Tweets Analysis - Keyword: @hoyer_kat


Total number of tweets analysed


Earliest tweet was on


Latest tweet was on


Tweets covering

10 days

Average age of authors' accounts

8 years


This thread is focused on the story of Sophie Scholl, a German college student who was executed by the Nazis in 1943 for her role in the White Rose resistance movement. Hoyer_kat writes about Sophie's words on the morning of her execution, which were recorded by her mother, as well as visiting their resting place in Munich and the memorials commemorating Sophie and the White Rose movement at the University of Munich. Hoyer_kat also discusses the courage and legacy of Sophie, and touches on the fact that those fighting for justice today can draw inspiration from her story. Finally, Hoyer_kat mentions the later film and podcast about Sophie, as well as how Sophie's story has inspired many people to speak out against injustice.

Topic Modeling

  1. Courage, Resistance, and Social Uprising - The courage of Sophie Scholl and the White Rose Movement and their acts of resistance and uprising against the injustice of the Nazi government.
  2. Legacy and Memory - The legacy of Sophie Scholl and the White Rose Movement as remembered by Kat Hoyer and others and the importance of learning from history.
  3. Political Expression - The importance of speaking out against unjust political systems and the need for courageous protest.
  4. Munich and Culture - The significance of visiting the resting place of Hans and Sophie Scholl and the culture of memorials dedicated to them in Munich.
  5. Compassion and Empathy - The need to cultivate compassion and empathy towards those who are suffering from oppressive political systems.

Emotional Analysis

The tweets in this thread express a range of emotions, from admiration and respect for Sophie Scholl and her courage to speak out against the Nazi regime, to sorrow and anger at the injustice she and her brother faced, to awe and appreciation for the scholarship of the author. There is also a sense of hope that her legacy of courage and resistance will continue to inspire people today. Finally, there is a sense of pride in the bravery of the young people standing up against oppressive governments today.

Trend Analysis

  1. Persecution of German communists by Stalin before and during WW2
  2. The courage exhibited by adolescent activists of the Weiße-Rose-leaflet
  3. Memory and legacy of Sophie Scholl and White Rose activism
  4. Contrast between dictatorships and democracies
  5. Practical implications of civic courage

Disclaimer: The text analysis on, powered by OpenAI, does not represent the views of or its affiliates. The analysis is for informational purposes only and not an endorsement of any viewpoint.

Types of Tweets

Number of Retweets


Percentage of total tweets


Number of Original tweets


Percentage of total tweets


Number of tweets that contain Mentions


Percentage of total tweets


Number of tweets that were Replies


Percentage of total tweets


Number of tweets that were Quotes


Percentage of total tweets


Number of tweets that contain Hashtags


Percentage of total tweets


Top 5 devices used to tweet

Source Count
Twitter for iPhone 382
Twitter Web App 339
Twitter for Android 327
Twitter for iPad 119 4

What devices were used to tweet

Top 10 accounts with highest followers count

Username Name Bio Followers count
almurray Al Murray - DKMS.ORG.UK 🇺🇦 Alter ego's alter ego. Culture war conchie. Beats @theFatCops Drums @britishdrumco. Spare Prick Sunray: @wehavewayspod Email: 433,264
AaronBastani Aaron Bastani Socialist abundance. Co-Founder @novaramedia, Author of Fully Automated Luxury Communism 🦾 Next book on politics of ageing 🧓🏽👵🏼 (He/Him) 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿🇮🇷 108,936
Bart_Wielinski Bartosz T. Wieliński 🇵🇱🇪🇺🇺🇦 Łobuz z @gazeta_wyborcza | dawniej korespondent w #Berlin | 📚Wojna lekarzy Hitlera | Profil prywatny | RT nic nie oznacza | Nie zawsze na poważnie 82,201
autorMACosta autor M.A. Costa sou Marcelo Costa do Enigmas da Guerra📚 Escrevo best-sellers e leio livros⛪ Catholic🖖 Proud trekker🔑 Beharrlichkeit ist der Schlüssel zum Erfolg 81,749
militaryhistori Dr Peter Caddick-Adams #StandwithUkraine Welcome to Planet Caddick: war professor; NATO historian; ex-reserve officer; author/journalist; @TheCriticMag/@BBC/@SkyNews military analyst. Alt: @HistoryCove 56,878
abiroberts Dame Abi Roberts Creator of Cathy Crunt + Abi Daily Podcast: 🎧 Watch me:… 49,202
GrayConnolly Gray Connolly Husbandist|Strategist|Militarist|Jurist|Papist ~ Red Tory ~ ISTJ ~ Souths/Richmond ~ Basset Hound aide-de-camp ~ Proverbs 27:17 ~ RT=interesting / Like=noted 45,133
memdotai Mem Your self-organizing workspace. Get Mem It for Twitter:… Website: Community: 40,217
TheNealHoffmann Neal Hoffmann Songsmith #twitchaffiliate songwriter music streamer tree planter producer 36,657
XOPlanetMother ꧁•⊹٭@𝚇𝙾𝙿𝚕𝚊𝚗𝚎𝚝𝙼𝚘𝚝𝚑𝚎𝚛٭⊹•꧂ 🔑PATHOCRACY PLAYBOOK🔑HISTORY PROPAGANDIZES PSYCHOPATHS AS GREAT LEADERS🔑 Elite Parasites are protected by powerful generally unknown weapons~~Hz~~z not s 27,052

