Tweets Analysis - Keyword: @Labrov12


Total number of tweets analysed


Earliest tweet was on


Latest tweet was on


Tweets covering

8 days

Average age of authors' accounts

5 years


The tweets discuss the unique champions of players with the biggest champion pool of the 2023 #LEC Winter Season, such as G2Caps, KaiserLoL, Perkz, Vetheo_lol, Labrov12, MersaLoL, Mikyx, and Lol_photon. Additionally, they discuss Labrov12's first birthday with BDS, missing Evi and his champion ocean, and the same 20 champions every game. Team BDS is mentioned several times and the last tweet wishes Labrov12 all the best for 2023.

Topic Modeling

  1. Players with biggest champion pools
  2. Birthday wishes for LEC players
  3. Game strategies and tactics
  4. Cheering for LEC teams
  5. Expressing emotions after LEC matches

Emotional Analysis

The emotions expressed in these tweets are primarily positive, with many wishing Labrov12 a happy birthday, sending their best wishes to the team, and expressing enthusiasm for the upcoming 2023 LEC Winter season. There is also a sense of pride for the team's accomplishments and support for each other. Additionally, some tweets express frustration with the current state of the game, with the same 20 champions being used in every game. Finally, there is some confusion and curiosity about the whereabouts of Evi.

Trend Analysis

  1. Players with the biggest champion pools in 2023 LEC winter season (Unique Champions)
  2. Wishing Labrov12 a happy birthday
  3. Mentioning game characters and associated game-play strategies
  4. Recognizing BDS for achieving a Spring Split win
  5. Encouraging BDS for the coming season and hoping for more successes in the future

Disclaimer: The text analysis on, powered by OpenAI, does not represent the views of or its affiliates. The analysis is for informational purposes only and not an endorsement of any viewpoint.

Types of Tweets

Number of Retweets


Percentage of total tweets


Number of Original tweets


Percentage of total tweets


Number of tweets that contain Mentions


Percentage of total tweets


Number of tweets that were Replies


Percentage of total tweets


Number of tweets that were Quotes


Percentage of total tweets


Number of tweets that contain Hashtags


Percentage of total tweets


Top 5 devices used to tweet

Source Count
Twitter for Android 19
Twitter Web App 14
Twitter for iPhone 7

What devices were used to tweet

Top 10 accounts with highest followers count

Username Name Bio Followers count
TeamBDS Team BDS The fastest growing esport team in the World. A unique story, just like what you will find here! #BDSPOWER✉ 220,297
LVPes LVP Cuenta oficial de Liga de Videojuegos Profesional, la mayor organización de esports en español del mundo | Official League of Videogames Professionals account. 217,911
LVPesLoL Superliga - League of Legends Cuenta oficial de la liga española de League of Legends | Official Twitter account for League of Legends spanish league | @LVPes | #SuperligaLoL 137,270
ExpressLOL_ Express Freelancer.I'm not an expert, I'm just express 🚆.Predictions, LEC/ERLs stats and many more.Cho'Gath enjoyer.⚽️ account - @ExpressFootbalI 36,942
ManaProd Lord Mana Twitch Partner / Host @Swisscom_Gaming @RedBullCH @RtsEsport @summonerswar_FR ✎ 19,358
DariusExMachina Darius Manga, Yugioh, Esports. In that order. Working @FellowKidsGG. Previously: @S04Esports & Founder @TheShotcallerGG. 7x LoL World Record Holder. He/Him. 8,094
WintersWard_ BDS Nick | WintersWard Community Manager for @TeamBDSAlso a mod on Twitch 2,813
Don_Alejandrooo BDS Alejandro 🇪🇸🇫🇷 Director & Chief Gaming Officer @TeamBDS 🇨🇭🇨🇭Amunt @valenciacf 🦇💯❤️ 2,308
LorelShea Lorel Shea What matters to me: education, human rights, dogs, literature, travel, LOL. Married. Mom to 4 young adults, 1 schnauzer mix, several cats. 620
opinchacarneiro O Pinchacarneiro 🛰 ☭ 🏎️🏁 Da terra asoballada. Medio enfermeiro medio enxeñeiro. Esports. RCD 1906. Falo moito de coches de cores que dan voltas e paro kettes en Urcos Jugger. 578

