Tweets Analysis - Keyword: Igor
Total number of tweets analysed
Earliest tweet was on
Latest tweet was on
Tweets covering
8 days
Average age of authors' accounts
5 years
Types of Tweets
Number of Retweets
Percentage of total tweets
Number of Original tweets
Percentage of total tweets
Number of tweets that contain Mentions
Percentage of total tweets
Number of tweets that were Replies
Percentage of total tweets
Number of tweets that were Quotes
Percentage of total tweets
Number of tweets that contain Hashtags
Percentage of total tweets
Top 5 devices used to tweet
Source | Count |
Twitter for Android | 67584 |
Twitter for iPhone | 40618 |
Twitter Web App | 27214 |
Twitter for iPad | 1187 |
TweetDeck | 796 |
What devices were used to tweet

Top 10 accounts with highest followers count
Username | Name | Followers count |
cnnbrk | CNN Breaking News | 64,101,263 |
CNN | CNN | 60,252,291 |
nytimes | The New York Times | 54,553,454 |
FoxNews | Fox News | 22,497,886 |
WSJ | The Wall Street Journal | 20,250,186 |
washingtonpost | The Washington Post | 19,942,354 |
ABC | ABC News | 17,748,878 |
AP | The Associated Press | 16,074,060 |
cnni | CNN International | 14,211,578 |
HuffPost | HuffPost | 11,349,844 |
Top 10 accounts with highest friends count
Username | Name | Followers count |
Cooperativa | Cooperativa | 653,895 |
jilevin | Jeffrey Levin 🇺🇦 | 617,302 |
RaminNasibov | RΛMIN NΛSIBOV | 354,043 |
bynsny | Larry Kelly | 327,646 |
Free_Media_Hub | Free Syria Media Hub | 229,141 |
latercera | La Tercera | 217,458 |
JohnLukeNYC | John Luke | 206,345 |
TozzaFla | Tozza | 176,199 |
Politics_PR | 🌊 R Saddler | 174,331 |
folha | Folha de S.Paulo | 171,788 |
Most active users
Username | Number of tweets |
Igor_2378 | 2,084 |
kocevar_igor | 787 |
igor_br3667 | 688 |
igor_serdukov | 566 |
moacir_igor | 543 |
igor__k77 | 542 |
Igor_Santiello | 523 |
igor___77 | 518 |
Igor_BrOs | 495 |
I_am_Igor_F | 483 |
Tweets per day

