Account Summary

Twitter ID
Created on
This is my personal feed; please follow at @SecGranholm where I will be most often. Former Gov. of MI; advocate for clean energy & US jobs. I block trolls.
Followers Count
Friends Count
Tweets Count
List Count
Washington, DC
Followers Analysis (based on followers sample)
Number of Verified accounts
Percentage of Verified accounts
Number of Protected accounts
Percentage of Protected accounts
Average Age of Twitter accounts
9 years
Number of users without a Bio
Number of users with a Bio
Percentage of users with a Bio
Percentage of users without a Bio
Worldcloud of Bios

Top 10 followers with the highest follower count
Username | Followers Count | Friends Count | Tweet Count |
JoeBiden | 37220874 | 47 | 9138 |
LeoDiCaprio | 19414093 | 238 | 2750 |
ChrisEvans | 16113001 | 716 | 2145 |
JohnCena | 14100942 | 574017 | 7453 |
MarkRuffalo | 8331772 | 2273 | 50360 |
MarkHamill | 5287544 | 1062 | 25219 |
Schwarzenegger | 5160135 | 459 | 8718 |
hrw | 5085732 | 21078 | 136434 |
PeteButtigieg | 3713033 | 2819 | 13179 |
Alyssa_Milano | 3499417 | 6996 | 77559 |
Top 10 followers with the highest following count
Username | Friends Count | Followers Count | Tweet Count |
SinghLions | 1431049 | 1333716 | 33922 |
ARTEM_KLYUSHIN | 875638 | 719680 | 36589 |
_yavuzatalay | 742645 | 695018 | 1408 |
EdKrassen | 605473 | 934525 | 53366 |
JohnCena | 574017 | 14100942 | 7453 |
krassenstein | 524906 | 707035 | 63093 |
CSuiteConfess | 451143 | 1001571 | 731571 |
2thank | 364232 | 394943 | 60840 |
NOH8Campaign | 346756 | 800950 | 13955 |
StephenCaggiano | 329827 | 342915 | 101306 |
Top 10 followers with the highest tweet count
Username | Tweets Count | Followers Count | Friends Count |
Joni_Looking | 1581012 | 7811 | 6539 |
InsdataInter | 1505169 | 2201 | 2717 |
Faby_Nava77 | 1481010 | 17319 | 13322 |
Kat4Obama | 1473757 | 8439 | 4801 |
carrybeyond | 1049023 | 6003 | 5653 |
ElkeHollings | 1026747 | 2433 | 4999 |
TalkinToU | 1019034 | 3628 | 4996 |
79topper | 1015827 | 8159 | 7607 |
johangreg | 1000931 | 4194 | 1963 |
bellesapepper37 | 979845 | 6100 | 6688 |
Top 10 followers with the highest listed count
Username | Listed Count | Friends Count | Followers Count |
JoeBiden | 41677 | 47 | 37220874 |
LeoDiCaprio | 33643 | 238 | 19414093 |
Alyssa_Milano | 32809 | 6996 | 3499417 |
JohnCena | 31653 | 574017 | 14100942 |
Schwarzenegger | 29577 | 459 | 5160135 |
ARTEM_KLYUSHIN | 27189 | 875638 | 719680 |
jaketapper | 25116 | 10974 | 3162522 |
hrw | 23305 | 21078 | 5085732 |
maggieNYT | 19065 | 6010 | 1655749 |
amanpour | 17531 | 1133 | 3197653 |
Tweets Analysis
Total number of tweets analysed
Earliest tweet was on
Latest tweet was on
Tweets covering
1,082 days
Types of Tweets
Number of Retweets
Percentage of total tweets
Number of Original tweets
Percentage of total tweets
Number of tweets that contain Mentions
Percentage of total tweets
Number of tweets that were Replies
Percentage of total tweets
Number of tweets that were Quotes
Percentage of total tweets
Number of tweets that contain Hashtags
Percentage of total tweets
Top 10 tweets with highest Retweet count
ID | Text | Retweet count |
1307498895736336385 | 77% of Americans want to keep Roe v. Wade. 83% want to keep the ACA’s protection for people with pre-existing conditions. These two health care issues — will shape the fights for all three branches of government in this election. @JoeBiden @KamalaHarris | 12389 |
1329562757004312577 | .@realDonaldTrump has called Michigan’s legislative leaders to the WH to overturn the will of the Michigan’s voters. This is not just crazy, it’s potentially a crime. I’d turn the plane around. Or wear a wire. | 12308 |
1320923706789560321 | The Supreme Court has signaled tonight that if you have not yet mailed in your ballot, either do it tomorrow, or vote early in person, or drop your ballot at a drop box, not a mailbox. By Wednesday, take no chances with the mail service. | 9287 |
1256216803245559808 | I believe @JoeBiden. Anyone who knows him knows this allegation is antithetical to his character, to the culture in his office, to his soul. He has never been that kind of guy. Ever. The story has been heard and vetted. No staffer remembers it. No complaint found. Move on. | 6845 |
1316908975032590336 | I just love that @JoeBiden is talking about EV batteries, carbon negative strategies, transmission challenges, BTUs, weatherizing buildings, capturing methane and all manner of clean energy job opportunities ... does @realDonaldTrump even know what any of that is? | 6336 |
1298993830591528961 | Because there seem to be people who did not see that @JoeBiden clearly condemned violence, I’m reposting this. Please retweet to ensure word gets out: | 5663 |
1300233203165220864 | Help! Michigan needs 5,00-6,000 poll workers for Election Day in November. These are paid positions ($300-$600, depending). Here’s the website to sign up: Please pass this along! | 5288 |
1310350650148966401 | If you are a waiter making $25,000 per year, you paid almost twice as much in taxes as @realDonaldTrump over the past two years. You are subsidizing the billionaire. | 4843 |
1306764238677880833 | The difference between @JoeBiden’s Town Hall appearance and @realDonaldTrump’s performance is stark. If you are undecided, please watch both. | 4810 |
1301923150607708160 | There are 200,000 fewer manufacturing jobs in the U.S. today than when @realDonaldTrump took office, according to the jobs report today. He has been a disaster for manufacturing. . | 4356 |
Top 10 tweets with highest Reply count
ID | Text | Reply count |
1256216803245559808 | I believe @JoeBiden. Anyone who knows him knows this allegation is antithetical to his character, to the culture in his office, to his soul. He has never been that kind of guy. Ever. The story has been heard and vetted. No staffer remembers it. No complaint found. Move on. | 4316 |
1239352726154145792 | C’mon. Does anyone really think @joebiden wants to cut social security? @BernieSanders is really stretching here. Washington Post said it was not true. Look at his plan. | 3039 |
1329562757004312577 | .@realDonaldTrump has called Michigan’s legislative leaders to the WH to overturn the will of the Michigan’s voters. This is not just crazy, it’s potentially a crime. I’d turn the plane around. Or wear a wire. | 1655 |
1316908975032590336 | I just love that @JoeBiden is talking about EV batteries, carbon negative strategies, transmission challenges, BTUs, weatherizing buildings, capturing methane and all manner of clean energy job opportunities ... does @realDonaldTrump even know what any of that is? | 977 |
