Tweets Analysis - Keyword: @maramperninety
Total number of tweets analysed
Earliest tweet was on
Latest tweet was on
Tweets covering
5 days
Average age of authors' accounts
4 years
Maram Al Bahrainia is a City Football Group analyst which follows Manchester City. There has been a discussion on creating a defensive index to measure ball-winning actions. Some improvements have been suggested such as taking out dribblers tackled and renaming it to a ball-winning index. It was mentioned that it is difficult to capture defensive metrics from FBRef. The idea of a defensive index was praised, with the suggestion of including a link/caveat to role or team tactics. The conversation shifted to a Gulf person taking a job at City Football Group, followed by discussion of gender roles in football-related positions and skills. Other suggestions were made on how to get football data people's attention to the conversation.
Topic Modeling
- Footsall data analysis and metrics
- Man United club and Maram Perninety
- Football players and dribbling
- Defensive team tactics and metrics
- Arabian and Gulf countries football
Emotional Analysis
The tweets express a range of emotions, from excitement and pride to confusion, disappointment, and frustration. The first tweet expresses pride in Maram Perninety, a member of Manchester City's Citi Football Group, for her success in the football field. The following tweets discuss the merits of a defensive index and the importance of ball-winning actions in defense. There is some confusion and disagreement over the name and usefulness of the index. The following tweets are filled with admiration and pride for Maram Perninety, as well as some jokes and playful banter between users. Finally, there is a sense of disappointment and frustration that Maram Perninety is not receiving the recognition she deserves.
Trend Analysis
- Football: #football #Ligue1UberEats #SerieATIM #PremierLeague #Bundesliga #LaLiga #defensiveindex #midfielders
- Professional Football: @OwnGoal07 @TheDevilsDNA @JoostvanderLeij @calcio_danny @TheAthleticFC @maramperninety @khatri_shreyas @CFCCentral3 @markrstats @MarkCarey93
- Football Analytics: Ball winning index, Defensive Metrics on FBRef, Role or team tactics
- Eastern Football: بحرينية, ذي اثلتيك, القدم, الخلايجة, شغلهم كله, الذكور الفشله الوحيده
- Women in Professional Football: انت تعرفها, انت تحلل احسن منها, ما صرنا نواكب السبات, انت حمامة, حجه الذكور الفشله الوحيده
Types of Tweets
Number of Retweets
Percentage of total tweets
Number of Original tweets
Percentage of total tweets
Number of tweets that contain Mentions
Percentage of total tweets
Number of tweets that were Replies
Percentage of total tweets
Number of tweets that were Quotes
Percentage of total tweets
Number of tweets that contain Hashtags
Percentage of total tweets
Top 5 devices used to tweet
Source | Count |
Twitter for Android | 23 |
Twitter for iPhone | 12 |
Twitter Web App | 2 |
What devices were used to tweet

