Account Summary

Followers Count


Friends Count


Tweets Count


List Count



New York



Followers Analysis (based on followers sample)


Number of Verified accounts


Percentage of Verified accounts



Number of Protected accounts


Percentage of Protected accounts



Average Age of Twitter accounts

7 years


Number of users without a Bio


Number of users with a Bio


Percentage of users with a Bio


Percentage of users without a Bio


Worldcloud of Bios

List of top 10 keywords used in bios

Word Frequency
art 2277
artist 1872
love 1652
life 1415
music 907
god 828
student 803
nft 773
world 700
business 608

List of top 10 hashtags used in bios

Hashtag Frequency
#nft 168
#art 140
#bitcoin 55
#crypto 53
#artist 50
#eth 43
#nfts 39
#web3 35
#btc 34
#design 30

Top 10 followers with the highest follower count

Username Followers Count Friends Count Tweet Count
ParisHilton 16818484 18482 27750
JohnCena 14100186 571867 7451
stephenfry 12280684 46663 25826
El_Universal_Mx 7347937 14216 1270082
THEREALSWIZZZ 2491636 3364 33564
6BillionPeople 2034389 4023705 183298
thereallisaann 1994634 7774 138046
tferriss 1910516 2865 38376
KameronBennett 1816383 1488518 96299
Anne_Hidalgo 1555521 12834 117175

Top 10 followers with the highest following count

Username Friends Count Followers Count Tweet Count
6BillionPeople 4023705 2034389 183298
KameronBennett 1488518 1816383 96299
ARTEM_KLYUSHIN 875814 719942 36589
KeisukeFujitajp 677520 586466 8072
DaveVescio 577149 539389 15129
JohnCena 571867 14100186 7451
DanielNewman 570655 812314 85899
BeefEnt 430704 145072 518121
soledadobrien 422307 1317835 124925
robtswthrayguns 285134 259194 86436

Top 10 followers with the highest tweet count

Username Tweets Count Followers Count Friends Count
zyiteblog 1863545 1738 3660
El_Universal_Mx 1270082 7347937 14216
trinleylhamo17 659387 503 2226
ArTallks 647886 15515 9513
comtesset 629309 1590 2174
eStream_Studios 548618 9310 10598
nyceverywhere 519673 535 4017
BeefEnt 518121 145072 430704
cheesetownradio 492357 941 2353
shankargallery 487901 6352 7236

Top 10 followers with the highest listed count

Username Listed Count Friends Count Followers Count
stephenfry 48751 46663 12280684
ParisHilton 45279 18482 16818484
JohnCena 31674 571867 14100186
ARTEM_KLYUSHIN 27201 875814 719942
El_Universal_Mx 25209 14216 7347937
tferriss 23863 2865 1910516
soledadobrien 10593 422307 1317835
andrewrsorkin 8614 3628 934282
anildash 8335 2241 570226
THEREALSWIZZZ 6910 3364 2491636

Tweets Analysis


Total number of tweets analysed


Earliest tweet was on


Latest tweet was on


Tweets covering

3,443 days

Types of Tweets

Number of Retweets


Percentage of total tweets


Number of Original tweets


Percentage of total tweets


Number of tweets that contain Mentions


Percentage of total tweets


Number of tweets that were Replies


Percentage of total tweets


Number of tweets that were Quotes


Percentage of total tweets


Number of tweets that contain Hashtags


Percentage of total tweets


Top 10 tweets with highest Retweet count

ID Text Retweet count
403551797517639680 Very happy for @ladygaga, congratulations on No. 1 @billboard album #ARTPOP! 616
509061352301015040 Justine, Taylor, @ladygaga and myself at Lady Gaga's jazz performance. It's always great to be with friends. 247
426087904796872704 @ladygaga thank you for the kind birthday wishes yesterday, you are a wonderful friend! 204
659129958036590592 It was wonderful to be in conversation with Jared Leto for his new series #BeyondtheHorizon. What a fantastic... 193
401737645211914241 I'm looking forward to @ladygaga hosting SNL tonight! It will be great! 166
1508815133660831749 I am very excited to announce my first-ever NFT project, “Moon Phases” rooted in humanistic and philosophical thought. Space explorations have given us a perspective of our ability to transcend worldly constraints. Video © Jeff Koons #JeffKoonsMoonPhases #JeffKoons #PaceVerso 133
425784904463687680 My Picasso "Kiss" birthday cake baked by Justine. My favorite birthday cake ever! 126
476818098813956097 Started planting Split-Rocker at #Rockefeller Center. Opens June 25th. 121
900426396241084416 Thrilled to work with Jay-Z to create a 40-foot Balloon Dog for his festival tour. #jayz… 75
401349316305899520 starting the day off with my morning snack of @cheerios 72

