Tweets Analysis - Keyword: @kathleen_belew


Total number of tweets analysed


Earliest tweet was on


Latest tweet was on


Tweets covering

10 days

Average age of authors' accounts

9 years


Dr. Kathleen Belew is challenging two myths about US terrorism; the "lone wolf" and "it's not who we are". She is providing an important and frightening history about the January 6th Insurrection. She is engaging in conversations about the controversy between people on Twitter. She is denouncing Glenn Greenwald for pushing a failing position and being a "cartoon parody". She is advocating for the assertion of demonstrable facts in order to progress.

Topic Modeling

  1. Insurrection & Extremism – Jan6th Insurrection, Proud Boys, Oath Keepers
  2. Donald Trump – Trump, Violence
  3. History & Myth – Myth America
  4. Kathleen Belew – Kathleen Belew, Basic Books, Kevin Kruse, Julian Zelizer, MYHNN, Women Know History
  5. Glenn Greenwald Disinformation – Glenn, disinformation expert

Emotional Analysis

The emotions expressed in these tweets range from shock and outrage to disbelief and confusion. Many of the tweets are focused on Dr. Kathleen Belew's dismantling of two important myths about terrorism in the United States, and the discussion around the January 6th insurrection. There is also a sense of disbelief in some of the tweets, particularly in relation to Glenn Greenwald's stance on the issue. There is a lot of anger and frustration expressed in relation to the Proud Boys and Oath Keepers, as well as in relation to the idea that men should be seen as superior to women and babies should not be happy.

Trend Analysis

  1. January 6th insurrection in the US
  2. Lone wolf terrorism and its myths
  3. Discussing history and myths
  4. White supremacy
  5. Misinformation, fraud and nihilism

Disclaimer: The text analysis on, powered by OpenAI, does not represent the views of or its affiliates. The analysis is for informational purposes only and not an endorsement of any viewpoint.

Types of Tweets

Number of Retweets


Percentage of total tweets


Number of Original tweets


Percentage of total tweets


Number of tweets that contain Mentions


Percentage of total tweets


Number of tweets that were Replies


Percentage of total tweets


Number of tweets that were Quotes


Percentage of total tweets


Number of tweets that contain Hashtags


Percentage of total tweets


Top 5 devices used to tweet

Source Count
Twitter for iPhone 107
Twitter Web App 72
Twitter for Android 58
Twitter for iPad 6
TweetDeck 3

What devices were used to tweet

Top 10 accounts with highest followers count

Username Name Bio Followers count
KevinMKruse Kevin M. Kruse Historian: White Flight; New Suburban History; Fog of War; One Nation Under God; Fault Lines; Voter Suppression; Myth America: 483,773
Lollardfish David M. Perry Journalist & historian. Pub musician. Dad. Husband. I also do dishes. Read: #TheBrightAges he/him 60,138
zeithistoriker Quinn Slobodian New book soon from Metropolitan, Penguin, Suhrkamp, Seuil: 38,524
shashatheitch22 #Accountability4All 🆘️🇺🇲🆘️ 🇺🇦 #WearAMask😷 #BeKind #PresidentBiden is my #birthdaytwin #GOPTraitors #OneLove #Respect #NoFuckery #Truth ! #CosmicCheerleader #BlackVotesMatter #JusticeMatters 23,579
GilmoreGlenda Dr. Glenda Gilmore Historian. Latest book is Romare Bearden in the Homeland of His Imagination. 21,151
prof_gabriele Matt Gabriele Professor. religion/violence. medieval/modern. nostalgia/apocalypse. THE BRIGHT AGES (2021). OATHBREAKERS (coming 2024). Rep @inkwellmgmt. Neutral Good. he/him 19,893
carlyinNJ 🧡Carly Says Things Be💗Kind ❇💚🌍 #JusticeMatters 🇺🇦 Love Democracy, Social Justice, Save🌏Earth, ERA🗽 #RESIST ❇🌊 Blessings2U🌈 💙🌻💛 #bluecrew 18,571
DrKarenLCox @DrKarenLCox 🏳️‍🌈 Award-winning historian. OG monument scholar. Writing a book on the 1940 Rhythm Club fire. Southerner who tells the truth about the South. 16,128
Bretontheradio Bret Saunders Like some disgraced cosmonaut. Profile pic by @wardsutton. Your kid could do that: 12,231
PersisterCrone 🌊🇺🇸 #KeepAbortionSafe&Legal #GetVaccinated 🌊🇺🇸🇺🇦🌻🕊😎💞 🌏 belongs to grandchildren. #TNR🐈 #CVID🦓 #Lyme Advocate🕷 #ImmuneDeficient. #DemVoice1 11,473

