Tweets Analysis - Keyword: @iBhaiVirendra


Total number of tweets analysed


Earliest tweet was on


Latest tweet was on


Tweets covering

10 days

Average age of authors' accounts

3 years


Chief Minister Nitish Kumar stated that there is still room for expansion in the cabinet and Tejashwi Yadav welcomed people from Singapur Airport with his sister Rohini. Tejashwi asked for a decision to be made soon and for people to leave Bihar. He also promoted 'Maner Biriyani' in Gopalganj and urged people to 'read and write'. There has been a lot of debate on an 8000 salary wage and general instructors. Manoj Jha has also voiced his opinion on Modi while Giriraj Singh has not been spared either. People are wondering if they will be looted again.

Topic Modeling

  1. Appointment of cabinet ministers
  2. Lalu Yadav and family return to Singapur
  3. Political Take over in Bihar
  4. RJD party laws and policies
  5. Political developments in Bihar

Emotional Analysis

The tweets express a range of emotions, from joy and excitement to frustration and disappointment. The first tweet expresses optimism, with Chief Minister Nitish Kumar saying there is still room in the cabinet for more people. The second tweet expresses joy at the return of Lalu Yadav to Bihar from Singapore. The third tweet expresses determination, with Tejashwi Yadav asking people to make a decision on Bihar soon. The fourth tweet expresses appreciation for the traditional practice of "Maner Biriyani". The fifth tweet expresses frustration at the lack of adequate wages for physical education and health instructors. The sixth tweet expresses support for Tejashwi Yadav and the RJD. The seventh tweet expresses a desire for justice in a case involving Virendra Yadav. The eighth tweet expresses determination to save Bihar and oust the oppressors. The ninth tweet expresses admiration for Lalu Prasad Yadav and his leadership. The tenth tweet expresses curiosity about what is going on in the constituency. The eleventh tweet expresses impatience for the remaining seats in the Primary Teacher Recruitment 2019 to be filled. Finally, the twelfth tweet expresses curiosity about whether Virendra Yadav is a local representative.

Trend Analysis

  1. Expansion of Cabinet
  2. Lalu Prasad Yadav's daughter Rohini's return
  3. Physical Education Teachers recruitment and salary
  4. The Famous "Maner Biryaani"
  5. Bihar Chief Minister Nitish Kumar's Politics

Disclaimer: The text analysis on, powered by OpenAI, does not represent the views of or its affiliates. The analysis is for informational purposes only and not an endorsement of any viewpoint.

Types of Tweets

Number of Retweets


Percentage of total tweets


Number of Original tweets


Percentage of total tweets


Number of tweets that contain Mentions


Percentage of total tweets


Number of tweets that were Replies


Percentage of total tweets


Number of tweets that were Quotes


Percentage of total tweets


Number of tweets that contain Hashtags


Percentage of total tweets


Top 5 devices used to tweet

Source Count
Twitter for Android 38
Twitter Web App 9
Twitter for iPhone 4
Twitter Media Studio 1