Top 10 accounts with highest friends count

Username Name Bio Followers count
militaryhistori Dr Peter Caddick-Adams #StandwithUkraine Welcome to Planet Caddick: war professor; NATO historian; ex-reserve officer; author/journalist; @TheCriticMag/@BBC/@SkyNews military analyst. Alt: @HistoryCove 54,682
TheNealHoffmann Neal Hoffmann Songsmith #twitchaffiliate songwriter music streamer tree planter producer 37,897
pimmfox Pimm Fox pimmfox.eth Host of The Voice of Business, the only one-on-one English-language interview program featuring top business and political leaders in Europe. 16,415
MarkHiggie1 Mark Higgie @SpectatorOz Europe Correspondent. Former 🇦🇺ambo Brussels & Budapest & PM @HonTonyAbbott international advisor. Blocked by @SusanMichie. Pronouns: ő. 15,948
SawyerJerry Raven Song Farm 🏳️‍🌈 🏳️‍⚧️ Archaeologist, Retired Professor, organic farmer, Animal Rescue, Environmental activist, Witch, Liberal TheResistance #FBPA LGBTQ+ TheGoddessIsAlive NO DMs 13,228
slowberlin Slow Travel Berlin Tweets about #Berlin, mostly. 12,755
ElliotElinor Elinor Elliot Immigrant. Concerned friend. 11,014
mike051292 Mike Collier 💙 Education (MEd); History; Politics; Literature; Charlton Athletic since birth; Rugby Union; Pro-EU; Anti-Tory; Anti-Racist; #FBPE #PR #RejoinEU #FBNHS #ECHR 10,790
Lesleygsmith3 OOR LESLEY Cybernat🍒 "All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given us." Independence for Scotland . . #Resist #Blu 9,171
venetianblonde Anne Margaret Daniel 🌻 Virginian, Villager, Catskiller, writer, editor, @TheNewSchool @BardCollege @FSFSociety Books, music, baseball. Chiefly here to save shelter dogs. Views=mine. 9,080

Most active users

Username Bio Number of tweets
james_2904 Books, stamps, motorcycle. No. 36 in the Independent Company. 43
adiebond46 married postie , keen follower #wehavewaysofmakingyoutalk loves sww books, Dutch wife do a bit of running likes Arsenal FC ,and stuff like that . 30
colin_own luv Falkirk FCmy wee dugs,my family all animals,and some of the human race😍and I hate the nasty party 23
we_pf panta rhei (alles fließt) meine Flüchtigkeitsfehler bitte ich zu verzeihen die anderen (Fehler) auch. If you block me, I will block you 21
bartbuk born, raised, educated in PL; most of adult life in GB ... history, politics, economics, technology ... follow, rt or like ≠ endorsement of the person/all views 15
allanholloway Lost and alone in a frozen zone and master of a full poor cell with only my books and my poetry to protect me. 13
coreleonidas Deutscher//Europäer//Patriot🇩🇪🇪🇺//Feminist//Linker. Pro gloria et patria in unitate et iustitia et libertate ✝️12.03.20🐶❤️ 11
G8trz4ever Dem since a child and a Tesla lover - Vote Blue - live Green! 💜 #TheResistance 🇺🇸 #BlackLivesMatter #🌻🇺🇦🌻 #SaveUkraine 🌻 dog and cat lover 🐶🐱 10
dotcom_nufc Lived in Newton Aycliffe, West Hartlepool, Haverton Hill, Harperley Hall, Newton Aycliffe (again), Shotley Bridge, Bridgehill. Then I hit 18..... 10
GilesMacDonogh Author of 15 books on German history, French gastronomy and wine. Paperback edition of 'On Germany' (Hurst Books) published 13 August 2019. 8

