Tweets Analysis - Keyword: Lyon


Total number of tweets analysed


Earliest tweet was on


Latest tweet was on


Tweets covering

4 days

Average age of authors' accounts

5 years


Alexandre Lacazette had a significantly better season with Lyon than he did with Arsenal, scoring 17 goals in 25 games. The UEFA Women's Champions League quarterfinals are set with Bayern vs. Arsenal, PSG vs. Wolfsburg, Lyon vs. Chelsea, and Roma vs. Barcelona. Additionally, four minors were arrested for sexually assaulting joggers and robbing them in a park in Lyon, France. Another incident involved an Afghan, who was sentenced to 2 and a half years in prison for sexually assaulting a four-year-old in a migrant center. Finally, Rohit Sharma was practicing shots against Nathan Lyon in nets and is expected to be a big threat for Team India in the Border Gavaskar Trophy.

Topic Modeling

  1. Alexandre Lacazette
  2. Lyon
  3. UEFA Women’s Champions League
  4. Mind Games & Cricket
  5. Crime & Violence

Emotional Analysis

The emotions expressed in these tweets are a mix of excitement, joy, amusement, shock, and anger. Excitement is expressed in tweets about Lyon's success in the UEFA Women’s Champions League quarterfinals and Rohit Sharma's success against Nathan Lyon. Joy is expressed in the tweet about the snowball fight in Lyon, France in 1896. Amusement is expressed in the tweet about a banner protesting the retirement reform. Shock is expressed in the tweet about four minors sexually assaulting joggers in a park in Lyon. Finally, anger is expressed in the tweet about an Afghan man sexually assaulting a four-year-old in a migrant center.

Trend Analysis

  1. Alexandre Lacazette successes (Lyon & Arsenal)
  2. UEFA Women's Champions League tournaments (teams, games)
  3. Cricket matches between India & Australia
  4. Attacks, assaults, and robberies against joggers
  5. School activities, including badminton, scout programs and snow ball fights

Disclaimer: The text analysis on, powered by OpenAI, does not represent the views of or its affiliates. The analysis is for informational purposes only and not an endorsement of any viewpoint.

Types of Tweets

Number of Retweets


Percentage of total tweets


Number of Original tweets


Percentage of total tweets


Number of tweets that contain Mentions


Percentage of total tweets


Number of tweets that were Replies


Percentage of total tweets


Number of tweets that were Quotes


Percentage of total tweets


Number of tweets that contain Hashtags


Percentage of total tweets


Top 5 devices used to tweet

Source Count
Twitter for Android 17173
Twitter for iPhone 15931
Twitter Web App 13625
TweetDeck 703
Twitter for iPad 482

What devices were used to tweet

Top 10 accounts with highest followers count

Username Name Bio Followers count
BCCI BCCI The Official Twitter Handle of Team India 20,449,004
ICC ICC The official Twitter account of the International Cricket Council, world cricket’s governing body. 18,429,395
timesofindia The Times Of India News. Views. Analysis. Conversations. India’s No.1 digital news destination, world’s largest-selling English newspaper - A Times Internet Limited Product 14,680,178
guardian The Guardian The need for independent journalism has never been greater. Become a Guardian supporter: 10,878,196
BBCSport BBC Sport Official account. Also follow @bbcmotd and @bbctms. 10,733,050
lemondefr Le Monde L'actualité de référence par la rédaction du Monde | Piloté par @hpagesy @gregorbrandy & @PBerhouet 10,573,619
TimesNow TIMES NOW TIMES NOW is India’s most watched English news channel. Follow for lightning fast #BreakingNews and #Alerts. 10,325,453
France24_ar فرانس 24 / FRANCE 24 الحساب الرسمي لقناة فرانس 24 الدولية للأخبار 9,564,382
htTweets Hindustan Times One of India's largest media companies. Latest news from around the world. Retweets are not endorsements 8,700,731
mipaltan Mumbai Indians Official Twitter handle of 5-time IPL & 2-time CLT20 champions 🏆 Mumbai Indians. Instagram: mumbaiindians Snapchat: mi_paltan #OneFamily #DilKholKe 8,005,823