Top 10 tweets with highest Retweet count
ID | Text | Retweet count |
1582469002277683200 | The Durham investigation has been a complete bust, an abject lesson in what happens when the Justice Department is weaponized to do a president's political bidding. It will be held up to generations of prosecutors as a cautionary tale about what not to do. | 3686 |
1582540272973455362 | Mais de 1 milhão de pessoas assistindo simultaneamente. Quem aqui acompanhou? @igor_3k @flowpdc 📸: @ricardostuckert | 2759 |
1582468987732234240 | FLASH: Federal jury in Alexandria, Virginia finds Igor Danchenko NOT GUILTY of making false statements to FBI. He's the Russian analyst who worked w/ Christopher Steele, on a controversial dossier about former President Donald Trump and Russia | 2335 |
1582494009574199296 | Chegamos! É daqui a pouco @igor_3k @flowpdc #LulaNoFlow 📸: @ricardostuckert | 1960 |
1582469246684393472 | BREAKING: Igor Danchenko—the primary source for the infamous Trump-Russia dossier—was just acquitted of four counts of lying to the FBI in an embarrassing defeat for ‘special counsel’ John Durham. | 1943 |
1581610695996555264 | Ukrainian intelligence service is offering 100,000+ for the capture of Igor Girkin | 1926 |
1580219066479915008 | We have the transcripts for the 1st day of the Igor Danchenko trial. The FBI's million dollar offer to Christopher Steele. Sergei Millian being a prior FBI Source. And - how it was a bad day for FBI leadership. | 1908 |
1581437631959019520 | The Danchenko transcripts - Mueller Special Counsel denied its analysts' requests to interview Democrat Charles Dolan - a "source" of the Steele Dossier. By doing so, Team Mueller prevented an inquiry that would have revealed its lies to the FISA Court. | 1597 |
1581827764159905792 | ué | 1453 |
1582518173110136832 | Obrigada pela citação @LulaOficial!! 💜 Me chama pro @flowpdc, Igor! 😂 | 1426 |
Top 10 tweets with highest Like count
ID | Text | Like count |
1581827764159905792 | ué | 41942 |
1582540272973455362 | Mais de 1 milhão de pessoas assistindo simultaneamente. Quem aqui acompanhou? @igor_3k @flowpdc 📸: @ricardostuckert | 33323 |
1582494009574199296 | Chegamos! É daqui a pouco @igor_3k @flowpdc #LulaNoFlow 📸: @ricardostuckert | 20465 |
1581463368984297472 | O atacante Igor Quadrado, do São Raimundo-AM, passou por uma situação lamentável e constrangedora hoje, no DB Supermercados, em Manaus. Ele foi abordado por um funcionário e precisou provar que sua sandália nova não era da loja. O clube registrou B.O. 🗞 | 📸 @larissabalieir0 | 20396 |
1582518173110136832 | Obrigada pela citação @LulaOficial!! 💜 Me chama pro @flowpdc, Igor! 😂 | 19780 |
1582505004409450496 | Igor 3K do Flow Podcast acaba de revelar que se formou pelo Prouni, programa do Lula. 🤍 | 19043 |
1582518277888102402 | Igor: “Lula, como as pessoas te acham na internet?” Lula: “Não sei.” #LulaNoFlow | 16901 |
1581610695996555264 | Ukrainian intelligence service is offering 100,000+ for the capture of Igor Girkin | 15159 |
1582141735299612672 | isso que é foda de não ser verificado hahaha @choquei | 14800 |
1582501474063777792 | Por que será, Igor? Que as pessoas de esquerda não querem ir? Por que será? | 13951 |
Top 3 Languages Used In Tweets

Top 10 Hashtags used
Hashtag | Count |
#lulanoflow | 3874 |
#lulapresidente1 | 654 |
#nyr | 557 |
#ukraine | 243 |
#flowpodcast | 199 |
#igor | 188 |
#lulapresidente2022 | 175 |
#teamom | 156 |
#afazenda14 | 130 |
#russia | 123 |
Top 10 Hashtags Used In Tweets

Top 10 mentions
Hashtag | Count |
@igor_3k | 10201 |
@lulaoficial | 4891 |
@flowpdc | 4138 |
@ricardostuckert | 2507 |
@igor_tarot | 2194 |
@choquei | 1431 |
@igor_from_kyiv_ | 1178 |
@igor_araujo_sc | 991 |
@igor_975 | 911 |
@igor_rochao | 740 |
Top 10 mentions

Wordcloud of Tweets

Average number of emojis used per tweet
Emojis used in tweets
Emoji | Count | Emoji Text |
😂 | 5389 | face_with_tears_of_joy |
🤣 | 4296 | rolling_on_the_floor_laughing |
😭 | 2133 | loudly_crying_face |
❤️ | 1715 | red_heart |
🇧🇷 | 1129 | Brazil |
🔥 | 1097 | fire |
🤮 | 934 | face_vomiting |
👏 | 823 | clapping_hands |
👍 | 806 | thumbs_up |
🤡 | 762 | clown_face |
Emojis groups
Emoji Group | Count |
Smileys & Emotion | 31181 |
People & Body | 9736 |
Symbols | 5610 |
Flags | 3457 |
Travel & Places | 3369 |
Activities | 2511 |
Objects | 2440 |
Animals & Nature | 1171 |
Food & Drink | 522 |