Tweets Analysis - Keyword: @JonahP_


Total number of tweets analysed


Earliest tweet was on


Latest tweet was on


Tweets covering

9 days

Average age of authors' accounts

5 years


C9WIN won against a great team and now people are talking about JonahP_ and his accomplishments. It is mentioned that MatthewCElmore has to take the mantle up now and JoshRTz is recognised as young. People are celebrating VALYNtines day, REAVER has someone's heart, and JonahP_ is considered a god.

Topic Modeling

  1. Competition: C9 wins, battle of the Jonas, can't beat someone twice, etc.
  2. Team Spirit: Making statements together, backing up teammates, celebrating victories together, expressing love and admiration for team mates, etc.
  3. Expressing Respect: Congratulating teammates, admiring and worshipping gods/teammates, etc.
  4. Expressing nostalgia: saying goodbye to Ben, celebrating last year's celebration, etc.
  5. Product Prostration: Expressing desires to join a certain team, showing affection for a particular product, etc.

Emotional Analysis

The emotions expressed in these tweets range from excitement and joy to sadness and nostalgia. People are expressing their enthusiasm for their team's victory, showing support for their friends, and expressing their love for the organization they are part of or hope to join. There is also a sense of admiration for each other's accomplishments and a feeling of camaraderie between the group. Additionally, there is a sense of loss and longing for the past, as some of the tweets express sadness at the lack of Benkai walkouts. Overall, these tweets demonstrate a strong sense of community and friendship.

Trend Analysis

  1. Valorant esports team, C9WIN
  2. Celebration of teammates
  3. Benkai walkouts
  4. Young esports players
  5. Valentine's Day celebrations

Disclaimer: The text analysis on, powered by OpenAI, does not represent the views of or its affiliates. The analysis is for informational purposes only and not an endorsement of any viewpoint.

Types of Tweets

Number of Retweets


Percentage of total tweets


Number of Original tweets


Percentage of total tweets


Number of tweets that contain Mentions


Percentage of total tweets


Number of tweets that were Replies


Percentage of total tweets


Number of tweets that were Quotes


Percentage of total tweets


Number of tweets that contain Hashtags


Percentage of total tweets


Top 5 devices used to tweet

Source Count
Twitter for iPhone 46
Twitter Web App 42
Twitter for Android 19

What devices were used to tweet

Top 10 accounts with highest followers count

Username Name Bio Followers count
trentFPS GUARD trent Dart Shooter for @TheGuard | @lilbremma ❤️ for business inquiriesCheck out my other Channels - 94,472
TheGuard The Guard Esports and gaming in Los Angeles and beyond. Home of The Guard VALORANT, Apex Legends, @LAGladiators, @LAGuerrillas | #StandGuard 77,751
vkimmxo vkimm streamer and content creator for @TheGuard | | business: 69,836
Sayaplayer T1 Sayaplayer Valorant Professional player for @T1sayaplayer@vvsmgmt.com ❤️ 54,969
neT_valorant GUARD neT "No one cares, work harder" Valorant for @theguard 47,493
geometric Geo ☆On-air talent and content creator | Geo, NOT geometric | agents:☆ 45,232
valynfps GUARD valyn VALORANT In-game Leader @TheGuard | 43,402
texerino GUARD tex Professional VALORANT Player for @TheGuard ~ ~ ~ 35,113
MatthewCElmore Matthew Elmore Valorant Head Coach @Cloud9 @C9VAL 14,088
MitchMan MitchMan 🇮🇪 🇮🇪 EU @PlayVALORANT Commentator & Analyst | Ex @theAllianceGG Team Analyst | 1/3 of @dblpeek |📨 13,950

Top 10 accounts with highest friends count

Username Name Bio Followers count
NicoleBansen GUARD Nicole 💙 (she/her) Social media wiz. Producer extraordinaire. NY➡️LA | Social & Community Manager @TheGuard | prev. @OS__Studios & @washjustice | PFP by: @starrypalettes 2,430
BotCarryS ItsMeTyBtw jett enjoyer B) Global Elite CSGO immortal VALORANT Diamond LoL 2,220
FrankBerget ULTI Frank Co-founder & Esports Agent @ultiagency 📩 BSC Marketing & MBA Finance. 1,601
cheven_stang Steven Head of Talent @TheGuard | Prev: @100Thieves @EY_US @USC | 🇯🇵🇨🇳 1,572
MitchMan MitchMan 🇮🇪 🇮🇪 EU @PlayVALORANT Commentator & Analyst | Ex @theAllianceGG Team Analyst | 1/3 of @dblpeek |📨 1,296
alexqwok Alex Quach⁷ 郭勇安 Riot Yuujou | Game Producer @RiotGames | @LeagueOfLegends | @TFT | AsianAmerican | He/They 🏳️‍🌈 | @NEVRDance kpop | Film producer | #StopAsianHate 1,259
geometric Geo ☆On-air talent and content creator | Geo, NOT geometric | agents:☆ 1,231
hvzval HvZelinsky LFTL$M$ 1,130
fairyfps claudia F/A IGL ༺♡༻ prev. @sanriosval 1,126
Proofyy_ malik pushing p 🦋 black visual designer @playstation studios . competitive esports watcher . mostly memes . *my opinions are my own and don't represent my employer* former: riot 1,003