Top 10 accounts with highest friends count

Username Name Bio Followers count
shashatheitch22 #Accountability4All 🆘️🇺🇲🆘️ 🇺🇦 #WearAMask😷 #BeKind #PresidentBiden is my #birthdaytwin #GOPTraitors #OneLove #Respect #NoFuckery #Truth ! #CosmicCheerleader #BlackVotesMatter #JusticeMatters 23,973
carlyinNJ 🧡Carly Says Things Be💗Kind ❇💚🌍 #JusticeMatters 🇺🇦 Love Democracy, Social Justice, Save🌏Earth, ERA🗽 #RESIST ❇🌊 Blessings2U🌈 💙🌻💛 #bluecrew 20,427
PersisterCrone 🌊🇺🇸 #KeepAbortionSafe&Legal #GetVaccinated 🌊🇺🇸🇺🇦🌻🕊😎💞 🌏 belongs to grandchildren. #TNR🐈 #CVID🦓 #Lyme Advocate🕷 #ImmuneDeficient. #DemVoice1 12,580
buzzkillprof Professor Buzzkill History Podcast Professor Buzzkill History Podcast. Busting History Myths, Taking Names! Listen: Instagram: @buzzkillprof IRL: Dr. Joseph Coohill 11,454
Dalocoengineer #Fishing for Equality!!! ✊🏾🎣🐟 Equality,Freedom & Justice! Angler/Hunter 🐟 🦃🦌 Conservationist, Outdoor Enthusiast, #ChelseaFC ⚽️ Fan #Resistance #BoostedAF 💚💨 Vote Blue!! 6,769
AndyDahl6 Gretafied Custodian of Mother Earth. Billionaire Bondage, Geriatric Oligarchy and Unabated Capitalist pursuit must end now to save Mother Earth Stop obeying Fascist Pigs 5,752
3dKan3 Ed Kane Co-Owner of Only In Sedona Yoga, I Make Stuff With My Eyes, Video Editor, #SFGiants, #IndyCar, Head Trash Taker-Outer at Casa de Onyx#OverThinker-er 5,168
Bretontheradio Bret Saunders Like some disgraced cosmonaut. Profile pic by @wardsutton. Your kid could do that: 5,083
jjj5819 Jessica Josephson - 5,004
ken_crichlow ken crichlow From the beach 5,002

Most active users

Username Bio Number of tweets
amityfranksilva Amity Island, MA Harbor Master Proud to be Portuguese-American AMM WWII Vet - James W Denver - sunk April '43 My grand daughter says to say this: parody account 20
askgro - 11
msjbe20a - 7
buzzkillprof Professor Buzzkill History Podcast. Busting History Myths, Taking Names! Listen: Instagram: @buzzkillprof IRL: Dr. Joseph Coohill 4
stuart_oneill Pol-Junkie, 30+yrs RE Exp, Pro-Democracy, Learning Practical Uses of A.I. Pol Pro motto: •Practical Politics 101•Thanks to Followers. Please Engage. 3
RalphJodiceJr Xbox PR guy, F3 guy called Atari, kwyjibo & wraslin' mark that went to Appalachian State a long, long time ago. I'm never afraid to play some Creed. FAAFO. 3
rmhaley8 Ph.D., Clinical Psychology; M.S., Mathematics; M.B.A., Finance & Management; Mom to two fantabulous offspring; 45 year feminist activist and leader; zioness; 3
jjj5819 - 3
tommg12_tom - 3
uxiseverywhere UX advocate / ultra-marathoner (3x BW135 finisher) / accessibility-focused former civil servant. *All views are my own* 3

