Tweets Analysis - Keyword: mārupē


Total number of tweets analysed


Earliest tweet was on


Latest tweet was on


Tweets covering

9 days

Average age of authors' accounts

7 years


A large fire recently broke out at Edge Autonomy UAV manufacturing plant in Marupe, Latvia, which mainly produces drones for NATO countries and Ukraine. The cause of the fire is unknown and an investigation is underway. 50 firefighters are on the scene and local authorities have asked inhabitants to close their windows and stay inside their homes. The factory is owned by an American company and provides drones to Ukraine's military forces.

Topic Modeling

  1. Fire at a US drone production factory in Marupe, Latvia
  2. Drones and UAVs manufactured for NATO countries and Ukraine
  3. Ukrainian military supplied with drones from the Edge Autonomy plant
  4. The need for increased infrastructure protection in “frontline countries”
  5. The investigation into the cause of the fire

Emotional Analysis

The emotions expressed in these tweets are primarily of shock, concern, and sadness. People are alarmed at the fire that broke out in Marupe, Latvia, at the Edge Autonomy UAV factory, which supplies drones to NATO countries and Ukraine. The shock is compounded by the fact that the cause of the fire is unknown and an investigation is underway. People are also saddened by the loss of expensive equipment used to manufacture drones for NATO troops.

Trend Analysis

  1. Emergency services responding to a large fire at an American drone production factory in Marupe, Latvia.
  2. The Edge Autonomy company that produces unmanned aerial vehicles in Marupe, Latvia, suffering damages.
  3. Potential for increasing security measures for “front-country” infrastructure in response to the fire.
  4. Supplying drones to NATO countries, including the Ukranian military.
  5. Fire being classified as a high-risk and the number of emergency personnel in response.

Disclaimer: The text analysis on, powered by OpenAI, does not represent the views of or its affiliates. The analysis is for informational purposes only and not an endorsement of any viewpoint.

Types of Tweets

Number of Retweets


Percentage of total tweets


Number of Original tweets


Percentage of total tweets


Number of tweets that contain Mentions


Percentage of total tweets


Number of tweets that were Replies


Percentage of total tweets


Number of tweets that were Quotes


Percentage of total tweets


Number of tweets that contain Hashtags


Percentage of total tweets


Top 5 devices used to tweet

Source Count
Twitter for Android 199
Twitter Web App 181
Twitter for iPhone 70
TweetDeck 21 8

What devices were used to tweet

Top 10 accounts with highest followers count

Username Name Bio Followers count
tvn24 tvn24 Najnowsze informacje z Polski i ze świata. 1,911,851
movistar_es Movistar España #EnMovistarElFútbolNuncaPara I Te ayudamos de L a D de 9 a 22h. Contáctanos por DM 📩 440,529
EuromaidanPress Euromaidan Press News and views from Ukraine. Support our independent grassroots media outlet here: 315,215
DelfiLV Delfi Vadošais ziņu medijs Latvijā. 149,461
wirtualnapolska Wirtualna Polska To, co ważne, dzieje się w Polsce. W Wirtualnej Polsce. ℹ️ Newsy, 🗣️ opinie, ☀️ pogoda, ⚽ sport i 🍿 rozrywka w 1 miejscu. #️⃣ #dziejesie IG: @wirtualnapolska 137,181
WarNewsPL1 WarNewsPL Bieżące informacje dotyczące światowych konfliktów. 📡 Kanał YouTube 👇 Spotify WarNewsPL - podcast Kontakt: 112,847
wszewko Wojciech Szewko Wojciech Szewko PhD, academic, scholar. Poland. News about Islam, jihad and international relations. Terrorism Research Center (TRC) Collegium Civitas 111,685
andrewofpolesia Andrej Poleščuk Born in Belarus, live in Czechia. Informational resistance against Russian aggression in Ukraine. Analyst at the @_EuropeanValues. Tweets are my own opinions. 91,870
Alertas100 . Información y alertas de siniestros y otros sucesos eventuales 89,461
xevtfm xevt - xhvt La primera estación de Tabasco, fundada en 1954; Transmite en vivo desde #Villahermosa, #Tabasco a través del 104.1 FM 87,551