Most active users

Username Bio Number of tweets
RiotBallerina onboarding + learning & cultural development @riotgames | @JonahP_ ♡ | casablanca memory | she/her 13
zayn_LEL Valorant Coach | 31.6k YT | | Business: | DM's Open 7
neT_valorant "No one cares, work harder" Valorant for @theguard 6
TheGuard Esports and gaming in Los Angeles and beyond. Home of The Guard VALORANT, Apex Legends, @LAGladiators, @LAGuerrillas | #StandGuard 5
valynfps VALORANT In-game Leader @TheGuard | 5
Packing_10 Comp Ops dude @overwatchleague Esports Awards Coach of the Year finalist 2019. MBA student @smealcollege Marine, motivator, leader - Former: @Immortals 3
zaynlelsgf radiant 2
Yuta0kkotsu - 2
Rektyse_ 16 2
geometric ☆On-air talent and content creator | Geo, NOT geometric | agents:☆ 2

Tweets per day

Top 10 tweets with highest Retweet count

ID Text Retweet count
1625672971019866113 That was for the boys. @trentFPS @JonahP_ @neT_valorant @valynfps 💜💜💜💜 Making a statement to start. #C9WIN 2-0 against a great team. Sorry no more Benkai walkouts 😭 9
1623503930755010560 💪 @JonahP_ comes out victorious in the battle of the Jona's. 5
1625550194027945985 @TheGuard @trentFPS @RamBeauski @neT_valorant @Keonttv @JonahP_ @rknhd @texerino i wish she tex me back 1
1627049998776139777 @TheGuard @valynfps @trentFPS @JonahP_ @neT_valorant @texerino REAVER has my heart🫶 1
1625676602268090370 @MatthewCElmore @trentFPS @JonahP_ @neT_valorant @valynfps Where is me 1
1625921256217247744 IT FINALLY CAME IN @TheGuard Now I can Rep my dream org im not in Yet! Love you all ❤@trentFPS @valynfps @texerino @neT_valorant @JonahP_ @JoshRTz 1
1625653420375023616 @RiotBallerina @JonahP_ Cuties! <3 0
1625595740658749442 @JonahP_ HAHAHAHHA 0
1625550340698546177 @TheGuard @trentFPS @RamBeauski @neT_valorant @Keonttv @JonahP_ @valynfps @rknhd @texerino (with rizz) 0
1625550411913388032 @valynfps @TheGuard @trentFPS @RamBeauski @neT_valorant @Keonttv @JonahP_ @rknhd @texerino Me too Valyn, me too.... 0

Top 10 tweets with highest Like count

ID Text Like count
1625672971019866113 That was for the boys. @trentFPS @JonahP_ @neT_valorant @valynfps 💜💜💜💜 Making a statement to start. #C9WIN 2-0 against a great team. Sorry no more Benkai walkouts 😭 1609
1625676602268090370 @MatthewCElmore @trentFPS @JonahP_ @neT_valorant @valynfps Where is me 555
1625679759031275521 @MatthewCElmore @JonahP_ @neT_valorant @valynfps can never beat mce 2 times ;) 190
1625673267439869952 @MatthewCElmore @trentFPS @JonahP_ @valynfps LETS FUCKING GO. Love you matt, you guys look so fucking insane💜 156
1623503930755010560 💪 @JonahP_ comes out victorious in the battle of the Jona's. 142
1625673160984268800 @MatthewCElmore @trentFPS @JonahP_ @neT_valorant cant beat you twice 💜 131
1625921256217247744 IT FINALLY CAME IN @TheGuard Now I can Rep my dream org im not in Yet! Love you all ❤@trentFPS @valynfps @texerino @neT_valorant @JonahP_ @JoshRTz 115
1627091165618278405 @tarik I'm 31 and I'm basically a zoomer. Right guys? @texerino @trentFPS @valynfps @neT_valorant @JonahP_ (say yes or we scrim 6 blocks in a row) 107
1625606306961969152 my whole world @JonahP_ 89
1625550194027945985 @TheGuard @trentFPS @RamBeauski @neT_valorant @Keonttv @JonahP_ @rknhd @texerino i wish she tex me back 61

Top 3 Languages Used In Tweets

Top 10 Hashtags used

Hashtag Count
#c9win 2
#standguard 1

Top 10 Hashtags Used In Tweets

Top 10 mentions

Mention Count
@jonahp_ 107
@trentfps 66
@valynfps 63
@net_valorant 60
@texerino 41
@theguard 36
@matthewcelmore 22
@joshrtz 19
@rambeauski 13
@keonttv 13

Top 10 mentions

Wordcloud of Tweets


Average number of emojis used per tweet


Emojis used in tweets

Emoji Count Emoji Text
💜 11 purple_heart
😭 7 loudly_crying_face
❤️ 4 red_heart
💯 2 hundred_points
😉 2 winking_face
👀 2 eyes
2 red_heart
💪 2 flexed_biceps
🤣 1 rolling_on_the_floor_laughing
😳 1 flushed_face

Emojis groups

Emoji Group Count
Smileys & Emotion 35
People & Body 8
Travel & Places 1
Animals & Nature 1