Tweets Analysis - Keyword: Israël


Total number of tweets analysed


Earliest tweet was on


Latest tweet was on


Tweets covering

0 days

Average age of authors' accounts

6 years

Types of Tweets

Number of Retweets


Percentage of total tweets


Number of Original tweets


Percentage of total tweets


Number of tweets that contain Mentions


Percentage of total tweets


Number of tweets that were Replies


Percentage of total tweets


Number of tweets that were Quotes


Percentage of total tweets


Number of tweets that contain Hashtags


Percentage of total tweets


Top 5 devices used to tweet

Source Count
Twitter for Android 14278
Twitter for iPhone 10175
Twitter Web App 9454
Twitter for iPad 876
TweetDeck 295

What devices were used to tweet

Top 10 accounts with highest followers count

Username Name Followers count
Reuters Reuters 25,725,630
FoxNews Fox News 23,669,457
CNNEE CNN en Español 22,388,503
washingtonpost The Washington Post 20,009,106
detikcom detikcom 19,866,605
aajtak AajTak 19,614,302
AP The Associated Press 16,049,790
g1 g1 14,677,912
cnni CNN International 14,405,466
ABPNews ABP News 13,235,360

Top 10 accounts with highest friends count

Username Name Followers count
Cooperativa Cooperativa 649,767
jilevin Jeffrey Levin 🇺🇦 600,990
ElNacionalWeb El Nacional 339,379
Edward733 ஜ۩ღEdward Simღ۩ஜ #愛 HIKARU❤ NUAZ❤ 253,605
Nexofin Nexofin 240,661
Free_Media_Hub Free Syria Media Hub 224,298
ed_lamon Ed Lamon 173,424
MehmetAli_Kutlu Dr Mehmet Ali Kutlu 150,378
mendozaopina 140,710
realTuckFrumper #TuckFrump 138,891

Most active users

Username Number of tweets
Rihanna__Israel 276
Israel_M84 149
israel_kreskas 97
IqbalSunyat 84
sena_cni 72
melekcni 63
MLaurona 47
israel_escob 45
FernanditaCami1 43

Tweets per day

Top 10 tweets with highest Retweet count

ID Text Retweet count
1619107529329459200 Alex Pereira and Israel Adesanya will run it back at UFC 287 🔁🏆 3662
1619087696814563330 BREAKING: A Palestinian terrorist entered a synagogue in Jerusalem and murdered 7 Jewish worshipers. Please pray for Israel. Heartbreaking Friday here. 3056
1619070073146347520 Putin está bombardeando Kiev otra vez. Esto debe parar... Ah, no... Es Palestina siendo bombardeada por Israel anoche. Sigan con lo que estaban haciendo... No pasa nada. 1618
1619064382054604800 While all eyes are on Ukraine, Israel continues to drop bombs on Gaza and Syria, regularly, and no one even bats an eyelash. 1207
1619102834980536320 Alex Pereira x Israel Adesanya and Gilbert Burns x Jorge Masvidal will co-headline the April 8 PPV, per Dana White. No location announced. MSG has been discussed but nothing 100% yet. 1161
1619154819478061057 We all are together with Israel in this moment of pain and anger celebrations in Gaza are not only vulgar but inhuman In India we know by experience that such terrorist sympathisers are the real reason behind terror attacks Our prayers are with people of #Jerusalem 923
1619070218059526145 30 palestinos entre ellos 5 niños y una mujer fueron asesinados por Israel en lo que va de año 2023. ¿Dónde está la comunidad internacional? 891
1619073687420047360 Hours ago, a terrorist shot and killed seven civilians at a synagogue in Jerusalem and injured several others. You won’t hear about it in the media until Israel responds. So if you don’t condemn the attack today, you better remain silent when the IDF retaliates tomorrow. 835
1619168431730790400 I have a simple message to terrorists: We are not afraid of you. Israel is our land, not yours. The peace of Jerusalem will not be taken away. Our desire to live is stronger than your desire to destroy us. 🇮🇱 @india_intl_ 800
1619066199819821056 Facial recognition should be used to ensure that everyone in this video celebrating the terror attack on Synagogue worshippers, loses the ability to ever work in Israel 🇮🇱 again or even to cross a border. 774

Top 10 tweets with highest Like count

ID Text Like count
1619107529329459200 Alex Pereira and Israel Adesanya will run it back at UFC 287 🔁🏆 26784
1619102834980536320 Alex Pereira x Israel Adesanya and Gilbert Burns x Jorge Masvidal will co-headline the April 8 PPV, per Dana White. No location announced. MSG has been discussed but nothing 100% yet. 12967
1619087696814563330 BREAKING: A Palestinian terrorist entered a synagogue in Jerusalem and murdered 7 Jewish worshipers. Please pray for Israel. Heartbreaking Friday here. 10661
1619168431730790400 I have a simple message to terrorists: We are not afraid of you. Israel is our land, not yours. The peace of Jerusalem will not be taken away. Our desire to live is stronger than your desire to destroy us. 🇮🇱 @india_intl_ 4552
1619102194653085699 Champion Alex Pereira will fight Israel Adesanya at #UFC287 on April 8th. #UFC #MMA #UFCESPN #UFC2023 #MainEvent 3945
1619154819478061057 We all are together with Israel in this moment of pain and anger celebrations in Gaza are not only vulgar but inhuman In India we know by experience that such terrorist sympathisers are the real reason behind terror attacks Our prayers are with people of #Jerusalem 3522
1619066199819821056 Facial recognition should be used to ensure that everyone in this video celebrating the terror attack on Synagogue worshippers, loses the ability to ever work in Israel 🇮🇱 again or even to cross a border. 3436
1619073687420047360 Hours ago, a terrorist shot and killed seven civilians at a synagogue in Jerusalem and injured several others. You won’t hear about it in the media until Israel responds. So if you don’t condemn the attack today, you better remain silent when the IDF retaliates tomorrow. 3247
1619064382054604800 While all eyes are on Ukraine, Israel continues to drop bombs on Gaza and Syria, regularly, and no one even bats an eyelash. 2243
1619102714021003265 Urgente: o UFC acabou de anunciar Alex Poatan x Israel Adesanya 2 e Gilbert Durinho x Jorge Masvidal para o UFC 287, dia 8 de abril. 2159

Top 3 Languages Used In Tweets

Top 10 Hashtags used

Hashtag Count
#israel 3043
#jerusalem 1047
#palestine 667
#israeliterrorism 317
#freepalestine 306
#gaza 295
#israelicrimes 252
#festivaldelascondes 236
#podemoshablarchv 233
#olmuelomejortvn 233

Top 10 Hashtags Used In Tweets

Top 10 mentions

Mention Count
@israel 1613
@hananyanaftali 559
@ostrov_a 443
@gil_artzyeli 316
@israelmfa 295
@israel_mid_ru 214
@biobio 212
@mfa_russia 210
@yadvashem 210
@reprashida 210

Top 10 mentions

Wordcloud of Tweets


Average number of emojis used per tweet


Emojis used in tweets

Emoji Count Emoji Text
🇮🇱 1681 Israel
🇵🇸 841 Palestinian_Territories
🙏 422 folded_hands
🇺🇸 335 United_States
😂 332 face_with_tears_of_joy
🤣 313 rolling_on_the_floor_laughing
🚨 233 police_car_light
❤️ 206 red_heart
👇 188 backhand_index_pointing_down
🔥 182 fire

Emojis groups

Emoji Group Count
Flags 3822
Smileys & Emotion 3346
People & Body 1856
Symbols 1085
Travel & Places 746
Objects 593
Animals & Nature 226
Activities 204
Food & Drink 53