Tweets Analysis - Keyword: @gracehw


Total number of tweets analysed


Earliest tweet was on


Latest tweet was on


Tweets covering

8 days

Average age of authors' accounts

9 years


Ms. Yang's daughter passed away due to COVID-19, leading Ms Yang to lead protests in search of justice. The protests have now been silenced by a quiet crackdown against the protesters. Ms Yang is now facing surveillance and persecution. Ms Yang believes her daughter would still be alive if the public had been warned by the government at the beginning of the pandemic. @gracehw is assisting in this story.

Topic Modeling

  1. Government's handling of the pandemic in China
  2. Civil rights violations in China
  3. Protests and consequences
  4. Justice for victims of the pandemic
  5. Freedom of expression in China

Emotional Analysis

The emotions expressed in these tweets are mainly grief and anger. The first tweet speaks of a mother's grief over the death of her daughter due to the government's failure to warn the public of the pandemic in time. The second tweet speaks of the arrest of protesters and international condemnation of the Chinese government's actions. The third tweet speaks of a young girl learning about the importance of freedom of expression. The fourth tweet speaks of a mother's grief and her determination to seek justice for her daughter. The fifth tweet speaks of the fading memory of the protest and the disappearance of many protesters. The sixth tweet is not related to emotions. The seventh tweet speaks of compassion and a desire to help the grieving mother. The last tweet speaks of fear and anxiety of a woman who has been heavily monitored since she spoke to the media about her daughter's death.

Trend Analysis

  1. Covid-19 in China and its effects
  2. Government responsibility and transparency
  3. Lack of freedom of expression in China
  4. Arrests of protesters, especially those related to the November protests
  5. Effects on protestors, including mental health and financial issues

Disclaimer: The text analysis on, powered by OpenAI, does not represent the views of or its affiliates. The analysis is for informational purposes only and not an endorsement of any viewpoint.

Types of Tweets

Number of Retweets


Percentage of total tweets


Number of Original tweets


Percentage of total tweets


Number of tweets that contain Mentions


Percentage of total tweets


Number of tweets that were Replies


Percentage of total tweets


Number of tweets that were Quotes


Percentage of total tweets


Number of tweets that contain Hashtags


Percentage of total tweets


Top 5 devices used to tweet

Source Count
Twitter Web App 5
Twitter for Android 4
Twitter for iPhone 4

What devices were used to tweet

Top 10 accounts with highest followers count

Username Name Bio Followers count
WilliamYang120 William Yang East Asia Correspondent @dwnews and Prez @TaiwanFCC. Words in @BuzzFeedNews, @Guardian, @IrishTimes and @Independent. VIEWS and OPINIONS ARE STRICTLY MY OWN. 75,766
BBCMarikoOi Mariko Oi 大井真理子 @BBCWorld reporter/presenter. From 🇯🇵, based in 🇸🇬 after 🇬🇧🇺🇸. Mum of 3. 日本人初BBCレポーター/キャスター。在シンガポール🇸🇬、前🇬🇧キャスター&🇺🇸経済特派員。👧🏻(8)👦🏻(5)👶🏻(2)のママ。 30,119
666ros666 ロス茶 Tomoyuki Tada 多田智行 16,236
BasuAshis Ashis Basu Knowledge is Power. Share It. 12,381
complexmatter 複雜物堆 方丈,非常方丈。🙂 10,045
tessa_wong Tessa Wong 黄晓恩 I'm the BBC's Asia Digital Reporter. Senior journalist analysing & reporting Asia news in 🖊📸 📹 online. Singaporean, Chinese, SE Asian. All views my own. 6,217
AnkaraVoice Ankara Voice Sociologist | Creator | Justice | Humanitarian | World citizen | Tweets on politics, human rights and foreign policies related to Middle East. 1,590
thediscomonkey C ⁸⁸⁸ BoA/SNSD/RV/aespa. Pro-Troll for boomers & Gen X. Capitalist. #NFA #DYOR 960
InfamyInfo InfamyInfo 🌈🕊️ Harsh but Truth. #RealityCheck- Scandal, Corruption, Human Rights, War Crimes and Economic crisis 525
BefriaHongKong Befria Hongkong #Solidarity from #Sweden. We want #democracy for #HongKong & campaign for Human Rights in & around Asia; & also exactly everywhere! #MilkTeaAlliance 311

