Account Summary

Followers Count


Friends Count


Tweets Count


List Count






Followers Analysis (based on followers sample)


Number of Verified accounts


Percentage of Verified accounts



Number of Protected accounts


Percentage of Protected accounts



Average Age of Twitter accounts

7 years


Number of users without a Bio


Number of users with a Bio


Percentage of users with a Bio


Percentage of users without a Bio


Worldcloud of Bios

List of top 10 keywords used in bios

Word Frequency
love 2995
pakistan 2474
student 2339
pakistani 2216
proud 2128
muslim 2024
sports 1885
news 1778
life 1571
allah 1286

List of top 10 hashtags used in bios

Hashtag Frequency
#muslim 149
#pakistani 146
#pti 91
#pakistan 84
#election2016 64
#student 61
#cricket 58
#proud 58
#love 57
#pakistanzindabad 52

Top 10 followers with the highest follower count

Username Followers Count Friends Count Tweet Count
Dawn_News 2478634 265 299850
6BillionPeople 2036127 4025515 183298
SdqJaan 1639259 30754 71591
iamfawadalam25 933612 126 4322
Haqeeqat_TV 882684 9264 17208
Abramjee 713805 20830 261878
omarsuleiman504 697305 4257 8120
djkingassassin 474405 1375121 137836
Waqtnewstv 419793 889 309328
fara_yousaf 389815 624 12890

Top 10 followers with the highest following count

Username Friends Count Followers Count Tweet Count
6BillionPeople 4025515 2036127 183298
djkingassassin 1375121 474405 137836
drissawaked 232411 266307 37678
HarryGoaz 142053 236264 1716
wasim_dr 128586 117328 22876
shaancheema 111495 53899 196155
i1k__ 67361 67054 131344
machiumasuda 52644 9917 1450
SaudHafiz 45470 40712 9158
musclegodz 40899 70961 74843

Top 10 followers with the highest tweet count

Username Tweets Count Followers Count Friends Count
RehnumaSamaji 429251 2636 5002
shaddad_marwat 415772 3291 5007
TariqLodhi71 413010 2853 4999
lfrohonch10 403168 3137 3947
nnsyd37350961 383064 2252 4995
RanaFaizanFaza1 331048 1788 2971
chnoumannaveed6 328553 3840 5003
I_am_the_Omer 324923 2186 4999
drsfashraf 322618 10551 10461
mairee4252 321148 828 5002

Top 10 followers with the highest listed count

Username Listed Count Friends Count Followers Count
6BillionPeople 4066 4025515 2036127
AnaLuciaNovak 2518 28344 25688
Dawn_News 1957 265 2478634
Abramjee 992 20830 713805
omarsuleiman504 959 4257 697305
SANTINORICE 911 40753 71562
SdqJaan 852 30754 1639259
djkingassassin 754 1375121 474405
Waqtnewstv 560 889 419793
bbcasiannetwork 560 2866 114141

Tweets Analysis


Total number of tweets analysed


Earliest tweet was on


Latest tweet was on


Tweets covering

1,552 days

Types of Tweets

Number of Retweets


Percentage of total tweets


Number of Original tweets


Percentage of total tweets


Number of tweets that contain Mentions


Percentage of total tweets


Number of tweets that were Replies


Percentage of total tweets


Number of tweets that were Quotes


Percentage of total tweets


Number of tweets that contain Hashtags


Percentage of total tweets


Top 10 tweets with highest Retweet count

ID Text Retweet count
805344212912902144 Heaven on Earth Chitral. With my friends in the Path of Allah . Snowpacked Tirchmir right behind us 7065
511433863458193408 I see IK I wanna sing another National song . I see others don't even feel like humming DIL DIL PAKISTAN . Donno why 2534
507526391110565888 Shabash kaptaan . If yr heart says the same as yr tongue nothing can stop you 2244
803057613457866752 If you Try you risk Failure . If you Quit you Ensure it . Beginning is always the Hardest part 2098
511838084967579648 I m going to the media now regarding IK's dharna and what this venomous system is doing to us . I hv made up my mind now Please pray fr me 2096
516696412206030848 This really was the perfect place fr me to sing DIL DIL PAKISTAN !!! 2068
498324713157197824 I don't hate my past . Though I give that impression . I m Dil Dil Pakistan forever . 2050
794283430124978176 My motto in life You only live once but if u live it right once is enough. Pl live yr life . Dont just exist 1824
802014457580912640 Who wants to get rewards from Allah boundless in both the worlds. Read the post n perform this noble deed 1526
713868434820435968 I wish I wasn't travelling alone. A little distressed with what happened. Musalman the is liye bad'dua bhi na kr saka inke liye 1356

