Tweets Analysis - Keyword: @italoferreira


Total number of tweets analysed


Earliest tweet was on


Latest tweet was on


Tweets covering

8 days

Average age of authors' accounts

7 years


Professional surfer Italo Ferreira has achieved success in various competitions at the Hurley Pro Sunset Beach, winning several rounds and advancing to Round 3. He has won the first gold medal in Olympic surfing, with the help of his friend Gabriel Medina. Italo's supporters are celebrating his success and applauding his dedication.

Topic Modeling

  1. Competition and Results of Hurley ProSunset Beach
  2. The Achievement of Italo Ferreira
  3. Brazilian Surfers Winning Titles and Medals
  4. Supporting and Helping Friends Grow
  5. Religious Mantras and Fans Appreciation

Emotional Analysis

The tweets express a range of emotions, from admiration and excitement to nostalgia and pride. People are celebrating the amazing drop of @italoferreira at Sunset Beach and the success of the Brazilian surfers in the world championships. They are also expressing admiration for the friendship between @italoferreira and @gabriel1medina, and appreciation for their support of each other. Finally, there is an overall sense of pride for the success of Brazilian surfers and the recognition of their talent.

Trend Analysis

  1. Performance of Brazilian Surfers – Such as Italo Ferreira, Joao Chumbinho, Michael Rodrigues, etc.
  2. World Surf League (WSL) Brasil – Events, results, and competitions
  3. Gender and Diversity – Female and transgender surfers, and surfers from different countries.
  4. Surfing History – According to the tweets, Italo Ferreira won the first gold medal for surfing in the Olympics.
  5. Fandom and Support – Fans expressing their admiration, pride, and support for these surfers.

Disclaimer: The text analysis on, powered by OpenAI, does not represent the views of or its affiliates. The analysis is for informational purposes only and not an endorsement of any viewpoint.

Types of Tweets

Number of Retweets


Percentage of total tweets


Number of Original tweets


Percentage of total tweets


Number of tweets that contain Mentions


Percentage of total tweets


Number of tweets that were Replies


Percentage of total tweets


Number of tweets that were Quotes


Percentage of total tweets


Number of tweets that contain Hashtags


Percentage of total tweets


Top 5 devices used to tweet

Source Count
Twitter for Android 48
Twitter for iPhone 37
Twitter Web App 9
WSC Sports 5

What devices were used to tweet

Top 10 accounts with highest followers count

Username Name Bio Followers count
wsl World Surf League World's best surfers, world's best waves. 1,977,117
timebrasil Time Brasil Perfil Oficial do Comitê Olímpico do Brasil. 📍Aqui, todos vibram juntos em um único time!💚💛 592,100
WSLBrasil WSL Brasil 🇧🇷 Conta oficial da WSL Brasil 🇧🇷 53,007
Surfinskatin Surfinskatinthrashin Born during a Ramones set. Revived multiple times after wiping out. Failed Hollywood extra. Songs longer than 1 min & more than 2 chords is trying too hard 23,354
surfnewsonly Surfing News Latest Surfing News and Surfer Updates from around the web. #surf #surfer #surfing #surfnews #surfboard #wave #waves #sea #water #beach 14,382
polrodriguezriu Pol Rodríguez Comparto ideas para hacer crecer tu audiencia real 📈 y monetizar tus contenidos 💰Cofundador y CEO de @getmumbler 🎙 5,995
holaivanvega Iván Vega 🪶 Te cuento curiosidades y noticias relacionadas con la ornitología, la fauna salvaje y la naturaleza.Podcaster 🎧 en 5,427
SurfNews365 Surf News Surf News : news, results and videos about Surf and the best Surfers #surf #surfer #surfing #outdoorsports #sports 3,753
lrdalila dalila 🏄🏼‍♂️🌺 @wsl 🏄🏻‍♂ | @F1 🏎 3,463
AnaMuriel91 🎬 Ana Muriel 📺 🎬 Cine y TV | 📚 Libros | 🎨 Tips Creativos | Embajadora @kofi_button @Restreamio | 🎙 La Charleta Friki | 🎙️ @IberiaGeek | 📩 3,401