Top 10 accounts with highest friends count

Username Name Bio Followers count
666ros666 ロス茶 Tomoyuki Tada 多田智行 20,667
BasuAshis Ashis Basu Knowledge is Power. Share It. 13,607
WilliamYang120 William Yang East Asia Correspondent @dwnews and Prez @TaiwanFCC. Words in @BuzzFeedNews, @Guardian, @IrishTimes and @Independent. VIEWS and OPINIONS ARE STRICTLY MY OWN. 7,151
thediscomonkey C ⁸⁸⁸ BoA/SNSD/RV/aespa. Pro-Troll for boomers & Gen X. Capitalist. #NFA #DYOR 3,358
tessa_wong Tessa Wong 黄晓恩 I'm the BBC's Asia Digital Reporter. Senior journalist analysing & reporting Asia news in 🖊📸 📹 online. Singaporean, Chinese, SE Asian. All views my own. 1,298
complexmatter 複雜物堆 方丈,非常方丈。🙂 1,206
AnkaraVoice Ankara Voice Sociologist | Creator | Justice | Humanitarian | World citizen | Tweets on politics, human rights and foreign policies related to Middle East. 434
BefriaHongKong Befria Hongkong #Solidarity from #Sweden. We want #democracy for #HongKong & campaign for Human Rights in & around Asia; & also exactly everywhere! #MilkTeaAlliance 393
MahmudFirzan Muhammad Hafiz - 234
seven7xiao 新成 Seven|wearecultdao.bit You know who you are|你不知道你是你所以你是你Crypto|Web3|AI|ESG|BTC|CultDAO|Harmony 217

Most active users

Username Bio Number of tweets
666ros666 Tomoyuki Tada 多田智行 1
AnkaraVoice Sociologist | Creator | Justice | Humanitarian | World citizen | Tweets on politics, human rights and foreign policies related to Middle East. 1
BBCMarikoOi @BBCWorld reporter/presenter. From 🇯🇵, based in 🇸🇬 after 🇬🇧🇺🇸. Mum of 3. 日本人初BBCレポーター/キャスター。在シンガポール🇸🇬、前🇬🇧キャスター&🇺🇸経済特派員。👧🏻(8)👦🏻(5)👶🏻(2)のママ。 1
BasuAshis Knowledge is Power. Share It. 1
BefriaHongKong #Solidarity from #Sweden. We want #democracy for #HongKong & campaign for Human Rights in & around Asia; & also exactly everywhere! #MilkTeaAlliance 1
InfamyInfo Harsh but Truth. #RealityCheck- Scandal, Corruption, Human Rights, War Crimes and Economic crisis 1
JustWatchMe88 - 1
MahmudFirzan - 1
WilliamYang120 East Asia Correspondent @dwnews and Prez @TaiwanFCC. Words in @BuzzFeedNews, @Guardian, @IrishTimes and @Independent. VIEWS and OPINIONS ARE STRICTLY MY OWN. 1
complexmatter 方丈,非常方丈。🙂 1

Tweets per day

Top 10 tweets with highest Retweet count

ID Text Retweet count
1624656331104976896 By @gracehw: "But as much of #China moves on, Ms Yang cannot.She says she will not rest until she finds "justice" for her daughter. She believes Yuxi would not have died had the government warned the public at the beginning of the pandemic." 23
1627095405308833792 China’s declared victory over Covid. But as the country moves on, scores of those who took part in Nov’s protests which spelled the end of the pandemic have been arrested. International unis & rights groups have condemned the move. My report w @gracehw 14
1627606448032346112 🇨🇳がコロナに勝利宣言する一方、デモ参加者の多くが行方不明。👧🏻がニュースを読むようになり、表現の自由の重要性を説明🗣🇨🇳 declares victory 🆚 Covid but some protesters have been detained.Discussing freedom of expression with 👧🏻 tx to @tessa_wong @gracehw👉🏻 1
1627293307612155904 The landmark protest which spelled the end for zero-Covid rules have begun fading from memory. Many of those who took part in the demonstrations went missing, taken by authorities in a quietly deepening crackdown. @gracehw @tessa_wong 0
1625156567816634369 @HypeBeast_NFT @HypeBeast_Team @gracehw @jimmyfallon @xChocoBars 0
1624805951713714177 @WilliamYang120 @gracehw How can we help her? Can we send her some $$ to pay for mental healthcare? 0
1624752709231341569 By : @gracehwBut as much of #China moves on, Ms Yang cannot.She said she won't rest until she finds justice for her daughter. She believed Yuxi wouldn't have died, government warned public at the beginning of the pandemic.@CovidDataReport @RandaHabib 0
1624701747879989249 🇨🇳| “Hon ha varit hårt övervakad sedan hon 🗣️till media om att hon förlorat sin dotter till Covid. "Det står folk vid min 🚪och jag är förföljd överallt. Jag är orolig för att jag ska påverka mina vänner om jag går på sammankomster. Jag har inte gått ut så mycket."”@gracehw✍️⤵️ 0
1624632655705944065 She says she will not rest until she finds "justice" for her daughter. She believes Yuxi would not have died had the government warned the public at the beginning of the pandemic. ⁦@gracehw⁩ 0

