Tweets Analysis - Keyword: @HKEXGroup
Total number of tweets analysed
Earliest tweet was on
Latest tweet was on
Tweets covering
9 days
Average age of authors' accounts
10 years
The HKEXGroup, one of the five largest stock exchanges in the world, launched Asia's first crypto asset ETF. There is speculation that the exchange is considering acquiring a blockchain company. HKEX pricing is subject to fluctuation and speculation, as well as short selling. Christian Bao and Jonathan Hsui elaborate on why HKEX is a growing attractive listing venue for SEA companies. An official of HCEC has announced a new initiative focusing on worldwide investors and demand and supply for new direction in innovative resolution for investments. There is speculation that John Li, the son of the late HK comedian Tang Kee Chan, is involved in criminal activity.
Topic Modeling
- Crypto and Crypto ETFs
- Short Selling
- HKEX Group Acquiring Blockchain Companies
- China Economy and Hong Kong Shares
- Financial Services and Laws in Hong Kong
Emotional Analysis
The tweets express a range of emotions, from excitement about the launch of Asia's first crypto asset ETF on the HKEXGroup, to skepticism about the large amount of short selling taking place on the exchange, to optimism about China's measures to boost economic growth, to surprise at the news of a potential acquisition of a blockchain company, to confusion about a tweet in a foreign language, to anticipation of the release of a publication by the FSDC, to outrage over the actions of the late HK comedian's son, to boldness and hope for a successful earnings report, to pessimism about the outcome of the short selling, to relief that HK blue chips are doing well, to pleasure at returning to Hong Kong, to pride in the success of the new listing regime, to anger at the Chinese government for dismantling a great place, to curiosity about the new initiative from HCEC, to interest in the potential of the new banking system, to concern about the swift system's failure to deliver, and finally to confusion about a tweet about HKEX.
Trend Analysis
- Crypto Asset ETFs, Blockchain Companies & Data Analytics
- Short Selling & Eligible Securities Turnover
- Stock Market Optimism, Turnover & Recovery
- Laws, Regulations & Financial Services
- SEA Companies Listing in Hong Kong
Types of Tweets
Number of Retweets
Percentage of total tweets
Number of Original tweets
Percentage of total tweets
Number of tweets that contain Mentions
Percentage of total tweets
Number of tweets that were Replies
Percentage of total tweets
Number of tweets that were Quotes
Percentage of total tweets
Number of tweets that contain Hashtags
Percentage of total tweets
Top 5 devices used to tweet
Source | Count |
Twitter for iPhone | 44 |
Twitter Web App | 26 |
Twitter for Android | 6 |
Buffer | 2 |
HubSpot | 1 |
What devices were used to tweet
Top 10 accounts with highest followers count
Username | Name | Bio | Followers count |
ysiu | Yat Siu | Chairman of Animoca Brands and generally excited to talk about true digital property rights! ysiu.eth | 144,355 |
CryptoYunqi | 常为希 |🔸香港Hk Alpha 🇨🇳🇭🇰 | Pursuit of Diversity |Individual researcher |looking for a harbor 🚢 Beta Hunter💡| #AZuki 純粹的投機者:DYOR |专业过山车💎|🔶加密保安 |ChinaCoin&Chinese crypto alpha🇭🇰🇨🇳 | 41,797 |
FortuneArabic | فورتشن العربية | الاقتصاد والمال وريادة الأعمال في العمق. أحد مواقع مجرة، بترخيص من Fortune العالمية. | 40,683 |
HKIEF_Global | HKIEF 香港創新加密基金 | Hong Kong Innovation Encryption Fund is committed to investing in blockchain innovation business and multi-ecological investment development. | 22,233 |
BioCentury | BioCentury | The leading voice for decision-makers throughout the global biopharma ecosystem. Free weekly podcast "BioCentury This Week": | 14,798 |
DealStreetAsia | DealStreetAsia | Breaking news, trends, data & analysis across PE, VC, M&A, tech, startups & fundraising - covering SE Asia, Greater China & India. | 8,821 |
FSDCHK | Financial Services Development Council | A high-level cross-sectoral advisory body set up by HKSAR Government in 2013 to promote HK’s financial services industry | 8,156 |
