Account Summary

Repping the amazing schools and 50,000 students and families of Henrico County Public Schools, in metro-Richmond, Va.
Followers Count
Friends Count
Tweets Count
List Count
Henrico County, Virginia
Followers Analysis (based on followers sample)
Number of Verified accounts
Percentage of Verified accounts
Number of Protected accounts
Percentage of Protected accounts
Average Age of Twitter accounts
5 years
Number of users without a Bio
Number of users with a Bio
Percentage of users with a Bio
Percentage of users without a Bio
Worldcloud of Bios

Top 10 followers with the highest follower count
Username | Followers Count | Friends Count | Tweet Count |
MuseumWeek | 230488 | 28835 | 27080 |
WheelsUp | 180511 | 92478 | 6756 |
LaVidaBaseball | 148169 | 111775 | 27206 |
RealMikeRob | 134666 | 1828 | 12760 |
CommonSenseEd | 133302 | 23637 | 29997 |
brbrasseur | 99727 | 31941 | 833 |
JeanChatzky | 81455 | 68391 | 22093 |
RepSpanberger | 80189 | 1258 | 7146 |
30swagg | 69170 | 3226 | 4666 |
brewerhm | 68782 | 61655 | 24950 |
Top 10 followers with the highest following count
Username | Friends Count | Followers Count | Tweet Count |
LaVidaBaseball | 111775 | 148169 | 27206 |
WheelsUp | 92478 | 180511 | 6756 |
JeanChatzky | 68391 | 81455 | 22093 |
brewerhm | 61655 | 68782 | 24950 |
TaikeinCooper | 56579 | 62623 | 47820 |
Marilyn_Res | 51918 | 64590 | 121195 |
BeineckeLibrary | 49361 | 57805 | 52278 |
HerMoneyMedia | 48967 | 44937 | 24614 |
uguisujyo_KCCo | 48467 | 61109 | 421109 |
Eduporium | 42423 | 60366 | 68260 |
Top 10 followers with the highest tweet count
Username | Tweets Count | Followers Count | Friends Count |
uguisujyo_KCCo | 421109 | 61109 | 48467 |
brucehallsports | 407817 | 2114 | 2383 |
PorterSumari | 327202 | 1160 | 2888 |
notmenowok | 205977 | 3064 | 3367 |
ms_mayo | 167352 | 311 | 171 |
CallHerChanel | 149375 | 11 | 325 |
RanaRan55762234 | 147406 | 100 | 2786 |
emilyt804 | 135801 | 1596 | 4989 |
Marilyn_Res | 121195 | 64590 | 51918 |
wfryer | 119202 | 37662 | 34287 |
Top 10 followers with the highest listed count
Username | Listed Count | Friends Count | Followers Count |
Marilyn_Res | 2672 | 51918 | 64590 |
wfryer | 2412 | 34287 | 37662 |
elemenous | 1920 | 31662 | 38389 |
WFSULLIVAN3 | 1757 | 945 | 24206 |
CommonSenseEd | 1746 | 23637 | 133302 |
JeanChatzky | 1625 | 68391 | 81455 |
JenWilliamsEdu | 1434 | 33664 | 61027 |
MuseumWeek | 1165 | 28835 | 230488 |
Eduporium | 1160 | 42423 | 60366 |
RealMikeRob | 1148 | 1828 | 134666 |
Tweets Analysis
Total number of tweets analysed
Earliest tweet was on
Latest tweet was on
Tweets covering
1,122 days
Types of Tweets
Number of Retweets
Percentage of total tweets
Number of Original tweets
Percentage of total tweets
Number of tweets that contain Mentions
Percentage of total tweets
Number of tweets that were Replies
Percentage of total tweets
Number of tweets that were Quotes
Percentage of total tweets
Number of tweets that contain Hashtags
Percentage of total tweets
Top 5 devices used to tweet
Source | Count |
Twitter Ads | 1558 |
Twitter Web App | 762 |
Hootsuite Inc. | 692 |
Twitter for iPhone | 227 |
Twitter for Advertisers. | 8 |
What devices were used to tweet