Top 10 accounts with highest friends count

Username Name Bio Followers count
Surfinskatin Surfinskatinthrashin Born during a Ramones set. Revived multiple times after wiping out. Failed Hollywood extra. Songs longer than 1 min & more than 2 chords is trying too hard 14,021
surfnewsonly Surfing News Latest Surfing News and Surfer Updates from around the web. #surf #surfer #surfing #surfnews #surfboard #wave #waves #sea #water #beach 5,992
milarena94 RENATTA - 4,594
AnaMuriel91 🎬 Ana Muriel 📺 🎬 Cine y TV | 📚 Libros | 🎨 Tips Creativos | Embajadora @kofi_button @Restreamio | 🎙 La Charleta Friki | 🎙️ @IberiaGeek | 📩 4,551
LeoCavilhoni Leo Cavilhoni 🇾🇪 ❘ #TheLastOfUs Dentre os grandes és o primeiro 🎶 ❘ 🇾🇪 4,074
eDSuardoML Eduardo Perfil pessoal. O Brasil é hoje o que foi programado para ser pelos eleitores brasileiros. 3,153
lrdalila dalila 🏄🏼‍♂️🌺 @wsl 🏄🏻‍♂ | @F1 🏎 2,990
rodriguez_arq Ricardo Rodriguez arquiteto, BIM 2,557
LourencoBRA Lourenço 🇭🇺 Não existe perdão no inferno, facistas, xenófobos, homofóbicos, nazistas, racistas vão queimar sem dó. 2,315
tuittaarjojo jojo 🎢 uma menina com varios ídolos que já cheguei a perder as contas....❤️‍🩹 2,088

Most active users

Username Bio Number of tweets
fellax07 A arte de amar a cachaça no bar e a cabeça cansada de pensar 5
thinksatnight both sighing and singing loudly 4
wsl World's best surfers, world's best waves. 3
WSLBrasil Conta oficial da WSL Brasil 🇧🇷 3
if15sports O canal oficial do campeão mundial e olímpico @italoferreira! 🏄🏻‍♂️🏆🥇 2
graciiiinha Não leve a vida tão a sério. Pois a vida é uma aventura alucinante da qual jamais sairemos vivos!!(Bob Marley) 2
Rosange57235492 @Flamengo 🫀fã de @iampauloandre 🏁 - fan account -saí do Twitter mas falhei miseravelmente🤡👍 2
polrodriguezriu Comparto ideas para hacer crecer tu audiencia real 📈 y monetizar tus contenidos 💰Cofundador y CEO de @getmumbler 🎙 2
PCosta60017123 - 2
surfnsea Est 1965 • Hawai‘i's Ocean Sports Headquarters • 62-595 Kamehameha Highway Hale‘iwa, HI 96712 • 1-800-899-SURF (7873) • 0900a - 0700p 2

Tweets per day

Top 10 tweets with highest Retweet count

ID Text Retweet count
1626343853346418688 Em câmera lenta, para a gente tentar entender o que o BRABO @italoferreira fez neste drop! 🤩 #WSLBrasil 18
1625290401308643328 #HurleyProSunsetBeach Men's Opening Round, Heat 4 Results: 🇺🇸 #SethMoniz- 12.13 ✅ 🇧🇷 @italoferreira - 10.53 ✅ 🇺🇸 @Keanu_Asing - 6.13 @hurley 16
1626353379554521089 #HurleyProSunsetBeach Men's Round of 32, Heat 13 Results: 🇧🇷 @italoferreira - 12.17 ✅ 🇧🇷 #MichaelRodrigues - 9.40 @hurley 15
1626400452156829696 Que drop espetacular do @italoferreira em Sunset Beach 😳🏄🏻‍♂️ 🎥 @WSLBrasil 12
1626402846504800256 #HurleyProSunsetBeach Men's Round of 16, Heat 7 Results: 🇧🇷 @joao_chumbinho - 16.83 ✅ 🇧🇷 @italoferreira - 12.16 @hurley 11
1626343727785562112 QUE DROP FOI ESSE DE @italoferreira, MEUS AMIGOS? 😱🔥 8
1625282970310541312 O BRABO CHEGOU INSPIRADO JOGANDO ÁGUA NA LUA !!!! 🇧🇷🇧🇷🇧🇷 @italoferreira 🔥🔥🔥 5
1625282106413793284 VAMOS, BRABO! 🇧🇷 @italoferreira ⚔️ 3
1626894465909551105 El 27.07.21, @italoferreira ganó la primera medalla de oro 🥇 de la historia olímpica del surf 🏄No sorprendió a nadie, porque era el favorito.Lo que muchos no saben, es que nunca hubiera ganado sin la intervención crucial de su amigo @gabriel1medina , también surfista 👇 2
1627498047092531200 Quando o mundo vai admitir que o Brasil é o país do surf???Os últimos 5 títulos mundiais de surf masculino são de brasucas!!!!@gabriel1medina @italoferreira @Filipetoledo77 @MineirinhoSurf @Miltonneves 1

