Account Summary

Followers Count


Friends Count


Tweets Count


List Count



Hackney, London



Followers Analysis (based on followers sample)


Number of Verified accounts


Percentage of Verified accounts



Number of Protected accounts


Percentage of Protected accounts



Average Age of Twitter accounts

6 years


Number of users without a Bio


Number of users with a Bio


Percentage of users with a Bio


Percentage of users without a Bio


Worldcloud of Bios

List of top 10 keywords used in bios

Word Frequency
views 2963
love 2685
sheher 2559
socialist 2229
life 1914
hehim 1687
music 1621
politics 1587
lover 1521
social 1431

List of top 10 hashtags used in bios

Hashtag Frequency
#fbpe 506
#gtto 435
#blm 311
#blacklivesmatter 234
#freepalestine 184
#toriesout 137
#enoughisenough 99
#rejoineu 95
#nhs 84
#johnsonout 75

Top 10 followers with the highest follower count

Username Followers Count Friends Count Tweet Count
JohnCena 14104407 572044 7449
GreatestQuotes 4235282 165158 36319
davidwalliams 2291379 1921 15564
SinghLions 1334821 1431872 33928
ZachBoychuk 829630 683939 9248
NHSMillion 794931 12750 31102
SenRehmanMalik 744988 33826 42153
MIAuniverse 704133 222 1682
WipeHomophobia 697107 687907 31663
osgaweesh 660032 4196 18436

Top 10 followers with the highest following count

Username Friends Count Followers Count Tweet Count
SinghLions 1431872 1334821 33928
WipeHomophobia 687907 697107 31663
ZachBoychuk 683939 829630 9248
JohnCena 572044 14104407 7449
Coreandor 214630 195610 237410
mcspocky 196023 289496 23002
Ryanintheus 190171 198611 26469
GreatestQuotes 165158 4235282 36319
Matt_Pinner 161784 147156 24692
ThatBlokeSean 139758 138100 157716

Top 10 followers with the highest tweet count

Username Tweets Count Followers Count Friends Count
JamesRoy 1256971 11930 12687
wildwalkerwoman 952393 5031 3748
varun18vijay 717801 1302 4331
TinaMorphis 681974 8807 9541
carlagastal 668056 5577 6144
Pingachoo 657189 14027 12510
hommeebene1998 633958 1789 3756
march4progress 589803 10408 11403
shipa123 575896 1938 911
caz5697 573558 2790 4998

Top 10 followers with the highest listed count

Username Listed Count Friends Count Followers Count
JohnCena 31680 572044 14104407
GreatestQuotes 21366 165158 4235282
donnabrazile 7899 6518 632165
MIAuniverse 7537 222 704133
BernardMarr 4814 56662 137765
JamesRoy 3667 12687 11930
GreenpeaceUK 3525 5720 250648
Ryanintheus 3328 190171 198611
chrisabraham 3257 23570 42870
MazzucatoM 3059 3016 244059

