Account Summary

Followers Count


Friends Count


Tweets Count


List Count



Washington, DC



Followers Analysis (based on followers sample)


Number of Verified accounts


Percentage of Verified accounts



Number of Protected accounts


Percentage of Protected accounts



Average Age of Twitter accounts

9 years


Number of users without a Bio


Number of users with a Bio


Percentage of users with a Bio


Percentage of users without a Bio


Worldcloud of Bios

List of top 10 keywords used in bios

Word Frequency
love 4086
mom 3806
lover 3163
proud 2987
life 2654
wife 2330
retired 2267
democrat 1998
sheher 1996
politics 1977

List of top 10 hashtags used in bios

Hashtag Frequency
#resist 1707
#blm 1214
#blacklivesmatter 589
#voteblue 564
#theresistance 499
#fbr 428
#resistance 411
#bidenharris 247
#lgbtq 219
#resister 213

Top 10 followers with the highest follower count

Username Followers Count Friends Count Tweet Count
JoeBiden 37220874 47 9138
LeoDiCaprio 19414093 238 2750
ChrisEvans 16113001 716 2145
JohnCena 14100942 574017 7453
MarkRuffalo 8331772 2273 50360
MarkHamill 5287544 1062 25219
Schwarzenegger 5160135 459 8718
hrw 5085732 21078 136434
PeteButtigieg 3713033 2819 13179
Alyssa_Milano 3499417 6996 77559

Top 10 followers with the highest following count

Username Friends Count Followers Count Tweet Count
SinghLions 1431049 1333716 33922
ARTEM_KLYUSHIN 875638 719680 36589
_yavuzatalay 742645 695018 1408
EdKrassen 605473 934525 53366
JohnCena 574017 14100942 7453
krassenstein 524906 707035 63093
CSuiteConfess 451143 1001571 731571
2thank 364232 394943 60840
NOH8Campaign 346756 800950 13955
StephenCaggiano 329827 342915 101306

Top 10 followers with the highest tweet count

Username Tweets Count Followers Count Friends Count
Joni_Looking 1581012 7811 6539
InsdataInter 1505169 2201 2717
Faby_Nava77 1481010 17319 13322
Kat4Obama 1473757 8439 4801
carrybeyond 1049023 6003 5653
ElkeHollings 1026747 2433 4999
TalkinToU 1019034 3628 4996
79topper 1015827 8159 7607
johangreg 1000931 4194 1963
bellesapepper37 979845 6100 6688

Top 10 followers with the highest listed count

Username Listed Count Friends Count Followers Count
JoeBiden 41677 47 37220874
LeoDiCaprio 33643 238 19414093
Alyssa_Milano 32809 6996 3499417
JohnCena 31653 574017 14100942
Schwarzenegger 29577 459 5160135
ARTEM_KLYUSHIN 27189 875638 719680
jaketapper 25116 10974 3162522
hrw 23305 21078 5085732
maggieNYT 19065 6010 1655749
amanpour 17531 1133 3197653