Top 10 accounts with highest friends count

Username Name Bio Followers count
movistar_es Movistar España #EnMovistarElFútbolNuncaPara I Te ayudamos de L a D de 9 a 22h. Contáctanos por DM 📩 384,519
AndyVermaut Andy Vermaut Linked to WCPDCD, RT is not endorsement ActNow for Climate People Forests Fundamental rights Postversa Whatsapp +32499357495 34,414
williechirinos #BoicotALosEspeculadores🛢️🇻🇪🇷🇺🛢️ Trabajando,aprendiendo en procura de un país más justo para todos y todas,tal como lo soñó Bolívar y lo planteo nuestro comandante Hugo Rafael Chavez Frías.🇻🇪 31,714
propeertys ⬜️🟥⬜️#Belarus 🤝 #Ukraine 🇺🇦🇺🇦🇺🇦 #Belarus #Ukraine 🇺🇦 #SilniRazem #NAFO #Fellas ✌️Backup @Belarus78601218 14,892
PolskieSluzby Polskie_Sluzby - 12,700
Francis36961488 Francis®️ Gaulois Réfractaire , mes racines gauloises, et farouche patriote #NoLREM 🛑 #NoGauchos #MacronPasMonPresident soutien🇷🇺🇦🇲🇷🇸 11,226
LA_lv LA.LV - Mēs stāstām ziņas Latvijai 9,656
murekar Murekar Paula Law, legislation, rule of law, citizens' rights, regulation, court decisions, access to justice, legal representation, legal certainty, international protection 8,679
DienaLv Diena Operatīvi. Daudzpusīgi. Godīgi. Lielākais nacionālais laikraksts. Kvalitatīvs ziņu portāls. 8,083

Most active users

Username Bio Number of tweets
marupe__ fumando porro tomando vino 47
AnsisEgle create the 🌎🌍🌏. cover photo by @so_on 10
Marupes_novads Vēstām par to, kas aktuāls un interesants noris mūsu Mārupes novadā. 10
JaunsLV Interesantākais ziņu portāls Latvijā 8
RaivooNET RaivOOnet 8
ltvzinas Latvijas Televīzija ir sabiedriskais medijs. Latvijas Televīzijas Ziņu dienests piedāvā skatītājiem kvalitatīvu un aktuālu informāciju no Latvijas un pasaules. 8
breakinglv Latvijas un pasaules negadījumu portāls Latvian and global accident portal Telegram: 7
nralv Jaunākās ziņas, pētījumi un izklaide! 5
zeltmatis1 - 5

Tweets per day

Top 10 tweets with highest Retweet count

ID Text Retweet count
1622997923578478593 ⚠️ HAPPENING NOW: Massive fire has broken out at a US drone production factory in Marupe, Latvia. 280
1623036488660226061 Massive fire at the factory that produces drones for Ukraine in the EU The factory of the Edge Autonomy company that produces unmanned aerial vehicles in Marupe, Latvia, has been damaged. The cause of the fire is unknown. The investigation is underway. 📹LTV Ziņu Dienests 192
1623250783310344192 In Lettland in der Stadt Marupe ist ein Brand in der Drohnenfabrik des US-Unternehmens Edge Autonomy gestern Nachmittag ausgebrochen. Die Fabrik gilt als der Drohnenlieferant Kiews. An den Löscharbeiten ist u.a. sogar die Feuerwehr des internationalen Flughafens Riga beteiligt. 155
1623003966249349125 🇱🇻 Na Łotwie, w mieście Marupe, płonie fabryka firmy Edge Autonomy, która produkuje drony, w tym dla Sił Zbrojnych Ukrainy. 109
1623196838634393603 🛑🇺🇲🇺🇦A Marupe (Lettonie), une usine de la société américaine Edge Autonomy, qui produit des drones, notamment pour les forces armées ukrainiennes, a pris feu aujourd'hui. 80
1623026957184077844 pożar w Marupe na Łotwie sugeruje konieczność pilnego wzmocnienia ochrony infrastruktury w „krajach frontowych”. To mogą być seryjni podpalacze 79
1623402043745488898 ❗️⚡️💥En la ciudad letona de Marupe el 7 de febrero 2023, se incendió una planta para la producción de vehículos aéreos no tripulados de reconocimiento, propiedad de Edge Autonomy. Los productos de la empresa (drones, cámaras de video) se suministraban a Ucrania. 75
1623056978791796736 US-Militärfabrik Edge Autonomy in Marupe in Lettland, die Drohnen an die UKRAS liefert, brennt nieder. Sehr TRAUUUUURIG so ein Feuer-Unfall!😂😂😂 50
1623039357950038069 🚨In #Latvia, a factory for the production of drones for NATO countries and Ukraine caught fire. A fire broke out in the Marupe region at the Edge Autonomy UAV manufacturing plant. 50 firefighters are on site, and ambulances are also on duty - Delfi report 43
1623043439993491471 Incendio en una fábrica de drones en Letonia donde se fabrican drones para la OTAN y Ucrania. Se encuentra en Mārupe, cerca de Riga. Las autoridades han pedido a los habitantes de la zona q cierren las ventanas y se queden en el interior de los hogares, para evitar intoxicaciones 39