Tweets per day

Top 10 tweets with highest Retweet count

ID Text Retweet count
1626991150052651009 @hoyer_kat Sophie’s words on the morning of her execution were recorded by her mother - ‘It is such a splendid sunny day, and I have to go. What does my death matter if by our acts thousands are warned and alerted. The sun still shines.’ 50
1626904269470199809 @hoyer_kat Visited their resting place on 15.5.21 at Ostfriedhof, Munich. “Who of us can judge the extent of the shame that will come over us and our children when one day the veil has fallen from our eyes and the cruelest crimes, infinitely exceeding all measure, come to light?” Leaflet 1 28
1627024996517179394 @hoyer_kat @holland_tom and @dcsandbrook have a very moving episode of @TheRestHistory one of their best 18
1627255380932689923 @hoyer_kat Even today at Munich University , every day a single white rose is placed in a vase in front of her bust. Outside, set into the cobbles are copies of the White Rose leaflets. 10
1626903732909662208 @hoyer_kat We're following their story between 17 and 27 February on social media - #WhiteRoseRealTime 10
1626542660621070336 @Books2Cover Let’s celebrate female historians. From the victims of Jack the Ripper to the Iraq War via the fall of Enron. @BookClubofWar1 @Books2Cover @claremulley @DrLindseyFitz @HallieRubenhold @hoyer_kat @LydiaJane13 @bethanymac12 @MandyHickson @Claremch #HistoryBookChat 10
1626583654523879428 This is bloody brilliant. Riveting scholarship @hoyer_kat, the persecution of German communists by Stalin before & during WW2 is especially enlightening. History in all its complexity is so much more interesting than the platitudes and cliche we are subject to. 7
1626893396106260480 @hoyer_kat Magnificent film Sophie Scholl: The Final Days (2005) 7
1626892259193942017 @hoyer_kat For anyone who wishes to see them, there are mock Weiße-Rose-leaflet paving flags outside the university buildings in Munich, or at least there were when I was last there. 7
1625409050262347777 @hoyer_kat 6

Top 10 tweets with highest Like count

ID Text Like count
1626991150052651009 @hoyer_kat Sophie’s words on the morning of her execution were recorded by her mother - ‘It is such a splendid sunny day, and I have to go. What does my death matter if by our acts thousands are warned and alerted. The sun still shines.’ 435
1626904269470199809 @hoyer_kat Visited their resting place on 15.5.21 at Ostfriedhof, Munich. “Who of us can judge the extent of the shame that will come over us and our children when one day the veil has fallen from our eyes and the cruelest crimes, infinitely exceeding all measure, come to light?” Leaflet 1 298
1626583654523879428 This is bloody brilliant. Riveting scholarship @hoyer_kat, the persecution of German communists by Stalin before & during WW2 is especially enlightening. History in all its complexity is so much more interesting than the platitudes and cliche we are subject to. 204
1626892259193942017 @hoyer_kat For anyone who wishes to see them, there are mock Weiße-Rose-leaflet paving flags outside the university buildings in Munich, or at least there were when I was last there. 179
1626905623127261187 @hoyer_kat Been to the site at the University. There is a memorial of scattered leaflets sculpted into the floor. 124
1627255380932689923 @hoyer_kat Even today at Munich University , every day a single white rose is placed in a vase in front of her bust. Outside, set into the cobbles are copies of the White Rose leaflets. 104
1626888509540687874 @hoyer_kat Very courageous young people. To challenge the behemoth of the Nazi state took courage beyond my comprehension. You can see echoes of their courage in the young men and women speaking out against Putin. Or the young women standing up to the wicked theocracy in Iran. 89
1624445476115214336 Bovington has fallen. Daleks have infiltrated the tank museum! Send for the Dr. @DorsetIc @WeHaveWaysPod @militaryhistori @drtorhumphreys @hoyer_kat @almurray @James1940 88
1627024996517179394 @hoyer_kat @holland_tom and @dcsandbrook have a very moving episode of @TheRestHistory one of their best 88
1626893396106260480 @hoyer_kat Magnificent film Sophie Scholl: The Final Days (2005) 70

Top 3 Languages Used In Tweets

Top 10 Hashtags used

Hashtag Count
#otd 15
#fascismkills 2
#historybookchat 2
#ddr 2
#berlin 2
#whiteroserealtime 2
#minstergatebookshop 2
#milhistory 2
#gdr 1
#wittenberg 1

Top 10 Hashtags Used In Tweets

Top 10 mentions

Mention Count
@hoyer_kat 1175
@qaphenomenon 47
@adiebond46 45
@jrp722162201 44
@james_2904 39
@james1940 34
@coldwarpod 30
@wehavewayspod 27
@dorsetic 25
@drtorhumphreys 24

Top 10 mentions

Wordcloud of Tweets


Average number of emojis used per tweet


Emojis used in tweets

Emoji Count Emoji Text
👍 14 thumbs_up
😂 13 face_with_tears_of_joy
🤣 12 rolling_on_the_floor_laughing
🙏 12 folded_hands
❤️ 10 red_heart
😉 9 winking_face
💔 9 broken_heart
😁 8 beaming_face_with_smiling_eyes
🇩🇪 8 Germany
😴 8 sleeping_face

Emojis groups

Emoji Group Count
Smileys & Emotion 157
People & Body 61
Objects 17
Flags 16
Animals & Nature 5
Food & Drink 5
Activities 5
Travel & Places 4
Symbols 1