Tweets per day

Top 10 tweets with highest Retweet count

ID Text Retweet count
1625520039787888641 Dr. Kathleen Belew dismantles two important myths about #terrorism in the United States - the "lone wolf," and "it's not who we are." Listen here! @kathleen_belew #Jan6th #Jan6thInsurrection #violence #Trump #podcast @BasicBooks @KevinMKruse #insurrection 36
1625482210752036866 Insurrection in Modern America: History and Myth with @kathleen_belew. Important and frightening #history from #MythAmerica! Listen: @BasicBooks @KevinMKruse @julianzelizer @myHNN @myHNN_News @womnknowhistory #January6thInsurrection #twitterstorians 17
1625487578299523072 January 6th is part of a larger #history of #insurrection and #extremism in #America. @kathleen_belew explains: #Jan6th #Jan6thInsurrection #ProudBoys #OathKeepers #violence #Trump #podcast @womnknowhistory @BasicBooks @KevinMKruse #MythAmerica 6
1625488794811240452 @kyledcheney @kathleen_belew the girlfriend role reappears. 2
1626673060534181909 @KarenAttiah @kathleen_belew Why are these people so obsessed with genitalia lol 2
1625305466430709760 @kathleen_belew Can't expert accurate anything from GlennWadd, Kathleen. Having read your work...yeah you got me. 1
1626672303584215040 @KarenAttiah @kathleen_belew I'm hollering at "cock shame" . 1
1626715802673233922 @kathleen_belew @gerry_cadava Curious to see if US is successful. I've done several private refugee sponsorships here in Canada. It is outsourcing the work, but refugees build connections and get help that agencies can't provide 1
1625286237257973762 @kathleen_belew Hard to believe the guy who worked his ass off pro-bono for a notorious neo Nazi would have this take... 1
1625328945234157568 @kathleen_belew Glenn has to accuse experts of being frauds to cover up the fact that he's turned into a huge fraud and a hack 1

Top 10 tweets with highest Like count

ID Text Like count
1625520039787888641 Dr. Kathleen Belew dismantles two important myths about #terrorism in the United States - the "lone wolf," and "it's not who we are." Listen here! @kathleen_belew #Jan6th #Jan6thInsurrection #violence #Trump #podcast @BasicBooks @KevinMKruse #insurrection 105
1625482210752036866 Insurrection in Modern America: History and Myth with @kathleen_belew. Important and frightening #history from #MythAmerica! Listen: @BasicBooks @KevinMKruse @julianzelizer @myHNN @myHNN_News @womnknowhistory #January6thInsurrection #twitterstorians 79
1626683282116018176 @KarenAttiah @kathleen_belew Are they upset because the baby has a happy face? 😆 77
1626673060534181909 @KarenAttiah @kathleen_belew Why are these people so obsessed with genitalia lol 66
1625286237257973762 @kathleen_belew Hard to believe the guy who worked his ass off pro-bono for a notorious neo Nazi would have this take... 22
1624168273494302724 @kathleen_belew @Lollardfish Nope, I'm pretty sure that I didn't have DeSantis in my US 1890 to the present lecture. But it's possible because they were big classes & it was 20+ years ago. I'm itching to get my hands on his senior essay. 15
1625285655344422915 @kathleen_belew Seems like Glenn is also a disinformation expert 😒 or an agent 14
1625285349340479488 @kathleen_belew Glenn never met a failing position he wouldn't vociferously push. 14
1626672190530658304 @KarenAttiah @kathleen_belew No.No they are not. 13
1626788963074686977 @MarTay314 @KarenAttiah @kathleen_belew Looking like a damn gerber baby and they’re drawing weird lines and complaining his father holds him 13

Top 3 Languages Used In Tweets

Top 10 Hashtags used

Hashtag Count
#history 5
#insurrection 5
#jan6th 5
#jan6thinsurrection 5
#violence 5
#trump 5
#podcast 5
#mythamerica 5
#twitterstorians 3
#extremism 3

Top 10 Hashtags Used In Tweets

Top 10 mentions

Mention Count
@kathleen_belew 251
@potus 21
@timjacobwise 20
@joyannreid 20
@karenattiah 17
@tizzyent 15
@kevinmkruse 13
@maddow 11
@basicbooks 10
@womnknowhistory 8

Top 10 mentions

Wordcloud of Tweets


Average number of emojis used per tweet


Emojis used in tweets

Emoji Count Emoji Text
💔 5 broken_heart
🤣 4 rolling_on_the_floor_laughing
😊 3 smiling_face_with_smiling_eyes
😒 2 unamused_face
❤️ 2 red_heart
🤬 1 face_with_symbols_on_mouth
😤 1 face_with_steam_from_nose
😆 1 grinning_squinting_face
😬 1 grimacing_face
🤦‍♀️ 1 woman_facepalming

Emojis groups

Emoji Group Count
Smileys & Emotion 24
People & Body 2
Symbols 1