Tweets Analysis - Keyword: Islam
Total number of tweets analysed
Earliest tweet was on
Latest tweet was on
Tweets covering
1 days
Average age of authors' accounts
5 years
Types of Tweets
Number of Retweets
Percentage of total tweets
Number of Original tweets
Percentage of total tweets
Number of tweets that contain Mentions
Percentage of total tweets
Number of tweets that were Replies
Percentage of total tweets
Number of tweets that were Quotes
Percentage of total tweets
Number of tweets that contain Hashtags
Percentage of total tweets
Top 5 devices used to tweet
Source | Count |
Twitter for Android | 22762 |
Twitter for iPhone | 9762 |
Twitter Web App | 8030 |
Twitter for iPad | 500 |
Botbird tweets | 380 |
What devices were used to tweet

Top 10 accounts with highest followers count
Username | Name | Followers count |
TimesNow | TIMES NOW | 10,322,166 |
kompascom | | 8,452,183 |
VIVAcoid | VivaCoid | 4,663,754 |
EconomicTimes | Economic Times | 4,320,041 |
IndianExpress | The Indian Express | 4,259,576 |
trthaber | TRT HABER | 4,142,771 |
RT_com | RT | 3,073,951 |
501Awani | 🇲🇾Astro AWANI🇲🇾 | 2,968,133 |
sabah | Sabah | 2,219,712 |
ahaber | A Haber | 1,981,574 |
Top 10 accounts with highest friends count
Username | Name | Followers count |
GoogleExpertUK | Susan Dolan | 192,222 |
MehmetAli_Kutlu | Dr Mehmet Ali Kutlu | 150,721 |
gchahal | Gurbaksh Singh Chahal | 129,284 |
thomaspower | Thomas Power | 103,490 |
GrandesMedios | Grandes Medios | 77,014 |
Lecturas24H | Lecturas 24H | 72,313 |
___do3a | 🌴 #دعا_وأجر 🌴 | 72,136 |
maasm909 | مُحِبُّ الْخَيْر | 67,315 |
SevgiAsk1905 | Melek Özdemir | 61,789 |
LaPublicacion | La Publicación | 61,508 |
Most active users
Username | Number of tweets |
Sultana_Islam_1 | 803 |
abouyaoun | 316 |
juli_islam | 276 |
Mohammadfahim68 | 241 |
fahim_venus | 165 |
dall_islam | 136 |
Pakistan4_Islam | 113 |
HidayahBinti2 | 101 |
Islam_afg1 | 99 |
kepowin | 99 |
Tweets per day

