Account Summary

Followers Count


Friends Count


Tweets Count


List Count



Youtube: Kandee Johnson



Followers Analysis (based on followers sample)


Number of Verified accounts


Percentage of Verified accounts



Number of Protected accounts


Percentage of Protected accounts



Average Age of Twitter accounts

6 years


Number of users without a Bio


Number of users with a Bio


Percentage of users with a Bio


Percentage of users without a Bio


Worldcloud of Bios

List of top 10 keywords used in bios

Word Frequency
love 3502
life 2392
makeup 2003
music 1600
beauty 1477
mom 1207
lover 1187
artist 978
instagram 891
world 868

List of top 10 hashtags used in bios

Hashtag Frequency
#blacklivesmatter 64
#blm 62
#makeup 44
#1 40
#love 33
#beauty 27
#bitcoin 26
#music 25
#fashion 21
#blockchain 20

Top 10 followers with the highest follower count

Username Followers Count Friends Count Tweet Count
JohnCena 14105215 571090 7447
AndreaRussett 6803352 6531 54815
rclbeauty101 3251554 3024 9724
gwenstefani 2690856 1109 6599
anthonypadilla 2287191 921 2321
KameronBennett 1811780 1488326 96181
MegsDeAngelis 1785170 12174 33824
DonnieWahlberg 1491132 12387 162080
sampottorff 1431384 13542 27408
JDaIey 1227599 1016367 42998

Top 10 followers with the highest following count

Username Friends Count Followers Count Tweet Count
KameronBennett 1488326 1811780 96181
JDaIey 1016367 1227599 42998
_yavuzatalay 743123 695668 1407
MilesSTEREOS 687589 861707 8517
JohnCena 571090 14105215 7447
larrykim 569123 729314 85775
wefollowbackd 451855 457152 7396
Dylan_Bostic 349704 349531 11828
NOH8Campaign 345179 801894 13960
lindeelink 315180 287150 5282

Top 10 followers with the highest tweet count

Username Tweets Count Followers Count Friends Count
brandonmscales 1043042 44 3197
KaceyKells 556148 32901 24899
KristaLovesJian 552296 2166 4912
peta 524114 1075372 1875
ZainR 500142 4059 1418
Breanda_Newell 467178 1390 969
serchfilm 447123 1299 4121
BruceVH 416709 587860 172664
Dazza70Smith 406919 5328 3451
twisterbolt 390181 271 5000

Top 10 followers with the highest listed count

Username Listed Count Friends Count Followers Count
JohnCena 31682 571090 14105215
paul_steele 9878 157459 647584
larrykim 9739 569123 729314
DonnieWahlberg 7759 12387 1491132
NOH8Campaign 7563 345179 801894
peta 7503 1875 1075372
BruceVH 5812 172664 587860
AxelKoster 5735 170378 599166
gwenstefani 5298 1109 2690856
mmpadellan 5234 43689 1224012

Tweets Analysis


Total number of tweets analysed


Earliest tweet was on


Latest tweet was on


Tweets covering

1,664 days

Types of Tweets

Number of Retweets


Percentage of total tweets


Number of Original tweets


Percentage of total tweets


Number of tweets that contain Mentions


Percentage of total tweets


Number of tweets that were Replies


Percentage of total tweets


Number of tweets that were Quotes


Percentage of total tweets


Number of tweets that contain Hashtags


Percentage of total tweets


Top 10 tweets with highest Retweet count

ID Text Retweet count
1081790168669904897 Toxic people will keep being just have to remove yourself from their negativity, energy & block them, unfollow them, do whatever “detox” steps you need to do to remove their toxic presence from your life. 2598
1051933756070584320 Oh my gosh...this is how all parents should raise their kids to treat each other...😭😭😭 2343
1160680876356730880 Just a reminder: real friends ARE NOT people who just want to use you for things that will help them. They genuinely like you and want nothing from you but to enjoy your company, be there for each other & to be a part of things with them. 2154
1108482269692350464 If someone is supposed to be in your life, you won’t be able to make them leave & if someone leaves easily...they are not meant to be there. You deserve being desired, not deserted. You won’t have to chase after someone that’s meant to be there. 1998
1057046546892509185 Public Service Announcement: Only fall in love with someone who thinks you are the best thing in the world. All others can please back away. 1804
1092517393203511297 Rude people should not work in health care, customer service, or any kind of hospitality job. Rude people shouldn’t work where they have to talk to people...they should work alone. Very alone. 1784
1119667173759148032 Here’s why u don’t see videos for people you’ve subscribed to on @youtube anymore: The purpose of subscribing to someone is to see their new videos, but Youtube now chooses if & who MIGHT, occasionally see ur video, unless ur a creator they want seen - or have rung the dumb bell 1753
1142515399721771008 You’re going to find a person that not only chooses you for the moment, but continues to always choose you, EVERY day. And it will all make sense why it never worked out with anyone else. 1712
1064057200329543680 I really lose respect for anyone I see being unappreciative, rude, ungrateful or just acting privileged or entitled. 1635
1157455281296564224 Avoid people with toxic, negative energy as much as possible. And if they spew their negativity out on you....just ignore it because you know it’s not at the frequency you operate in, it’s down in the gutter and you’re up on the mountain top! 1534

