Tweets Analysis - Keyword: @iasdanishashraf


Total number of tweets analysed


Earliest tweet was on


Latest tweet was on


Tweets covering

10 days

Average age of authors' accounts

6 years


These tweets are discussing the danger of using small children to advertise pharma products such as vaccines, especially when the children do not understand the risk that comes with the product. They also point out that parents are responsible for researching the side effects and risks associated with the products but that this should still not happen in the first place. Additionally, some of the tweets commend the work being done to raise awareness of vaccines and to get children vaccinated.

Topic Modeling

  1. Child Rights, Vaccination, Adverse Effects and Health Risks
  2. Advocacy for Pharmaceutical Industry
  3. MR Campaign and Awareness
  4. Ethics and Exploitation
  5. Motivating and Inspiring Others

Emotional Analysis

The emotions expressed in these tweets are mostly negative, with words like "disgusting", "ridiculous", "prepostrous", "sinister", and "disgrace" being used to describe the situation. The tweets are criticizing the use of children to advertise pharmaceutical products, and questioning the ethics of doing so. There is also a sense of anger and frustration that the children are being exploited, and that parents may not be aware of the potential risks associated with the products. Finally, there is a sense of hope that the situation will be addressed, with people calling for action from government and welfare providers.

Trend Analysis

  1. Child exploitation for advertising purposes
  2. Vaccination, including adverse events and risks
  3. MR Vaccination Campaign and awareness
  4. Parents’ research and understanding of vaccination ingredients
  5. Healthcare campaigns

Disclaimer: The text analysis on, powered by OpenAI, does not represent the views of or its affiliates. The analysis is for informational purposes only and not an endorsement of any viewpoint.

Types of Tweets

Number of Retweets


Percentage of total tweets


Number of Original tweets


Percentage of total tweets


Number of tweets that contain Mentions


Percentage of total tweets


Number of tweets that were Replies


Percentage of total tweets


Number of tweets that were Quotes


Percentage of total tweets


Number of tweets that contain Hashtags


Percentage of total tweets


Top 5 devices used to tweet

Source Count
Twitter Web App 52
Twitter for Android 48
Twitter for iPhone 7

What devices were used to tweet

Top 10 accounts with highest followers count

Username Name Bio Followers count
iasdanishashraf Danish Ashraf IAS बिहारी IAS 2011 (UT Cadre), Patna Univ + DU...National Award Winner🏅Special Secretary Health, GNCTD...Tweets/Opinion = Personal 16,613
shri_v Shrivathsa. B A student of veda and vedAnta from Bangalore.Pl follow and support @govardhanmath.Support @RepublishB's efforts to republish important books of our tradition. 7,145
IndiAves IndiAves “A group of passionate Bird and Indian wildlife enthusiasts who love Indian Flora and Fauna and wish to express and promote that love.” #IndiAves #IndiWild 7,075
vedyodha1 (Ved Yodha) Fan of Arvind Kejriwal ❤️🥰Social Worker 4,639
VMaya11156 Dr Maya Valecha Gynecologist, MD,MS University Vadodara, by training. Social and political activist. 4,281
kiranmartis9 Kiran Martis ‏‎‎کیرن مارٹیس Helping build a better world/ humans and mother nature coexisting/ issues of environment n injustices resolved/ the corrupt definitely not inheriting the earth! 3,360
VishnuFNO Vishnu 📉📈 Conspiracy Consultant & Satire Humour 😁 Vitamin D and I V E R M E C T I N saves lives Dont Exercise if you got Covid or 💉 💀 see pinned Tweet for help. 2,056
DeeEternalOpt Dee You are the sky. Everything else is just the weather 1,568
sherazzaman Sheeraz Zaman Indian🇮🇳 socio political activist, Convenor Team Kashmir Renaissance . Peace lover. Retweets are not endorsement. Author 1,554
SPYMindia SPYM India SPYM is an Indian NGO with a countrywide presence in areas of health and social development since three decades. 1,224