BrianTycangco | Brian Tycangco 鄭彥渊 | Editor/Analyst @Stansberry focus on China, Asia, Tech, Energy, Commodities, Macro. Tweets own views, not advice #China #EmergingMarkets #growth #techtrends | 6,812 |
vanalich | Vanalich | Men our age do not compensate - we do what we want (assuming my wife allows me to). | 2,505 |
FISD_SIIA | FISD | FISD is a neutral forum that has served the financial information industry for over 30 years with 250+ global members. | 1,508 |
Top 10 accounts with highest friends count
Username | Name | Bio | Followers count |
vanalich | Vanalich | Men our age do not compensate - we do what we want (assuming my wife allows me to). | 4,965 |
Mysteriousmanoc | Shawn | - | 4,191 |
gennylam | Genny lam | Global Health Strategy Official , Global Humanity Founder , Government Leadership Strategy for 21 st Century . Official Strategy for Higher Education . | 4,051 |
jmharan | Juan Manuel Harán | Cofundador en @ReporteAsia | 2,354 |
CryptoYunqi | 常为希 |🔸香港Hk Alpha 🇨🇳🇭🇰 | Pursuit of Diversity |Individual researcher |looking for a harbor 🚢 Beta Hunter💡| #AZuki 純粹的投機者:DYOR |专业过山车💎|🔶加密保安 |ChinaCoin&Chinese crypto alpha🇭🇰🇨🇳 | 2,326 |
BioCentury | BioCentury | The leading voice for decision-makers throughout the global biopharma ecosystem. Free weekly podcast "BioCentury This Week": | 1,956 |
ysiu | Yat Siu | Chairman of Animoca Brands and generally excited to talk about true digital property rights! ysiu.eth | 977 |
FISD_SIIA | FISD | FISD is a neutral forum that has served the financial information industry for over 30 years with 250+ global members. | 757 |
BrianTycangco | Brian Tycangco 鄭彥渊 | Editor/Analyst @Stansberry focus on China, Asia, Tech, Energy, Commodities, Macro. Tweets own views, not advice #China #EmergingMarkets #growth #techtrends | 407 |
RaulZane2 | Raul Zane | love and peace | 402 |
Most active users
Username | Bio | Number of tweets |
DeFi1319 | #币侃哥#技术开发#项且孵化#电报运营#推特运营#项目包装#币圈全服务#电报频道 | 38 |
gennylam | Global Health Strategy Official , Global Humanity Founder , Government Leadership Strategy for 21 st Century . Official Strategy for Higher Education . | 5 |
DealStreetAsia | Breaking news, trends, data & analysis across PE, VC, M&A, tech, startups & fundraising - covering SE Asia, Greater China & India. | 4 |
HongKongCountry | - | 4 |
BrianTycangco | Editor/Analyst @Stansberry focus on China, Asia, Tech, Energy, Commodities, Macro. Tweets own views, not advice #China #EmergingMarkets #growth #techtrends | 2 |
jmharan | Cofundador en @ReporteAsia | 2 |
aceboy8844 | - | 2 |
RouisCo | physiologie & #publichealth #MPH ニュールンベルグ理論ジュネーブ🇨🇭ヘルシンキ宣言・インフォームドコンセント🏥欧州評議会 「人権と生物学・医学に関する協約」公衆衛生生理学、国内&国際法専門・故父は内科医師🥼・他@bijoumontre1 銀座法人募🌺 | 2 |
BF16988 | 一个偶然的机会于13年接触币圈,开启了一段惊心动魄的经历,反反复复。闲来无事发推的内容,不要相信,不要相信。 | 1 |
Mysteriousmanoc | - | 1 |
Tweets per day
Top 10 tweets with highest Retweet count
ID | Text | Retweet count |
1624689778750009345 | @TheEconomist Primary-5 Xi Jinping + mafia China Criminal Party @hkpoliceforce @newsgovhk @newsgovhk_cpr@HKEXGroup @TorontoHKETO @hkmagovhk dismantling a once super great place overnight! | 1 |
1624732314046709761 | @Brand_HK John Li is the son of the late HK comedian Tang Kee Chan! @hkpoliceforce @newsgovhk @HKEXGroup @hkmagovhk @hktdc @InvestHK_LDN @TorontoHKETO @hkdc_us @hk_watch @Tuesdayroad1 @hkparliament22 @ReginaIplau @hk_watch @SimonChengUK @nathanlawkc @tedhuichifung @ElmerYuen @HKfp @BBC | 1 |
1625077057498808320 | #FSDC today released a set of publication materials titled “#Laws, #Regulations and #FinancialServices in #HongKong”.Read the full report and listen to our speakers' insightful sharing: @HKEXGroup | 1 |
1626161637844729856 | There's something funky going on at the @HKEXGroup. Nearly 40% of turnover attributable to short selling?! @ahern_brendan care to chime in? - Short Selling Turnover $20B, or 38.8% of Eligible Securities Turnover at Close | | 1 |
1627280291822977027 | 2.@HKEXGroup HKEx suspected to consider acquiring blockchain company for data analytics, and $Mdt supports their business | 1 |
1627654657727160320 | أعلن بنك تشاينا رينيسانس هولدينغز (China Renaissance Holdings)، مساء الخميسأنه "لم يستطع الوصول" لمؤسسه ورئيسه التنفيذي ومالك الحصة المسيطرة فيه، باو فان، وجرى الإعلان من خلال إفصاح لبورصة هونغ كونغ.اقرأ الخبر: - @HKEXGroup#فورتشن | 0 |
