Tweets Analysis - Keyword: @MarkBourrie


Total number of tweets analysed


Earliest tweet was on


Latest tweet was on


Tweets covering

9 days

Average age of authors' accounts

8 years


This collection of tweets discusses various aspects of Canadian media, including concerns about foreign ownership, the need for strong content laws, and criticism of the current state of journalism. There is also discussion of a recent story about potential election interference in Canada and the role of certain media outlets in perpetuating the story. Some tweets express support for certain politicians and their integrity, while others criticize certain individuals and their tactics. Overall, the tweets reflect a variety of perspectives on the state of journalism and politics in Canada.

Topic Modeling

  1. Ownership and control of Canadian media by foreign interests
  2. Concerns over the impact on national security due to media reporting
  3. The decline of objective journalism and the rise of partisan reporting
  4. The role of conservative politics in weakening Canada's social fabric
  5. The spread of misinformation and its impact on Canadian democracy

Emotional Analysis

The tweets express a mix of emotions, including frustration about media ownership by US hedge funds and foreign interests, concern over the harm caused to national security and democracy, disappointment with the lack of objective reporting by mainstream media, anger towards conservative governments and their role in weakening social fabric, and appreciation for those with integrity in politics. There is also a sense of disbelief and incredulity towards the media's circle-the-wagons mentality and lack of scrutiny towards themselves. Overall, the emotions conveyed in these tweets range from anger and frustration to hope and gratitude.

Trend Analysis

  1. Concerns about foreign ownership in Canadian media
  2. Criticism of Global News and Sam Cooper for their reporting
  3. Desire for objective and independent journalism
  4. Criticism of conservative politicians and their tactics
  5. Mistrust of the media and the need for accountability/transparency

Disclaimer: The text analysis on, powered by OpenAI, does not represent the views of or its affiliates. The analysis is for informational purposes only and not an endorsement of any viewpoint.

Types of Tweets

Number of Retweets


Percentage of total tweets


Number of Original tweets


Percentage of total tweets


Number of tweets that contain Mentions


Percentage of total tweets


Number of tweets that were Replies


Percentage of total tweets


Number of tweets that were Quotes


Percentage of total tweets


Number of tweets that contain Hashtags


Percentage of total tweets


Top 5 devices used to tweet

Source Count
Twitter Web App 664
Twitter for Android 557
Twitter for iPhone 546
Twitter for iPad 216
TweetDeck 5

What devices were used to tweet

Top 10 accounts with highest followers count

Username Name Bio Followers count
gmbutts Gerald Butts Climate and Geopolitics. Skeptical optimist. Vice Chair @eurasiagroup. Director @World_Wildlife. Born at 327 ppm. Priors: PMO, OPO, CEO @WWFCanada, @McGillU. 139,863
DFisman David Fisman Air: it’s the new poop. "Viruses are just as small as oxygen"--Keith Tireless advocate of bridge vs. catapult RCT to inform safe river crossing. 128,751
ItsDeanBlundell Dean Blundell🇨🇦 Official Twitter Account Of Dean Blundell - Crier Media Content Contributor. 4-time bird attack survivor. 87,946
stphnmaher Stephen Maher Canadian journalist, novelist. Former canterman. Woke moralist. Mastodon handle: 45,880
squirrel_no MooseNoSquirrel All conspiracy theories are the product of the subconscious attempt of an ignorant yet creative mind to counteract the fear of the unknown with tales of fantasy 39,718
maxfawcett Max Fawcett 🇨🇦 Lead columnist for Canada's National Observer. 39,286
CailinasEirinn MaggieMay 🇨🇦🇪🇺🇮🇪 🇨🇦Liberal. Writer; lover of literature. Nominated for the Pushcart Prize. Grateful settler residing on Snuneymuxw First Nations land. Social justice for all. 20,653
ArielTroster ArielTroster (she/her) Councillor for Somerset Ward in Ottawa. Liaison for Women and 2SLGBTQ+ Affairs. Laser focus on ending homelessness. Follow @Somerset_Ward for official updates. 18,725
meredithheron Meredith Heron Jet Setter who rides a Bike. Wine Lover. Provocateur. Principal Designer Rug Designer. Recovered School Teacher. Rheumatoid Arthritis Survivor - Remission 18,082
rk70534 Raimo Kangasniemi A useless humanist with a love for art, astronomy, history, literature, science, human rights and social justice. I hate oppression. 17,588

