Tweets Analysis - Keyword: @lakeosrs


Total number of tweets analysed


Earliest tweet was on


Latest tweet was on


Tweets covering

9 days

Average age of authors' accounts

6 years


The tweets discusses the issue of "1 tick flicking" inside of the game OSRS and how its presence is extremely broad despite attempts to remove it. Others argue it would be beneficial to have "Hard Mode OSRS" and questions how new content could be engaging. There is also criticism of JMods who have allegedly "lost touch with the community" and suggestions on how to solve the 1 tick flicking issue.

Topic Modeling

  1. PV Mechanics of Old School RuneScape
  2. Online Communication and Behavior
  3. The Impact of Flicking on Gameplay Mechanics
  4. Engagement/Strategic Challenges of Old School RuneScape
  5. Reception of New Content in Old School RuneScape

Emotional Analysis

The emotions expressed in these tweets range from disappointment to frustration to anger. The tweets discuss the removal of certain mechanics and strategies like 1t flicking, and the potential implications of removing them. There is also a sense of disbelief that the game has been taken so seriously, and a criticism of the JMods for catering to short-term players. Finally, there is a sense of confusion as to why 1t flicking should be removed, and why new strong prayers are designed in a way that allows them to be used simultaneously with no resources.

Trend Analysis

  1. Game Mechanics: OSRS combat, 1-tick flicking and the removal of certain mechanics.
  2. Level of Engagement: Strategies and how to make OSRS more engaging and challenging.
  3. Game Strategies: Surveys on hard mode OSRS, strategies like 1-tick flicking that are OP, and how to make them less OP.
  4. Role-Playing Element: Discussion of LMS, Voidwaker and other roles and NPCs.
  5. Game Community: Interactions between players such as whinig and personal attacks, discussion of flaws in the game, jmods losing touch with their community.

Disclaimer: The text analysis on, powered by OpenAI, does not represent the views of or its affiliates. The analysis is for informational purposes only and not an endorsement of any viewpoint.

Types of Tweets

Number of Retweets


Percentage of total tweets


Number of Original tweets


Percentage of total tweets


Number of tweets that contain Mentions


Percentage of total tweets


Number of tweets that were Replies


Percentage of total tweets


Number of tweets that were Quotes


Percentage of total tweets


Number of tweets that contain Hashtags


Percentage of total tweets


Top 5 devices used to tweet

Source Count
Twitter for iPhone 122
Twitter for Android 75
Twitter Web App 62

What devices were used to tweet

Top 10 accounts with highest followers count

Username Name Bio Followers count
Skiddler Elliot Livestreamer | for business inquiries. Sponsored by: @coolermasterUK & @sneakenergy 27,061
DitterBitter Ditterbitter 15,221
PurppRS Purpp small waist pretty face with a big bank 12,684
MutsOSRS Muts Twitch partner // The Netherlands. OSRS HCIM playerYoutube: inquiries: 5,879
OSRS_AColdOne A Cold One (ADD BOUNTY HUNTER BACK TO OSRS) Partnered Twitch Streamer | Accountant | Chef | | My cat is more popular than me | Business Email: 5,552
RS_Meric Meric Full time chicken farmer 5,519
Luca_AU_ Luca 🇦🇺 Markcord Australian National Manager. Pokémon and FFXIV enjoyer. Be kind to animals🌱 5,147
Iron_Cub Arlind #TheCult #FriendZone #MarkCord #ScuffUnit #Arsenal ,46/51 Pets biggest @StorgieRS fan, Pash 🥺😍 4,450
Raikesyowns Raikesy I like to play thingsRS Youtuber (150k+) Business inquiries: raikesybusiness@gmail.comYoutube: 3,930
ReedOsrs Reed @Twitch Partner - Bandos and Saradomin Solo World Record Holder - Golden Gnome Nominee for Best New Streamer #MarkCord #Based 3,614

Top 10 accounts with highest friends count

Username Name Bio Followers count
Grxft Tom I teach maths and love games. 2,032
Skiddler Elliot Livestreamer | for business inquiries. Sponsored by: @coolermasterUK & @sneakenergy 1,979
moonwalkgrab BGD aka The Win Getter PG Melee God and SFV Scrub | LGBTQ+/Social Justice Advocate | Have you seen the clip? | Level 100 Fletch | Moonwalker | 1312 | 1,883
__Tjsmith (TJ) murphy stan acc Long Live Ant Allen. Mansfield til' i die. 1,616
SomTheBonBon SomTheBonBon life approach: It's probably not my fault. I like puns. My friends are my everything. Vuto's #1 Hater on OSRS @SlayStarsClan 1,580
XarovRs Elden Ring Enjoyer On Twitter for brain damage I love spicy hot takes Variety gamer My likes don't always mean I agree, don't take them seriously 1,191
AleeOwnzz Alee Love Fitness, Calisthenics & Cycling. Possibly addicted to OSRS. 1,152
DitterBitter Ditterbitter 1,076
Iron_Cub Arlind #TheCult #FriendZone #MarkCord #ScuffUnit #Arsenal ,46/51 Pets biggest @StorgieRS fan, Pash 🥺😍 1,060
Skylord_Guthix Guthix 24. Infernal cape haver. I stream sometimes! Always aim towards the top. Programming games at @Rebellion. Opinions are mine. 876