Top 10 accounts with highest followers count
Username | Name | Bio | Followers count |
EPLworld | EPL World | • أكبر موقع عربي مختص بالكرة الانجليزية و الاوروبية و العالمية • للتواصل • | 3,110,533 |
BeGriffis | Ben Griffis | Analyzing ⚽️ from around the globe 🇯🇵🇰🇷🇮🇳🇮🇩🇱🇻🇳🇴🇧🇪 | Creator, Asian Football Analysis Zone @AFA_Zone | Views my own | 9,810 |
TheDevilsDNA | The Devil's DNA | Tactical Analysis / Data Viz / Articles / #MUFC Focus / Scout Reports / Data analysis on Europe's top leagues / ✉️ / Run by: @VarunTheV | 7,202 |
mansoor_737 | منصـــور | اماراتي وافتخر..دكتور في طور الإعداد ...وصلاوي القلب والهوى.. عاشق للبرشا بعد السامبا⚽من مواليد مدينة الاحلام دبي..كورةنيستا⚽ | 3,709 |
johnochase | Jonathan | … | 1,208 |
nb51nn2 | نايف هليل | - | 389 |
1HardTo_Love | آيدِن | ياحلم الأيامِ الشداد | 300 |
purociumes_ | سوسن-*- | ننشر الوعي🌷تذكرونا بدعوة صادقة🌷الرخصة المهنيه👇لنفيد أكبر قدر من الناس👇🏻👇🏿❤ حب لأخيك ماتحب لنفسك ❤📲 ♥ | 157 |
Aliweda3i | Alwedaei 🇧🇭⚖️ | 3one3⚔️ | 112 |
angeldmc30 | جوشوا🇾🇹 | #juveرجل العصابات الحرة ||فيراتي ولا شي قبله ||ادمن حساب برايتون | 110 |
Top 10 accounts with highest friends count
Username | Name | Bio | Followers count |
johnochase | Jonathan | … | 1,113 |
BeGriffis | Ben Griffis | Analyzing ⚽️ from around the globe 🇯🇵🇰🇷🇮🇳🇮🇩🇱🇻🇳🇴🇧🇪 | Creator, Asian Football Analysis Zone @AFA_Zone | Views my own | 933 |
TheDevilsDNA | The Devil's DNA | Tactical Analysis / Data Viz / Articles / #MUFC Focus / Scout Reports / Data analysis on Europe's top leagues / ✉️ / Run by: @VarunTheV | 799 |
purociumes_ | سوسن-*- | ننشر الوعي🌷تذكرونا بدعوة صادقة🌷الرخصة المهنيه👇لنفيد أكبر قدر من الناس👇🏻👇🏿❤ حب لأخيك ماتحب لنفسك ❤📲 ♥ | 779 |
OwnGoal07 | Own Goal Analytics by Oscar G | Football data - scatter plots - polar charts + requests - 🏴 🇫🇷 🇩🇪 🇪🇸 🇮🇹 🇧🇷 🇺🇸 🇲🇽 🌍 - I find the best players over the world! | 632 |
EPLworld | EPL World | • أكبر موقع عربي مختص بالكرة الانجليزية و الاوروبية و العالمية • للتواصل • | 524 |
1HardTo_Love | آيدِن | ياحلم الأيامِ الشداد | 397 |
mansoor_737 | منصـــور | اماراتي وافتخر..دكتور في طور الإعداد ...وصلاوي القلب والهوى.. عاشق للبرشا بعد السامبا⚽من مواليد مدينة الاحلام دبي..كورةنيستا⚽ | 335 |
UnderthePitch | Craig Edwards | (Current) MSc Particle and Nuclear Physics @EdinburghUni | (Aspiring) Football Data Writer | (Former) Writer for @CERNCourier | 312 |
K_G_XD | (W)aleed | I know everything | 207 |
Most active users
Username | Bio | Number of tweets |
angeldmc30 | #juveرجل العصابات الحرة ||فيراتي ولا شي قبله ||ادمن حساب برايتون | 7 |
1HardTo_Love | ياحلم الأيامِ الشداد | 5 |
K_G_XD | I know everything | 4 |
fridaa091 | "النساء اللواتي مُنعن من الطيران، يلدن نساء بأجنحة" نصيحه لا حد يضيفني | 4 |
BeGriffis | Analyzing ⚽️ from around the globe 🇯🇵🇰🇷🇮🇳🇮🇩🇱🇻🇳🇴🇧🇪 | Creator, Asian Football Analysis Zone @AFA_Zone | Views my own | 2 |
saifmonier9 | عاشق لكبير انجلترا 🔴👹 winter is coming eng👷🏼♂️|DU❄️🥶 | 2 |
OwnGoal07 | Football data - scatter plots - polar charts + requests - 🏴 🇫🇷 🇩🇪 🇪🇸 🇮🇹 🇧🇷 🇺🇸 🇲🇽 🌍 - I find the best players over the world! | 2 |
TheDevilsDNA | Tactical Analysis / Data Viz / Articles / #MUFC Focus / Scout Reports / Data analysis on Europe's top leagues / ✉️ / Run by: @VarunTheV | 2 |
mansoor_737 | اماراتي وافتخر..دكتور في طور الإعداد ...وصلاوي القلب والهوى.. عاشق للبرشا بعد السامبا⚽من مواليد مدينة الاحلام دبي..كورةنيستا⚽ | 1 |
purociumes_ | ننشر الوعي🌷تذكرونا بدعوة صادقة🌷الرخصة المهنيه👇لنفيد أكبر قدر من الناس👇🏻👇🏿❤ حب لأخيك ماتحب لنفسك ❤📲 ♥ | 1 |
Tweets per day

