Tweets Analysis - Keyword: @JoelleMonique


Total number of tweets analysed


Earliest tweet was on


Latest tweet was on


Tweets covering

10 days

Average age of authors' accounts

10 years


Episode 1423 of We Had featured Marcella Comedy and guest co-host Joelle Monique. The episode was called 'UFO Or Sky Trash? Fox News Stand Up Specials Are Here!’, and is now available. The tweets also discussed topics such as judging people (Four Weddings), twins, Irish spinoff (Don't Frown at the Gown), T Mobile commercials, LA compared to Texas, a ball bag, Marcella's special, 3-D printing, and good people getting good things.

Topic Modeling

  1. Comedy and Fox News Stand Up Specials
  2. Marriage and Relationship Judgement
  3. Virtual Private Networks
  4. Super Bowl Commercials
  5. Gender Equality and Discrimination

Emotional Analysis

The emotions expressed in these tweets range from excitement and joy to humor and admiration. The tweets are filled with references to comedy, fun activities, and the successes of good people. There is also an underlying theme of disbelief and confusion, with some of the tweets conveying disbelief at certain events or statements. The overall tone of the tweets is positive and upbeat, with many of the tweets expressing joy, admiration, and congratulations.

Trend Analysis

  1. Funny and entertaining conversations
  2. Marcella comedy and guest appearance of Joelle Monique
  3. Fox news stand-up comedy specials
  4. Promotion of T Mobile commercials on Super Bowl
  5. Discrimination against women in 3-d printing startups

Disclaimer: The text analysis on, powered by OpenAI, does not represent the views of or its affiliates. The analysis is for informational purposes only and not an endorsement of any viewpoint.

Types of Tweets

Number of Retweets


Percentage of total tweets


Number of Original tweets


Percentage of total tweets


Number of tweets that contain Mentions


Percentage of total tweets


Number of tweets that were Replies


Percentage of total tweets


Number of tweets that were Quotes


Percentage of total tweets


Number of tweets that contain Hashtags


Percentage of total tweets


Top 5 devices used to tweet

Source Count
Twitter for iPhone 41
Twitter for Android 16
Twitter Web App 7

What devices were used to tweet

Top 10 accounts with highest followers count

Username Name Bio Followers count
DailyZeitgeist The Daily Zeitgeist A daily comedic news and pop culture podcast hosted by Jack O'Brien & Miles Gray on @iHeartRadio. 22,215
CheyenneTheGeek Cheyenne 🫶🏾 🇳🇬 Actress | Writer | Filmmaker (Ex Roommate film, #ShadesOfCosplay) | Geeky Host of many thangs 🎤 | Pretends to be British in public 16,684
platinummind D E L O W U S U aka Pianoman #sonofapreacherman Musician. Producer. DJ songbird sessions @islingtonradio. Music blogger. 15,074
poddraland POD.DRALAND Podcast PR & marketing. Clients incl. Father Wants Us Dead @njdotcom (5M+ 📈 & Best of 2022 by @variety), @HeardWritePod/@spotify, @immigrantly, & more!📍nyc 3,410
_mapps__ 🤷🏻‍♀️ - 2,680
melissaburtonRD Melissa Burton, RDN, RYT Non-Diet #RegisteredDietitianNutritionist (& Registered Yoga Teacher) who helps people break free from diet culture. Loves live music, food and travel. 2,393
Josh_Rodriguez_ Josh Rodriguez Producer @thevolumesports | Host @TheDimeNBA on @ballislife | formerly - @uninterrupted @siriusxm | Host/Emcee | Music Producer | 2,281
rashawnscott Sagittarius’ Groove Truly winging it gorgeously #KittyGoodnight on @SouthSideChi 2,240
charleshb Charles ( Linux Geek Bookworm Atheist Secular-Humanist Progressive Kettlebells DevOps Sysadmin Democratic-Socialist Antifa 1,932
BenNguyenTV Ben Nguyen Director of Programming for streamer @StanAustralia. Ex @SBS. Metrophobe. 1,660

