Tweets Analysis - Keyword: @L5d


Total number of tweets analysed


Earliest tweet was on


Latest tweet was on


Tweets covering

9 days

Average age of authors' accounts

5 years


The tweets compare the working conditions of workers in China and Germany, with Chinese workers working 10 hours a day and only having 4 days of vacation a month, while German workers work 8 hours a day and have two paid days off a week. It is also mentioned that Chinese retire at age 60, while Germans retire at age 65 and have a longer working life. Other topics discussed include the economic burden of parents paying for the college tuition of their children, the disadvantages of traditional Chinese culture, and the potential impact of US policy on the ban of weapons.

Topic Modeling

  1. Economic burden of Chinese workers and their wages compared to German workers
  2. Chinese cultural traditions
  3. Bias against Chinese people and their beliefs
  4. Restrictions against weapons
  5. China's geographical differences

Emotional Analysis

The emotions expressed in these tweets range from anger and frustration to sarcasm and amusement. The first tweet expresses anger at the inequality between Chinese and German workers. The second tweet is angry at those who criticize the situation. The third tweet expresses frustration at an unfair economic burden. The fourth tweet is sarcastic about the lack of recognition of the long working hours of Chinese workers. The fifth tweet expresses hope for more legislation to limit weapons. The sixth tweet is sarcastic about the lack of responsibility. The seventh tweet expresses disbelief at the comparison between Chinese workers and slaves. The eighth tweet expresses a sense of inevitability about the consequences of human mistakes. The ninth tweet is humorous about the Northeast's unique sense of humor. The tenth tweet is sarcastic about taking advantage of the situation without responsibility. The eleventh tweet expresses surprise at the historical fact. The twelfth tweet expresses admiration for traditional culture. The thirteenth tweet is humorous about the lack of shame in the world. The fourteenth tweet expresses frustration at not being able to buy something. The fifteenth tweet expresses fear of an impending weapon. The sixteenth tweet expresses curiosity. The seventeenth tweet is sarcastic about the working hours of Chinese workers. The eighteenth tweet expresses surprise at the deductions of wages.

Trend Analysis

  1. Difference between workers' working hours in China and Germany
  2. Economic responsibility within a family
  3. The consequences of violating traditional values
  4. Restrictions on weapons legislation in the US
  5. Cultural differences between Eastern and Western countries

Disclaimer: The text analysis on, powered by OpenAI, does not represent the views of or its affiliates. The analysis is for informational purposes only and not an endorsement of any viewpoint.

Types of Tweets

Number of Retweets


Percentage of total tweets


Number of Original tweets


Percentage of total tweets


Number of tweets that contain Mentions


Percentage of total tweets


Number of tweets that were Replies


Percentage of total tweets


Number of tweets that were Quotes


Percentage of total tweets


Number of tweets that contain Hashtags


Percentage of total tweets


Top 5 devices used to tweet

Source Count
Twitter for iPhone 68
Twitter Web App 28
Twitter for Android 26
Twitter for iPad 2
GetThisV 2