Top 10 tweets with highest Retweet count
ID | Text | Retweet count |
1623681057445879810 | 🇧🇭البحرينية مرام البحارنة محللة لمجموعة سيتي فوتبول قروب والتي يتبعها نادي مانشستر سيتي@maramperninety | 6 |
1625549907607097371 | Don't really know how to get this out there so I will tag a bunch of football data people I follow...@Jon_Mackenzie @jj_bull @Ankaman616 @maramperninety @AdamCrafton_ @amonizfootball @petermckeever @GraceOnFootball @FC_rstats @Ankaman616 @Zonal_Marking | 0 |
1623685637072093186 | @EPLworld @maramperninety بحرينية وش عرفها في كورة ..الخلايجة شغلهم كله واسطة وفلوس | 0 |
1623731870679670785 | @fridaa091 @angeldmc30 @EPLworld @maramperninety بسم الله وش سوينا | 0 |
1623731183002562560 | @K_G_XD @angeldmc30 @EPLworld @maramperninety مارح اجاوب ما اثق فيكم | 0 |
1623731013380702208 | @fridaa091 @angeldmc30 @EPLworld @maramperninety لا سؤال لك بس | 0 |
1623730463075434498 | لا أعرف صاحبة الحساب واول مره يمر اسمها علي....لكن اختيار خليجيه لشغل هذه الوظيفة وخصوصا من قبل City group @Cityarabia المجموعة التي تضع شيء للصدف يؤكد قدراتها وابداعها في هذا المجال بالتوفيق @maramperninety | 0 |
1623729733572653057 | @K_G_XD @angeldmc30 @EPLworld @maramperninety ذي سبه الحين؟ ما صرنا نواكب السبات من كثرها | 0 |
1623686477690314752 | @styurbina19 @EPLworld @maramperninety كل تبن | 0 |
1623685225703264257 | @fridaa091 @angeldmc30 @EPLworld @maramperninety هل انت حمامة | 0 |
Top 10 tweets with highest Like count
ID | Text | Like count |
1623681057445879810 | 🇧🇭البحرينية مرام البحارنة محللة لمجموعة سيتي فوتبول قروب والتي يتبعها نادي مانشستر سيتي@maramperninety | 184 |
1625482956927008769 | @OwnGoal07 @TheDevilsDNA @JoostvanderLeij @calcio_danny @TheAthleticFC @maramperninety @khatri_shreyas @CFCCentral3 @markrstats @MarkCarey93 Also might recommend taking out the dribblers tackled. I think just “tackles” has that info already, you may run into some big double counting issues like if a player is really good at tackling dribblers but horrible elsewhere, that could increase several metrics you include | 2 |
1625482554471055363 | @OwnGoal07 @TheDevilsDNA @JoostvanderLeij @calcio_danny @TheAthleticFC @maramperninety @khatri_shreyas @CFCCentral3 @markrstats @MarkCarey93 A good start! Like @TheDevilsDNA said, renaming it would be good.Sadly we really can’t do anything with the defensive metrics on FBRef. Even pAsj ones are some of the worst metrics in football. Like the idea and this does start to get at ball winning, but not full defense | 2 |
1623681429287608322 | @angeldmc30 @EPLworld @maramperninety انت تعرفها اصلا عشان تتفلسف كان مع ذي اثلتيك و محلله ممتازه جدا بكرة القدم عشان كذا اشتغلت مع السيتي | 1 |
1625481957978128384 | #football #Ligue1UberEats #SerieATIM #PremierLeague #Bundesliga #LaLiga #defensiveindex #midfielders @TheDevilsDNA @BeGriffis @JoostvanderLeij @calcio_danny @TheAthleticFC @maramperninety @khatri_shreyas @CFCCentral3 @markrstats @MarkCarey93 | 1 |
1625481344330653697 | @OwnGoal07 @BeGriffis @JoostvanderLeij @calcio_danny @TheAthleticFC @maramperninety @khatri_shreyas @CFCCentral3 @markrstats @MarkCarey93 Nice idea. Probably naming it "Ball winning index" might be better since players can defend without having to make ball-winning actions which isn't captured here. Also if some link/caveat could be established to role or team tactics that would be ideal too. But nice work. | 1 |
1625480836471480322 | #football #Ligue1UberEats #SerieATIM #PremierLeague #Bundesliga #LaLiga #defensiveindex #midfielders @TheDevilsDNA @BeGriffis @JoostvanderLeij @calcio_danny @TheAthleticFC @maramperninety @khatri_shreyas @CFCCentral3 @markrstats @MarkCarey93 Do you like it? | 1 |
1623681176513699841 | @EPLworld @maramperninety محد يهتم مكانها المطبخ مب انجاز ذا | 1 |
1625483118122770436 | @BeGriffis @OwnGoal07 @JoostvanderLeij @calcio_danny @TheAthleticFC @maramperninety @khatri_shreyas @CFCCentral3 @markrstats @MarkCarey93 Second this! | 1 |
1623682076078706688 | @EPLworld @maramperninety 👏🏻👏🏻🇧🇭كفو @maramperninety | 1 |
Top 3 Languages Used In Tweets

Top 10 Hashtags used
Hashtag | Count |
#football | 2 |
#ligue1ubereats | 2 |
#serieatim | 2 |
#premierleague | 2 |
#bundesliga | 2 |
#laliga | 2 |
#defensiveindex | 2 |
#midfielders | 2 |
Top 10 Hashtags Used In Tweets

Top 10 mentions
Mention | Count |
@maramperninety | 36 |
@eplworld | 27 |
@angeldmc30 | 14 |
@joostvanderleij | 6 |
@calcio_danny | 6 |
@theathleticfc | 6 |
@khatri_shreyas | 6 |
@cfccentral3 | 6 |
@markrstats | 6 |
@markcarey93 | 6 |
Top 10 mentions

Wordcloud of Tweets

Average number of emojis used per tweet
Emojis used in tweets
Emoji | Count | Emoji Text |
✔ | 6 | check_mark |
🇧🇭 | 3 | Bahrain |
😔 | 2 | pensive_face |
👏🏻 | 2 | clapping_hands_light_skin_tone |
😂 | 1 | face_with_tears_of_joy |
💀 | 1 | skull |
📲 | 1 | mobile_phone_with_arrow |
Emojis groups
Emoji Group | Count |
Symbols | 6 |
Smileys & Emotion | 4 |
Flags | 3 |
People & Body | 2 |
Objects | 1 |