Tweets Analysis - Keyword: @LizYoungStrat


Total number of tweets analysed


Earliest tweet was on


Latest tweet was on


Tweets covering

10 days

Average age of authors' accounts

7 years


Liz Young Strat, a strategist, believes that the equity markets have not fully taken into consideration the consumer's data, which includes falling wage growth and a buildup of debt. There are technical signals that point to a potential bull market, however she is skeptical. She also discusses other topics such as Butters earnings, private market investing in the current macro economy, the inversion of the two-year and 10-year Treasury bond, and the potential implications of a Chinese invasion of Taiwan on the markets.

Topic Modeling

  1. Economic indicators, consumer spending and debt
  2. Stock market trends
  3. Tech investments, private market investments and market analysis
  4. Investing themes and strategies
  5. International geopolitics and implications for the stock market

Emotional Analysis

The emotions expressed in these tweets range from cautious optimism to apprehension. Liz YoungStrat expresses caution in the equity market, noting that the consumer is running out of savings and wage growth is falling. Others express gratitude to SoFi and Anthony Noto for taking care of them and admiration for their team. Others express excitement for upcoming podcasts, events, and market analysis. Finally, there is some fear expressed over the potential implications of a Chinese invasion of Taiwan.

Trend Analysis

  1. Fed and bond market signalling
  2. Equity market response to consumer data (savings, wage growth, debt)
  3. Technical indicators of bull markets
  4. Private market investing in macro environment
  5. Chinese invasion of Taiwan and its implications for global markets

Disclaimer: The text analysis on, powered by OpenAI, does not represent the views of or its affiliates. The analysis is for informational purposes only and not an endorsement of any viewpoint.

Types of Tweets

Number of Retweets


Percentage of total tweets


Number of Original tweets


Percentage of total tweets


Number of tweets that contain Mentions


Percentage of total tweets


Number of tweets that were Replies


Percentage of total tweets


Number of tweets that were Quotes


Percentage of total tweets


Number of tweets that contain Hashtags


Percentage of total tweets


Top 5 devices used to tweet

Source Count
Twitter for iPhone 567
Twitter Web App 342
Twitter for Android 189
Twitter for iPad 54
TweetDeck 4

What devices were used to tweet

Top 10 accounts with highest followers count

Username Name Bio Followers count
GuyAdami Guy Adami Co-Founder RiskReversal 📺@CNBCFastMoney Original 🎙@OnTheTapePod NYC 2012 @IronmanTri Proud @Georgetown Alum Former Vice Chair @llsnewjersey Board @mrktcall 379,043
hmeisler Helene Meisler I write a daily column for on the markets. Worked at Cowen, GS, Cargill. Former Asian Expat: S'pore & Shanghai. Tennis fan. Love to cook. 202,175
OphirGottlieb Ophir Gottlieb CEO @CMLviz. Contrib @Reuters @Factset, analyst of record. MS Stanford Math. Ex option market maker. Recognized for finance AI/ML. 156,213
wolf_of_streets The Wolf Of Few Streets Daily trading #crypto, #forex, #stocks. Not financial advice, just my thoughts and #trading. 122,745
DougKass Dougie Kass Seabreeze Capital Partners LP 113,934
EricBalchunas Eric Balchunas Senior ETF Analyst for @Bloomberg. Dad. Rutgers grad. Gen X-er. Author of "The Institutional ETF Toolbox" & "The Bogle Effect.” Co-host of Trillions & ETF IQ. 113,413
RiskReversal Dan Nathan 🎙️@OnTheTapePod @OkayComputerPod 🖥️ @MrktCall 📺 @cnbcfastmoney 111,965
FactSet FactSet We help financial professionals stay ahead of market trends, access company & industry intelligence, monitor portfolio risk and performance, and execute trades. 110,619
mikewhitmore Mike Whitmore Advisory Board President | Partner w/ biz owners & executives to lower taxes & build abundant cash flow | Wealth Positioning Specialist | Husband, Drummer #Jeep 90,876
missteencrypto Miss Teen Crypto I'm 20 | #Bitcoin + Crypto + NFTs + Gaming | Event Speaker | Miss Teen Crypto Podcast | Business inquiries 67,543

