Account Summary

For some reason, I've turned myself inside out and all my guts have spilled onto my blog. Check me out at . NM in chess.
Followers Count
Friends Count
Tweets Count
List Count
Followers Analysis (based on followers sample)
Number of Verified accounts
Percentage of Verified accounts
Number of Protected accounts
Percentage of Protected accounts
Average Age of Twitter accounts
9 years
Number of users without a Bio
Number of users with a Bio
Percentage of users with a Bio
Percentage of users without a Bio
Worldcloud of Bios

Top 10 followers with the highest follower count
Username | Followers Count | Friends Count | Tweet Count |
JohnCena | 14099772 | 571861 | 7452 |
jessicaalba | 8487379 | 1710 | 6683 |
wyclef | 3731562 | 3764 | 34264 |
JimGaffigan | 3104709 | 2906 | 21242 |
benlandis | 2847935 | 1517177 | 1125 |
greggutfeld | 2430753 | 900 | 28724 |
DanaPerino | 2358982 | 9732 | 43712 |
charliekirk11 | 2135976 | 191872 | 54682 |
sarahcpr | 2111873 | 4428 | 38752 |
JackPosobiec | 2103326 | 982 | 167212 |
Top 10 followers with the highest following count
Username | Friends Count | Followers Count | Tweet Count |
6BillionPeople | 4023403 | 2033972 | 183298 |
benlandis | 1517177 | 2847935 | 1125 |
djkingassassin | 1374475 | 473870 | 137838 |
StartupPro | 979185 | 981412 | 17154 |
LeadToday | 792729 | 1005230 | 169881 |
SleepSkee | 782372 | 710347 | 42042 |
ZachBoychuk | 683676 | 828979 | 9259 |
rogerhamilton | 652079 | 928319 | 22753 |
AndrewMayne | 620277 | 745473 | 30947 |
DaveVescio | 577090 | 539336 | 15131 |
Top 10 followers with the highest tweet count
Username | Tweets Count | Followers Count | Friends Count |
bmurphypointman | 2476201 | 84578 | 29047 |
marshawright | 2237045 | 524022 | 384976 |
bitcoinagile | 1365905 | 67029 | 14202 |
QuibellPaul | 1308753 | 107339 | 89970 |
magicdmw | 1141996 | 4053 | 5002 |
EvanKirstel | 1131970 | 344664 | 310869 |
madanabhat | 1117657 | 3107 | 4997 |
HouseCracka | 1057879 | 41164 | 30651 |
garrincha_1962_ | 854417 | 4581 | 5216 |
MsContrarianSci | 753199 | 7229 | 7956 |
Top 10 followers with the highest listed count
Username | Listed Count | Friends Count | Followers Count |
JohnCena | 31664 | 571861 | 14099772 |
jessicaalba | 23585 | 1710 | 8487379 |
JimGaffigan | 21885 | 2906 | 3104709 |
MarketingProfs | 19280 | 118567 | 456938 |
APompliano | 16545 | 7178 | 1642082 |
Jason | 15527 | 21231 | 714984 |
TweetSmarter | 14535 | 124221 | 306600 |
EvanKirstel | 12970 | 310869 | 344664 |
wyclef | 11865 | 3764 | 3731562 |
NealSchaffer | 11512 | 43298 | 229096 |
Tweets Analysis
Total number of tweets analysed
Earliest tweet was on
Latest tweet was on
Tweets covering
1,062 days
Types of Tweets
Number of Retweets
Percentage of total tweets
Number of Original tweets
Percentage of total tweets
Number of tweets that contain Mentions
Percentage of total tweets
Number of tweets that were Replies
Percentage of total tweets
Number of tweets that were Quotes
Percentage of total tweets
Number of tweets that contain Hashtags
Percentage of total tweets
Top 10 tweets with highest Retweet count
ID | Text | Retweet count |
1294340014625689602 | Columbia Univ just announced next semester will be 100% remote (reversing their prior decision). They are going to REFUND a massive 10% on tuition. 2 weeks before school starts. Colleges are full-force admitting they are scams. Plus this will means 1000s more apt vacancies in NYC | 881 |
1281254580030967809 | Hypocrisy #1: Washington Post calling for Washington & Lee Univ to change name because of Washington but neglect to call for "Washington Post" to change name. #2: Rep.Omar says "dismantle political & economic system" day after her campaign paid her husband $878,000 #Simulation | 870 |
1278019111809933318 | Wow, so last night a 16 year old was shot and killed in the CHAZ/CHOP region and a 14 year old was shot. Nothing on @CNN about it. Nothing from the Seattle mayor. This is not political. I feel bad for the parents of these children. Why doesn't news report about this? | 832 |
1294036016517599232 | NYC is dead forever. Here's why: | 756 |
1296423576283881474 | Notre Dame suspends classes after 146 students come down with Covid. So...get students, collect all tuitions, get the students sick (100% asymptomatic) and THEN send them all home to infect elder relatives. COLLEGE! | 726 |