What devices were used to tweet

Top 10 accounts with highest followers count

Username Name Bio Followers count
ZeeBiharNews Zee Bihar Jharkhand Official Handle of Zee Bihar Jharkhand | बिहार-झारखंड का नंबर-1 न्यूज़ चैनल Watch us on: YouTube: FB: 951,962
firstbiharnews FirstBiharJharkhand Official Account of First Bihar Jharkhand News. Follow us for latest News and Updates from Bihar/Jharkhand. #FirstBiharJharkhand 84,399
news4nations news4nation @news4nations covers breaking news, latest news in politics, sports, business & cinema. Follow us & stay ahead!जिसपर आप करते हैं भरोसा ( फॉलो करें ) 40,985
chandan_stp chandan I am against all forms of discrimination, whether it is Caste, religion, gender, skin color or regionalism. I will keep fighting against them 2,582
SuyashPrakash8 Suyash Prakash Twigs of conscience aren't so less that they can't built a nest again 😉#politico #poetic 1,252
Shivpra78782141 SHIVA I m simple . 571
news_haat News Haat यहां आपको मिलेगी लेटेस्ट खबर, पॉलिटिकल उठापटक, मनोरंजन की दुनिया, खेल-खिलाड़ी, सोशल मीडिया का वायरल न्यूज़, फिल्म रिव्यू, खास मुद्दों पर बातचीत और बहुत कुछ. 545
ManojKu70652633 Manoj Kumar +२ teacher botany 397
rupeshyadav76 Rupesh yaduwanshi Patna based artist working with pencil | Social Activist @SAF4India, #गरीब_किसान 326
krishna_akshat बेरोजगार अक्षत कृष्णा Recluse, जातिवाद का विरोधी, ना कोई ऊँचा है ना कोई नीचा है सब सिर्फ इंसान है 313

Top 10 accounts with highest friends count

Username Name Bio Followers count
chandan_stp chandan I am against all forms of discrimination, whether it is Caste, religion, gender, skin color or regionalism. I will keep fighting against them 2,500
Shivpra78782141 SHIVA I m simple . 1,486
Sujeetk_EV Surjeet Yadav Like clean politics, Democracy is not dynasty 1,405
news4nations news4nation @news4nations covers breaking news, latest news in politics, sports, business & cinema. Follow us & stay ahead!जिसपर आप करते हैं भरोसा ( फॉलो करें ) 758
ManojKu70652633 Manoj Kumar +२ teacher botany 757
abhising005 Abhishek Singh #Indian_civilization #Atheist 724
BahaliNews Ujjaval kumar yadav - 650
PrinceY59524696 Prince Yadav Prince Yadav - 626
SuyashPrakash8 Suyash Prakash Twigs of conscience aren't so less that they can't built a nest again 😉#politico #poetic 589
ZeeBiharNews Zee Bihar Jharkhand Official Handle of Zee Bihar Jharkhand | बिहार-झारखंड का नंबर-1 न्यूज़ चैनल Watch us on: YouTube: FB: 547

Most active users

Username Bio Number of tweets
RANJEET41297176 Athletic 7
news4nations @news4nations covers breaking news, latest news in politics, sports, business & cinema. Follow us & stay ahead!जिसपर आप करते हैं भरोसा ( फॉलो करें ) 6
rupeshyadav76 Patna based artist working with pencil | Social Activist @SAF4India, #गरीब_किसान 2
BahaliNews - 2
CHANDAN91250883 - 2
PrinceY59524696 - 2
abhising005 #Indian_civilization #Atheist 1
Tejashwi_Fc Deputy Chief Minister ,Bihar Tejashwi Yadav’s Fan club . 1
VKrajgir नवनियुक्त शारीरिक शिक्षा एवम स्वास्थ्य अनुदेशक & लाइब्रेरी साइंस 1
VijayPr46206747 TET TeacherBihar Gyan Chakshu 1

