Tweets Analysis - Keyword: @JoeMerrick


Total number of tweets analysed


Earliest tweet was on


Latest tweet was on


Tweets covering

10 days

Average age of authors' accounts

7 years


Joe Merrick is a Twitter user who discusses topics related to Pokemon and Niantic Labs. He has been criticised for having valid critiques of Pokemon Go, despite people claiming he never does. He discussed the best place to find official pronunciations, and noted that Niantic is preparing to limit the amount of Remote Raids players are able to do each day. He also suggested remaking the Diamond and Pearl games and not making Sleep exclusive to Japan. Finally, he and MegaLuigi critiqued Niantic's decision to nerf remote passes rather than giving better rewards for standard raids. Joe seems to be a well-informed Pokemon enthusiast.

Topic Modeling

  1. Official Pronunciation Related to WolfeyVGC YouTube Channel
  2. Character Follow Season and Unveiling Things
  3. Limited Amount of Remote Raids Every Day in PokemonGo App
  4. Remakes Related to BDSP, DP and SwSh
  5. Pancake Day Celebrations

Emotional Analysis

The tweets express a range of emotions, from enthusiasm and excitement to disappointment and frustration. Many of the tweets are directed at @JoeMerrick, indicating admiration and respect for his opinions and expertise. There is also an underlying sense of humor in some of the tweets, with references to Disney and jokes about Pokémon remakes. Overall, the tweets reflect a passionate community of Pokémon fans who are eager to share their opinions and experiences.

Trend Analysis

  1. Pokémon related discussion
  2. Criticisms towards Pokémon related topics
  3. WolfeyVGC YouTube channel
  4. Pokémon Go App Raiding
  5. Receiving Pancake Day Celebrations

Disclaimer: The text analysis on, powered by OpenAI, does not represent the views of or its affiliates. The analysis is for informational purposes only and not an endorsement of any viewpoint.

Types of Tweets

Number of Retweets


Percentage of total tweets


Number of Original tweets


Percentage of total tweets


Number of tweets that contain Mentions


Percentage of total tweets


Number of tweets that were Replies


Percentage of total tweets


Number of tweets that were Quotes


Percentage of total tweets


Number of tweets that contain Hashtags


Percentage of total tweets


Top 5 devices used to tweet

Source Count
Twitter for iPhone 1192
Twitter for Android 1083
Twitter Web App 651
Twitter for iPad 37
TweetDeck 14

What devices were used to tweet

Top 10 accounts with highest followers count

Username Name Bio Followers count
PokemonNewsUK Pokémon UK The official source of news for Pokémon Trainers in the UK and Ireland! For customer service, visit 217,347
WolfeyGlick Wolfey 2016 Pokemon World Champion. Pro Player for @beastcoast. VT Grad. Business Email: . Set 5,6 Challenger TFT. He/Him 177,198
TheJWittz Joshua Talent Manager for @GamersOutreach | He/They | Proud parent | Games, Animation, Basketball, and Hip-hop | Biz: 173,424
pokejungle PokéJungle: Gen IX Pokémon news, rumors & merch with a bit of sass. We love our readers ✌️ Business: 📩 Streaming: 153,236
REVERSALx7 REVERSAL Hello, my name is Gio // ALT: @ReversalxALT // & // Business: 94,369
JonComms Jon Cartwright don't take him seriously unless he's being seriousVoice Actor for unannounced projectsMaking vids @GVGofficial 73,019
TAHK0 TAHK0 ☕️ Pixel Artist/#GameDev/Lore Fan - - 70,600
8BitCR 8BitCR 👑👻✨ Sé mucho de criaturas digitales y es mi trabajo. / 👻✨ Los shiny NO se merecen, se consiguen. ✨👻 / Code: 8BITCR #EpicPartner / He/Him 39,514
charwinslow Charlotte Winslow Songwriter/Producer, Creator, and Survivor. #GamerGirl (internally cringes at self lol) IG: @charlottewinslow TikTok: @charwinslow FANSLY⤵️ 33,110
AceTrainerLiam Liam YouTube Creator & Streamer • Voice Actor • ADHD • @Tearastar’s King Simp 💍 💖 ⚡Powered by @GFuelEnergy⚡ @KontrolFreek 🎮•He/Him• 27,416