Top 10 tweets with highest Retweet count
ID | Text | Retweet count |
1360008214125957127 | Due to a forecast of snow and ice accumulation (which may impact power, internet), HCPS schools and offices will be CLOSED on Friday, Feb. 12, 2021 for a real “snow day”. We’ll press pause on virtual and in-person learning. Employees: "Code Zero-zero-ey, uh!" (Watch the video...) | 245 |
1356376784007262208 | Congratulations to Henrico High School graduate Rashida Jones, @RJonesNews, who started today as the new president of @MSNBC, becoming the first Black woman to run a major cable news network! | 155 |
1436011511428886530 | School Board Chair @RoscoeCooperIII and Vice Chair @MarcieShea carefully inspect today’s list of public comments at the Board meeting. No sign of Mr. McCracken, Mrs. Dover, or her husband Ben. | 107 |
1286426740672344065 | NEW: The Henrico School Board votes 5-0 to *APPROVE* fully virtual learning to begin the 2020-21 school year. More information to be communicated to employees and families soon, as well as on a continuing basis. But first, we wanted to quickly share the immediate news. | 96 |
1375905463527731205 | "...Lucia’s name means 'light'. She radiated happiness, and she loved our school." We are heartbroken and devastated to share Principal Melanie Phipps’ message to the Quioccasin MS community (family photograph shared with permission from the Bremer family) | 85 |
1512898148133388296 | Please keep the Highland Springs community in your thoughts following the untimely loss of of a Springer student. | 61 |
1285245582538235906 | NEW: Superintendent @AmyCashwell to recommend FULLY VIRTUAL START (at least first nine weeks) to 2020-21 school year. School Board vote set for Thursday. Details: Video: | 60 |
1666274697082798083 | We join the community in mourning the lives lost at Huguenot High School's graduation and offer our love and support to RPS. | 59 |
1275934228493066247 | What a joy it was to watch this moment from Godwin High School senior Maggie Rocke, who had a goal since the beginning of high school to walk across the graduation stage to receive her diploma, overcoming many obstacles associated with cerebral palsy. Congratulations, Maggie!!! | 45 |
1425869197733736448 | NEW: The School Board votes unanimously to open the 2021-22 school year with a mask requirement inside schools and offices for all individuals (employees, students, etc.), regardless of vaccination status. Full communication to follow soon… | 45 |
Top 10 tweets with highest Like count
ID | Text | Like count |
1360008214125957127 | Due to a forecast of snow and ice accumulation (which may impact power, internet), HCPS schools and offices will be CLOSED on Friday, Feb. 12, 2021 for a real “snow day”. We’ll press pause on virtual and in-person learning. Employees: "Code Zero-zero-ey, uh!" (Watch the video...) | 1322 |
1436011511428886530 | School Board Chair @RoscoeCooperIII and Vice Chair @MarcieShea carefully inspect today’s list of public comments at the Board meeting. No sign of Mr. McCracken, Mrs. Dover, or her husband Ben. | 721 |
1356376784007262208 | Congratulations to Henrico High School graduate Rashida Jones, @RJonesNews, who started today as the new president of @MSNBC, becoming the first Black woman to run a major cable news network! | 679 |
1375905463527731205 | "...Lucia’s name means 'light'. She radiated happiness, and she loved our school." We are heartbroken and devastated to share Principal Melanie Phipps’ message to the Quioccasin MS community (family photograph shared with permission from the Bremer family) | 522 |
1275934228493066247 | What a joy it was to watch this moment from Godwin High School senior Maggie Rocke, who had a goal since the beginning of high school to walk across the graduation stage to receive her diploma, overcoming many obstacles associated with cerebral palsy. Congratulations, Maggie!!! | 447 |
1376312349607485444 | Quioccasin Middle School, Sunday, March 28, 2021: For Lucia 🕯️ | 389 |
1362152341806477316 | Due to a forecast that includes another round of freezing rain and ice (which may impact power, internet access), Henrico County Schools will be CLOSED for virtual and in-person learning on Thursday, Feb. 18. Also, everything's better with the Titanic music, even robocalls... | 324 |
1512898148133388296 | Please keep the Highland Springs community in your thoughts following the untimely loss of of a Springer student. | 322 |
1294021161605619714 | NEW: The School Board has voted 5-0 to extend (by two more years) the contract of Superintendent @AmyCashwell through June of 2024. Congratulations, Dr. Cashwell, and thank you Board Members! | 297 |
1286426740672344065 | NEW: The Henrico School Board votes 5-0 to *APPROVE* fully virtual learning to begin the 2020-21 school year. More information to be communicated to employees and families soon, as well as on a continuing basis. But first, we wanted to quickly share the immediate news. | 296 |
Top 3 Languages Used In Tweets

Top 10 Hashtags used
Hashtag | Count |
#hcpsclassof22 | 39 |
#backtoschoolva | 20 |
#hcpsclassof23 | 14 |
#broadband | 7 |
#digitaldivide | 7 |
#broadbandforall | 7 |
#heartofhenrico | 5 |
#fivelittlewords | 4 |
#lifeready | 3 |
#hcpsclassof2022 | 3 |
Top 10 Hashtags Used In Tweets

Top 10 mentions
Hashtag | Count |
@amycashwell | 178 |
@henriconews | 68 |
@richmondraceway | 32 |
@hcpsfoundation | 27 |
@cbs6 | 25 |
@henricopolice | 22 |
@cfrichmondva | 22 |
@henricocte | 19 |
@rtdnews | 17 |
@governorva | 16 |
Top 10 mentions

Wordcloud of Tweets

Emojis used in tweets
Emoji | Count | Emoji Text |
🎓 | 12 | graduation_cap |
🏈 | 12 | american_football |
👏 | 11 | clapping_hands |
🏁 | 9 | chequered_flag |
™ | 6 | trade_mark |
❤️ | 5 | red_heart |
👍 | 4 | thumbs_up |
🔥 | 3 | fire |
👆 | 3 | backhand_index_pointing_up |
😭 | 3 | loudly_crying_face |
Emojis groups
Emoji Group | Count |
Objects | 28 |
People & Body | 22 |
Smileys & Emotion | 18 |
Activities | 18 |
Symbols | 12 |
Flags | 9 |
Travel & Places | 7 |
Animals & Nature | 1 |