Tweets Analysis


Total number of tweets analysed


Earliest tweet was on


Latest tweet was on


Tweets covering

908 days

Types of Tweets

Number of Retweets


Percentage of total tweets


Number of Original tweets


Percentage of total tweets


Number of tweets that contain Mentions


Percentage of total tweets


Number of tweets that were Replies


Percentage of total tweets


Number of tweets that were Quotes


Percentage of total tweets


Number of tweets that contain Hashtags


Percentage of total tweets


Top 10 tweets with highest Retweet count

ID Text Retweet count
1518862566189109248 This is Glen Owen the Mail on Sunday journalist who wrote the ridiculously misogynistic story about Angela Rayner and her legs. Interesting that he feels entitled to judge female MPs by their looks. 5610
1390553244636680193 Crushing defeat for Labour in Hartlepool. Not possible to blame Jeremy Corbyn for this result. Labour won the seat twice under his leadership. Keir Starmer must think again about his strategy #HartlepoolByElection 4285
1577980779967176706 Top Labour party officials messaged each other on WhatsApp to say I was “hideous”, “truly repulsive”, “literally makes me sick” and “a very angry woman”. To this day ⁦@Keir_Starmer⁩ Starmer has never apologised to me personally 4109
1371760203046211593 I will be voting against Priti Patel’s anti-democratic policing bill today. It will: legalise seizing Gypsy & Traveller vehicles; impose 10 year sentence for damaging statues & criminalise peaceful protest #PoliceCrackdownBill 3148
1329394151260123200 So @Keir_Starmer takes unilateral decision to exclude @jeremycorbyn as a Labour MP. But no notice, no consultation, no right of appeal, no due process at all. And Starmer was a human rights lawyer #IStandWithJeremyCorbyn 3045
1407270189302005761 The government that fought tooth and nail to block free school wants to claim it is the champion of 'white working class kids'! It is simply pitting communities against each other, all of them failed by the government, as a distraction for the effects of its failure. 3014
1513045618524045313 Rishi Sunak still does not get it. The issue is not the leak. The problem is that he and his wife thought that they could get away with dodging UK tax in the first place. 3000
1473247235886493697 One of the greatest policy scandals of all in this pandemic- among many to choose from - is the richest countries' refusal to waive vaccine patents. This could save millions of lives. But governments including the British government have chosen to support drug makers, not lives. 2948
1514474371871563780 Shipping asylum seekers 5000 miles to Rwanda for “processing” is both cruel and bizarre. And at a cost of up to £100,000 per asylum seeker, it is a ridiculously expensive way to pander to racists. 2805
1454727358376783873 When he campaigned for the leadership in 2020 Starmer “pledged” to put up income tax for top 5%, reverse Tory cuts to corporation tax & suppress tax avoidance. Now he is silent on income tax & tax avoidance. And he OPPOSES putting up corporation tax. The membership were conned. 2588

Top 10 tweets with highest Reply count

ID Text Reply count
1630105507590467589 Shamima Begum is British. Her citizenship should not be arbitrarily taken away. 4200
1521429417771384832 Keir Starmer refuses to say whether or not he supports a rise in defence spending 3340
1518862566189109248 This is Glen Owen the Mail on Sunday journalist who wrote the ridiculously misogynistic story about Angela Rayner and her legs. Interesting that he feels entitled to judge female MPs by their looks. 2778
1614963211287027713 Keir Starmer has joined the right in calling for the “reform” of the NHS. And we all know what that means. 2419
1390553244636680193 Crushing defeat for Labour in Hartlepool. Not possible to blame Jeremy Corbyn for this result. Labour won the seat twice under his leadership. Keir Starmer must think again about his strategy #HartlepoolByElection 2123
1628318787098255360 Keir Starmer now saying that rural communities are in his DNA. Bet he did not say that when he was running for Holborn and St Pancras. 2022
1577980779967176706 Top Labour party officials messaged each other on WhatsApp to say I was “hideous”, “truly repulsive”, “literally makes me sick” and “a very angry woman”. To this day ⁦@Keir_Starmer⁩ Starmer has never apologised to me personally 2021
1459136551460511750 Horrific that Durham University is offering training to students who want to be sex workers part-time. Sex work is degrading, dangerous and exploitative. Uni should have nothing to do with it 1677
1603830497452359686 Inch by inch Wes is trying to push for a privatised/insurance based NHS all in the name of “reform” 1674
1522476008301019137 Election results 2022: It's clear that Keir Starmer and Labour still have much work to do 1524

Top 10 tweets with highest Quote count

ID Text Quote count
1588158246900174851 Teenage boy raped at hotel housing refugees. Terrible case. But it is what happens when you demonise migrants and take NO responsibility for safeguarding migrant children. #SuellaBravermanOut 5862
1396756228034990082 Black activist #SashaJohnson in hospital in critical condition after sustaining a gunshot wound to the head. Nobody should have to potentially pay with their life because they stood up for racial justice #BlackLivesMatter 5055
1408852539202752514 Some people on Twitter seem to think that Michael Gove is poised to take over from Matt Hancock. But are they confident that Gove’s private life is beyond reproach? Maybe Sarah Vine can shed some light on this #BacktoBasics 3057
1459136551460511750 Horrific that Durham University is offering training to students who want to be sex workers part-time. Sex work is degrading, dangerous and exploitative. Uni should have nothing to do with it 1864
1483359766550396934 Our disgraceful Home Secretary Priti Patel wants to use sonic booms against desperate asylum seekers trying to cross the English channel in small boats 1624
1518862566189109248 This is Glen Owen the Mail on Sunday journalist who wrote the ridiculously misogynistic story about Angela Rayner and her legs. Interesting that he feels entitled to judge female MPs by their looks. 1502
1548611508334202881 Would-be Tory leader @KemiBadenoch says immigrants cause the current housing crisis. Is there any social problem she is not prepared to blame on immigrants? #ToryLeadershipFarce 1212
1463812353238130688 Alarming that Durham University is continuing with its sex work sessions. Normalising sex work in this way is harmful.The Home Affairs Select Committee, of which I am a member, will be looking at this. 1205
1327882233533894656 On Saturday I took part in an online meeting entitled “Uniting against racism and the new cold war”I had no idea that there were people on the call who denied Chinese harassment and massacres of Muslims in Uyghur. The treatment of these communities is a human rights violation. 1129
1531168330010308609 Government boast it is opening up visas to the world’s top graduates. But many originally come from third world countries. Why is Britain asset stripping poor countries like this? 940