Top 10 accounts with highest friends count

Username Name Bio Followers count
mikewhitmore Mike Whitmore Advisory Board President | Partner w/ biz owners & executives to lower taxes & build abundant cash flow | Wealth Positioning Specialist | Husband, Drummer #Jeep 79,376
bjeaglefeather Bradley Jon Eaglefeather The Organic Intellectual, Transmedia Producer, DJ, Nanotechnologist | Creative Collaborative Media Design @theeaglesvision | aloha! 9,133
Lizatthebeach Liz Guiding You Through The Rough Waters Of Real Estate #MAGA🚂🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸 Retired Institutional Equity Sales Trader📊 7,934
stckpkr7000 Be Kind Patriot, Disabled/Enabled USMC Veteran. Managed a small hedge fund & crypto since 2013.Fiscally Conservative THE GREAT RESET IS CLOSE.05/23/21 6,754
kaiyabunga Kai Crypto Lending | Economic Opinions | Admin @lobsterbc 🦞 | @moybeebeh ❤️ | kaiyabunga#3511 6,282
BitcoinShaykh The Bitcoin Shaykh Radical Generalist / Financial Auditor / CPA / Interests in #Bitcoin, crypto, macro, anthropology, narratives, epistemology, root causes 5,003
AntiWarParty1 AntiWarParty 🇭🇹 No nation Could preserve its freedom In the midst of continual warfare. Antiwar party now 5,001
Billsfan9Don don huber president Custom Engraving Inc. Buffalo Bills season holder for many years !!! 4,998
serohwevol Fast Fourier the 3S's - Surfing, Sailing, Snowboarding :) I eat drink sleep index futures and stock options. 4,996
mdotsC m— - 4,996

Most active users

Username Bio Number of tweets
LizYoungStrati Head of Investment Strategy at @SoFi. Proud Wisconsin native. If you want something new, you have to stop doing something old. 48
CripsG23 How do you want it ? 21
bobschnotzowicz just another lucky monkey; Retired Airline Pilot; Active-Trader; BA Poli-Sci; Social Democrat; MELOMANIAC; Eclectic Art Lover; I am what I am and I am IT! 17
macrodailyco Financial newsletter highlighting key macro trends in markets, investing, personal finance, & business. Pronouns: Money, Alpha, Markets, & Macro | @kylemusserco 12
ATMBeebzsko anxiously awaiting the FED pivot 11
Tokyomomosan - 8
AitkenResearch Portfolio Management (20k+trds) Nutrition (3.5k hrs self study): Expect2win ecosystem: Former college pitcher, NFLX Mindhunter standin (Tench): Poker: Golf Nut 7
garystevensonII Who’d ya vote for ? MAGA 2024. 7
Zacccci World Peace 7
peakstopac Data lover. Reader. Gardener. Long COVID 2 years. Married into 🇵🇱🇺🇦family. Slava Ukraini! 6

Tweets per day

Top 10 tweets with highest Retweet count

ID Text Retweet count
1626335112009814016 "The bond market futures have agreed with the Fed, they've listened. The equity market is still not quite listening," @LizYoungStrat. "The equity market is listening to the data about the some point savings run dry and wage growth is falling...debt is piling up." 23
1626335966083309569 "There are a lot of technicals that would signal to people that maybe they look similar to [how] they have in the past during a new bull market. I'm still not in that camp," says @LizYoungStrat 5
1625884426985959425 Absolutely love this cc ⁦@SoFi⁩ ⁦@anthonynoto⁩ ⁦@LizYoungStrat⁩ 5
1626268005146542080 Join @GuyAdami & @RiskReversal at 1:00PM ET! -Stock's not bothered by Higher for Longer -@LizYoungStrat says Same Same, But Different for US consumer -#Butters earnings surprise rate Q4 -Dash for trash rally includes #BTC Sponsors @FactSet @Sofi WATCH⤵️ 4
1626248987899580416 Tune into MRKT Call at 1PM as @LizYoungStrat joins @RiskReversal & @GuyAdami to break down her note WATCH⤵️ 4
1625923180719226882 @LizYoungStrat We heard this in late 2006 ⬇️ 4
1628142810343022592 Why Investors May be Irrationally Exuberant Right Now | @calebsilver @LizYoungStrat Head of Investment Strategy at @SoFi @Investopedia #BusinessCycle #ShortSelling #TheInvestopediaExpress 4
1625186126867709992 🚨 New Pod Out Now 🚨 💸 @LizYoungStrat, @GuyAdami and @RiskReversal preview the week ahead, including Tuesday's CPI report 📈 Ollen Douglass, MP for @themotleyfool Ventures talks private market investing in the current macro environment LISTEN NOW ➡️… 3
1626233049599082508 Here’s *new* Trillions pod feat my man-on-the-street intvs from @exchangeETF conference w/ @BryonLake, @Matt_Hougan, @LizYoungStrat, Julie Cane, @ToddRosenbluth, @Hector_McNeil, Beth Williamson @Calamos & Roy Williams. Cc: @NateGeraci w/ @joelwebershow 3
1626224594712674304 @LizYoungStrat The boots have already arrived. 2