Tweets Analysis


Total number of tweets analysed


Earliest tweet was on


Latest tweet was on


Tweets covering

1,082 days

Types of Tweets

Number of Retweets


Percentage of total tweets


Number of Original tweets


Percentage of total tweets


Number of tweets that contain Mentions


Percentage of total tweets


Number of tweets that were Replies


Percentage of total tweets


Number of tweets that were Quotes


Percentage of total tweets


Number of tweets that contain Hashtags


Percentage of total tweets


Top 10 tweets with highest Retweet count

ID Text Retweet count
1307498895736336385 77% of Americans want to keep Roe v. Wade. 83% want to keep the ACA’s protection for people with pre-existing conditions. These two health care issues — will shape the fights for all three branches of government in this election. @JoeBiden @KamalaHarris 12389
1329562757004312577 .@realDonaldTrump has called Michigan’s legislative leaders to the WH to overturn the will of the Michigan’s voters. This is not just crazy, it’s potentially a crime. I’d turn the plane around. Or wear a wire. 12308
1320923706789560321 The Supreme Court has signaled tonight that if you have not yet mailed in your ballot, either do it tomorrow, or vote early in person, or drop your ballot at a drop box, not a mailbox. By Wednesday, take no chances with the mail service. 9287
1256216803245559808 I believe @JoeBiden. Anyone who knows him knows this allegation is antithetical to his character, to the culture in his office, to his soul. He has never been that kind of guy. Ever. The story has been heard and vetted. No staffer remembers it. No complaint found. Move on. 6845
1316908975032590336 I just love that @JoeBiden is talking about EV batteries, carbon negative strategies, transmission challenges, BTUs, weatherizing buildings, capturing methane and all manner of clean energy job opportunities ... does @realDonaldTrump even know what any of that is? 6336
1298993830591528961 Because there seem to be people who did not see that @JoeBiden clearly condemned violence, I’m reposting this. Please retweet to ensure word gets out: 5663
1300233203165220864 Help! Michigan needs 5,00-6,000 poll workers for Election Day in November. These are paid positions ($300-$600, depending). Here’s the website to sign up: Please pass this along! 5288
1310350650148966401 If you are a waiter making $25,000 per year, you paid almost twice as much in taxes as @realDonaldTrump over the past two years. You are subsidizing the billionaire. 4843
1306764238677880833 The difference between @JoeBiden’s Town Hall appearance and @realDonaldTrump’s performance is stark. If you are undecided, please watch both. 4810
1301923150607708160 There are 200,000 fewer manufacturing jobs in the U.S. today than when @realDonaldTrump took office, according to the jobs report today. He has been a disaster for manufacturing. . 4356

Top 10 tweets with highest Reply count

ID Text Reply count
1256216803245559808 I believe @JoeBiden. Anyone who knows him knows this allegation is antithetical to his character, to the culture in his office, to his soul. He has never been that kind of guy. Ever. The story has been heard and vetted. No staffer remembers it. No complaint found. Move on. 4316
1239352726154145792 C’mon. Does anyone really think @joebiden wants to cut social security? @BernieSanders is really stretching here. Washington Post said it was not true. Look at his plan. 3039
1329562757004312577 .@realDonaldTrump has called Michigan’s legislative leaders to the WH to overturn the will of the Michigan’s voters. This is not just crazy, it’s potentially a crime. I’d turn the plane around. Or wear a wire. 1655
1316908975032590336 I just love that @JoeBiden is talking about EV batteries, carbon negative strategies, transmission challenges, BTUs, weatherizing buildings, capturing methane and all manner of clean energy job opportunities ... does @realDonaldTrump even know what any of that is? 977
1339724689715838976 I’m honored that President-elect @joeBiden has placed his faith in me as his Energy Secretary nominee. We have an opportunity to build back better while creating millions of jobs — we can do it! 878
1233888685457698816 I apologize to all - I used the term #BernieBros on air. My mistake; thanks for educating me about the sensitivity. Will not use it again. 867
1362016471132626946 One thing is certain: America’s electricity grid is simply not able to handle extreme weather events. Whether it’s wildfires in California or snowstorms in Texas, we need to upgrade our grid infrastructure ASAP. 822
1370184423191277568 I know he’s my boss, but I just love this president. 581
1365001115893309441 My sincere thanks to the Senate for your confidence in me. I’m obsessed with creating good-paying clean energy jobs in all corners of America in service of addressing our climate crisis. I’m impatient for results. Now let’s get to work! 571
1307498895736336385 77% of Americans want to keep Roe v. Wade. 83% want to keep the ACA’s protection for people with pre-existing conditions. These two health care issues — will shape the fights for all three branches of government in this election. @JoeBiden @KamalaHarris 422

Top 10 tweets with highest Quote count

ID Text Quote count
1329562757004312577 .@realDonaldTrump has called Michigan’s legislative leaders to the WH to overturn the will of the Michigan’s voters. This is not just crazy, it’s potentially a crime. I’d turn the plane around. Or wear a wire. 1306
1256216803245559808 I believe @JoeBiden. Anyone who knows him knows this allegation is antithetical to his character, to the culture in his office, to his soul. He has never been that kind of guy. Ever. The story has been heard and vetted. No staffer remembers it. No complaint found. Move on. 1031
1320923706789560321 The Supreme Court has signaled tonight that if you have not yet mailed in your ballot, either do it tomorrow, or vote early in person, or drop your ballot at a drop box, not a mailbox. By Wednesday, take no chances with the mail service. 765
1239352726154145792 C’mon. Does anyone really think @joebiden wants to cut social security? @BernieSanders is really stretching here. Washington Post said it was not true. Look at his plan. 504
1362016471132626946 One thing is certain: America’s electricity grid is simply not able to handle extreme weather events. Whether it’s wildfires in California or snowstorms in Texas, we need to upgrade our grid infrastructure ASAP. 463
1316908975032590336 I just love that @JoeBiden is talking about EV batteries, carbon negative strategies, transmission challenges, BTUs, weatherizing buildings, capturing methane and all manner of clean energy job opportunities ... does @realDonaldTrump even know what any of that is? 432
1307498895736336385 77% of Americans want to keep Roe v. Wade. 83% want to keep the ACA’s protection for people with pre-existing conditions. These two health care issues — will shape the fights for all three branches of government in this election. @JoeBiden @KamalaHarris 383
1365001115893309441 My sincere thanks to the Senate for your confidence in me. I’m obsessed with creating good-paying clean energy jobs in all corners of America in service of addressing our climate crisis. I’m impatient for results. Now let’s get to work! 285
1301923150607708160 There are 200,000 fewer manufacturing jobs in the U.S. today than when @realDonaldTrump took office, according to the jobs report today. He has been a disaster for manufacturing. . 270
1339724689715838976 I’m honored that President-elect @joeBiden has placed his faith in me as his Energy Secretary nominee. We have an opportunity to build back better while creating millions of jobs — we can do it! 266