1339724689715838976 | I’m honored that President-elect @joeBiden has placed his faith in me as his Energy Secretary nominee. We have an opportunity to build back better while creating millions of jobs — we can do it! | 878 |
1233888685457698816 | I apologize to all - I used the term #BernieBros on air. My mistake; thanks for educating me about the sensitivity. Will not use it again. | 867 |
1362016471132626946 | One thing is certain: America’s electricity grid is simply not able to handle extreme weather events. Whether it’s wildfires in California or snowstorms in Texas, we need to upgrade our grid infrastructure ASAP. | 822 |
1370184423191277568 | I know he’s my boss, but I just love this president. | 581 |
1365001115893309441 | My sincere thanks to the Senate for your confidence in me. I’m obsessed with creating good-paying clean energy jobs in all corners of America in service of addressing our climate crisis. I’m impatient for results. Now let’s get to work! | 571 |
1307498895736336385 | 77% of Americans want to keep Roe v. Wade. 83% want to keep the ACA’s protection for people with pre-existing conditions. These two health care issues — will shape the fights for all three branches of government in this election. @JoeBiden @KamalaHarris | 422 |
Top 10 tweets with highest Quote count
ID | Text | Quote count |
1329562757004312577 | .@realDonaldTrump has called Michigan’s legislative leaders to the WH to overturn the will of the Michigan’s voters. This is not just crazy, it’s potentially a crime. I’d turn the plane around. Or wear a wire. | 1306 |
1256216803245559808 | I believe @JoeBiden. Anyone who knows him knows this allegation is antithetical to his character, to the culture in his office, to his soul. He has never been that kind of guy. Ever. The story has been heard and vetted. No staffer remembers it. No complaint found. Move on. | 1031 |
1320923706789560321 | The Supreme Court has signaled tonight that if you have not yet mailed in your ballot, either do it tomorrow, or vote early in person, or drop your ballot at a drop box, not a mailbox. By Wednesday, take no chances with the mail service. | 765 |
1239352726154145792 | C’mon. Does anyone really think @joebiden wants to cut social security? @BernieSanders is really stretching here. Washington Post said it was not true. Look at his plan. | 504 |
1362016471132626946 | One thing is certain: America’s electricity grid is simply not able to handle extreme weather events. Whether it’s wildfires in California or snowstorms in Texas, we need to upgrade our grid infrastructure ASAP. | 463 |
1316908975032590336 | I just love that @JoeBiden is talking about EV batteries, carbon negative strategies, transmission challenges, BTUs, weatherizing buildings, capturing methane and all manner of clean energy job opportunities ... does @realDonaldTrump even know what any of that is? | 432 |
1307498895736336385 | 77% of Americans want to keep Roe v. Wade. 83% want to keep the ACA’s protection for people with pre-existing conditions. These two health care issues — will shape the fights for all three branches of government in this election. @JoeBiden @KamalaHarris | 383 |
1365001115893309441 | My sincere thanks to the Senate for your confidence in me. I’m obsessed with creating good-paying clean energy jobs in all corners of America in service of addressing our climate crisis. I’m impatient for results. Now let’s get to work! | 285 |
1301923150607708160 | There are 200,000 fewer manufacturing jobs in the U.S. today than when @realDonaldTrump took office, according to the jobs report today. He has been a disaster for manufacturing. . | 270 |
1339724689715838976 | I’m honored that President-elect @joeBiden has placed his faith in me as his Energy Secretary nominee. We have an opportunity to build back better while creating millions of jobs — we can do it! | 266 |
Top 10 tweets with highest Like count
ID | Text | Like count |
1329562757004312577 | .@realDonaldTrump has called Michigan’s legislative leaders to the WH to overturn the will of the Michigan’s voters. This is not just crazy, it’s potentially a crime. I’d turn the plane around. Or wear a wire. | 72874 |
1339724689715838976 | I’m honored that President-elect @joeBiden has placed his faith in me as his Energy Secretary nominee. We have an opportunity to build back better while creating millions of jobs — we can do it! | 50185 |
1370184423191277568 | I know he’s my boss, but I just love this president. | 45809 |
1307498895736336385 | 77% of Americans want to keep Roe v. Wade. 83% want to keep the ACA’s protection for people with pre-existing conditions. These two health care issues — will shape the fights for all three branches of government in this election. @JoeBiden @KamalaHarris | 43355 |
1365001115893309441 | My sincere thanks to the Senate for your confidence in me. I’m obsessed with creating good-paying clean energy jobs in all corners of America in service of addressing our climate crisis. I’m impatient for results. Now let’s get to work! | 30446 |
1316908975032590336 | I just love that @JoeBiden is talking about EV batteries, carbon negative strategies, transmission challenges, BTUs, weatherizing buildings, capturing methane and all manner of clean energy job opportunities ... does @realDonaldTrump even know what any of that is? | 29370 |
1256216803245559808 | I believe @JoeBiden. Anyone who knows him knows this allegation is antithetical to his character, to the culture in his office, to his soul. He has never been that kind of guy. Ever. The story has been heard and vetted. No staffer remembers it. No complaint found. Move on. | 26797 |
1362016471132626946 | One thing is certain: America’s electricity grid is simply not able to handle extreme weather events. Whether it’s wildfires in California or snowstorms in Texas, we need to upgrade our grid infrastructure ASAP. | 24688 |
1306764238677880833 | The difference between @JoeBiden’s Town Hall appearance and @realDonaldTrump’s performance is stark. If you are undecided, please watch both. | 22043 |
1320923706789560321 | The Supreme Court has signaled tonight that if you have not yet mailed in your ballot, either do it tomorrow, or vote early in person, or drop your ballot at a drop box, not a mailbox. By Wednesday, take no chances with the mail service. | 21377 |
Top 3 Languages Used In Tweets