Tweets per day

Top 10 tweets with highest Retweet count

ID Text Retweet count
1627615730354225152 शारीरिक_शिक्षा_एवं_स्वास्थ्य_अनुदेशक_needs #पूर्णकालिक_कार्य_एवं_सामान्य_शिक्षकों_की_तरह_वेतनमान@NitishKumar @yadavtejashwi @ProfShekharRJD @iBhaiVirendra @AHindinews @News18Bihar @BahaliNews 15
1626199644144545795 पटना- कैबिनेट विस्तार पर बोले मुख्यमंत्री ⁦@NitishKumar⁩ कैबिनेट में कुछ ही जगह तो ख़ाली है जब भी चाहेंगे हो जाएगा ⁦@yadavtejashwi⁩ ⁦@VijayKChy⁩ ⁦@iBhaiVirendra⁩ ⁦@RJDforIndia⁩ ⁦@Jduonline⁩ ⁦@INCBihar⁩ ⁦@BJP4Bihar⁩ 9
1627194945504423937 #8000_के_वेतन_पे#कैसे_खेलेगा_बिहार_#कैसे_खिलेगा_बिहार_#2019_में_नवनियुक्त_शारीरिक_शिक्षकों_की_सुनो_पुकार #_8000_मैं_कैसे_हम_जिए_सरकार #समान_कार्य_एवं_समान_वेतन@CMBiharNK @yadavtejashwi @ravidinkar @DGSDAB @AniBihar @officecmbihar @JDUBihar07 @AbhisheKatyayan @iBhaiVirendra 6
1626891362238083072 Tejashwi ने मंच से कह दिया जल्द लीजिये फैसला, सीधे बोले Bihar में हम लोगों को छोड़ दीजिये | @RJDforIndia @TejashwiOffice @TeamTejashwi @yadavtejashwi @AlokMehtaMP @abarisiddiqui @ShyamRajakBihar @manojkjhadu @iBhaiVirendra 6
1624351100282482689 बिहार : किडनी ट्रांसप्लांट के बाद सिंगापुर से भारत लौट रहे लालू यादव...सिंगापुर एयरपोर्ट पर परिवार के साथ नजर आई बेटी रोहिणी @laluprasadrjd @iBhaiVirendra @yadavtejashwi @RJD_BiharState 3
1624460405820239873 @BiharTakChannel @ranjanwaa भैया आपके मनेर में ये क्या हो रहा है ? @iBhaiVirendra , @bihar_police तुरंत कार्रवाई करे 🙏 1
1626982274813267968 @news4nations @RJDforIndia @TejashwiOffice @TeamTejashwi @yadavtejashwi @AlokMehtaMP @abarisiddiqui @ShyamRajakBihar @manojkjhadu @iBhaiVirendra Best leader tejsawi Yadav jindabad RJD 1
1625019578710622209 RJD MP Manoj Jha ने Modi के सामने ललकारा, चला दो बुलडोजर Giriraj Singh को कहीं का न छोड़ा! @manojkjhadu @RJDforIndia @RJD_BiharState @yuva_rajad @yadavtejashwi @DrTanweerHassan @iBhaiVirendra @MisaBharti @activistritu 0
1626218300631056386 अभी अभी CM Nitish - Lalan Singh के सामने Tejashwi Yadav ने ये क्या बोल दिया, सब चुप | @news4nations @RJDforIndia @yadavtejashwi @Media_RJD @patna_RJD @TeamTejashwi @AlokMehtaMP @iSurendraYadav @iBhaiVirendra @manojkjhadu 0
1626208462559649804 तेजस्वी की मौजूदगी में CM नीतीश ने कैबिनेट विस्तार पर क्लियर किया स्टैंड, कहा- जितना मंत्री इस बार हैं शायद ही कभी रहा हो @NitishKumar @yadavtejashwi @RJDforIndia @VijayKChy @AshokChoudhaary @iBhaiVirendra @INCBihar @akhileshPdsingh @jitanrmanjhi 0