1559715364770029571 | OpenTable reservations this month, compared with same day in 2019 | 545 |
1280521857087811584 | So disappointed in @HBO. For decades the leader of pushing the envelope in edgy content. Now, pulling "South Park" episodes that mention Mohammed. South Park makes fun of everything all the time for 25 years. HBO stabs their own brand in the heart. HBO R.I.P. | 438 |
1278334985209090048 | Let's see: six shootings, two teenage deaths, and @MayorJenny still says "it's an arts festival". THEN, the CHAZ threatens to take over her 5,000 sq ft house worth $7.6 million after her new addition. A DAY LATER, she brings in the police, "end the chaos!" #Leadership #Comedy | 406 |
1594771339553882114 | Here's my prediction for the future of @elonmusk twitter and everything app. You hear it here first! #twitter #ElonMusk #crypto #everythingapp #payments #platform | 382 |
1279832221873037312 | 10 Lessons from Kanye. President Kanye. Why not? Every step of his career people laughed "you can't be a rapper", "you can't be in fashion!", etc. Last week Kanye announced a deal with "The Gap" and their stock went up over $1 billion in seconds. (1/x) #Yeezy2020 | 382 |
Top 10 tweets with highest Reply count
ID | Text | Reply count |
1294036016517599232 | NYC is dead forever. Here's why: | 761 |
1608825894487085060 | one of the toughest chess problems. you only need to see one move ahead. White to move and checkmate in one. there IS a solution | 708 |
1281957438950912007 | And now a break from our normal mindless arguing: (I will "like" the correct answers to this problem at 9pm EST today). | 677 |
1519765239843069952 | People always ask chessplayers, "How many moves do you think ahead?" . Sometimes it's not even one! I've seen very strong players not even be able to solve this WHITE TO MOVE AND MATE IN ONE MOVE. | 423 |
1559715364770029571 | OpenTable reservations this month, compared with same day in 2019 | 383 |
1594771339553882114 | Here's my prediction for the future of @elonmusk twitter and everything app. You hear it here first! #twitter #ElonMusk #crypto #everythingapp #payments #platform | 257 |
1284140587801882624 | Solve puzzles instead of mindlessly argue on Twitter. Exercise Brain! This one says "solve in 20 seconds" but, to be honest, it took me 30 minutes. Answers tomorrow! And explain reasoning. Problem attached. [and yesterday's was "6" - square every num, add them, take sq root] | 245 |
1612786577142599680 | I'm getting the chance to run my own book store for the entire month of September in the middle of London. I would pick 100% of the books in the store that month. Plus put chess tables outside and hang out all day. Should I do it? Would you visit me? Here's the store: | 239 |
1313508042500120577 | I wish in school there had been a class where all you do is solve puzzles the entire class. Instead of taking trigonometry, which I 100% forget. Here's a puzzle for the day. Tweet solutions. | 232 |
1278019111809933318 | Wow, so last night a 16 year old was shot and killed in the CHAZ/CHOP region and a 14 year old was shot. Nothing on @CNN about it. Nothing from the Seattle mayor. This is not political. I feel bad for the parents of these children. Why doesn't news report about this? | 229 |
Top 10 tweets with highest Quote count
ID | Text | Quote count |
1294036016517599232 | NYC is dead forever. Here's why: | 1236 |
1559715364770029571 | OpenTable reservations this month, compared with same day in 2019 | 255 |
1594771339553882114 | Here's my prediction for the future of @elonmusk twitter and everything app. You hear it here first! #twitter #ElonMusk #crypto #everythingapp #payments #platform | 133 |
1294340014625689602 | Columbia Univ just announced next semester will be 100% remote (reversing their prior decision). They are going to REFUND a massive 10% on tuition. 2 weeks before school starts. Colleges are full-force admitting they are scams. Plus this will means 1000s more apt vacancies in NYC | 125 |
1318027834154242048 | Who are you voting for President? This is for my own research. Nobody's name is seen if you click on poll below. I can't even see it. The poll will get updated as people respond. RT and comment what state you live. (But only use poll for answer so as to be anonymous). | 99 |