Top 10 accounts with highest friends count

Username Name Bio Followers count
charwinslow Charlotte Winslow Songwriter/Producer, Creator, and Survivor. #GamerGirl (internally cringes at self lol) IG: @charlottewinslow TikTok: @charwinslow FANSLY⤵️ 34,997
TEEZBabyCakes 🎊 🎉 December 23rd 🎂👦🏾 Pokémon enthusiast since 1998. BGSU Alum. Capricorn ♑️ Probably at Dunkin’ or Target 🥤🛒 #ThiccThighsSaveLives #BlackLivesMatter 🏳️‍🌈💁🏾‍♂️ 8,817
DocMcfly TeamRocketLeaderMarty (Proud Star Trek, 🔛 Fan) 🐀 Ex Playstation Support MVP and an ex member of the Welcoming Committee. I don't put up with bs, people saying rude things about others & gossip. 🙅‍🚫📝 No DMs 5,004
juscelinofjbs JUSCELINO FJBS 🇧🇷🇺🇦50🆙️ Entusiasta em #windows11 #Virtualização #Windowsinsiders #pokemonGo 5,000
tweetsofrage3 Natsuko chan Anime, retro/arcade/new video games, PokémonTCG, intersectional feminist, poly, lesbian, she/her 4,997
sakasan_55 That Awkward Titan your totally average fanboy 4,994
PeiceofNick Nick Raffa Zoomer who loves animation and animals. Miitopia: 6RMXMJT MAPs, NFTbros, and Zoos, get the fuck out! #PrayForSchaffrilla Alts: @LoTR4MVS Icon by @RealJakeWolff 4,993
kingboozx3 Casual Maushold Dude 21, M, Aspiring Writer and Gamer, 2nd Best Mario Kart 7 Player in the World, Currently Playing: (Please help, I am sick of playing Pokémon) 4,992
Newwaveplusplus Newwave++/Commissions Soon Artist| Newwaveplusplus everywhere|🇲🇱🇫🇷🇺🇲| 19 yrs| I'M BLACK| Please don't repost| Aspiring Mangaka| Links = 4,980
joshual2159 j05hua.eth  Musician | Game Developer | Digital Artist | Cofounder @TCSLabs 🐵 Mod @ElephantNFTS 🐘 4,976

Most active users

Username Bio Number of tweets
MegaLuigi Je suis le monsieur qui dit « olala » d’après Matthieu Belliard, passionné d'astronomie selon TF1, fondateur de @NintendHOME, je streame à mes heures perdues. 72
BCPOGO75 LDS, Pokémon Trainer, Star Wars fan. Supporter of the Galactic Empire 47
SpacePokemon891 - 30
ExJoeFan Swsh BEST GAMES EVER cause they changed NOTHING Ain’t broke don’t fix Screw legends arceus for being different Inspiring anime to leave ash *BOOMER ANGER* 28
Jurassicfrog117 Nette und sehr oft Lachende Nachtschicht 🌃🐸Twitch&YouTube-Moderator PietSmiet🎮💚 #LaFamilia ❤️ #loveyou3000 #IronMan 😭❤️ #Halo 🎮💚Technoblade Never Dies!💔 27
GO_Chinpokomon Chinpokomon and Pokémon enthusiast. 27
Good2Back - 24
onic1000 If you are here from something I said then F you, my opinion is my own even if you do not like it. If not welcome, just some weeb with a different look on life. 24
RonBWylin 26 || Indo-Caribbean ॐ | Pokémon Trainer 20
NRostram - 16