Top 10 accounts with highest friends count

Username Name Bio Followers count
Cooperativa Cooperativa También en @CooperativaPod, e | Tu nota de voz al WhatsApp +56978880770 648,918
ParisAMDParis ²⁸⁵k Paname Paris 🔄 Amoureux de Paname 287,944
entel_ayuda Entel Ayuda Contigo en todas. 99,472
birdwriter7 Children's Writer #LunaTheMoonPig #TheFlamingosWhoPaintedTheSky #SnugsTheSnowBear #ventorrosp #SnowLeopardPublishing #SuzyDavies Cert Teacher, MA, BSc (Hons) Cert Lifecoach 75,979
UnseeingEyes Vincenzo Scipioni I am an author & literary agent. Unseeing Eyes is the story of my life; the others are just books. I'm a stream of consciousness, a dreamer, a friend to all... 65,162
ladevita12 Anna Gaudreault Journaliste, musique, voyages, sports, CH, photos, sculptures, architecture, politique, poésie. Chef des RH. Mieux vaut les remords que les regrets 55,329
PoojaMedia POOJA!!! Fueling Conversations | Brands' Endorsements | Contributor, @NaijaNews | YouTuber | Feature, @MySportDabb | Accredited FIFA, CAF & Imago Photo Journalist | 49,483
puranoticia puranoticia Noticias Minuto a Minuto de Chile y el Mundo. Actualidad en Deportes y Espectáculos: 47,829
HeinzRudolf155 HeinzRudolf155 PhD A'dam +Utrecht #FBPE 🇪🇺 @funder @donwinslow @joncoopertweets @girlsreallyrule @glennkirschner2 @mmpadellan 🇳🇱Amsterdam🇩🇪 Bonn 🇨🇭Basel 46,622
PovertykillerB PovertyKiller_Official  Professional Tipster| Founder of @SIPFamilyGroup | Software Developer | Influencer | I barely miss on bets | Click open account with high odds bookie Betcoza ⤵️ 44,439

Most active users

Username Bio Number of tweets
lyOn_love_KB ❤ ly♡n🦁🌟🐻 XIMON 💯OOO🍪BD 🐻🐬 AMBITION 🍱MOONZ🫐 Dignity 🍊🍊@OnlyOneOfmember🚀 @DIGNITY_members @ximonisnotbed 569
Wwest_Lyon ff14_whitewest 라이언파는계정 혼잣말 다수 마음요정 19금 알티마음 있음 fub free 가리지않고 다 잘먹음 가뭄에 콩나듯 연성 560
KlinFran_lyon @OL⚽🦁| @equipedefrance 🇫🇷⚽| @leopard243🇨🇩⚽| @celtics 🏀☘️| @LewisHamilton🏎️👑| Gaming 🎮 531
dominic_lyon Maryland resident. Proud Democrat. #TheResistance ✊🏾✊🏾✊🏾 #BidenHarris2020 #DCStatehoodNow #BuildBackBetter #VotingRightsNow #IStandWithUkraine 421
pictanews L’actualité lyonnaise suivie 24h/24h par @lorrisb 394
Train_Notif - 308
MdHamid57292676 - 306
live_in_Lyon 今、日本に最も要らないものは、女性差別の天皇と天皇制。愛国者。投資家。地頭は良い方、天才、ギフテッド。🇯🇵🇫🇷2拠点生活を計画中。座右の銘 バカなヤツは天皇と政治家に騙される。 305
Suzanne46999815 - 281
Madison96978 - 269

Tweets per day

Top 10 tweets with highest Retweet count

ID Text Retweet count
1622669893156970526 svp les gens de Lyon retweetez c’est le petit frère de mon amie qui a pas de nouvelles de lui !!!! 2078
1623384681415581710 Alexandre Lacazette with Lyon this season: 17 goals in 25 games Alexandre Lacazette with Arsenal last season: six goals in 36 games 1962
1622867289551917056 2 ans et demi ! C’est la peine de prison pour cet Afghan qui a agressé sexuellement une enfant de 4 ans dans un centre d’accueil de migrants. Nous devons en finir avec le laxisme judiciaire. @MarleneSchiappa et @GDarmanin, va-t-il être expulsé ? #Isère 1384
1623602062570274817 🇨🇵 FLASH | Quatre mineurs de 13 ans ont agressé sexuellement des joggeuses dans un parc à #Lyon. Elles ont subi des attouchements puis ont été volées par les agresseurs. 👉 Les suspects ont été présentés au juge des enfants et placés sous contrôle judiciaire. 1381
1623400300450119682 Lyon : des femmes faisant leur jogging dans un parc ont été dépouillées et agressées sexuellement par des mineurs de 13 ans 1057
1623914005692837890 Choc des cultures : “wallah les scouts servent à rien” nous explique ce sympathique algerien à #Lyon. 1050
1624019478773219328 It's Lyon in the quarter-final! 👊 #UWCLdraw 906
1624021799104090113 @@envynoman96's account is temporarily unavailable because it violates the Twitter Media Policy. Learn more. 906
1623281450182225922 Cette banderole de fou à Lyon pour manifester contre la réforme des retraites 😂😂😂 (@chri6ssssss) 577
1623643487563390976 Snowball fight in Lyon, France in 1896 Using original footage by Lumiere, this fim has been upscaled and colorized using the open-source AI tool, DeOldify [source, full video:] 499