Top 10 accounts with highest friends count

Username Name Bio Followers count
squirrel_no MooseNoSquirrel All conspiracy theories are the product of the subconscious attempt of an ignorant yet creative mind to counteract the fear of the unknown with tales of fantasy 27,702
rk70534 Raimo Kangasniemi A useless humanist with a love for art, astronomy, history, literature, science, human rights and social justice. I hate oppression. 19,345
NatriceR 𝓝𝓪𝓽𝓻𝓲𝓬𝓮𝓡 😷🇨🇦❤️ 🥀 retired #PSW #caregiver, ❤ #alzchat #seniorsHealthcare #ltc #onhealth 16,624
DFisman David Fisman Air: it’s the new poop. "Viruses are just as small as oxygen"--Keith Tireless advocate of bridge vs. catapult RCT to inform safe river crossing. 13,887
michaeltaube Michael Taube Troy Media/Loonie Politics/National Post/Epoch Times. Bylines: WSJ, WP, WT, WEX, NR, FT, DT, TLS, etc. Pundit: Arlene Bynon/Rob Snow. Fmr. Harper speechwriter. 13,431
RobinEdgar Robin Edgar Photographer & Videographer Basking In The Glory Of Being The Last Canadian Accused Of Violating Canada's #BlasphemyLaw By #BatShitCrazy #Atheist #Unitarians! 11,342
mmofcan MaryMary🇨🇦🐙🪬🐳🦑🐘🦍 My home and native land We need to be pay attention Human/Women's rights are in peril Again Canadian to the bone🍁🦫🫶 11,313
politicalham Markham Hislop Journalist. Writes about the energy transition, tech, clean energy, politics/narrative, oil/gas. My job is to be accurate and to tell the truth. Full stop. 10,556
MarkBourrie Mark Bourrie Grandpa, dad, husband, author and lawyer. New books "Big Men Fear Me" and "Fundamental Law for Journalists" available now. PhD and JD from @UOttawa 10,095
sooze555 susan morrow Mother, Grandmother, musican., funny girl. Born Aug.17 ...No DMs 9,962

Most active users

Username Bio Number of tweets
Papaschase2 Metis Treaty 6 #DontAlbertaMyCanada, Candidate for Prime Minister of Canada. 🌻🇨🇦 profile pic is an area that is being strip mined UCP lied. 32
wengcouver Battling both Sinophobia & Sinofascism in the post-2020 world. My Non-Anglicized Chinese Name in & 15
PoliticalCupid Just a little love cherub interested in politics. Candidate for Prime Minister of Canada. I follow US and Canadian politics. No need to follow back. 15
DavidStarcross Canada is my Home. I am proud and Free Without FreeDUMB Convoy Truckers who can't accept election results and are nothing more than Insurrectionist Cry Babies. 15
JamieON94964661 LOVE history, politics, travelling around this beautiful world, family, friends, and my job. I am learning how dangerous extremism is to our world. 14
JustWatchMe14 Liberal, Social Justice Advocate, Economy that builds a LARGE & STRONG MIDDLE CLASS, Climate Change is Real, Science Matters, #FuckDougFord #VoteFordOut2022 14
Red_Toryism True Progressive Conservative Against the Conservative party of Canada and its following of American values and ideals. Canada needs a PC party again. 14
Elizabe82475682 Politics, law, human rights. Sometimes funny. Seldom profound. #HumanRights #Cdnpoli Counter Social: @SkipjackRabbit 13
mikkelsons_mads ikko ikki 13
SteveWh48941132 anti Trump and fascists everywhere. 13

