then consider coming to help the US Digital Service: | 124 |
1049467744415088640 | Now that Google+ is going away, can someone reclaim the + operator for web search to require that term in the results? | 121 |
971541876313608192 | I lost my wife and best friend this week: | 113 |
Top 10 tweets with highest Reply count
ID | Text | Reply count |
971541876313608192 | I lost my wife and best friend this week: | 1179 |
1132300785243574272 | I dislike the word "users" because it doesn't capture the fullness of how people interact with a product or service. What word or description do you prefer? | 434 |
1099901408965525504 | Do any other Gmail users get the "add attachment" button and the "add link" button confused all the time? | 408 |
1037114026289967104 | I need your advice. What power song gets you inspired and/or running faster? I'm running a marathon soon and need more + better music. | 359 |
1151942641090740224 | What's something small you've purchased or made that has given you a lot of happiness? | 260 |
1158748670306803712 | One of these tuna sandwiches is only a day old. The other one has been in the fridge for a long, long time and may kill me with food poisoning. I don't know which one is which. What would you do? | 213 |
971542304065548289 | New blog post: Some terrible personal news | 187 |
1382434791249821700 | At the end of April, I'm stepping down as Administrator of the U.S. Digital Service. It's such an incredible group of people, and I'm grateful for my time working alongside them. More info: | 177 |
821957769293103104 | I recently left Google to continue to serve at the US Digital Service. More details: Or: | 141 |
1216714015679877126 | In 2019 I met a new partner, and she's taught me so much about listening to my inner voice, being healthy, and getting offline to move my body. Thank you, @aranoff. I wish everyone a 2020 where you find people who make you happier, laugh more, and push you to be a better person. | 118 |
Top 10 tweets with highest Quote count
ID | Text | Quote count |
1099901408965525504 | Do any other Gmail users get the "add attachment" button and the "add link" button confused all the time? | 100 |
971541876313608192 | I lost my wife and best friend this week: | 97 |
821957769293103104 | I recently left Google to continue to serve at the US Digital Service. More details: Or: | 80 |
1382434791249821700 | At the end of April, I'm stepping down as Administrator of the U.S. Digital Service. It's such an incredible group of people, and I'm grateful for my time working alongside them. More info: | 60 |
1132300785243574272 | I dislike the word "users" because it doesn't capture the fullness of how people interact with a product or service. What word or description do you prefer? | 52 |
1023763309839962115 | Life is too short to iron clothes. | 43 |
821927055977680896 | New blog post: Staying with the US Digital Service | 34 |
895491533243285504 | Your rap name is MC + your mother's maiden name. Also the last four of your SSN. Go. Oh, and your first pet's name. | 34 |
1014872420287762432 | When I was at Google I called this the "evil unicorn problem" (because there's not much content for evil unicorns, but you can still search for that), but "keyword voids" is much more evocative. An important piece by @noUpside | 30 |
806862638051430400 | Power tip: do you type on your mobile phone's keyboard? Try tapping in the middle of text, then moving your cursor by swiping the space bar. | 26 |
Top 10 tweets with highest Like count
ID | Text | Like count |
1099901408965525504 | Do any other Gmail users get the "add attachment" button and the "add link" button confused all the time? | 2479 |
971541876313608192 | I lost my wife and best friend this week: | 1585 |
1382434791249821700 | At the end of April, I'm stepping down as Administrator of the U.S. Digital Service. It's such an incredible group of people, and I'm grateful for my time working alongside them. More info: | 1398 |
1216714015679877126 | In 2019 I met a new partner, and she's taught me so much about listening to my inner voice, being healthy, and getting offline to move my body. Thank you, @aranoff. I wish everyone a 2020 where you find people who make you happier, laugh more, and push you to be a better person. | 1298 |
979186521608728576 | I just wanted to say thanks to everyone who has been sending good thoughts and support my way. I won't be able to say "thank you" to every person, but the good wishes have meant so much to me during a difficult time. Thank you. | 1285 |
1023763309839962115 | Life is too short to iron clothes. | 1026 |
821957769293103104 | I recently left Google to continue to serve at the US Digital Service. More details: Or: | 974 |
1127678538293837824 | All my phones and computers were misbehaving. I turned them all off and back on, and that fixed everything. As a computer scientist, I somehow find that *more* irritating. | 786 |
1078420596919357440 | My holiday gift to myself: doing the search label:inbox "unsubscribe" in Gmail and going to town. | 777 |
895491533243285504 | Your rap name is MC + your mother's maiden name. Also the last four of your SSN. Go. Oh, and your first pet's name. | 725 |
Top 3 Languages Used In Tweets
Top 10 Hashtags used
Hashtag | Count |
#ordcamp | 5 |
#newsgeist | 3 |
#werewolf | 2 |
#sxsl | 2 |
#chromebookpixel2015forlife | 1 |
#dctech | 1 |
#cdf19 | 1 |
#srecon | 1 |
#sxsw | 1 |
#wedc | 1 |
Top 10 Hashtags Used In Tweets
Top 10 mentions
Hashtag | Count |
@usds | 33 |
@therealfitz | 14 |
@aranoff | 6 |
@mrmoneymustache | 6 |
@barkimedes | 5 |
@leolaporte | 5 |
@agoldmund | 4 |
@simonegiertz | 4 |
@pahlkadot | 3 |
@18f | 3 |
Top 10 mentions
Wordcloud of Tweets
Emojis used in tweets
Emoji | Count | Emoji Text |
❤️ | 2 | red_heart |
❤ | 2 | red_heart |
♥️ | 1 | heart_suit |
🫀 | 1 | anatomical_heart |
🇨🇦 | 1 | Canada |
❄️ | 1 | snowflake |
🇺🇸 | 1 | United_States |
🔥 | 1 | fire |
🍪 | 1 | cookie |
Emojis groups
Emoji Group | Count |
Smileys & Emotion | 4 |
Flags | 2 |
Travel & Places | 2 |
Activities | 1 |
People & Body | 1 |
Food & Drink | 1 |