Account Summary

Followers Count


Friends Count


Tweets Count


List Count






Followers Analysis (based on followers sample)


Number of Verified accounts


Percentage of Verified accounts



Number of Protected accounts


Percentage of Protected accounts



Average Age of Twitter accounts

9 years


Number of users without a Bio


Number of users with a Bio


Percentage of users with a Bio


Percentage of users without a Bio


Worldcloud of Bios

List of top 10 keywords used in bios

Word Frequency
love 6068
life 4030
music 3012
follow 2196
live 1958
family 1358
world 1313
mum 1247
time 1086
instagram 1044

List of top 10 hashtags used in bios

Hashtag Frequency
#music 54
#mentalhealth 45
#love 42
#blacklivesmatter 40
#lgbt 40
#1 38
#bekind 36
#ynwa 35
#blm 33
#family 28

Top 10 followers with the highest follower count

Username Followers Count Friends Count Tweet Count
ShawnMendes 26427912 53466 15476
JohnCena 14105069 572026 7448
samsmith 7861256 1278 15066
GordonRamsay 7698799 33152 25169
jeremycorbyn 2525470 3174 16804
davidwalliams 2291766 1921 15561
BeatsByAssassin 2264910 2695641 260955
6BillionPeople 2036456 4025820 183299
VickyPattison 1809790 3399 54574
sherlyny 1543223 7021 30916

Top 10 followers with the highest following count

Username Friends Count Followers Count Tweet Count
6BillionPeople 4025820 2036456 183299
BeatsByAssassin 2695641 2264910 260955
djkingassassin 1375196 474431 137836
sherylunderwood 1350890 1319774 135022
LeBronJames 968211 1005125 3351
WipeHomophobia 687959 697176 31649
TayeDiggs 657760 647871 39950
JohnCena 572026 14105069 7448
tanjaplayner 548145 499355 273446
panachetalent 547752 241000 9671

Top 10 followers with the highest tweet count

Username Tweets Count Followers Count Friends Count
henrirouen 2055811 25957 29236
SkyHelpTeam 1558850 229212 62487
bdnews24 1323055 223258 98793
HotHitsUK247 1133052 1516 1212
SelenaTheWinner 988567 119506 21350
chattymandan 979444 5389 2339
meisafairy 799189 11068 12184
boxticker 785275 14992 52402
DrJimmyStar 626443 314029 41920
dr_shibley 620050 27736 21747

Top 10 followers with the highest listed count

Username Listed Count Friends Count Followers Count
JohnCena 31682 572026 14105069
ShawnMendes 17348 53466 26427912
GordonRamsay 12519 33152 7698799
soledadobrien 10590 422554 1318819
NOH8Campaign 7560 345394 801771
jeremycorbyn 7275 3174 2525470
OwenJones84 6919 6123 1026075
UKLabour 5284 11193 1004440
MadalynSklar 5044 54068 106975
MelissaJoanHart 4703 156397 631510