Top 10 accounts with highest friends count

Username Name Bio Followers count
Don_Alejandrooo BDS Alejandro 🇪🇸🇫🇷 Director & Chief Gaming Officer @TeamBDS 🇨🇭🇨🇭Amunt @valenciacf 🦇💯❤️ 1,587
LorelShea Lorel Shea What matters to me: education, human rights, dogs, literature, travel, LOL. Married. Mom to 4 young adults, 1 schnauzer mix, several cats. 1,430
Surokai_ Surokai Causal Rocket League player. 1,341
moonboynihat ilias @ lec '23 joblife fanclub | #KCORP💙| #LEC bds & g2 | bisons enjoyer | #rlcs 🏁| ceo of adam fans | @_Miminana ♡ 1,340
DariusExMachina Darius Manga, Yugioh, Esports. In that order. Working @FellowKidsGG. Previously: @S04Esports & Founder @TheShotcallerGG. 7x LoL World Record Holder. He/Him. 1,338
WintersWard_ BDS Nick | WintersWard Community Manager for @TeamBDSAlso a mod on Twitch 1,072
louis__rrr Le L 🇫🇷 #VforVictory Cherki futur Ballon d’Or 991
davidjbr129 Gigachad Caps 🇵🇹 19y #LEC #G2WIN #LN4 @g2esports @fcporto @mclarenf1 915
opinchacarneiro O Pinchacarneiro 🛰 ☭ 🏎️🏁 Da terra asoballada. Medio enfermeiro medio enxeñeiro. Esports. RCD 1906. Falo moito de coches de cores que dan voltas e paro kettes en Urcos Jugger. 713
CoachF1shm4n CoachFishman He/Him | #S04WIN | #BDSWIN 590

Most active users

Username Bio Number of tweets
RM75910177 Objectivité, humilité, respect et fairplay . Il n'y a pas de certitudes absolues. Vive le sport . 2
CoachF1shm4n He/Him | #S04WIN | #BDSWIN 2
smol_marigold she/her | esports fan | adc/sup main | average players enjoyer | zazee support bot | f*sty defenders dni | anemo main | killjoy enjoyer | pfp: @moonboynihat 2
MaitreCorbo J'aime bien BDS 2
davidjbr129 🇵🇹 19y #LEC #G2WIN #LN4 @g2esports @fcporto @mclarenf1 1
Rivco_Music Mix là des fois et fais des trucs pour rire : | J'aime la musique qui fait boom | j’ai la meilleure bannière Twitter 1
Rodrigoooodddd Rodrigo 1
Surokai_ Causal Rocket League player. 1
TeamBDS The fastest growing esport team in the World. A unique story, just like what you will find here! #BDSPOWER✉ 1
WintersWard_ Community Manager for @TeamBDSAlso a mod on Twitch 1

Tweets per day

Top 10 tweets with highest Retweet count

ID Text Retweet count
1624740702583226373 It’s his first birthday with BDS ! Please wish our new #LEC support @Labrov12 a very happy birthday 🥳Χαρούμενα γενέθλια! 🎉 8
1625900769374310400 Players with biggest champ pool in 2023 #LEC winter season (UC - unique champs) :🇩🇰 @G2Caps 10 UC🇩🇪 @KaiserLoL 10 UC🇭🇷 @Perkz 10 UC🇨🇵 @Vetheo_lol 9 UC🇬🇷 @Labrov12 9 UC🇬🇷 @MersaLoL 9 UC🇸🇮 @Mikyx 9 UC🇰🇷 @Lol_photon 9 UC 6
1627042032555368448 ¡Qué hacía @Labrov12!#LECInvierno | 1
1627689768594116612 @TeamBDS @Nuclear_int @Ricadam_lol @CrownshotLoL @Labrov12 @GotoOne @Sheo_lol @StrikerLoLcoach @MenQ94 @KonkolMichal BDS wins Spring Split, I'll call it right now 1
1627686254270619648 @TeamBDS @Nuclear_int @Ricadam_lol @CrownshotLoL @Labrov12 @GotoOne @Sheo_lol @StrikerLoLcoach @MenQ94 @KonkolMichal next split we win the whole thing yeah! 0
1627686227280273408 @TeamBDS @Nuclear_int @Ricadam_lol @CrownshotLoL @Labrov12 @GotoOne @Sheo_lol @StrikerLoLcoach @MenQ94 @KonkolMichal And we’ll be back with you guys! 🥲 0
1624741015088246785 @TeamBDS @Labrov12 HB Labrov, and Gl for today 🎉 0
1624742125072969728 @TeamBDS @Labrov12 HB Labrov. All the best for 2023 . 0
1624744586324090881 @TeamBDS @Labrov12 Happy Birthday🥳 0
1624754737240219649 @TeamBDS @Labrov12 Happy birthday, Labrov! 🥳 0