Top 10 tweets with highest Like count

ID Text Like count
1624656331104976896 By @gracehw: "But as much of #China moves on, Ms Yang cannot.She says she will not rest until she finds "justice" for her daughter. She believes Yuxi would not have died had the government warned the public at the beginning of the pandemic." 54
1627095405308833792 China’s declared victory over Covid. But as the country moves on, scores of those who took part in Nov’s protests which spelled the end of the pandemic have been arrested. International unis & rights groups have condemned the move. My report w @gracehw 16
1627606448032346112 🇨🇳がコロナに勝利宣言する一方、デモ参加者の多くが行方不明。👧🏻がニュースを読むようになり、表現の自由の重要性を説明🗣🇨🇳 declares victory 🆚 Covid but some protesters have been detained.Discussing freedom of expression with 👧🏻 tx to @tessa_wong @gracehw👉🏻 15
1624752709231341569 By : @gracehwBut as much of #China moves on, Ms Yang cannot.She said she won't rest until she finds justice for her daughter. She believed Yuxi wouldn't have died, government warned public at the beginning of the pandemic.@CovidDataReport @RandaHabib 1
1624632655705944065 She says she will not rest until she finds "justice" for her daughter. She believes Yuxi would not have died had the government warned the public at the beginning of the pandemic. ⁦@gracehw⁩ 1
1627293307612155904 The landmark protest which spelled the end for zero-Covid rules have begun fading from memory. Many of those who took part in the demonstrations went missing, taken by authorities in a quietly deepening crackdown. @gracehw @tessa_wong 0
1625156567816634369 @HypeBeast_NFT @HypeBeast_Team @gracehw @jimmyfallon @xChocoBars 0
1624805951713714177 @WilliamYang120 @gracehw How can we help her? Can we send her some $$ to pay for mental healthcare? 0
1624701747879989249 🇨🇳| “Hon ha varit hårt övervakad sedan hon 🗣️till media om att hon förlorat sin dotter till Covid. "Det står folk vid min 🚪och jag är förföljd överallt. Jag är orolig för att jag ska påverka mina vänner om jag går på sammankomster. Jag har inte gått ut så mycket."”@gracehw✍️⤵️ 0

Top 3 Languages Used In Tweets

Top 10 Hashtags used

Hashtag Count
#china 3

Top 10 Hashtags Used In Tweets

Top 10 mentions

Mention Count
@gracehw 12
@tessa_wong 4
@williamyang120 2
@bbcmarikooi 1
@bbcnewsasia 1
@aparnalluri 1
@jay_savage 1
@hypebeast_nft 1
@hypebeast_team 1
@jimmyfallon 1

Top 10 mentions

Wordcloud of Tweets


Average number of emojis used per tweet


Emojis used in tweets

Emoji Count Emoji Text
🇨🇳 5 China
👧🏻 4 girl_light_skin_tone
🗣 2 speaking_head
🆚 2 VS_button
👉🏻 2 backhand_index_pointing_right_light_skin_tone
🗣️ 1 speaking_head
🚪 1 door
✍️ 1 writing_hand
⤵️ 1 right_arrow_curving_down

Emojis groups

Emoji Group Count
People & Body 10
Flags 5
Symbols 3
Objects 1