1278019111809933318 | Wow, so last night a 16 year old was shot and killed in the CHAZ/CHOP region and a 14 year old was shot. Nothing on @CNN about it. Nothing from the Seattle mayor. This is not political. I feel bad for the parents of these children. Why doesn't news report about this? | 97 |
1296423576283881474 | Notre Dame suspends classes after 146 students come down with Covid. So...get students, collect all tuitions, get the students sick (100% asymptomatic) and THEN send them all home to infect elder relatives. COLLEGE! | 85 |
1608825894487085060 | one of the toughest chess problems. you only need to see one move ahead. White to move and checkmate in one. there IS a solution | 77 |
1278334985209090048 | Let's see: six shootings, two teenage deaths, and @MayorJenny still says "it's an arts festival". THEN, the CHAZ threatens to take over her 5,000 sq ft house worth $7.6 million after her new addition. A DAY LATER, she brings in the police, "end the chaos!" #Leadership #Comedy | 75 |
1279832221873037312 | 10 Lessons from Kanye. President Kanye. Why not? Every step of his career people laughed "you can't be a rapper", "you can't be in fashion!", etc. Last week Kanye announced a deal with "The Gap" and their stock went up over $1 billion in seconds. (1/x) #Yeezy2020 | 54 |
Top 10 tweets with highest Like count
ID | Text | Like count |
1559715364770029571 | OpenTable reservations this month, compared with same day in 2019 | 4469 |
1294340014625689602 | Columbia Univ just announced next semester will be 100% remote (reversing their prior decision). They are going to REFUND a massive 10% on tuition. 2 weeks before school starts. Colleges are full-force admitting they are scams. Plus this will means 1000s more apt vacancies in NYC | 4075 |
1296423576283881474 | Notre Dame suspends classes after 146 students come down with Covid. So...get students, collect all tuitions, get the students sick (100% asymptomatic) and THEN send them all home to infect elder relatives. COLLEGE! | 3392 |
1281254580030967809 | Hypocrisy #1: Washington Post calling for Washington & Lee Univ to change name because of Washington but neglect to call for "Washington Post" to change name. #2: Rep.Omar says "dismantle political & economic system" day after her campaign paid her husband $878,000 #Simulation | 3165 |
1278019111809933318 | Wow, so last night a 16 year old was shot and killed in the CHAZ/CHOP region and a 14 year old was shot. Nothing on @CNN about it. Nothing from the Seattle mayor. This is not political. I feel bad for the parents of these children. Why doesn't news report about this? | 3080 |
1280521857087811584 | So disappointed in @HBO. For decades the leader of pushing the envelope in edgy content. Now, pulling "South Park" episodes that mention Mohammed. South Park makes fun of everything all the time for 25 years. HBO stabs their own brand in the heart. HBO R.I.P. | 2651 |
1594771339553882114 | Here's my prediction for the future of @elonmusk twitter and everything app. You hear it here first! #twitter #ElonMusk #crypto #everythingapp #payments #platform | 2429 |
1294036016517599232 | NYC is dead forever. Here's why: | 2173 |
1608825894487085060 | one of the toughest chess problems. you only need to see one move ahead. White to move and checkmate in one. there IS a solution | 1893 |
1279832221873037312 | 10 Lessons from Kanye. President Kanye. Why not? Every step of his career people laughed "you can't be a rapper", "you can't be in fashion!", etc. Last week Kanye announced a deal with "The Gap" and their stock went up over $1 billion in seconds. (1/x) #Yeezy2020 | 1723 |
Top 3 Languages Used In Tweets

Top 10 Hashtags used
Hashtag | Count |
#podcast | 87 |
#notepd | 38 |
#ideas | 37 |
#thenotepd | 37 |
#podcasting | 33 |
#chesspunks | 18 |
#chess | 14 |
#podcasts | 7 |
#crypto | 7 |
#yanggang | 6 |
Top 10 Hashtags Used In Tweets

Top 10 mentions
Hashtag | Count |
@thenotepd | 38 |
@elonmusk | 10 |
@jay_yow07 | 8 |
@ajjacobs | 6 |
@phillipstutts | 4 |
@heyfeifer | 4 |
@drbriankeating | 4 |
@cnn | 4 |
@amymorinlcsw | 4 |
@andrewyang | 4 |
Top 10 mentions

Wordcloud of Tweets

Emojis used in tweets
Emoji | Count | Emoji Text |
🧵 | 2 | thread |
⚔️ | 1 | crossed_swords |
💰 | 1 | money_bag |
Emojis groups
Emoji Group | Count |
Objects | 2 |
Activities | 2 |