Top 10 tweets with highest Like count

ID Text Like count
1625900769374310400 Players with biggest champ pool in 2023 #LEC winter season (UC - unique champs) :🇩🇰 @G2Caps 10 UC🇩🇪 @KaiserLoL 10 UC🇭🇷 @Perkz 10 UC🇨🇵 @Vetheo_lol 9 UC🇬🇷 @Labrov12 9 UC🇬🇷 @MersaLoL 9 UC🇸🇮 @Mikyx 9 UC🇰🇷 @Lol_photon 9 UC 1355
1624740702583226373 It’s his first birthday with BDS ! Please wish our new #LEC support @Labrov12 a very happy birthday 🥳Χαρούμενα γενέθλια! 🎉 106
1625902767817605121 @ExpressLOL_ @G2Caps @KaiserLoL @Perkz @Vetheo_lol @Labrov12 @MersaLoL @mikyx @lol_photon Where's Evi? Kappa 20
1627042032555368448 ¡Qué hacía @Labrov12!#LECInvierno | 14
1625961006009647105 @Rodrigoooodddd @ExpressLOL_ @G2Caps @KaiserLoL @Perkz @Vetheo_lol @Labrov12 @MersaLoL @mikyx @lol_photon lucian nami zeri lulu lucian nami zeri lulu lucian nami zeri lulu lucian nami zeri lulu lucian nami zeri lulu lucian nami zeri lulu lucian nami zeri lulu lucian nami zeri lulu lucian nami zeri lulu lucian nami zeri lulu lucian nami zeri lulu lucian nami zeri lulu lucian nami zeri 12
1625988836835614728 @ExpressLOL_ @G2Caps @KaiserLoL @Perkz @Vetheo_lol @Labrov12 @MersaLoL @mikyx @lol_photon Vto 9 games tho 10
1624896276645937153 Close one. GG @G2esports Back to work for Astralis next week and find a way to the final four! Proud of you guys! ❤️❤️ @Ricadam_lol @Sheo_lol @Nuclear_int @CrownshotLoL @Labrov12 @GotoOne @MenQ94 @StrikerLoLcoach @ClemThil @AtomiumLOL @MathDebonnaire #BDSPOWER 10
1625980466011463681 @ExpressLOL_ @G2Caps @KaiserLoL @Perkz @Vetheo_lol @Labrov12 @MersaLoL @mikyx @lol_photon 10
1624890532773212163 @Ricadam_lol @Sheo_lol @Nuclear_int @CrownshotLoL @Labrov12 ❤️👊 7
1625920277291958272 @ExpressLOL_ @G2Caps @KaiserLoL @Perkz @Vetheo_lol @Labrov12 @MersaLoL @mikyx @lol_photon Missing @Nukeduck and his champion ocean 7

Top 3 Languages Used In Tweets

Top 10 Hashtags used

Hashtag Count
#lec 4
#lecinvierno 2
#vitwin 1
#fantasyleague 1
#bdspower 1

Top 10 Hashtags Used In Tweets

Top 10 mentions

Mention Count
@labrov12 40
@teambds 17
@g2caps 15
@kaiserlol 15
@perkz 15
@vetheo_lol 15
@mersalol 15
@mikyx 15
@lol_photon 15
@expresslol_ 14

Top 10 mentions

Wordcloud of Tweets


Average number of emojis used per tweet


Emojis used in tweets

Emoji Count Emoji Text
💙 4 blue_heart
🇬🇷 4 Greece
🥳 4 partying_face
💛 3 yellow_heart
❤️ 3 red_heart
🎉 3 party_popper
🇩🇰 2 Denmark
🇩🇪 2 Germany
🇭🇷 2 Croatia
🇨🇵 2 Clipperton_Island

Emojis groups

Emoji Group Count
Smileys & Emotion 18
Flags 16
Activities 3
People & Body 2