Top 10 tweets with highest Reply count

ID Text Reply count
1255306564145217538 Would rather have your makeup professionally done every day for the rest of your life or your hair professionally done?! 1490
1166871461904048128 Nicest celebrity you’ve ever met...GO: 842
1129954880557182977 Is it time for me to come back to @youtube? 562
1081328169368449024 QUESTION OF THE DAY: Do you recharge by being alone or by being around people? (I recharge by being alone) 515
1122040961154961408 What is one thing you wish you had right now? 358
1119667173759148032 Here’s why u don’t see videos for people you’ve subscribed to on @youtube anymore: The purpose of subscribing to someone is to see their new videos, but Youtube now chooses if & who MIGHT, occasionally see ur video, unless ur a creator they want seen - or have rung the dumb bell 348
1141397340500066304 Just want to know...why is it you guys like to follow me? Like what are the posts you’re like: “yes! I’m so glad I follow her!” 322
1106634142391754752 Who are some people that make you happy, are inspiring, positive and are good role models for the world, that you follow? 320
1206443248526360577 Favorite Christmas movie...go: 306

Top 10 tweets with highest Quote count

ID Text Quote count
1255306564145217538 Would rather have your makeup professionally done every day for the rest of your life or your hair professionally done?! 756
1051933756070584320 Oh my gosh...this is how all parents should raise their kids to treat each other...😭😭😭 419
1119667173759148032 Here’s why u don’t see videos for people you’ve subscribed to on @youtube anymore: The purpose of subscribing to someone is to see their new videos, but Youtube now chooses if & who MIGHT, occasionally see ur video, unless ur a creator they want seen - or have rung the dumb bell 401
1166871461904048128 Nicest celebrity you’ve ever met...GO: 228
1136437183940665344 This is the best thing I’ve seen all day....I’ve watched this full on baby/dad convo like 7 times... 157
1092517393203511297 Rude people should not work in health care, customer service, or any kind of hospitality job. Rude people shouldn’t work where they have to talk to people...they should work alone. Very alone. 149
1081328169368449024 QUESTION OF THE DAY: Do you recharge by being alone or by being around people? (I recharge by being alone) 133
1141233463279800320 Is it weird I wish the youtube beauty community could just go back to the days of 2009...there was no drama, backstabbing, people creating content to stir up drama. It was about a common love for makeup & creativity and not about money, fame or drama. 125
1081790168669904897 Toxic people will keep being just have to remove yourself from their negativity, energy & block them, unfollow them, do whatever “detox” steps you need to do to remove their toxic presence from your life. 112
1121441055658799105 Mean girls aren’t just in high school...I waved at 4 of the moms at my kids school this morning, and they just stared at me😂😂😂 101

Top 10 tweets with highest Like count

ID Text Like count
1141233463279800320 Is it weird I wish the youtube beauty community could just go back to the days of 2009...there was no drama, backstabbing, people creating content to stir up drama. It was about a common love for makeup & creativity and not about money, fame or drama. 16095
1121441055658799105 Mean girls aren’t just in high school...I waved at 4 of the moms at my kids school this morning, and they just stared at me😂😂😂 13213
1278186583166877696 I miss the youtube beauty community (before 2010) was filled with kindness, everyone was respectful, humble, friendly and there was no big egos, drama, attitude or hating each other. It was a bunch of happy people trying to make others happy. 12923
1051933756070584320 Oh my gosh...this is how all parents should raise their kids to treat each other...😭😭😭 10626
1092517393203511297 Rude people should not work in health care, customer service, or any kind of hospitality job. Rude people shouldn’t work where they have to talk to people...they should work alone. Very alone. 9716
1199621013664780288 I just walked to my neighbors and exchanged her 3 pairs of eyelashes, a beauty blender & some setting spray for 2 sticks of butter that I needed. 9529
1064057200329543680 I really lose respect for anyone I see being unappreciative, rude, ungrateful or just acting privileged or entitled. 9218
1105709383835480066 😭❤️ Tonight while I tucked Blake (11 years old) in bed & he was saying his prayer...he finished it off with: “and can mom find a guy that truly loves her and she truly loves him” 😭❤️ Little sweetheart. 9057
1068746435884023808 I was eating dinner by myself tonight & a sweet 12yr old boy came up & said his family wanted to invite me to eat w/ them because I was alone. I told him thank u so much but I had emails & work calls to catch up on. When my check came, the waiter told me they paid 4 my dinner😭❤️ 8866
1081790168669904897 Toxic people will keep being just have to remove yourself from their negativity, energy & block them, unfollow them, do whatever “detox” steps you need to do to remove their toxic presence from your life. 8217

Top 3 Languages Used In Tweets

Top 10 Hashtags used

Hashtag Count
#woolseyfire 16
#1 3
#newprofilepic 3
#party 3
#savecora 3
#freebritney 2
#rockpoolfire 2
#throwbackthursday 2
#superbowl 2
#youtube 2

Top 10 Hashtags Used In Tweets

Top 10 mentions

Hashtag Count
@youtube 44
@rosannapansino 8
@instagram 8
@streamys 6
@hawaiianair 5
@apple 4
@jaclynhill 4
@patrickstarrr 4
@lindseystirling 4
@thegigigorgeous 3

Top 10 mentions

Wordcloud of Tweets

Emojis used in tweets

Emoji Count Emoji Text
😂 584 face_with_tears_of_joy
❤️ 258 red_heart
🙈 118 see-no-evil_monkey
😭 76 loudly_crying_face
🤣 42 rolling_on_the_floor_laughing
👊 30 oncoming_fist
😱 20 face_screaming_in_fear
19 sparkles
💔 17 broken_heart
💕 14 two_hearts

Emojis groups

Emoji Group Count
Smileys & Emotion 1262
People & Body 92
Activities 33
Travel & Places 15
Objects 4
Animals & Nature 4
Symbols 4
Food & Drink 4
Flags 1