Tweets Analysis


Total number of tweets analysed


Earliest tweet was on


Latest tweet was on


Tweets covering

2,015 days

Types of Tweets

Number of Retweets


Percentage of total tweets


Number of Original tweets


Percentage of total tweets


Number of tweets that contain Mentions


Percentage of total tweets


Number of tweets that were Replies


Percentage of total tweets


Number of tweets that were Quotes


Percentage of total tweets


Number of tweets that contain Hashtags


Percentage of total tweets


Top 10 tweets with highest Retweet count

ID Text Retweet count
984474374144176128 Cheat in exams, piss your neighbours off on purpose, sit in someone else’s seat on the train, pull a sicky with a hangover if you must but... DO NOT take the minus offer on The Chase. Sick fuck. 1565
1036320370331213824 I’m giving away these handwritten lyrics for my new single #StickTheKettleOn ft. Scouting for Girls Retweet away to win, I’ll pick out three winners later this week! Hear the single first here on Friday! 1150
1014931142397571072 Retweet to win free tickets and exclusive soundcheck access for ANY date on tour. Tag a mate! 🔥 1086
945579684598820864 If you go fox hunting today you’re a piece of shit 502
986303938923319299 TOUR IS COMING! Retweet this video for a chance to win 1 of 3 pairs of Q&A tickets. Tickets here: 462
1325903739891425280 I fuckin’ love Little Mix 418
964304266658832389 Hey @TheXFactor, don’t share my original audition on FB and then delete my comments about my new tour and what I’m doing now. That’s quite shitty of you. I took an independent route and that’s ok :). Don’t be shit. Censorship is shit. I don’t deserve that, do I? 🤗🤔 364
998800434126098432 Thinking of the 22 beautiful bees that took flight a year ago today. The world is constantly inspired by the stories of you, your friends, your families and the survivors of that night. You have shown that love and strength will overcome the darkest of intent. Always. 🐝 363
936507237681463302 ‘DRINK ‘TIL WE GO HOME’ 😍💋❄️🎅🏽 The video is live! RT! 341
1021856600993263616 Massive love and healing to @ddlovato. 335

Top 10 tweets with highest Reply count

ID Text Reply count
1014931142397571072 Retweet to win free tickets and exclusive soundcheck access for ANY date on tour. Tag a mate! 🔥 239
1527532366327054336 Last night I saw a man wanking in a public place for the 4th time in my life. It’s my gf’s 2nd time experiencing it. First time it happened to my sister she was about 8 years old. I’m interested to know how many people this has happened to? 226
1288028934764994561 I fucking did it. I am one year sober!!! 🙏🙌🏻🎉 This year has offered me unparalleled happiness, creativity, growth and freedom. I am so proud. Thank you for all your support. 203
1244001129895206912 8 months sober today. Finding fitness through sobriety has changed my bloody life. Just got out of the shower (Budweiser prohibition was my shower beer of choice). I’d love to say I don’t wear my towel like this all the time but I really do. Tits everywhere. 149
1277190214247645185 11 months sober. 140
1367884276721713155 #5 album in the @officialcharts!!!!! YOU DID THAT!!! This might not seem much to a lot of artists out there, but this is the biggest thing that’s ever happened to me. THANK YOU!!! My 6th album ‘Choices’ from the hardest part of my life is #5. 131
1118569297679409155 BIGGEST ANNOUNCEMENT EVER!!!! 😭😭😭😭😭 @BBCRadio2 I LOVE YOU... THANK YOU!!!!! MY LIFE HAS BEEN MADE!!! 😭❤️ 125
1177909934786301952 Any songs you’d especially like to hear on tour, my friends?! 🥰 120
1093960566090145793 No idea how people eat these. So rank 🤮 117
1148864572662722560 Super excited to be hitting the road again!! Tag who you’re coming with 😍💯 *Tickets on sale at 9am this Friday* 109

Top 10 tweets with highest Quote count

ID Text Quote count
1014931142397571072 Retweet to win free tickets and exclusive soundcheck access for ANY date on tour. Tag a mate! 🔥 170
1325903739891425280 I fuckin’ love Little Mix 78
1118569297679409155 BIGGEST ANNOUNCEMENT EVER!!!! 😭😭😭😭😭 @BBCRadio2 I LOVE YOU... THANK YOU!!!!! MY LIFE HAS BEEN MADE!!! 😭❤️ 66
984474374144176128 Cheat in exams, piss your neighbours off on purpose, sit in someone else’s seat on the train, pull a sicky with a hangover if you must but... DO NOT take the minus offer on The Chase. Sick fuck. 58
936507237681463302 ‘DRINK ‘TIL WE GO HOME’ 😍💋❄️🎅🏽 The video is live! RT! 58
1036320370331213824 I’m giving away these handwritten lyrics for my new single #StickTheKettleOn ft. Scouting for Girls Retweet away to win, I’ll pick out three winners later this week! Hear the single first here on Friday! 46
1148864572662722560 Super excited to be hitting the road again!! Tag who you’re coming with 😍💯 *Tickets on sale at 9am this Friday* 46
1037976779275857920 So happy to share with you the video for my new single ‘Stick The Kettle On’ ft. @Scouting4Girls We’ve teamed up with the wonderful people at @theCALMzone to share the message. Thank you to @standardnews! #StickTheKettleOn and Enjoy! 44
1277190214247645185 11 months sober. 43
1093960566090145793 No idea how people eat these. So rank 🤮 43