Tweets per day

Top 10 tweets with highest Retweet count

ID Text Retweet count
1627732834499559434 As noted by @JoeMerrick, it appears that @NianticLabs is preparing to limit the amount of Remote Raids players are able to do each day in @PokemonGoApp. Obviously a disappointing development, especially for rural players 46
1626451646283714561 @SerebiiNet @JoeMerrick Not gonna lie, I'm gonna miss stuff like this: 18
1627732086709710848 @JoeMerrick @PokemonGoApp Niantic and "very bad idea" are absolute synonymous at this point 8
1626363786985701376 @JoeMerrick @Ikethekiller I personally heard that the best place to find the official pronunciations is on the WolfeyVGC YouTube channel 6
1626585715994918917 @SerebiiNet @JoeMerrick Amazing I'm gonna love following this character all season and never finding out what was inside the ball 6
1625449398111961091 Quick look it's @JoeMerrick smiling in a photo 🤯 5
1627377087752404997 @JoeMerrick Just leaving this here… (I don’t know if this works I’ve only just looked it up online) 4
1627763270445682702 @JoeMerrick @PokemonGoApp I’d like to bring everyone’s attention to the replies of this tweet, where Joe is criticising something Pokémon-related (something people claim he never does) and still has a bunch of people barking at him for having a valid criticism. Joe simply cannot win. 4
1626504087423356928 @JoeMerrick I was 8 so had plenty of life experience thank you very much 2
1628050379567947784 @JoeMerrick crazy how we got DP remakes and it’s still trending because they were that bad 💀 2

Top 10 tweets with highest Like count

ID Text Like count
1626363786985701376 @JoeMerrick @Ikethekiller I personally heard that the best place to find the official pronunciations is on the WolfeyVGC YouTube channel 971
1626451646283714561 @SerebiiNet @JoeMerrick Not gonna lie, I'm gonna miss stuff like this: 554
1625449398111961091 Quick look it's @JoeMerrick smiling in a photo 🤯 533
1626504087423356928 @JoeMerrick I was 8 so had plenty of life experience thank you very much 434
1626585715994918917 @SerebiiNet @JoeMerrick Amazing I'm gonna love following this character all season and never finding out what was inside the ball 404
1627732834499559434 As noted by @JoeMerrick, it appears that @NianticLabs is preparing to limit the amount of Remote Raids players are able to do each day in @PokemonGoApp. Obviously a disappointing development, especially for rural players 397
1625178302771040257 @JoeMerrick @Pokemon Joe please don't. 318
1627732086709710848 @JoeMerrick @PokemonGoApp Niantic and "very bad idea" are absolute synonymous at this point 252
1628054643963056130 @JoeMerrick I want BDSP remakes 234
1628057078504751104 @JoeMerrick Only Japan gets to Sleep 204

Top 3 Languages Used In Tweets

Top 10 Hashtags used

Hashtag Count
#gift 3
#pokemoncenteruk 3
#pokemontogether 3
#hearusniantic 3
#pokemonday 2
#stopplayingpokemongo 2
#pokemonpresents 1
#bringbackswshdex 1
#csharp 1
#pokémontogether 1

Top 10 Hashtags Used In Tweets

Top 10 mentions

Mention Count
@joemerrick 3009
@pokemongoapp 837
@serebiinet 227
@megaluigi 139
@bcpogo75 127
@virtuallymarti 84
@nianticlabs 77
@gameboyluke 77
@pokejungle 58
@reversalx7 57

Top 10 mentions

Wordcloud of Tweets


Average number of emojis used per tweet


Emojis used in tweets

Emoji Count Emoji Text
😂 35 face_with_tears_of_joy
😭 28 loudly_crying_face
🤣 26 rolling_on_the_floor_laughing
😅 26 grinning_face_with_sweat
💀 23 skull
🙃 16 upside-down_face
🤭 14 face_with_hand_over_mouth
😍 12 smiling_face_with_heart-eyes
👀 12 eyes
❤️ 10 red_heart

Emojis groups

Emoji Group Count
Smileys & Emotion 304
People & Body 71
Activities 9
Objects 3
Animals & Nature 3
Travel & Places 2
Flags 2
Symbols 1