Most active users

Username Bio Number of tweets
sens249 Member of D W D and @Totus | BA addict | rsn: Sens249/Pet Penance/Redstar man 37
OldMateBlue There's no way you read this, kiss your homies 19
NocturnalRS1 Hello, I'm a small Runescape Youtuber with over 1.2b xp and 21 pets on my main account . business Email is ( 9
Ysterman_Rs idiot with infernal cape on irrelevant game and bad political takes that you literally didn't ask for 9
FutureMcGuives RSNs: McGuives (Maxed HCIM) & Eragon N2 (Maxed Pker) #RuneScape #MakeWildyGreatAgain #BringBackDarkScape #MonsterHunter #Borderlands #Variety #TwitchStreamer 6
jbirdscape OSRS Twitch Streamer, Costco Membership Holder, & Certified Pepega! 5
Ryan_Star7 If two vegetarians have an argument, is it still considered a beef? 5
osDreamscape Matt • #1 @REALpunknews fan • @Totus • Studying CS at University of Washington • Mostly retired OSRS gamer 4
HeavTho maxxed rs nerd, 4
_Priickly Dad. Casual clicker. 2277. 4

Tweets per day

Top 10 tweets with highest Retweet count

ID Text Retweet count
1627289483963150336 @NocturnalRS1 @PurppRS @lakeosrs 3
1625686538121097216 @lakeosrs OSRS combat is simple on the surface, yet blessed with emergent gameplay, bc of certain mechanics/"bugs" like 1t flicking. Cool niche stuff's already been removed at points :(. Flicking's presence is extremely broad. Attempts to remove it are even more worrying/disappointing-1/2 1
1627765043172462611 @Hemmiez1 @lakeosrs don't worry this is the same guy who claimed people who use entity hider are cheaters. 0
1625638485594935304 @lakeosrs Shut up 0
1625641467996766210 @FutureMcGuives @lakeosrs Incremental prayer Darin you can not infinite flick in RS3 0
1625641285456433152 @jbirdscape @lakeosrs 0
1625641187406229504 @jbirdscape @lakeosrs You can flick in RS3, it's just not worth the effort lol Who needs to conserve prayer points in RS3 when we have a potion that restores 45,000 prayer pots in one inv slot? 0
1625640646982639616 @jbirdscape @lakeosrs I'm saying RS3 made prayer drain sort of redundant after they broke 1t flicking cus we have so much prayer restoration in rs3 where 1t is not worth the effort. RS3 has infinite prayer from our potions But again, our skill ceiling comes from EoC. OSRS deserves to keep 1t flicking 0
1625640519907811335 @lakeosrs Honestly man give me unlimited prayer so I can recline fuck that 1 tick 2 tick suck my dick shit 0
1625639752392183808 @lakeosrs @KoReeveS (if anyone somehow reads this as anti-sweat pls dont i love sweaty gameplay and think it's cool and fun) 0

Top 10 tweets with highest Like count

ID Text Like count
1625686538121097216 @lakeosrs OSRS combat is simple on the surface, yet blessed with emergent gameplay, bc of certain mechanics/"bugs" like 1t flicking. Cool niche stuff's already been removed at points :(. Flicking's presence is extremely broad. Attempts to remove it are even more worrying/disappointing-1/2 53
1627137103481167872 @lakeosrs lmao have a scroll through his twitter, he’s a serial whiner 52
1625688206422294529 @lakeosrs Here's a survey Q about "Hard Mode OSRS". Some say strategies like flicking are too OP. But if you strip away every strong PvM strat, you're left with bashing an NPC, afking, and hoping you roll bigger than the NPC does. I don't see what is engaging, or challenging about that. 42
1627289483963150336 @NocturnalRS1 @PurppRS @lakeosrs 27
1625640519907811335 @lakeosrs Honestly man give me unlimited prayer so I can recline fuck that 1 tick 2 tick suck my dick shit 27
1627368895689658370 @lakeosrs Best part of LMS 20
1627133514238898177 @lakeosrs Guess he learned nothing 18
1625573247499612161 @lakeosrs id like them to give us an example of a prayer idea where not being able to 1t flick makes sense, if it really opens up possibilities like they say, i dont see why disabling it is a bad idea. We need to see some type of example though. 12
1627320990433783808 @lakeosrs how in the hell has this man taken a 0 risk game so seriously 11
1625576351188017161 @lakeosrs @osDreamscape Brought to you by “very accurate and not at all fueled by my preconceptions of the average player (they suck and Im way better than them, and they are the reason new content sucks) Stats!” 1t flicking is more common than you think, and its broken 10

Top 3 Languages Used In Tweets

Top 10 mentions

Mention Count
@lakeosrs 259
@osdreamscape 74
@sens249 30
@oldmateblue 22
@nocturnalrs1 16
@purpprs 13
@ysterman_rs 6
@jbirdscape 6
@futuremcguives 5
@xarovrs 4

Top 10 mentions

Wordcloud of Tweets


Average number of emojis used per tweet


Emojis used in tweets

Emoji Count Emoji Text
😂 9 face_with_tears_of_joy
🤓 6 nerd_face
😭 4 loudly_crying_face
💀 1 skull
😎 1 smiling_face_with_sunglasses
🤟 1 love-you_gesture
😉 1 winking_face
🤝 1 handshake
❤️ 1 red_heart

Emojis groups

Emoji Group Count
Smileys & Emotion 23
People & Body 2