What devices were used to tweet

Top 10 accounts with highest followers count

Username Name Bio Followers count
xzzzjpl 中日政经评论 大阪鲁社长,走遍半个地球,最后落地日本。专业新闻热点剖析。欢迎投稿爆料,私信即可。新telegram群: 159,751
_xiaohan 萧瀚 恶猜公权,善待私权;宁枉公权,不冤公民。信仰或良心之所即自由之境 92,709
get_this_v Get This Video An Automated Bot for Downloading the Videos from Twitter. Mention @get_this_v in a reply for any video and you'll get the link in seconds. 71,875
L5d Liu Dejun 刘德军 Ehem. Stip. von “Writer in Exil”, 法学家,政治学家,德国注册移民法顾问。想给中共常委们上一堂善恶有报课。Human Rights for China, Menschenrechte für China e.V. 中国人权支持会是德国注册公益机构。 转发≠同意 46,888
wangjinbo 王金波 参与中国民主党(CDP)筹组(1998-1999)。煽颠四年(2001-2005)。国际笔会独立中文笔会(ICPC)副秘书长(2013-2018),理事兼秘书长(2018-2020)。散文选《跋涉》 45,879
gaiyuyin joseph shi 石清,加拿大鄉下人 基督徒,89年系狱97年出国。现在加拿大中部经营餐馆谋生。2013年当选为加拿大阿省地方议员,2017、2021连选连任。7 year jail in China. Live in Canada. Elected municipal Councilor in 2013 & reelected 2017, 2021 45,404
LuAmyupup Amy Lu - 18,822
fight444justice 草原駱駝王子🇯🇵🇹🇼🇺🇦🇭🇰🇺🇸(新號) 朋友不是先来的人,或者认识最久的人 ,而是那个,来了以后,再也没有走的人。 (价值观不同者请别fo)不是来蹭热度和人数的。(请避免在留言区粗鲁的语言) 12,348
gfl_david 🇹🇼 國民革命,驅除馬列,回歸憲政! 王炳章: 我們必須指出的是﹐重建中華民國﹐使亞洲第一個民主共和國重新屹立在世界的東方﹐是我們全體中華兒女的責任。我們必須結合中國大陸﹑臺灣﹑港澳﹑海外一切華人的力量﹐重新舉起孫中山的旗幟﹐重建曾經屬於﹑未來也必然屬於全體中華兒女的中華民國。當然,我們必須最終接受大多數中國國民的決定!🇹🇼🇹🇼🇹🇼 11,498
shenliangqing2 沈良庆二世 推文只代表个人偏见,并不一定正确;转推和点赞只表示关注,并不一定表示支持和赞同。 7,192

Top 10 accounts with highest friends count

Username Name Bio Followers count
katsmith71 Kathryn Smith Very happily married disabled mother of two adults. 4,994
kelly30682656 Li - 2,077
liuzhongliangA 刘忠良Liuzhongliang 独立学者,《大国危途》作者,研究领域:人口、经济、制度、文化与人类文明可持续发展。Independent scholar, author of 《Great Country in Danger》.Research fields: population, economy, system, culture, etc. 2,060
jiangty02 jiangty02 愿中国得自由 1,703
Me_Llamo_Pepe “Pepe”🇪🇨 ⚽@spursofficial supporter (19 yrs & counting) & hooligan. 💼IP lawyer & former NGO worker. 🗣️普通话/廣東話/English/español 🤔我这么好玩你们为什么不关注我呀? 1,494
Eboxhlkid boxhome 等待⌛️降临 1,316
krish_deo Deo Krish Reviera - 1,278
feixiangdayang fp Twitter无社交,所有文字均不代表本人观点 1,238
JokerGoldstein 果爾德施坦因 庆父不死鲁难未已 1,218
accelrator2 kinoko ? 1,195

Most active users

Username Bio Number of tweets
L5d Ehem. Stip. von “Writer in Exil”, 法学家,政治学家,德国注册移民法顾问。想给中共常委们上一堂善恶有报课。Human Rights for China, Menschenrechte für China e.V. 中国人权支持会是德国注册公益机构。 转发≠同意 9
Mycroft_Han Supporter of Republic of China🇹🇼(Taiwan), Han ethnicity.Born in the dark.Born to follow freedom.🇹🇼💕🇺🇦🇩🇪🇪🇺不嫌吵的话,可以围观另一个账号@Benjamin_Han_一起粉蛆 4
tongyuanchuanbo 我的网址: 3
get_this_v An Automated Bot for Downloading the Videos from Twitter. Mention @get_this_v in a reply for any video and you'll get the link in seconds. 2
wangjinbo 参与中国民主党(CDP)筹组(1998-1999)。煽颠四年(2001-2005)。国际笔会独立中文笔会(ICPC)副秘书长(2013-2018),理事兼秘书长(2018-2020)。散文选《跋涉》 2
gaiyuyin 基督徒,89年系狱97年出国。现在加拿大中部经营餐馆谋生。2013年当选为加拿大阿省地方议员,2017、2021连选连任。7 year jail in China. Live in Canada. Elected municipal Councilor in 2013 & reelected 2017, 2021 2
linbaoshun - 2
liuzhongliangA 独立学者,《大国危途》作者,研究领域:人口、经济、制度、文化与人类文明可持续发展。Independent scholar, author of 《Great Country in Danger》.Research fields: population, economy, system, culture, etc. 2
dunpai99 电影,娱乐,摩托车,机械制作 2
centghp1 - 2