Tweets per day

Top 10 tweets with highest Retweet count

ID Text Retweet count
1637430548858646529 Perfectly stated by @MarkBourrie And yes, most of Canada’s newspapers are owned by a politically active US hedge fund 858
1639255842875912192 @MarkBourrie Global, in trying to backtrack its story, has caused immeasurable harm to our National Security. They being sued for libel and defamation, and now could very well be investigated by the RCMP. Sam Cooper and Global News are about to go through some serious legal issues. 66
1636954420025098241 @MarkBourrie Nailed it & great column 30
1639258563788021760 @MarkBourrie @0CynicalBastard Our MSM are part of the grift, you won’t have a job if you don’t play ball. (See @atRachelGilmore) We ALL can see what conservative governments are doing. They choose to participate in the weakening of our social fabric. I guess they see what’s happening in USA and want that here 27
1637141061565808642 Mr. Bourrie’s piece is a welcome bit of sanity and common sense here in 🇨🇦Upside Down Town. #cdnmedia #cdnpoli @MarkBourrie 27
1636936681222701056 Finally, a robust critique of @CPC_HQ smear politics that have this country locked in a partisan feeding frenzy over a fabricated #electioninteference "scandal" - all in a naked Opposition quest for power, aided and abetted by right wing #CdnMediaFailed Well done @MarkBourrie 25
1637457205619195909 @MarkBourrie @pmtw1173 Pierre Poilievre has clearly decided that his route to the PMO lies through turning Canadians against each other and outright lies. Much of the Canadian media is playing along with him by insisting that there is some merit to his deceit. 17
1636966673709244420 @MarkBourrie The first time China hosted the Olympics, the event was heralded as a new link between East and West. It was in 2008. Harper was in his second year in office and Bush was in the WH, fighting Islamics in Eye-Rack. China wasn't the enemy. @PierrePoilievre 16
1637431340734771203 @DFisman @MarkBourrie Honestly, we need the strong Canadian content laws in place. Our media should not be owned and controlled by foreign interests. 15
1637318000045899776 Great articles. One by @MarkBourrie : Another by Andrew Mitrovica #cdnpoli #CSIS #cdnmedia #CdnNatSec #InfoOps 15

Top 10 tweets with highest Like count

ID Text Like count
1637430548858646529 Perfectly stated by @MarkBourrie And yes, most of Canada’s newspapers are owned by a politically active US hedge fund 1800
1639255842875912192 @MarkBourrie Global, in trying to backtrack its story, has caused immeasurable harm to our National Security. They being sued for libel and defamation, and now could very well be investigated by the RCMP. Sam Cooper and Global News are about to go through some serious legal issues. 255
1637431340734771203 @DFisman @MarkBourrie Honestly, we need the strong Canadian content laws in place. Our media should not be owned and controlled by foreign interests. 96
1639258563788021760 @MarkBourrie @0CynicalBastard Our MSM are part of the grift, you won’t have a job if you don’t play ball. (See @atRachelGilmore) We ALL can see what conservative governments are doing. They choose to participate in the weakening of our social fabric. I guess they see what’s happening in USA and want that here 94
1639254666251845636 @MarkBourrie If the @globeandmail were interested in reporting instead of doing dirty to the Liberals, this would be a vital story for it to pursue. 91
1637141061565808642 Mr. Bourrie’s piece is a welcome bit of sanity and common sense here in 🇨🇦Upside Down Town. #cdnmedia #cdnpoli @MarkBourrie 89
1637081897418252294 @MarkBourrie We need to keep calling out the lies, the innuendos. Our journalists used to be objective. Now they are mostly a sad and angry clown show. 85
1639605612114853888 @MarkBourrie One need only remember how apoplectic Coyne was Canada didn't help in Iraq invasion and the articles he wrote condemning Chretien. Never an apology 71
1637787535643385862 @MarkBourrie Yes, and I told him that hotdogs are made from real dogs and they never cool off since it's right there in the name. 61
1636954420025098241 @MarkBourrie Nailed it & great column 58

Top 3 Languages Used In Tweets

Top 10 Hashtags used

Hashtag Count
#cdnpoli 32
#cdnmedia 17
#cdnmediafailed 8
#traitorpoilievre 3
#onpoli 3
#cdnmediafails 2
#creepingfascism 2
#csis 2
#cdnnatsec 2
#infoops 2

Top 10 Hashtags Used In Tweets

Top 10 mentions

Mention Count
@markbourrie 1993
@gmbutts 116
@cpc_hq 46
@acoyne 45
@globeandmail 41
@dfisman 41
@susandelacourt 38
@davidfrum 36
@davidcoletto 35
@torontostar 35

Top 10 mentions

Wordcloud of Tweets


Average number of emojis used per tweet


Emojis used in tweets

Emoji Count Emoji Text
🤣 32 rolling_on_the_floor_laughing
😂 15 face_with_tears_of_joy
🙄 11 face_with_rolling_eyes
🤔 10 thinking_face
🇨🇦 9 Canada
😉 8 winking_face
🤢 7 nauseated_face
😁 6 beaming_face_with_smiling_eyes
😠 6 angry_face
👇 5 backhand_index_pointing_down

Emojis groups

Emoji Group Count
Smileys & Emotion 167
People & Body 41
Flags 12
Travel & Places 8
Objects 5
Symbols 2
Animals & Nature 2
Food & Drink 1