Tweets Analysis - Keyword: @JASDF_Cen_Band
Total number of tweets analysed
Earliest tweet was on
Latest tweet was on
Tweets covering
5 days
Average age of authors' accounts
5 years
People are asking the Japan Air Self-Defense Force Central Band questions, such as if they sell replicas of their hats at stores. A variety of people and organizations, including Irish Embassies in Japan and Mexico, ODNIgov, APECBiz, and Lush UK GreenTeam, are included in the conversations, as well as mentions of Apple Music, WebJapan, and Greenpeace Japan.
Topic Modeling
- Military and Defense
- Travel, Tourism and Leisure
- Politics and Diplomacy
- Online Retail and Ecommerce
- Culture and Entertainment
Emotional Analysis
The emotions expressed in these tweets range from enthusiasm to curiosity. The first two tweets contain a mix of excitement, optimism, and anticipation, with users expressing their enthusiasm for different organizations and brands. The third tweet expresses curiosity, as the user asks a question about a replica of the JASDF Central Band's headgear. Finally, the fourth tweet contains a sense of hope and anticipation, as the user tags various organizations and brands in their post.
Trend Analysis
- Diplomatic relations between Japan, China, Mexico, and the US
- Aircraft and militaristic themes
- Environmental activism
- Celebrity interactions/mentions
- Business and government interactions/mentions
Types of Tweets
Number of Retweets
Percentage of total tweets
Number of Original tweets
Percentage of total tweets
Number of tweets that contain Mentions
Percentage of total tweets
Number of tweets that were Replies
Percentage of total tweets
Number of tweets that were Quotes
Percentage of total tweets
Number of tweets that contain Hashtags
Percentage of total tweets
Top 5 devices used to tweet
Source | Count |
Twitter for Android | 6 |
Twitter Web App | 2 |
Twitter for iPhone | 1 |
What devices were used to tweet

Top 10 accounts with highest followers count
Username | Name | Bio | Followers count |
HatNPMjapan | @My Name♻™ | 🔗@ManhattanBeachD | 1,459 |
HatApex_Oracle | @Tat2Faith♻™ | 📐@NoradSanta | 669 |
Noranekoka | コケ | - | 402 |
RyuzinMabuya999 | スーツさん信者の大将はん! | ウクライナ、ロシアに負けるな! #挙国一致! 武漢ウイルスに負けるな! | 144 |
Kitaro_Oyazzy | 謙ちゃん | - | 112 |
Tat2MktgJP | 🌟@Answer🎶 | @unicefjp@Bnever | 58 |
Top 10 accounts with highest friends count
Username | Name | Bio | Followers count |
HatNPMjapan | @My Name♻™ | 🔗@ManhattanBeachD | 2,068 |
HatApex_Oracle | @Tat2Faith♻™ | 📐@NoradSanta | 1,137 |
RyuzinMabuya999 | スーツさん信者の大将はん! | ウクライナ、ロシアに負けるな! #挙国一致! 武漢ウイルスに負けるな! | 707 |
Tat2MktgJP | 🌟@Answer🎶 | @unicefjp@Bnever | 535 |
Kitaro_Oyazzy | 謙ちゃん | - | 222 |
Noranekoka | コケ | - | 132 |
Most active users
Username | Bio | Number of tweets |
Noranekoka | - | 3 |
HatApex_Oracle | 📐@NoradSanta | 2 |
HatNPMjapan | 🔗@ManhattanBeachD | 1 |
Kitaro_Oyazzy | - | 1 |
RyuzinMabuya999 | ウクライナ、ロシアに負けるな! #挙国一致! 武漢ウイルスに負けるな! | 1 |
Tat2MktgJP | @unicefjp@Bnever | 1 |
Tweets per day