Top 10 accounts with highest friends count

Username Name Bio Followers count
platinummind D E L O W U S U aka Pianoman #sonofapreacherman Musician. Producer. DJ songbird sessions @islingtonradio. Music blogger. 14,465
Jettt725 Jett Founder of Jett Marketing LLC. Please Donate to my GoFundMe #digitalmarketing #SEO 5,006
charleshb Charles ( Linux Geek Bookworm Atheist Secular-Humanist Progressive Kettlebells DevOps Sysadmin Democratic-Socialist Antifa 4,938
Matt_Westphalen Matt Westphalen Co-Host of Do It Doug Podcast. Married to my beautiful wife Kendra(@kidd77) we have 2 boys Jackson(19) & Hudson(16) Form Voltron. KCCO #TESD 4CD #8283 #MoreMOTU 4,305
poddraland POD.DRALAND Podcast PR & marketing. Clients incl. Father Wants Us Dead @njdotcom (5M+ 📈 & Best of 2022 by @variety), @HeardWritePod/@spotify, @immigrantly, & more!📍nyc 3,160
NotSpamIpromise Matt Poldberg Full-time digital marketer. Part-time photographer. Love surfing and bodyboarding, going to concerts, watching movies and Big Brother. he/him 2,349
VenikaDewan Venika Dewan MN is where I stay but VA, HI, CA, WA, and Yokosuka raised me. @ODU alum. I sell dirt for a living. Views are entirely mine. #BGLB ⚾️ 2,111
PatrickPagan3 Patrick Pagan Audience member 1,827
melissaburtonRD Melissa Burton, RDN, RYT Non-Diet #RegisteredDietitianNutritionist (& Registered Yoga Teacher) who helps people break free from diet culture. Loves live music, food and travel. 1,510
BenNguyenTV Ben Nguyen Director of Programming for streamer @StanAustralia. Ex @SBS. Metrophobe. 1,222

Most active users

Username Bio Number of tweets
andyheriaud opinions = someone else’s. RTs = blood oaths. screenwriter with @captainkierke 2
gemmareilly15 leave me alone I’m reading 2
AlexandraInTX Sarcastic alcohol-free bartender. Ballpark-traveller, concert-lover, tattoo-haver. Proud owner of a fivehead. Texan. 1
missashshajuana Bible Believer. I’m just a girl who sings songs. Debut EP “Dream Come True” out this September. 1
davestipe Music Producer. Red Sox Fan The coolest thing I get to do is be a dad and a husband. 1
dirtanium he/him;ride, run, resist;eat apples and carrots. 1
ear_monk ll 🇺🇸➡️🇫🇷 ll AuDHD ll #NuffSaid ✨ 1
gorgejonzales - 1
jake0_0procino Just a crewmate doing my tasks (he/him) 👾📰🌹🐻🐱 🎶 🥏🪴👨🏻‍💼📊🎙 || Economist! (19-3011) || Radio Broadcaster for @bendbaseball 1
jamibrown - 1