Top 10 tweets with highest Reply count

ID Text Reply count
1508815133660831749 I am very excited to announce my first-ever NFT project, “Moon Phases” rooted in humanistic and philosophical thought. Space explorations have given us a perspective of our ability to transcend worldly constraints. Video © Jeff Koons #JeffKoonsMoonPhases #JeffKoons #PaceVerso 122
401112764774490112 This is my first official tweet, I hope to start a dialogue with everyone :) 62
659129958036590592 It was wonderful to be in conversation with Jared Leto for his new series #BeyondtheHorizon. What a fantastic... 32
425784904463687680 My Picasso "Kiss" birthday cake baked by Justine. My favorite birthday cake ever! 32
1446485406350991361 I had an incredible trip to Florence & enjoyed working with co-curators Arturo Galansino & Joachim Pissarro on the exhibition "Shine." It’s wonderful to see the exhibition in context to Renaissance art & its connection to philosophy and the ancient world. Credit @rovaiweberdesign 29
401418691666927617 In the tradition of #yokoQandA, feel free to ask me any questions over the next few hours #JeffKoonsQandA 29
1339257074623148034 In my @MasterClass, let me show you how you can use your voice in art, because there is no one more qualified or more gifted than you are to bring forth the power of art to the world. I hope you’ll join me. 28
1247888318584389637 "Rabbit" (1986) #jeffkoons #rabbit #sculpture #statuaryseries #stainlesssteel #inflatable #contemporaryart #art #artist 26
1378694944563601411 Happy Easter! “Rabbit” derives partially from my experience growing up in Pennsylvania and seeing inflatable rabbits in yards at Easter. "Rabbit" (1986) #jeffkoons #rabbit #sculpture #easter #statuaryseries #stainlesssteel #inflatable #contemporaryart #art #artist #happyeaster 26
401349316305899520 starting the day off with my morning snack of @cheerios 25

Top 10 tweets with highest Quote count

ID Text Quote count
1508815133660831749 I am very excited to announce my first-ever NFT project, “Moon Phases” rooted in humanistic and philosophical thought. Space explorations have given us a perspective of our ability to transcend worldly constraints. Video © Jeff Koons #JeffKoonsMoonPhases #JeffKoons #PaceVerso 59
1339257074623148034 In my @MasterClass, let me show you how you can use your voice in art, because there is no one more qualified or more gifted than you are to bring forth the power of art to the world. I hope you’ll join me. 29
1217175905120014336 Dogpool Ladder (2007-2011) is a symbol of transcendence. Ephemeral in its polarities: work-play, male-female, ascending-descending. Polychromed aluminum, aluminum ladder #jeffkoons #ephemeral #dogpool #transcendence 18
1241011368511315969 Can-Do Attitude! Popeye (2009-11) is a symbol of strength & perseverance. We can defeat this challenge as a global community. Stop the coronavirus! #jeffkoons #popeye #strength #stopthecoronavirus #coronavirus #defeat #perseverance #globalcommunity #sculpture #stainlesssteel #art 15
900426396241084416 Thrilled to work with Jay-Z to create a 40-foot Balloon Dog for his festival tour. #jayz… 14
781941785245454336 Looking forward to my exhibition at @AlmineRech in London opening Oct 4th. I’ll be showing new paintings & sculptures, including Ballerinas. 13
1494088486739185669 Today unveiling with BMW THE 8 X JEFF KOONS edition! I wanted to create a car that when it would drive by there would be a POP! POP! POP! A sense of exhilarating energy. I created a sports car in the 850i Grand Coupé that I’ve always wanted to drive myself!#the8xjeffkoons 11
1247888318584389637 "Rabbit" (1986) #jeffkoons #rabbit #sculpture #statuaryseries #stainlesssteel #inflatable #contemporaryart #art #artist 10
796015766558621701 So thrilled to vote for Hillary this morning! Be sure to vote! #ImWithHer #VOTEHILLARY 9
1092119173684125696 I can’t think of a better place to have a dialogue about art today and what it can be. Arrived in Oxford for my exhibition at the Ashmolean Museum at Oxford, Feb.7 -9 June. @ Ashmolean… 9

Top 10 tweets with highest Like count

ID Text Like count
403551797517639680 Very happy for @ladygaga, congratulations on No. 1 @billboard album #ARTPOP! 752
659129958036590592 It was wonderful to be in conversation with Jared Leto for his new series #BeyondtheHorizon. What a fantastic... 573
1508815133660831749 I am very excited to announce my first-ever NFT project, “Moon Phases” rooted in humanistic and philosophical thought. Space explorations have given us a perspective of our ability to transcend worldly constraints. Video © Jeff Koons #JeffKoonsMoonPhases #JeffKoons #PaceVerso 510
401349316305899520 starting the day off with my morning snack of @cheerios 412
509061352301015040 Justine, Taylor, @ladygaga and myself at Lady Gaga's jazz performance. It's always great to be with friends. 366
1339257074623148034 In my @MasterClass, let me show you how you can use your voice in art, because there is no one more qualified or more gifted than you are to bring forth the power of art to the world. I hope you’ll join me. 301
1494088486739185669 Today unveiling with BMW THE 8 X JEFF KOONS edition! I wanted to create a car that when it would drive by there would be a POP! POP! POP! A sense of exhilarating energy. I created a sports car in the 850i Grand Coupé that I’ve always wanted to drive myself!#the8xjeffkoons 298
426087904796872704 @ladygaga thank you for the kind birthday wishes yesterday, you are a wonderful friend! 280
425784904463687680 My Picasso "Kiss" birthday cake baked by Justine. My favorite birthday cake ever! 264
781941785245454336 Looking forward to my exhibition at @AlmineRech in London opening Oct 4th. I’ll be showing new paintings & sculptures, including Ballerinas. 232

Top 3 Languages Used In Tweets

Top 10 Hashtags used

Hashtag Count
#jeffkoons 70
#art 46
#contemporaryart 19
#sculpture 19
#artist 11
#painting 10
#stainlesssteel 7
#inflatable 7
#picasso 5
#jeffkoonsqanda 5

Top 10 Hashtags Used In Tweets

Top 10 mentions

Hashtag Count
@ladygaga 5
@whitneymuseum 4
@liebieghaus 3
@thebroadmuseum 2
@bmwgroupculture 2
@destefoundation 2
@jeffkoons 2
@google 2
@steenyw 2
@nobelweekdialog 2

Top 10 mentions

Wordcloud of Tweets

Emojis used in tweets

Emoji Count Emoji Text
© 17 copyright

Emojis groups

Emoji Group Count
Symbols 17