Top 10 tweets with highest Retweet count
ID | Text | Retweet count |
1626366049137328128 | @IrishEmbJapan😈@ODNIgov @APECBiz @DExEUgov @CFAOkinawa @IMDbTriviaBot @MCBB_PMO @LushUKGreenTeam @NAJapanGardens @USagricultureUK @ChnEmbassy_jp @EmergenciasUtah @yakuzaprincess @LushCos @EJRCHelpdesk @Bnever @JASDF_Cen_Band @AppleMusicES @JPEmbassy_Syria @Space4WomenOOSA @NASA | 0 |
1625503479166025729 | @JapanSafeTravel💹@SouthGateCAgov👛@ChnEmbassy_jp @SouthGatePD @GreenpeaceJP @ParisHilton @OOCRyuGaGotoku @PerezHilton @yakuzaprincess @IMDbTriviaBot @JPEmbassy_Syria @jpegmafia @JASDF_Cen_Band @ivyleaguemurder @AppleMusicJapan @ApexBrasil @Space_nasa_jpl @ApexBrasil_en @WSJJapan | 0 |
1625429964475744256 | @JASDF_Cen_Band 航空自衛隊航空自中央音楽隊さんに質問です。正帽のレプリカが有るそうですが、売店で販売しているんですか? | 0 |
1624913546185265158 | @JASDF_Cen_Band🔫@AppleMusicES @ChnEmbassy_jp @IrishEmbMexico @TOMSjapan @ODNIgov @APECBiz @DExEUgov @NAJapanGardens @TOMSsupport @EJRCHelpdesk @apex_en_espanol @JPEmbassy_Syria @GrupoISAMexico @lushjp_4jokyoto @mester_mark @lushspa_soari @IsraelMFA @GreenpeaceJP @LushUKGreenTeam | 0 |
Top 10 tweets with highest Like count
ID | Text | Like count |
1626366049137328128 | @IrishEmbJapan😈@ODNIgov @APECBiz @DExEUgov @CFAOkinawa @IMDbTriviaBot @MCBB_PMO @LushUKGreenTeam @NAJapanGardens @USagricultureUK @ChnEmbassy_jp @EmergenciasUtah @yakuzaprincess @LushCos @EJRCHelpdesk @Bnever @JASDF_Cen_Band @AppleMusicES @JPEmbassy_Syria @Space4WomenOOSA @NASA | 0 |
1625503479166025729 | @JapanSafeTravel💹@SouthGateCAgov👛@ChnEmbassy_jp @SouthGatePD @GreenpeaceJP @ParisHilton @OOCRyuGaGotoku @PerezHilton @yakuzaprincess @IMDbTriviaBot @JPEmbassy_Syria @jpegmafia @JASDF_Cen_Band @ivyleaguemurder @AppleMusicJapan @ApexBrasil @Space_nasa_jpl @ApexBrasil_en @WSJJapan | 0 |
1625429964475744256 | @JASDF_Cen_Band 航空自衛隊航空自中央音楽隊さんに質問です。正帽のレプリカが有るそうですが、売店で販売しているんですか? | 0 |
1624913546185265158 | @JASDF_Cen_Band🔫@AppleMusicES @ChnEmbassy_jp @IrishEmbMexico @TOMSjapan @ODNIgov @APECBiz @DExEUgov @NAJapanGardens @TOMSsupport @EJRCHelpdesk @apex_en_espanol @JPEmbassy_Syria @GrupoISAMexico @lushjp_4jokyoto @mester_mark @lushspa_soari @IsraelMFA @GreenpeaceJP @LushUKGreenTeam | 0 |
Top 3 Languages Used In Tweets

Top 10 Hashtags used
Hashtag | Count |
#航空自衛隊 | 2 |
#おしえて空音 | 1 |
#航空中央音楽隊 | 1 |
#空自の歌姫 | 1 |
Top 10 Hashtags Used In Tweets

Top 10 mentions
Mention | Count |
@jasdf_cen_band | 9 |
@chnembassy_jp | 4 |
@jpembassy_syria | 4 |
@odnigov | 3 |
@dexeugov | 3 |
@apecbiz | 2 |
@imdbtriviabot | 2 |
@lushukgreenteam | 2 |
@najapangardens | 2 |
@yakuzaprincess | 2 |
Top 10 mentions

Wordcloud of Tweets

Average number of emojis used per tweet
Emojis used in tweets
Emoji | Count | Emoji Text |
‼ | 3 | double_exclamation_mark |
🕵️♀️ | 2 | woman_detective |
😈 | 1 | smiling_face_with_horns |
💹 | 1 | chart_increasing_with_yen |
👛 | 1 | purse |
🦅 | 1 | eagle |
😊 | 1 | smiling_face_with_smiling_eyes |
✨ | 1 | sparkles |
🎩 | 1 | top_hat |
✌️ | 1 | victory_hand |
Emojis groups
Emoji Group | Count |
People & Body | 5 |
Objects | 4 |
Symbols | 3 |
Smileys & Emotion | 2 |
Animals & Nature | 1 |
Activities | 1 |