Top 10 tweets with highest Like count

ID Text Like count
1623384681415581710 Alexandre Lacazette with Lyon this season: 17 goals in 25 games Alexandre Lacazette with Arsenal last season: six goals in 36 games 37672
1624019478773219328 It's Lyon in the quarter-final! 👊 #UWCLdraw 9447
1623944322331848704 Surya sacrificed his wicket to Lyon and avoided Murphy's 10 wickets. Mind games in BGT is unreal. 8865
1623602062570274817 🇨🇵 FLASH | Quatre mineurs de 13 ans ont agressé sexuellement des joggeuses dans un parc à #Lyon. Elles ont subi des attouchements puis ont été volées par les agresseurs. 👉 Les suspects ont été présentés au juge des enfants et placés sous contrôle judiciaire. 8323
1624026218604421120 The UEFA Women’s Champions League quarterfinals are set: ▪️ Bayern vs. Arsenal ▪️ PSG vs. Wolfsburg ▪️ Lyon vs. Chelsea ▪️ Roma vs. Barcelona 🏆💥 6619
1623629023632060417 Rishabh Pant smiling as Rohit Sharma hits Nathan Lyon for a six. 🫡 6571
1623281450182225922 Cette banderole de fou à Lyon pour manifester contre la réforme des retraites 😂😂😂 (@chri6ssssss) 4775
1623643487563390976 Snowball fight in Lyon, France in 1896 Using original footage by Lumiere, this fim has been upscaled and colorized using the open-source AI tool, DeOldify [source, full video:] 3792
1622867289551917056 2 ans et demi ! C’est la peine de prison pour cet Afghan qui a agressé sexuellement une enfant de 4 ans dans un centre d’accueil de migrants. Nous devons en finir avec le laxisme judiciaire. @MarleneSchiappa et @GDarmanin, va-t-il être expulsé ? #Isère 3686
1623361959071518724 𝟑𝟎𝟎 𝐦𝐚𝐭𝐜𝐡𝐞𝐬 for LYON!🫡🔴🔵 #OLLOSC 3002

Top 3 Languages Used In Tweets

Top 10 Hashtags used

Hashtag Count
#lyon 4474
#ollosc 4430
#scofcn 3581
#tfcsdr 3364
#ol 3121
#losc 3084
#coupedefrance 1547
#lille 1139
#indvaus 695
#indvsaus 664

Top 10 Hashtags Used In Tweets

Top 10 mentions

Mention Count
@mr___lyon 408
@criccrazyjohns 358
@bfmlyon 304
@issep_lyon 290
@actufoot_ 252
@ol 222
@lyoncap 195
@yahoonewstopics 175
@gregorydoucet 173
@live_in_lyon 167

Top 10 mentions

Wordcloud of Tweets


Average number of emojis used per tweet


Emojis used in tweets

Emoji Count Emoji Text
🔗 10496 link
🔴 8371 red_circle
📺 4214 television
🎥 2969 movie_camera
👉 2919 backhand_index_pointing_right
▶️ 2111 play_button
🆚 1986 VS_button
😂 1814 face_with_tears_of_joy
❤️ 1268 red_heart
🤣 1147 rolling_on_the_floor_laughing

Emojis groups

Emoji Group Count
Objects 21208
Symbols 18274
Smileys & Emotion 11199
People & Body 6533
Flags 4385
Activities 2720
Travel & Places 2486
Animals & Nature 725
Food & Drink 323