Top 10 tweets with highest Retweet count
ID | Text | Retweet count |
1619281276275671042 | When Nupur Sh quoted Prophet's Hadith, dozens of Hindus were k!lled and Indian state was asked to apologize to Muslims When thousands of Hindu girls are abducted, r@ped, converted to Islam, married off to Muslms under Sharia every year, Islam/Muslms dont have to answer anything. | 1263 |
1619262890183393280 | India : Muslim vs Hindu SL : Muslim vs Buddhist China : Muslim vs Atheist Israel : Muslim vs Jew Europe : Muslim vs Christian Syria : Muslim vs Yazidi Iran : Muslim vs Parsee Afghanistan : Muslim vs Sikh Woke Neha : This means only one thing, entire world is against my Islam 😭 | 1205 |
1619329953472073730 | Une nouvelle victoire pour @Reconquete_off ! Bravo à nos élus et nos militants qui se sont tout de suite mobilisés pour faire annuler cette conférence à #Grenoble. Vous pouvez toujours compter sur Reconquête pour combattre l’islam conquérant en France ! | 1007 |
1619158669236781059 | Why a Saree clad Hindu woman towards New Direction of Islam behind a Quran worshipping Moulvi? Why not a woman in burqa? | 992 |
1619297882989035520 | While Jerusalem mourns their Dead... Palestinian Muslims celebrate in the streets of Gaza. This is Islam on Display: these are the "refugees" imported into your countries. Of course, they are chanting the Islamic war cry: Allahu Akbar, Allahu Akbar... | 906 |
1619137619501404160 | Jamás verás una campaña tan intensa a favor del islam, los islamistas y la inmigración, como cuando un islamista mata a machetazos a un cristiano. | 675 |
1619256837920153600 | Hakim El Karoui, Macron's advisor on Islam, states Islam is the most practiced "religion" in France 2.5 to 3M Muslims vs. 1.65M Catholics There are 2,400 mosques, compared to 1,500 in 2003 Only 20 new churches were built in the last decade 1 mosque is erected every 15 days | 609 |
1619298277358444546 | WATCH & SHARE: Jolene Bunting - U.K.’s first elected official UNSEATED for criticising Islam & Immigration | 520 |
1619342521079058433 | blinks r creating troll accounts and using religion and CA to build hype for the next blackpink concert this is so disgusting 300 quotes from big accounts to an account with one follower and zero likes, they think Islam is a joke | 517 |
1619340185162125314 | After 96 YEARS! Allah guides this man to Islam ⌛️ 🤎 | 495 |
Top 10 tweets with highest Like count
ID | Text | Like count |
1619262890183393280 | India : Muslim vs Hindu SL : Muslim vs Buddhist China : Muslim vs Atheist Israel : Muslim vs Jew Europe : Muslim vs Christian Syria : Muslim vs Yazidi Iran : Muslim vs Parsee Afghanistan : Muslim vs Sikh Woke Neha : This means only one thing, entire world is against my Islam 😭 | 3412 |
1619340185162125314 | After 96 YEARS! Allah guides this man to Islam ⌛️ 🤎 | 3328 |
1619329953472073730 | Une nouvelle victoire pour @Reconquete_off ! Bravo à nos élus et nos militants qui se sont tout de suite mobilisés pour faire annuler cette conférence à #Grenoble. Vous pouvez toujours compter sur Reconquête pour combattre l’islam conquérant en France ! | 2681 |
1619281276275671042 | When Nupur Sh quoted Prophet's Hadith, dozens of Hindus were k!lled and Indian state was asked to apologize to Muslims When thousands of Hindu girls are abducted, r@ped, converted to Islam, married off to Muslms under Sharia every year, Islam/Muslms dont have to answer anything. | 2555 |
1619444363716861952 | UPDATE: Sweden’s NATO bid has officially been suspended. Alhamdulillah, pressure from the Islamic world has won the day. European racism cost Sweden dearly. #NATO #Quran #Sweden #Islam | 2328 |
1619158669236781059 | Why a Saree clad Hindu woman towards New Direction of Islam behind a Quran worshipping Moulvi? Why not a woman in burqa? | 2276 |
1619297882989035520 | While Jerusalem mourns their Dead... Palestinian Muslims celebrate in the streets of Gaza. This is Islam on Display: these are the "refugees" imported into your countries. Of course, they are chanting the Islamic war cry: Allahu Akbar, Allahu Akbar... | 2266 |
1619288761501880322 | Is there a single country where Islam peacefully coexists with others without causing distraction? | 2088 |
1619328539685421057 | That's not a official Muslim symbol. We aren't supposed to associate Islam with any kind of symbol that's equivalent to shirk If you really are a Muslim you should know that. Stop using my religion for this dumb stan wars | 2052 |
1619275267209580545 | Siapa akan tanggung kos? "Sebahagian besar (peruntukan) dari kerajaan, tentunya kita akan hubungi rakan-rakan kita negara Islam yang lain". Inilah kelebihan PM yang ada hubungan diplomasi yang baik. Saya jangka banyak negara Islam lain sedia beri sumbangan. | 1836 |
Top 3 Languages Used In Tweets

Top 10 Hashtags used
Hashtag | Count |
#islam | 3520 |
#muslim | 1278 |
#allah | 1108 |
#selamatkangenerasidenganislam | 1099 |
#pemudamuliadenganislam | 1084 |
#quran | 999 |
#islamsolusikehidupan | 959 |
#kapitalismebiangmasalah | 954 |
#المصحف | 316 |
#muslims | 263 |
Top 10 Hashtags Used In Tweets

Top 10 mentions
Mention | Count |
@rterdogan | 334 |
@omerrcelik | 329 |
@ahmetaydin_02 | 325 |
@tskgnkur | 304 |
@tcsavunma | 303 |
@tcbestepe | 303 |
@akbasogluemin | 294 |
@alp_kavaklioglu | 292 |
@mustafasentop | 282 |
@vedatbilgn | 276 |
Top 10 mentions

Wordcloud of Tweets

Average number of emojis used per tweet
Emojis used in tweets
Emoji | Count | Emoji Text |
😂 | 1031 | face_with_tears_of_joy |
🤣 | 756 | rolling_on_the_floor_laughing |
🇹🇷 | 685 | Turkey |
😭 | 502 | loudly_crying_face |
❤️ | 463 | red_heart |
👇 | 252 | backhand_index_pointing_down |
👉 | 248 | backhand_index_pointing_right |
🙏 | 212 | folded_hands |
✅ | 211 | check_mark_button |
☪️ | 193 | star_and_crescent |
Emojis groups
Emoji Group | Count |
Smileys & Emotion | 6663 |
People & Body | 2446 |
Symbols | 1454 |
Flags | 1442 |
Travel & Places | 964 |
Objects | 647 |
Activities | 573 |
Animals & Nature | 553 |
Food & Drink | 135 |