Top 10 tweets with highest Like count

ID Text Like count
1626199644144545795 पटना- कैबिनेट विस्तार पर बोले मुख्यमंत्री ⁦@NitishKumar⁩ कैबिनेट में कुछ ही जगह तो ख़ाली है जब भी चाहेंगे हो जाएगा ⁦@yadavtejashwi⁩ ⁦@VijayKChy⁩ ⁦@iBhaiVirendra⁩ ⁦@RJDforIndia⁩ ⁦@Jduonline⁩ ⁦@INCBihar⁩ ⁦@BJP4Bihar⁩ 96
1624351100282482689 बिहार : किडनी ट्रांसप्लांट के बाद सिंगापुर से भारत लौट रहे लालू यादव...सिंगापुर एयरपोर्ट पर परिवार के साथ नजर आई बेटी रोहिणी @laluprasadrjd @iBhaiVirendra @yadavtejashwi @RJD_BiharState 57
1626891362238083072 Tejashwi ने मंच से कह दिया जल्द लीजिये फैसला, सीधे बोले Bihar में हम लोगों को छोड़ दीजिये | @RJDforIndia @TejashwiOffice @TeamTejashwi @yadavtejashwi @AlokMehtaMP @abarisiddiqui @ShyamRajakBihar @manojkjhadu @iBhaiVirendra 27
1626233726631047169 कभी मनेर आना हुआ तो मनेर थाना के सामने “मनेर बिरयानी” ज़रूर try करें। स्वाद में यम्मी, फुल कर लो टम्मी। @Sandeep_Saurav_ @iBhaiVirendra @mani4rt @yadav_vikash_ @yuva_samrat_65 @BheemkumarMlho1 20
1627615730354225152 शारीरिक_शिक्षा_एवं_स्वास्थ्य_अनुदेशक_needs #पूर्णकालिक_कार्य_एवं_सामान्य_शिक्षकों_की_तरह_वेतनमान@NitishKumar @yadavtejashwi @ProfShekharRJD @iBhaiVirendra @AHindinews @News18Bihar @BahaliNews 15
1627194945504423937 #8000_के_वेतन_पे#कैसे_खेलेगा_बिहार_#कैसे_खिलेगा_बिहार_#2019_में_नवनियुक्त_शारीरिक_शिक्षकों_की_सुनो_पुकार #_8000_मैं_कैसे_हम_जिए_सरकार #समान_कार्य_एवं_समान_वेतन@CMBiharNK @yadavtejashwi @ravidinkar @DGSDAB @AniBihar @officecmbihar @JDUBihar07 @AbhisheKatyayan @iBhaiVirendra 5
1625175953130520577 गोपालगंज से रायसीना❤ ''ए गाय चराने वालो ए बकरी चराने वालो ए कपड़ा धोने वालो ए सुअर पालने वालो ए मैल ढोने वालो पढ़ना लिखना सीखो'' @laluprasadrjd सदियों मे होते है ऐसे महान नेता ❤ @yadavtejashwi @TejYadav14 @AlokChikku @rishi_mail @ChitranjanGaga1 @RJDforIndia @iBhaiVirendra 3
1627922630744616962 तेजस्वी यादव और राजद विधायक भाई बीरेंद्र को एक पुराने मामले में मिली राहत @yadavtejashwi @iBhaiVirendra 2
1624460405820239873 @BiharTakChannel @ranjanwaa भैया आपके मनेर में ये क्या हो रहा है ? @iBhaiVirendra , @bihar_police तुरंत कार्रवाई करे 🙏 2
1626982274813267968 @news4nations @RJDforIndia @TejashwiOffice @TeamTejashwi @yadavtejashwi @AlokMehtaMP @abarisiddiqui @ShyamRajakBihar @manojkjhadu @iBhaiVirendra Best leader tejsawi Yadav jindabad RJD 1

Top 3 Languages Used In Tweets

Top 10 Hashtags used

Hashtag Count
#homedistrict 18
#प 6
#श 4
#8000_क 2
#क 2
#_8000_म 2
#सम 2
#6ठ 2
#regularise_bihar_plus2guest_teacher 1
#motherlanguageday 1

Top 10 Hashtags Used In Tweets

Top 10 mentions

Mention Count
@ibhaivirendra 51
@yadavtejashwi 45
@nitishkumar 19
@rjdforindia 19
@profshekharrjd 15
@manojkjhadu 10
@rjd_biharstate 9
@teamtejashwi 8
@sukanya_anchor 8
@ranjeet41297176 8

Top 10 mentions

Wordcloud of Tweets


Average number of emojis used per tweet


Emojis used in tweets

Emoji Count Emoji Text
🙏 6 folded_hands
💐 2 bouquet
2 red_heart

Emojis groups

Emoji Group Count
People & Body 6
Animals & Nature 2
Smileys & Emotion 2