Tweets Analysis - Keyword: Idaho


Total number of tweets analysed


Earliest tweet was on


Latest tweet was on


Tweets covering

5 days

Average age of authors' accounts

7 years

Types of Tweets

Number of Retweets


Percentage of total tweets


Number of Original tweets


Percentage of total tweets


Number of tweets that contain Mentions


Percentage of total tweets


Number of tweets that were Replies


Percentage of total tweets


Number of tweets that were Quotes


Percentage of total tweets


Number of tweets that contain Hashtags


Percentage of total tweets


Top 5 devices used to tweet

Source Count
Twitter for iPhone 14167
Twitter Web App 10069
Twitter for Android 7725
Idaho Statewide Traffic Alerts 1710
Twitter for iPad 1144

What devices were used to tweet

Top 10 accounts with highest followers count

Username Name Followers count
cnnbrk CNN Breaking News 64,131,833
CNN CNN 60,869,140
nytimes The New York Times 54,804,194
BBCWorld BBC News (World) 39,238,916
Reuters Reuters 25,692,142
FoxNews Fox News 23,507,463
CNNEE CNN en Español 22,335,103
WSJ The Wall Street Journal 20,407,538
washingtonpost The Washington Post 19,967,518
TIME TIME 19,435,947

Top 10 accounts with highest friends count

Username Name Followers count
jilevin Jeffrey Levin 🇺🇦 599,940
krassenstein Brian Krassenstein 528,917
vipregan Matt 510,780
bynsny Larry Kelly 325,693
EvanKirstel 🇺🇦Evan Kirstel #B2B #TechFluencer 306,703
fxp123 Algernon Fross 270,134
sharker102s 🎅sharker102s🎁 221,865
TheRickyDavila Ricky Davila 191,817
AppSame AppSame 189,832
DailyLoud Daily Loud 189,270

Most active users

Username Number of tweets
Idaho511 1,710
Idaho_Bleu 196
_Private_Idaho 159
Isedora_Idaho 151
richie_in_Idaho 112
gdart10 109
AiasInit 92
Idaho_Hopeful 86
Independent 70

Tweets per day

Top 10 tweets with highest Retweet count

ID Text Retweet count
1608636392191717376 Putin's kill squad surrounds a Ukrainian family in the mountains. After killing a teenage boy & the family dog, soldiers then shot the mother with a child in her arms. Just kidding! That was the FBI & ATF at Ruby Ridge in Idaho 3839
1608907841741676545 Bryan Christopher Kohberger, 28, arrested in connection with the murders of four college students in Idaho 👀 2727
1608862016164462592 An arrest has been made in the Moscow, Idaho quadruple homicide I have learned . 2299
1608883613369786368 I am told when Idaho quadruple homicide suspect Bryan Christopher Kohberger was in custody — he “asked if anyone else was arrested.” I’m told he had a “quiet, blank stare.” 1942
1608856238745346052 BREAKING: College student in custody in murders of four Idaho students, law enforcement source says 1784
1608899241082249217 The suspect arrested for the Idaho students murders was not on the radar of any of the Tiktok detectives so maybe this should be a sign for them and their viewers to stop being fucking weirdos using gruesome events for entertainment and views 1639
1608874771063918604 Bryan Christopher Kohberger, 28, of Scranton, PA is the suspect in the Idaho massacre Reportedly a PhD student in Criminology at Washington State University in nearby Pullman 1551
1608872285401935872 Arrest paperwork filed in Monroe County, Pennsylvania shows 28 year old Bryan Christopher Kohberger is being held for extradition in a homicide investigation in Moscow, Idaho. On my way to Pennsylvania now. NewsNation will carry the police press conference live at 4pmET. 1359
1608867811325272069 This is Bryan Kohberger. He is a criminology graduate student at Washington State University. This morning, he was arrested in connection to the University of Idaho murders. 1071
1608919427856371712 Interesting call allegedly from Idaho murder suspect Bryan Kohberger calling into a true crime podcast recently. The host of the channel today has claimed he sent the call to the FBI 806

Top 10 tweets with highest Like count

ID Text Like count
1608907841741676545 Bryan Christopher Kohberger, 28, arrested in connection with the murders of four college students in Idaho 👀 30948
1608862016164462592 An arrest has been made in the Moscow, Idaho quadruple homicide I have learned . 19887
1608883613369786368 I am told when Idaho quadruple homicide suspect Bryan Christopher Kohberger was in custody — he “asked if anyone else was arrested.” I’m told he had a “quiet, blank stare.” 16772
1608636392191717376 Putin's kill squad surrounds a Ukrainian family in the mountains. After killing a teenage boy & the family dog, soldiers then shot the mother with a child in her arms. Just kidding! That was the FBI & ATF at Ruby Ridge in Idaho 14004
1608899241082249217 The suspect arrested for the Idaho students murders was not on the radar of any of the Tiktok detectives so maybe this should be a sign for them and their viewers to stop being fucking weirdos using gruesome events for entertainment and views 12619
1608872285401935872 Arrest paperwork filed in Monroe County, Pennsylvania shows 28 year old Bryan Christopher Kohberger is being held for extradition in a homicide investigation in Moscow, Idaho. On my way to Pennsylvania now. NewsNation will carry the police press conference live at 4pmET. 9822
1608856238745346052 BREAKING: College student in custody in murders of four Idaho students, law enforcement source says 7603
1608919427856371712 Interesting call allegedly from Idaho murder suspect Bryan Kohberger calling into a true crime podcast recently. The host of the channel today has claimed he sent the call to the FBI 6930
1608841360798543875 Moscow, Idaho Police will be holding a press conference at 1pm local time. 6612
1607379573183860738 In the 1970s, Bill Fagerbakke played college football for Idaho. In 1999, he became the voice of Patrick Star. Last night, two of his passions came together when Nickelodeon had him join the Rams-Broncos broadcast 🎙️ 6304

Top 3 Languages Used In Tweets

Top 10 Hashtags used

Hashtag Count
#idaho 1929
#idaho4 1469
#idahofour 736
#idahohomicide 664
#idahostudents 647
#idahostudentssuspect 546
#idahohomicides 408
#breaking 376
#foxnews 315
#bryankohberger 286

Top 10 Hashtags Used In Tweets

Top 10 mentions

Mention Count
@youtube 972
@brianentin 502
@mailonline 277
@nypost 269
@foxnews 204
@nbcnews 175
@newsnation 167
@idaho511 154
@idaho_model_t 138
@abc 112

Top 10 mentions

Wordcloud of Tweets


Average number of emojis used per tweet


Emojis used in tweets

Emoji Count Emoji Text
🚨 323 police_car_light
🙏 265 folded_hands
😭 230 loudly_crying_face
🔴 229 red_circle
😂 199 face_with_tears_of_joy
👇 184 backhand_index_pointing_down
👀 134 eyes
❤️ 131 red_heart
🤣 128 rolling_on_the_floor_laughing
😳 119 flushed_face

Emojis groups

Emoji Group Count
Smileys & Emotion 2642
People & Body 1435
Symbols 1118
Travel & Places 776
Objects 646
Activities 420
Animals & Nature 231
Food & Drink 169
Flags 164