Top 10 accounts with highest friends count

Username Name Bio Followers count
vedyodha1 (Ved Yodha) Fan of Arvind Kejriwal ❤️🥰Social Worker 5,022
shri_v Shrivathsa. B A student of veda and vedAnta from Bangalore.Pl follow and support @govardhanmath.Support @RepublishB's efforts to republish important books of our tradition. 4,691
kiranmartis9 Kiran Martis ‏‎‎کیرن مارٹیس Helping build a better world/ humans and mother nature coexisting/ issues of environment n injustices resolved/ the corrupt definitely not inheriting the earth! 2,320
virenderpalhsrp Virender Pal 🇮🇳#वीर_गड़रियाआवाज जनता की 1,850
peekaysinha Prabhat Sinha 🇮🇳 Govt Relations. International Business. Branding. Mediator. Speaker. Writer. Mentor. Socially curious. 1,848
WTF_1234567890a Noname "not only are the most educated people most sceptical of taking the Qaccine, they are also the least likely the change their minds…" 1,545
hemanata Hema Food, health, wellness, low carb, animal based nutrition and a bit of common sensical this and that... #nahididntfallforthe💉 1,081
khanamirmaroof Dr Amir Maroof Khan, MD Professor - Community Medicine | President - UCMS Teachers Association. @UCMSofficial Based in Delhi. Tweets in personal capacity. He/him. 1,046
DALIMKHANSRK DALIM KHAN SRKIAN Ae Bure Waqt Zara Adab Se pesh aa kyunki Waqt Nahi Lagta Waqt Badalne Mein💙 Ghalib @iamsrk ☆Pathaan ☆Jawan ☆Dunki Dumka Fans Group Admin 840
niswarth niswarth @beingniswarth 781

Most active users

Username Bio Number of tweets
DelhiDfw Official account of Directorate of Family Welfare - Govt. of Delhi 20
townhalltimes Editor- in -Chief ,Town Hall Times is a Daily News Paper Published in Hindi & English from New Delhi India. for News Update Whatsapp +91-9910635094 10
puneetpost Tweets and RTs are personal 6
SPYMindia SPYM is an Indian NGO with a countrywide presence in areas of health and social development since three decades. 3
niswarth @beingniswarth 3
ruhirsiddiqui Riddle, wrapped in a mystery, inside an enigma! 3
SurajGu52686238 - 3
trust_hand #आवाज़_जनता_की 2
KnKsnksm0 Say No to New World Order 2
KumarSumiraj My nationalist thought, patriotism & humanity makes me special.I am a true, honest & kind-hearted person.l never think bad about other people's.JayBharat🇮🇳 2

Tweets per day

Top 10 tweets with highest Retweet count

ID Text Retweet count
1624974370929262592 @DeeEternalOpt @puneetpost @DelhiDfw @iasdanishashraf @MoHFW_INDIA @CMODelhi @LtGovDelhi @AmbarKoiri @anubha1812 why are kids being used for advertising for the pharma industry. Can somebody take up this case. 9
1624953565117816833 @puneetpost @DelhiDfw @iasdanishashraf @MoHFW_INDIA @CMODelhi @LtGovDelhi What kind of campaigns are these where you are exploiting children? How is any child able to understand when the parents don’t understand the risks associated with the vaccine? Delhi High court has mandated that risks be spelled out. @AmbarKoiri 9
1624953846916321280 @puneetpost @DelhiDfw @iasdanishashraf @MoHFW_INDIA @CMODelhi @LtGovDelhi @AmbarKoiri This is child exploitation @DCWDelhi @hrw @sharmarekha 7
1624992984663195650 @speakshoutroar @DeeEternalOpt @puneetpost @DelhiDfw @iasdanishashraf @MoHFW_INDIA @CMODelhi @LtGovDelhi @AmbarKoiri @anubha1812 @DelhiDfw is the little girl mature enough to take decisions on vaccination. Shame on you to publish such irresponsible posts. 7
1624983626629914625 @DelhiDfw @iasdanishashraf @MoHFW_INDIA @CMODelhi @LtGovDelhi Disgusting. Chidrights activists, commission are all blind. Vaccination is not toy to be advertised. Parents should be told adverse events chances, each child should be considered separately. 5
1624980702419877888 @DeeEternalOpt @puneetpost @DelhiDfw @iasdanishashraf @MoHFW_INDIA @CMODelhi @LtGovDelhi @AmbarKoiri This is PREPOSTEROUS 🚩🚩🚩 Why is #BigPharma being given Centre Stage in our country? How dare u'll use innocent kids for promotions & for WHOSE BENEFIT? 💰💰💰 Have any of u so called Welfare Providers cared to delve into the Adverse Effects of these totally unnecessary vaxxes? 4
1624962057807486978 @DelhiDfw @iasdanishashraf @MoHFW_INDIA @CMODelhi @LtGovDelhi Wow, so much for child rights. Using such young children to give advertisement for pharma industry. These kids don't evn knw what is Epidemiology let alone its spelling & they are mercilessly being made to advertise products w/o any inkling of side effects or do they even need it 3
1624987515080810499 @speakshoutroar @DeeEternalOpt @puneetpost @DelhiDfw @iasdanishashraf @MoHFW_INDIA @CMODelhi @LtGovDelhi @AmbarKoiri @anubha1812 There are reports of serious harms and deaths post such vaccines in the past . How are they burdening tiny kids into bearing harmprone chemicals and promoting them as a wonderful Thing 3
1626524214584037378 This is an achievement for all us as. Responsible & aware parents who are taking their 9 Months to 5 Years old children for additional dose of MR Vaccine. Its mid campaign time & we have come along half a way ands half more to go by 6th March 2023.#MRCampaign@iasdanishashraf 3
1626110320287842304 @DelhiDfw @iasdanishashraf @MoHFW_INDIA @CMODelhi @LtGovDelhi 2