Tweets per day

Top 10 tweets with highest Retweet count

ID Text Retweet count
1626043720603926528 We had @marcellacomedy and guest co-host @JoelleMonique on episode 1423 ‘UFO Or Sky Trash? Fox News Stand Up Specials Are Here!’ - listen now! 5
1628221008762261504 @JoelleMonique @dj_danl Confession time. Had a rough 18 months and wasn't listening to FDRF. Have started trying to catch up starting about May 2021. I am at Jan 2022 and alarmed to see real time they have started season 8. Long story short - feel free to slow down the show. 0
1624777717672542211 @Podder_App @VDOOZER ‘s podcast Fake Doctors Real Friends with @zachbraff @donald_faison @JoelleMonique @dj_danl - don’t listen to it when you’re in a public place. 0
1626399574985244674 @dj_danl @JoelleMonique ChatGPT prompt that ended up being awesome, maybe for @FakeDoctors --"Write a screen play for Scrubs where JD and Turk fix the problems of season 9 from within the show itself." 0
1626219229996539904 "Everyone loves "A Little Lass Play" ☠️☠️☠️@donald_faison @JoelleMonique @dj_danl 0
1626114839117545473 @DailyZeitgeist @marcellacomedy @JoelleMonique Just finished watching Marcella's special and it was amazing. Today's TDZ episode and her special was the perfect double feature. #bonesandall 0
1626014622900793345 @JoelleMonique can confirm, chatgpt was HYSTERICAL. People looking at me funny in the elevator funny. 0
1625933055163498535 @JoelleMonique Just listened to the podcast. The TV show you're most trying to pitch is Miracle Workers. The first season is amazing. 0
1625921619955679242 I love so many of your podcasts. @DailyZeitgeist @FakeDoctors @qls They help many of us get through our already difficult days. @JoelleMonique maybe you understand? HELP 😩 Podcasts help my ADHD and depression, but those negative ads bring horrible thoughts and visuals too much. 0
1625577335935098887 @donald_faison @zachbraff @dj_danl @JoelleMonique Been working with Chat GPT since December mostly toying with having it make code, or scrubs stuff.I have to share this one.#FakeDoctorsRealFriends 0

Top 10 tweets with highest Like count

ID Text Like count
1626043720603926528 We had @marcellacomedy and guest co-host @JoelleMonique on episode 1423 ‘UFO Or Sky Trash? Fox News Stand Up Specials Are Here!’ - listen now! 43
1627732838685499392 @tai_leclaire @JoelleMonique “Did you tell him the truth?” “…yeah.” “Are you telling me the truth” 😂 10
1624643502490660867 @JoelleMonique Four Weddings, all the bridal drama PLUS the judging of others is part of the show 6
1624633031226007552 @JoelleMonique @DJGotALot @TaishaMPerez And everybody else is his brother or sister, except the twins. Her included😂 5
1628131994419793941 @createdby_kara @JoelleMonique Yeah, if one talks too much they'll find out the hard way. 3
1624693935749713923 @JoelleMonique I always imagined at Irish spinoff called 'Don't Frown at the Gown.' 3
1627406740156461056 @_Hahnapaulooza @cogman_bryan @JoelleMonique Americans need to do what Australians did for a long time - invest in VPNs and sign up to a relevant service overseas 3
1626219229996539904 "Everyone loves "A Little Lass Play" ☠️☠️☠️@donald_faison @JoelleMonique @dj_danl 3
1624968604734091265 T Moble with @zachbraff @donald_faison and John Travolta #SuperBowlCommercial #SuperBowl #WINNING @FakeDoctors @dj_danl @JoelleMonique 3
1626709253896695808 @JoelleMonique I wish I coulda got them for LA so bad but to Texas I go!! 2

Top 3 Languages Used In Tweets

Top 10 Hashtags used

Hashtag Count
#fdrf 2
#fakedoctorsrealfriends 2
#bonesandall 1
#superbowlcommercial 1
#superbowl 1
#winning 1

Top 10 Hashtags Used In Tweets

Top 10 mentions

Mention Count
@joellemonique 64
@dj_danl 12
@donald_faison 10
@zachbraff 6
@fakedoctors 4
@cogman_bryan 4
@dailyzeitgeist 3
@marcellacomedy 3
@tai_leclaire 2
@vdoozer 2

Top 10 mentions

Wordcloud of Tweets


Average number of emojis used per tweet


Emojis used in tweets

Emoji Count Emoji Text
☠️ 3 skull_and_crossbones
😂 2 face_with_tears_of_joy
🤣 2 rolling_on_the_floor_laughing
👀 1 eyes
😩 1 weary_face
😄 1 grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes

Emojis groups

Emoji Group Count
Smileys & Emotion 9
People & Body 1