Top 10 tweets with highest Like count

ID Text Like count
1518862566189109248 This is Glen Owen the Mail on Sunday journalist who wrote the ridiculously misogynistic story about Angela Rayner and her legs. Interesting that he feels entitled to judge female MPs by their looks. 44106
1390553244636680193 Crushing defeat for Labour in Hartlepool. Not possible to blame Jeremy Corbyn for this result. Labour won the seat twice under his leadership. Keir Starmer must think again about his strategy #HartlepoolByElection 25239
1371760203046211593 I will be voting against Priti Patel’s anti-democratic policing bill today. It will: legalise seizing Gypsy & Traveller vehicles; impose 10 year sentence for damaging statues & criminalise peaceful protest #PoliceCrackdownBill 20227
1371094113345495041 This is me and my mother on the day that I was first elected the 11th June 1987. Thinking of her this Mother’s Day 16187
1535562578369335296 Prince Charles is quite right to call Boris Johnson’s policy of dumping asylum seekers in Rwanda “appalling” 15807
1513045618524045313 Rishi Sunak still does not get it. The issue is not the leak. The problem is that he and his wife thought that they could get away with dodging UK tax in the first place. 15541
1560943413125677058 Last minute winner in the Tory leadership campaign! 13891
1390625678991704064 "If you're in a hole, stop digging", is generally sensible advice. The idea that Labour should carry on the same path, just pick up speed is just nonsense. We need a change of strategy. 13756
1321891613006831625 Divided parties don't win elections. I oppose the decision to suspend Jeremy Corbyn from the Labour Party and will work for his reinstatement. For us the fight against antisemitism and all forms of racism is central to the struggle for better world. 13558
1473247235886493697 One of the greatest policy scandals of all in this pandemic- among many to choose from - is the richest countries' refusal to waive vaccine patents. This could save millions of lives. But governments including the British government have chosen to support drug makers, not lives. 13210

Top 3 Languages Used In Tweets

Top 10 Hashtags used

Hashtag Count
#blacklivesmatter 25
#istandwithjeremycorbyn 13
#trussmustgo 12
#12heroesofchristmas 12
#covid19 10
#borisjohnsonout 9
#partygate 9
#zerocovid 9
#childq 8
#cressidamustgo 8

Top 10 Hashtags Used In Tweets

Top 10 mentions

Hashtag Count
@uklabour 31
@jeremycorbyn 15
@rmtunion 15
@keir_starmer 14
@bbcr4today 11
@bellribeiroaddy 10
@borisjohnson 9
@suellabraverman 7
@philipglanville 7
@apsanabegummp 7

Top 10 mentions

Wordcloud of Tweets

Emojis used in tweets

Emoji Count Emoji Text
👇🏾 13 backhand_index_pointing_down_medium-dark_skin_tone
🤡 10 clown_face
☘️ 4 shamrock
✊🏾 4 raised_fist_medium-dark_skin_tone
👇 3 backhand_index_pointing_down
🎄 3 Christmas_tree
🌹 3 rose
3 fast-forward_button
🔈 2 speaker_low_volume
🎂 2 birthday_cake

Emojis groups

Emoji Group Count
People & Body 26
Smileys & Emotion 13
Objects 11
Animals & Nature 9
Food & Drink 7
Symbols 6
Flags 4
Travel & Places 4
Activities 3