Tweets per day

Top 10 tweets with highest Retweet count

ID Text Retweet count
1625764850952507393 @Mycroft_Han @GreenPartyCN @L5d 信息时代的变化 2
1626567840705957888 @L5d @bbcchinese 是想买买不到 1
1626905455409655808 @L5d 这些年很多人有个心理,就是推崇住高楼,我一直给家里人主张,不要买高楼,15年以后,电梯问题,供水问题,还有电的问题,他们都觉得高楼是新朝。 1
1626284769880178689 @L5d 是真的“站” 1
1627164244541054976 @L5d 奴风而非古风!古风是作揖!下跪不是古风!孔孟也不会让跪下! 1
1626860664667906050 @L5d 六千一平都无法脱手,住了一年多对门的邻居都还不认识。 1
1626554375308197890 @L5d @bbcchinese 中国工人一天干10个小时,月休4天,德国工人一天干8个小时,一周双休,就算中国人60岁退休职业生涯的工作时长也远比德国人65岁退休多 1
1625484639195525122 @L5d @bbcchinese 广东是以前的南越国 1
1626937877828452352 @trinityflorzzz @sweetmango_s @twomountains3 @L5d @bbcchinese 我就是单休 不过工作时间蛮固定的,7.5小时 1
1626593087765237761 @L5d @bbcchinese 是美国不卖,你看看黑鹰当年买回来当宝用 1

Top 10 tweets with highest Like count

ID Text Like count
1626554375308197890 @L5d @bbcchinese 中国工人一天干10个小时,月休4天,德国工人一天干8个小时,一周双休,就算中国人60岁退休职业生涯的工作时长也远比德国人65岁退休多 18
1624715402378108928 @L5d 偏要各种妄议,气死尔等🖕️ 7
1626868392639725568 @L5d @democracyliber1 @Pandazhq 她爸要拿她的钱给她弟买房,这叫什么经济负担?如果你认为付成年后学费是理财,那麻烦把回报率说清楚,当事人有知情权 6
1626763525489319937 @L5d @bbcchinese 只讲退休年龄不讲工作时长就有点流氓了吧 4
1625758197909803010 @USA_China_Talk @L5d 期待美国出台更多限制武器的法案 3
1626843129428209664 @L5d 吃屎也要有吃屎样看看这样子到底还是那么中规中矩 3
1626623808638418945 @L5d @bbcchinese 中国人干活和奴隶有什么区别和德国人比 3
1626584931685236739 @bbcchinese @L5d 讲真,人类犯的错误一定会付出代价 2
1626902958842712067 @wangjinbo @L5d @wangxiaoshan 东北人特有的轻松幽默,看不惯划走得了,我看你还挺贱的,嘴贱! 2
1625829819274653697 @L5d @jessyshen 占便宜不用担责任心理,以前电话卡也是不打算用了就打爆 2

Top 3 Languages Used In Tweets

Top 10 Hashtags used

Hashtag Count
#xinjiang 1
#uyghur 1

Top 10 Hashtags Used In Tweets

Top 10 mentions

Mention Count
@l5d 125
@bbcchinese 17
@mycroft_han 6
@wangxiaoshan 5
@pandazhq 5
@twomountains3 5
@greenpartycn 5
@wangjinbo 4
@democracyliber1 4
@usa_china_talk 4

Top 10 mentions

Wordcloud of Tweets


Average number of emojis used per tweet


Emojis used in tweets

Emoji Count Emoji Text
😂 4 face_with_tears_of_joy
🤢 3 nauseated_face
😘 2 face_blowing_a_kiss
😭 2 loudly_crying_face
👍 1 thumbs_up
🤮 1 face_vomiting
👍🏻 1 thumbs_up_light_skin_tone
🤣 1 rolling_on_the_floor_laughing
😅 1 grinning_face_with_sweat
😄 1 grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes

Emojis groups

Emoji Group Count
Smileys & Emotion 16
People & Body 3