Top 10 tweets with highest Like count

ID Text Like count
1288028934764994561 I fucking did it. I am one year sober!!! 🙏🙌🏻🎉 This year has offered me unparalleled happiness, creativity, growth and freedom. I am so proud. Thank you for all your support. 7481
984474374144176128 Cheat in exams, piss your neighbours off on purpose, sit in someone else’s seat on the train, pull a sicky with a hangover if you must but... DO NOT take the minus offer on The Chase. Sick fuck. 6733
1277190214247645185 11 months sober. 6377
1325903739891425280 I fuckin’ love Little Mix 3357
964304266658832389 Hey @TheXFactor, don’t share my original audition on FB and then delete my comments about my new tour and what I’m doing now. That’s quite shitty of you. I took an independent route and that’s ok :). Don’t be shit. Censorship is shit. I don’t deserve that, do I? 🤗🤔 2911
1255042089013870593 This isn’t just any coffee and cake. It’s 9 MONTHS SOBER coffee and cake! 🎂 And I don’t care how early it is 🥰 2849
1244001129895206912 8 months sober today. Finding fitness through sobriety has changed my bloody life. Just got out of the shower (Budweiser prohibition was my shower beer of choice). I’d love to say I don’t wear my towel like this all the time but I really do. Tits everywhere. 2762
931653953921716224 Just overheard some fucking gorgeous men* at the pub rating me and my wife out of 10. I was a 3 ☹️and she was an 8 🤔. Obviously their system is flawed because she’s a 10. So that makes me at least a 5. I feel empowered at last 😏. *ugly cunts. 2531
966740461493866496 Just so you know I’ve taken part in a scientific experiment curated by myself and the results are in: If you eat & drink whatever you want over a two week period whilst in the USA you can put on 8lbs. For science. 2059
1118569297679409155 BIGGEST ANNOUNCEMENT EVER!!!! 😭😭😭😭😭 @BBCRadio2 I LOVE YOU... THANK YOU!!!!! MY LIFE HAS BEEN MADE!!! 😭❤️ 2025

Top 3 Languages Used In Tweets

Top 10 Hashtags used

Hashtag Count
#stickthekettleon 11
#sxsw 10
#todaywasagoodday 9
#manchester 8
#1 7
#5 5
#austria 5
#internationalwomensday 4
#2 4
#dominiccummings 4

Top 10 Hashtags Used In Tweets

Top 10 mentions

Hashtag Count
@bbcradio2 12
@gaydio 11
@itunes 11
@metheridge 11
@sxsw 11
@manchesterpride 9
@ge0rgie_gordon 9
@youtube 8
@spotifyuk 8
@fullyrewired 7

Top 10 mentions

Wordcloud of Tweets

Emojis used in tweets

Emoji Count Emoji Text
❤️ 211 red_heart
😂 148 face_with_tears_of_joy
😍 110 smiling_face_with_heart-eyes
😭 77 loudly_crying_face
🌹 64 rose
🥰 53 smiling_face_with_hearts
🇺🇸 50 United_States
🙌🏻 41 raising_hands_light_skin_tone
👀 38 eyes
😱 34 face_screaming_in_fear

Emojis groups

Emoji Group Count
Smileys & Emotion 1015
People & Body 262
Animals & Nature 166
Travel & Places 145
Flags 118
Activities 98
Objects 87
Food & Drink 50
Symbols 24