Top 10 tweets with highest Like count

ID Text Like count
1626335112009814016 "The bond market futures have agreed with the Fed, they've listened. The equity market is still not quite listening," @LizYoungStrat. "The equity market is listening to the data about the some point savings run dry and wage growth is falling...debt is piling up." 210
1625884426985959425 Absolutely love this cc ⁦@SoFi⁩ ⁦@anthonynoto⁩ ⁦@LizYoungStrat⁩ 48
1626335966083309569 "There are a lot of technicals that would signal to people that maybe they look similar to [how] they have in the past during a new bull market. I'm still not in that camp," says @LizYoungStrat 45
1626224594712674304 @LizYoungStrat The boots have already arrived. 42
1627723605449506849 I want to thank @SoFi for taking care of me when I left out of country this weekend. Everything went smoothly from all my transactions to also the conversation rate. @anthonynoto and @LizYoungStrat .. you guys have a great team! Cheers 🥂 34
1625186126867709992 🚨 New Pod Out Now 🚨 💸 @LizYoungStrat, @GuyAdami and @RiskReversal preview the week ahead, including Tuesday's CPI report 📈 Ollen Douglass, MP for @themotleyfool Ventures talks private market investing in the current macro environment LISTEN NOW ➡️… 21
1626878108858036224 @scottwapner @jimcramer @tomkeene @lisaabramowicz1 @ferrotv @carlquintanilla @guyadami @riskreversal @cnbcfastmoney @business @LizAnnSonders @LizYoungStrat @threadreaderapp unroll 19
1626233049599082508 Here’s *new* Trillions pod feat my man-on-the-street intvs from @exchangeETF conference w/ @BryonLake, @Matt_Hougan, @LizYoungStrat, Julie Cane, @ToddRosenbluth, @Hector_McNeil, Beth Williamson @Calamos & Roy Williams. Cc: @NateGeraci w/ @joelwebershow 17
1626268005146542080 Join @GuyAdami & @RiskReversal at 1:00PM ET! -Stock's not bothered by Higher for Longer -@LizYoungStrat says Same Same, But Different for US consumer -#Butters earnings surprise rate Q4 -Dash for trash rally includes #BTC Sponsors @FactSet @Sofi WATCH⤵️ 16
1626970543194017792 @CarterBWorth @StocktonKatie @LizYoungStrat @RiskReversal Worth mentioning to you CNBC folks! 15

Top 3 Languages Used In Tweets

Top 10 Hashtags used

Hashtag Count
#stocks 6
#inflation 6
#butters 4
#cpi 4
#stockmarket 4
#investing 4
#businesscycle 2
#shortselling 2
#theinvestopediaexpress 2
#ff 2

Top 10 Hashtags Used In Tweets

Top 10 mentions

Mention Count
@lizyoungstrat 1171
@cnbcovertime 72
@guyadami 66
@riskreversal 55
@sofi 23
@podcontrarian 23
@mrktcall 22
@factset 17
@kristinaparts 17
@squawkcnbc 16

Top 10 mentions

Wordcloud of Tweets


Average number of emojis used per tweet


Emojis used in tweets

Emoji Count Emoji Text
🤣 35 rolling_on_the_floor_laughing
😂 28 face_with_tears_of_joy
😀 12 grinning_face
❤️ 9 red_heart
👏 6 clapping_hands
🙏 5 folded_hands
👍 5 thumbs_up
🙃 5 upside-down_face
⬇️ 5 down_arrow
🤷‍♂️ 4 man_shrugging

Emojis groups

Emoji Group Count
Smileys & Emotion 139
People & Body 49
Objects 25
Travel & Places 19
Symbols 13
Food & Drink 9
Animals & Nature 8
Activities 5