Top 10 Hashtags used
Hashtag | Count |
#joebiden | 13 |
#trumpliesamericansdie | 11 |
#georgefloyd | 11 |
#trumpliedamericansdied | 8 |
#bountygate | 8 |
#coronavirus | 8 |
#covid19 | 7 |
#thatwomanfrommichigan | 7 |
#leadership | 6 |
#bidenharris2020 | 6 |
Top 10 Hashtags Used In Tweets

Top 10 mentions
Hashtag | Count |
@joebiden | 346 |
@realdonaldtrump | 219 |
@kamalaharris | 36 |
@govwhitmer | 28 |
@cnn | 14 |
@gretchenwhitmer | 14 |
@potus | 13 |
@berniesanders | 13 |
@projectlincoln | 12 |
@rvat2020 | 12 |
Top 10 mentions

Wordcloud of Tweets

Emojis used in tweets
Emoji | Count | Emoji Text |
🇺🇸 | 33 | United_States |
👇 | 31 | backhand_index_pointing_down |
❤️ | 28 | red_heart |
🚨 | 18 | police_car_light |
🤬 | 14 | face_with_symbols_on_mouth |
👍 | 8 | thumbs_up |
👏 | 7 | clapping_hands |
🙏 | 3 | folded_hands |
❣️ | 3 | heart_exclamation |
😠 | 2 | angry_face |
Emojis groups
Emoji Group | Count |
Smileys & Emotion | 51 |
People & Body | 50 |
Flags | 34 |
Travel & Places | 18 |
Objects | 1 |
Symbols | 1 |