Top 10 tweets with highest Like count

ID Text Like count
1624983626629914625 @DelhiDfw @iasdanishashraf @MoHFW_INDIA @CMODelhi @LtGovDelhi Disgusting. Chidrights activists, commission are all blind. Vaccination is not toy to be advertised. Parents should be told adverse events chances, each child should be considered separately. 17
1624980994884509696 @DelhiDfw @iasdanishashraf @MoHFW_INDIA @CMODelhi @LtGovDelhi This is ridiculous...ofcourse this little girl doesn't understand what she's saying. And if parents go by her word and vxxinate their kids, only they (parents) r to blame for any adverse effect. 7
1624962057807486978 @DelhiDfw @iasdanishashraf @MoHFW_INDIA @CMODelhi @LtGovDelhi Wow, so much for child rights. Using such young children to give advertisement for pharma industry. These kids don't evn knw what is Epidemiology let alone its spelling & they are mercilessly being made to advertise products w/o any inkling of side effects or do they even need it 7
1624974370929262592 @DeeEternalOpt @puneetpost @DelhiDfw @iasdanishashraf @MoHFW_INDIA @CMODelhi @LtGovDelhi @AmbarKoiri @anubha1812 why are kids being used for advertising for the pharma industry. Can somebody take up this case. 6
1624953565117816833 @puneetpost @DelhiDfw @iasdanishashraf @MoHFW_INDIA @CMODelhi @LtGovDelhi What kind of campaigns are these where you are exploiting children? How is any child able to understand when the parents don’t understand the risks associated with the vaccine? Delhi High court has mandated that risks be spelled out. @AmbarKoiri 6
1626524214584037378 This is an achievement for all us as. Responsible & aware parents who are taking their 9 Months to 5 Years old children for additional dose of MR Vaccine. Its mid campaign time & we have come along half a way ands half more to go by 6th March 2023.#MRCampaign@iasdanishashraf 6
1625015027660111873 @DelhiDfw @iasdanishashraf @MoHFW_INDIA @CMODelhi @LtGovDelhi parents to research each, every ingredient used in production & trials of the vaccines, their side effects individually, together & with other substances that we consumecan extend research to understand y accute diseases happen & if actually harmful. 5
1624980702419877888 @DeeEternalOpt @puneetpost @DelhiDfw @iasdanishashraf @MoHFW_INDIA @CMODelhi @LtGovDelhi @AmbarKoiri This is PREPOSTEROUS 🚩🚩🚩 Why is #BigPharma being given Centre Stage in our country? How dare u'll use innocent kids for promotions & for WHOSE BENEFIT? 💰💰💰 Have any of u so called Welfare Providers cared to delve into the Adverse Effects of these totally unnecessary vaxxes? 5
1626914005314072576 Eye Check-up camp was conducted by @midhopeforlight in #SPYM shelter home at Bhikaji Cama Place. They provided general checkups, spectacles, and referral services.@concor_india @iasdanishashraf @MCD_Delhi @DelhiPolice @MinistryWCD @PIBWCD 5
1625729116216655872 After receiving the MR vaccine, children aged 9 months to 5 years pose in front of the camera, their shining eyes motivate us to make MR a success.#MRCampaign #VaccinationDrive #healthcare @iasdanishashraf@MoHFW_INDIA@CMODelhi @LtGovDelhi 4

Top 3 Languages Used In Tweets

Top 10 Hashtags used

Hashtag Count
#mrcampaign 28
#healthcare 24
#vaccinationdrive 23
#whoindia 4
#bhikshanahinshiksha 2
#spym 2
#whosearo 2
#bigpharma 2
#must 1
#mrvaccination 1

Top 10 Hashtags Used In Tweets

Top 10 mentions

Mention Count
@iasdanishashraf 103
@ltgovdelhi 62
@mohfw_india 52
@cmodelhi 50
@delhidfw 49
@puneetpost 15
@ambarkoiri 15
@deeeternalopt 13
@townhalltimes 8
@gyaneshbharti1 6

Top 10 mentions

Wordcloud of Tweets


Average number of emojis used per tweet


Emojis used in tweets

Emoji Count Emoji Text
🚩 6 triangular_flag
💰 6 money_bag
💉 5 syringe
😊 5 smiling_face_with_smiling_eyes
👍 3 thumbs_up
😄 3 grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes
🙏 3 folded_hands
❤️ 2 red_heart
🦜 2 parrot
💐 1 bouquet

Emojis groups

Emoji Group Count
Objects 13
Smileys & Emotion 13
People & Body 11
Flags 6
Animals & Nature 3
Travel & Places 1