Top 10 tweets with highest Like count

ID Text Like count
1623026957184077844 pożar w Marupe na Łotwie sugeruje konieczność pilnego wzmocnienia ochrony infrastruktury w „krajach frontowych”. To mogą być seryjni podpalacze 845
1623003966249349125 🇱🇻 Na Łotwie, w mieście Marupe, płonie fabryka firmy Edge Autonomy, która produkuje drony, w tym dla Sił Zbrojnych Ukrainy. 738
1622997923578478593 ⚠️ HAPPENING NOW: Massive fire has broken out at a US drone production factory in Marupe, Latvia. 559
1623036488660226061 Massive fire at the factory that produces drones for Ukraine in the EU The factory of the Edge Autonomy company that produces unmanned aerial vehicles in Marupe, Latvia, has been damaged. The cause of the fire is unknown. The investigation is underway. 📹LTV Ziņu Dienests 543
1623250783310344192 In Lettland in der Stadt Marupe ist ein Brand in der Drohnenfabrik des US-Unternehmens Edge Autonomy gestern Nachmittag ausgebrochen. Die Fabrik gilt als der Drohnenlieferant Kiews. An den Löscharbeiten ist u.a. sogar die Feuerwehr des internationalen Flughafens Riga beteiligt. 541
1623056978791796736 US-Militärfabrik Edge Autonomy in Marupe in Lettland, die Drohnen an die UKRAS liefert, brennt nieder. Sehr TRAUUUUURIG so ein Feuer-Unfall!😂😂😂 294
1623069688728018945 A large fire broke out at an American drone factory in Latvia (Marupe) which has been supplying Ukraine with drones for its dense against the Russian invasion. No one currently knows what caused the fire, and an investigation is underway. 269
1622998879921704960 Marupe v Lotyšsku. Hoří závod společnosti Edge Autonomy, který vyrábí drony, včetně těch pro Ukrajinu. 250
1623402043745488898 ❗️⚡️💥En la ciudad letona de Marupe el 7 de febrero 2023, se incendió una planta para la producción de vehículos aéreos no tripulados de reconocimiento, propiedad de Edge Autonomy. Los productos de la empresa (drones, cámaras de video) se suministraban a Ucrania. 139
1623039357950038069 🚨In #Latvia, a factory for the production of drones for NATO countries and Ukraine caught fire. A fire broke out in the Marupe region at the Edge Autonomy UAV manufacturing plant. 50 firefighters are on site, and ambulances are also on duty - Delfi report 134

Top 3 Languages Used In Tweets

Top 10 Hashtags used

Hashtag Count
#latvia 27
#marupe 24
#ukraine 17
#mārupe 15
#latvija 13
#riga 8
#edgeautonomy 6
#nato 6
#venezuelamonumental 6
#ucrania 5

Top 10 Hashtags Used In Tweets

Top 10 mentions

Mention Count
@ugunsdzeseji 12
@ltvzinas 8
@nmpdienests 8
@lienecipule 6
@breakinglv 6
@wondermondonews 5
@nralv 5
@zeltmatis1 4
@mkkilups 4
@valsts_drosiba 3

Top 10 mentions

Wordcloud of Tweets


Average number of emojis used per tweet


Emojis used in tweets

Emoji Count Emoji Text
🇱🇻 40 Latvia
🔥 29 fire
🇺🇦 13 Ukraine
🛑 12 stop_sign
10 red_exclamation_mark
👉 10 backhand_index_pointing_right
📸 9 camera_with_flash
😂 8 face_with_tears_of_joy
💥 6 collision
5 high_voltage

Emojis groups

Emoji Group Count
Flags 69
Travel & Places 55
Smileys & Emotion 46
Symbols 29
Objects 24
People & Body 21
Animals & Nature 2
Activities 1