Top 10 tweets with highest Like count

ID Text Like count
1329562757004312577 .@realDonaldTrump has called Michigan’s legislative leaders to the WH to overturn the will of the Michigan’s voters. This is not just crazy, it’s potentially a crime. I’d turn the plane around. Or wear a wire. 72874
1339724689715838976 I’m honored that President-elect @joeBiden has placed his faith in me as his Energy Secretary nominee. We have an opportunity to build back better while creating millions of jobs — we can do it! 50185
1370184423191277568 I know he’s my boss, but I just love this president. 45809
1307498895736336385 77% of Americans want to keep Roe v. Wade. 83% want to keep the ACA’s protection for people with pre-existing conditions. These two health care issues — will shape the fights for all three branches of government in this election. @JoeBiden @KamalaHarris 43355
1365001115893309441 My sincere thanks to the Senate for your confidence in me. I’m obsessed with creating good-paying clean energy jobs in all corners of America in service of addressing our climate crisis. I’m impatient for results. Now let’s get to work! 30446
1316908975032590336 I just love that @JoeBiden is talking about EV batteries, carbon negative strategies, transmission challenges, BTUs, weatherizing buildings, capturing methane and all manner of clean energy job opportunities ... does @realDonaldTrump even know what any of that is? 29370
1256216803245559808 I believe @JoeBiden. Anyone who knows him knows this allegation is antithetical to his character, to the culture in his office, to his soul. He has never been that kind of guy. Ever. The story has been heard and vetted. No staffer remembers it. No complaint found. Move on. 26797
1362016471132626946 One thing is certain: America’s electricity grid is simply not able to handle extreme weather events. Whether it’s wildfires in California or snowstorms in Texas, we need to upgrade our grid infrastructure ASAP. 24688
1306764238677880833 The difference between @JoeBiden’s Town Hall appearance and @realDonaldTrump’s performance is stark. If you are undecided, please watch both. 22043
1320923706789560321 The Supreme Court has signaled tonight that if you have not yet mailed in your ballot, either do it tomorrow, or vote early in person, or drop your ballot at a drop box, not a mailbox. By Wednesday, take no chances with the mail service. 21377

Top 3 Languages Used In Tweets

Top 10 Hashtags used

Hashtag Count
#joebiden 13
#trumpliesamericansdie 11
#georgefloyd 11
#trumpliedamericansdied 8
#bountygate 8
#coronavirus 8
#covid19 7
#thatwomanfrommichigan 7
#leadership 6
#bidenharris2020 6

Top 10 Hashtags Used In Tweets

Top 10 mentions

Hashtag Count
@joebiden 346
@realdonaldtrump 219
@kamalaharris 36
@govwhitmer 28
@cnn 14
@gretchenwhitmer 14
@potus 13
@berniesanders 13
@projectlincoln 12
@rvat2020 12

Top 10 mentions

Wordcloud of Tweets

Emojis used in tweets

Emoji Count Emoji Text
🇺🇸 33 United_States
👇 31 backhand_index_pointing_down
❤️ 28 red_heart
🚨 18 police_car_light
🤬 14 face_with_symbols_on_mouth
👍 8 thumbs_up
👏 7 clapping_hands
🙏 3 folded_hands
❣️ 3 heart_exclamation
😠 2 angry_face

Emojis groups

Emoji Group Count
Smileys & Emotion 51
People & Body 50
Flags 34
Travel & Places 18
Objects 1
Symbols 1