Top 10 tweets with highest Reply count

ID Text Reply count
540391165343055872 Mujhe apne hum watnon se Itne dukh milainge kabhi socha bhi nahi tha . Ghame aashiqi tera shukria Mein kahan kahan se guzar gaya 1845
805344212912902144 Heaven on Earth Chitral. With my friends in the Path of Allah . Snowpacked Tirchmir right behind us 1718
511838084967579648 I m going to the media now regarding IK's dharna and what this venomous system is doing to us . I hv made up my mind now Please pray fr me 1446
713868434820435968 I wish I wasn't travelling alone. A little distressed with what happened. Musalman the is liye bad'dua bhi na kr saka inke liye 825
511915021475930113 I m part of the tableeghi jamat . We are a non political organization . But I very strongly say that our sick political system must change 718
692002362383212544 My dearest father just passed away. Inna lillahi wainna ilaihi rajioon. Pl pray fr his maghfirah Allah bless you 709
516696412206030848 This really was the perfect place fr me to sing DIL DIL PAKISTAN !!! 619
511433863458193408 I see IK I wanna sing another National song . I see others don't even feel like humming DIL DIL PAKISTAN . Donno why 600
713956687091212288 Its about time v as a nation decide that v will not let these religious fanatics prevail amongst us . They will be exposed n brought to task 495
597738588613120003 On mother's day I confess Amir Liaqat has given me , my brother sisters n the entire family the most pain ever ..... 478

Top 10 tweets with highest Quote count

ID Text Quote count
805344212912902144 Heaven on Earth Chitral. With my friends in the Path of Allah . Snowpacked Tirchmir right behind us 1761
597738588613120003 On mother's day I confess Amir Liaqat has given me , my brother sisters n the entire family the most pain ever ..... 265
498324713157197824 I don't hate my past . Though I give that impression . I m Dil Dil Pakistan forever . 184
700977550382776320 Now I want to see this J Dot logo in Pakistani grounds . Next #PSL in Pakistan inshallah 155
794283430124978176 My motto in life You only live once but if u live it right once is enough. Pl live yr life . Dont just exist 128
718459159432310786 I forgive all my attackers at Ibd airport. I pray that may Allah give us the strength to love n respect each other irrespective . 97
803057613457866752 If you Try you risk Failure . If you Quit you Ensure it . Beginning is always the Hardest part 94
798598226702204929 مؤلي يا صل وسلم دائما أبدا على حبيبك خير الخلق كلهم. Panama city. Panama 74
786130335343992832 Beautiful rendition of beautiful people 61
771825293614985216 3 Pakistanis who love their country 52

Top 10 tweets with highest Like count

ID Text Like count
805344212912902144 Heaven on Earth Chitral. With my friends in the Path of Allah . Snowpacked Tirchmir right behind us 21616
803057613457866752 If you Try you risk Failure . If you Quit you Ensure it . Beginning is always the Hardest part 5080
803112707415216128 Beautiful #memories with a beautiful #friend . May Allah reward you in His highest esteem Naveed 5022
802014457580912640 Who wants to get rewards from Allah boundless in both the worlds. Read the post n perform this noble deed 3794
511433863458193408 I see IK I wanna sing another National song . I see others don't even feel like humming DIL DIL PAKISTAN . Donno why 3566
516696412206030848 This really was the perfect place fr me to sing DIL DIL PAKISTAN !!! 3497
511838084967579648 I m going to the media now regarding IK's dharna and what this venomous system is doing to us . I hv made up my mind now Please pray fr me 3424
498324713157197824 I don't hate my past . Though I give that impression . I m Dil Dil Pakistan forever . 3297
507526391110565888 Shabash kaptaan . If yr heart says the same as yr tongue nothing can stop you 3099
713868434820435968 I wish I wasn't travelling alone. A little distressed with what happened. Musalman the is liye bad'dua bhi na kr saka inke liye 3034

Top 3 Languages Used In Tweets

Top 10 Hashtags used

Hashtag Count
#shaneramzanonary 15
#ajeeb 14
#shaneramzan 11
#abbhogasaafkhi 10
#humsaykhi 7
#nayapakistan 6
#cleankarachi 4
#quettablast 4
#chandsitara 4
#ummati 3

Top 10 Hashtags Used In Tweets

Top 10 mentions

Hashtag Count
@mypalanpuri 44
@waseembadami 23
@arydigitalasia 15
@sufisal 11
@shaneramazan 10
@imrankhanpti 9
@shahihasan 7
@cmmuradalishah 6
@wasimakramlive 5
@humanappeal 5

Top 10 mentions

Wordcloud of Tweets