1625741648985755649 | @HKEXGroup how can a foreigner open a investor account ? | 0 |
1624180572946894849 | @SP_Townsend @HKEXGroup @aramco @AGBInsight @gavgibbon Good evening. How can I contact you, please ? Thanks | 0 |
1624294200304111616 | @KSAmofaEN @AdelAljubeir @SwissMFA @SwissEmbassyKSA Past 10yrs:#Nasdaq, #SnP & #DowJones all doubled to tripled+.vHongKong's #HSI #恒指 fell.And pro-#triads(#mafia) highschool cop & #voyeur #JohnLee #李家超 tried to get #SaudiAramco #Aramco #أرامكو to list on @HKEXGroup!#Swiss #chocolats always a good bet for #oil$. | 0 |
1624600734951153664 | 2-11-23 Official HCEC 21stC Announces New InitiativeThe worldwide investors are focusing the new ground up on no inflation results due to The Swift System has failed to deliver consumers.Genny Lam, HCECcc @NYSE @HKEXGroup @LSEplc @LSEGplc @Reuters @CNBC @RFI_TradCn @FT @CBS | 0 |
Top 10 tweets with highest Like count
ID | Text | Like count |
1626649097678778368 | 3/ Asia's first #crypto asset #ETF launched on the @HKEXGroup which is one of the 5 largest stock exchanges in the world with over 2,500 listed companies with a combined market cap of approx. U$ 5 trillion, there are now several #crypto # ETFs launched | 15 |
1626161637844729856 | There's something funky going on at the @HKEXGroup. Nearly 40% of turnover attributable to short selling?! @ahern_brendan care to chime in? - Short Selling Turnover $20B, or 38.8% of Eligible Securities Turnover at Close | | 11 |
1627280291822977027 | 2.@HKEXGroup HKEx suspected to consider acquiring blockchain company for data analytics, and $Mdt supports their business | 10 |
1626190160290320384 | Las acciones en Hong Kong (@HKEXGroup) se recuperaron de un mínimo de seis semanas.Optimismo por más medidas en China para impulsar el crecimiento económico, después de que medios de comunicación estatales avivaran las especulaciones sobre una inyección de liquidez. | 3 |
1627654657727160320 | أعلن بنك تشاينا رينيسانس هولدينغز (China Renaissance Holdings)، مساء الخميسأنه "لم يستطع الوصول" لمؤسسه ورئيسه التنفيذي ومالك الحصة المسيطرة فيه، باو فان، وجرى الإعلان من خلال إفصاح لبورصة هونغ كونغ.اقرأ الخبر: - @HKEXGroup#فورتشن | 1 |
1625077057498808320 | #FSDC today released a set of publication materials titled “#Laws, #Regulations and #FinancialServices in #HongKong”.Read the full report and listen to our speakers' insightful sharing: @HKEXGroup | 1 |
1624732314046709761 | @Brand_HK John Li is the son of the late HK comedian Tang Kee Chan! @hkpoliceforce @newsgovhk @HKEXGroup @hkmagovhk @hktdc @InvestHK_LDN @TorontoHKETO @hkdc_us @hk_watch @Tuesdayroad1 @hkparliament22 @ReginaIplau @hk_watch @SimonChengUK @nathanlawkc @tedhuichifung @ElmerYuen @HKfp @BBC | 1 |
1626174041248894978 | @BrianTycangco @HKEXGroup @ahern_brendan Shorting just ahead of earnings next week, bold. | 1 |
1626175556491550721 | @aceboy8844 @HKEXGroup @ahern_brendan I do hope they get burned. | 1 |
1626191573888425992 | @HKEXGroup Principales ganadores entre HK blue chips: (9618), Alibaba Health (241), Lenovo (992)Principales perdedores entre HK blue chips: Power Assets (6), CK Infra (1038), HK & China Gas (3) | 1 |
Top 3 Languages Used In Tweets
Top 10 Hashtags used
Hashtag | Count |
#hongkong | 14 |
#上市 | 7 |
#hkex | 7 |
#etf | 6 |
#wef23 | 5 |
#恭喜 | 5 |
#香港市場 | 5 |
#hkexindavos | 4 |
#davos | 3 |
#yearoftherabbit | 3 |
Top 10 Hashtags Used In Tweets
Top 10 mentions
Mention | Count |
@hkexgroup | 78 |
@aguzin | 7 |
@lseplc | 6 |
@lsegplc | 5 |
@nyse | 5 |
@ahern_brendan | 5 |
@hkpoliceforce | 4 |
@newsgovhk | 4 |
@hkmagovhk | 4 |
@torontohketo | 4 |
Top 10 mentions
Wordcloud of Tweets
Average number of emojis used per tweet
Emojis used in tweets
Emoji | Count | Emoji Text |
🇨🇳 | 3 | China |
🇭🇰 | 3 | Hong_Kong_SAR_China |
🎊 | 2 | confetti_ball |
🇨🇭 | 1 | Switzerland |
🥼 | 1 | lab_coat |
🌺 | 1 | hibiscus |
🤍 | 1 | white_heart |
🦢 | 1 | swan |
🎉 | 1 | party_popper |
🧧 | 1 | red_envelope |
Emojis groups
Emoji Group | Count |
Flags | 7 |
Animals & Nature | 4 |
Activities | 4 |
Objects | 2 |
Smileys & Emotion | 1 |
Travel & Places | 1 |