Top 10 tweets with highest Like count

ID Text Like count
1626400452156829696 Que drop espetacular do @italoferreira em Sunset Beach 😳🏄🏻‍♂️ 🎥 @WSLBrasil 197
1626343853346418688 Em câmera lenta, para a gente tentar entender o que o BRABO @italoferreira fez neste drop! 🤩 #WSLBrasil 184
1625290401308643328 #HurleyProSunsetBeach Men's Opening Round, Heat 4 Results: 🇺🇸 #SethMoniz- 12.13 ✅ 🇧🇷 @italoferreira - 10.53 ✅ 🇺🇸 @Keanu_Asing - 6.13 @hurley 122
1626353379554521089 #HurleyProSunsetBeach Men's Round of 32, Heat 13 Results: 🇧🇷 @italoferreira - 12.17 ✅ 🇧🇷 #MichaelRodrigues - 9.40 @hurley 118
1625282970310541312 O BRABO CHEGOU INSPIRADO JOGANDO ÁGUA NA LUA !!!! 🇧🇷🇧🇷🇧🇷 @italoferreira 🔥🔥🔥 109
1626402846504800256 #HurleyProSunsetBeach Men's Round of 16, Heat 7 Results: 🇧🇷 @joao_chumbinho - 16.83 ✅ 🇧🇷 @italoferreira - 12.16 @hurley 96
1626343727785562112 QUE DROP FOI ESSE DE @italoferreira, MEUS AMIGOS? 😱🔥 92
1625282106413793284 VAMOS, BRABO! 🇧🇷 @italoferreira ⚔️ 88
1625290494195515394 @italoferreira acaba de avançar direto ao round 3 em Sunset Beach. O multicampeão deixou sua marca nessa onda! 🔥 6
1626894465909551105 El 27.07.21, @italoferreira ganó la primera medalla de oro 🥇 de la historia olímpica del surf 🏄No sorprendió a nadie, porque era el favorito.Lo que muchos no saben, es que nunca hubiera ganado sin la intervención crucial de su amigo @gabriel1medina , también surfista 👇 3

Top 3 Languages Used In Tweets

Top 10 Hashtags used

Hashtag Count
#hurleyprosunsetbeach 10
#sethmoniz 5
#surf 3
#michaelrodrigues 3
#wslbrasil 2
#gratidao 1
#ouro 1
#olimpiadastokio2020 1
#surfvideo 1
#surfing 1

Top 10 Hashtags Used In Tweets

Top 10 mentions

Mention Count
@italoferreira 107
@wsl 15
@wslbrasil 14
@hurley 11
@billabong1973 9
@billabongwomens 9
@gabriel1medina 6
@if15sports 6
@thinksatnight 5
@keanu_asing 5

Top 10 mentions

Wordcloud of Tweets


Average number of emojis used per tweet


Emojis used in tweets

Emoji Count Emoji Text
🇧🇷 23 Brazil
15 check_mark_button
😂 12 face_with_tears_of_joy
🇺🇸 10 United_States
🤣 9 rolling_on_the_floor_laughing
🔥 9 fire
❤️ 6 red_heart
🙌🏾 4 raising_hands_medium-dark_skin_tone
👏 4 clapping_hands
🥇 3 1st_place_medal

Emojis groups

Emoji Group Count
Smileys & Emotion 49
Flags 35
People & Body 30
Symbols 15
Travel & Places 13
Objects 5
Activities 4
Animals & Nature 1