Account Summary

Official Twitter account for the Democratic Party of Georgia. Voter Protection Hotline: 888-730-5816.
Followers Count
Friends Count
Tweets Count
List Count
Followers Analysis (based on followers sample)
Number of Verified accounts
Percentage of Verified accounts
Number of Protected accounts
Percentage of Protected accounts
Average Age of Twitter accounts
6 years
Number of users without a Bio
Number of users with a Bio
Percentage of users with a Bio
Percentage of users without a Bio
Worldcloud of Bios

Top 10 followers with the highest follower count
Username | Followers Count | Friends Count | Tweet Count |
JohnCena | 14096652 | 592722 | 7485 |
mmpadellan | 1233098 | 43473 | 137880 |
LeBronJames | 941566 | 975097 | 4117 |
donwinslow | 933081 | 37340 | 110117 |
krassenstein | 748281 | 521744 | 68044 |
shannonrwatts | 610678 | 19599 | 173482 |
IamMzilikazi | 553012 | 381067 | 132642 |
fred_guttenberg | 530708 | 3314 | 54679 |
TristanSnell | 431499 | 53923 | 11976 |
KFILE | 429338 | 8525 | 13590 |
Top 10 followers with the highest following count
Username | Friends Count | Followers Count | Tweet Count |
LeBronJames | 975097 | 941566 | 4117 |
JohnCena | 592722 | 14096652 | 7485 |
krassenstein | 521744 | 748281 | 68044 |
IamMzilikazi | 381067 | 553012 | 132642 |
drissawaked | 233920 | 266047 | 38566 |
GoogleExpertUK | 192641 | 262788 | 773363 |
Brimshack | 135769 | 124048 | 117980 |
ChrisMattCook | 114336 | 114178 | 1651 |
TheRainBowNavy2 | 105825 | 104530 | 32064 |
davenewworld_2 | 102355 | 289298 | 75850 |
Top 10 followers with the highest tweet count
Username | Tweets Count | Followers Count | Friends Count |
VonRosenchild | 1183020 | 13847 | 9285 |
BellaDonaModels | 886630 | 2522 | 5001 |
lavenderblue27 | 845668 | 37892 | 41842 |
GoogleExpertUK | 773363 | 262788 | 192641 |
iamforeverblue2 | 770888 | 4112 | 5008 |
108praiseradio | 769771 | 3225 | 2095 |
suekhi | 761562 | 25664 | 22348 |
BMLewis2 | 664453 | 8438 | 8730 |
shell_loyd | 648494 | 11491 | 12631 |
courageousgirl2 | 632443 | 24465 | 24620 |
Top 10 followers with the highest listed count
Username | Listed Count | Friends Count | Followers Count |
JohnCena | 31597 | 592722 | 14096652 |
KFILE | 6817 | 8525 | 429338 |
GoogleExpertUK | 6515 | 192641 | 262788 |
mmpadellan | 5469 | 43473 | 1233098 |
OABlanchard | 5052 | 24573 | 43679 |
donwinslow | 5015 | 37340 | 933081 |
krassenstein | 4306 | 521744 | 748281 |
smoothsale | 4120 | 54562 | 56610 |
shannonrwatts | 3469 | 19599 | 610678 |
cmclymer | 3164 | 6619 | 398079 |
Tweets Analysis
Total number of tweets analysed
Earliest tweet was on
Latest tweet was on
Tweets covering
747 days
Types of Tweets
Number of Retweets
Percentage of total tweets
Number of Original tweets
Percentage of total tweets
Number of tweets that contain Mentions
Percentage of total tweets
Number of tweets that were Replies
Percentage of total tweets
Number of tweets that were Quotes
Percentage of total tweets
Number of tweets that contain Hashtags
Percentage of total tweets
Top 5 devices used to tweet
Source | Count |
Twitter Web App | 1605 |
HeyOrca | 1147 |
Twitter for iPhone | 282 |
TweetDeck | 186 |
Twitter Media Studio | 29 |
What devices were used to tweet

Top 10 tweets with highest Retweet count
ID | Text | Retweet count |
1593423422855462912 | If this site goes under please remember to re-elect Rev. Warnock on December 6. | 4147 |
1592570476437860352 | 3 weeks from today, we’re re-electing Reverend Warnock. Pass it on. | 3545 |
1523040991430676480 | Herschel Walker wants to ban all abortions. No exceptions for rape or incest. No regard for the mother’s life. Total ban. Share this to remind folks that Walker’s stance is dangerous and that we need to keep the Senate blue in November. | 2426 |
1518289681661804545 | Brian Kemp wants more guns on our streets. Stacey Abrams wants more Georgians with health care, good jobs, and a quality education. The choice is clear: We must elect Stacey Abrams. | 2072 |
1599862441063682067 | Tomorrow, we’re electing Rev. Warnock to a full, six-year term in the Senate. Pass it on. | 1886 |
1600335255017226240 | A son of Savannah, and a pastor for the people. Folks, we did it. @ReverendWarnock will continue to serve Georgians for another 6 years in the Senate! | 1835 |
1589052445300490241 | Folks, we get it. There’s a lot of information out there about different candidates, so we’re going to clear some things up. Here are 10 reasons why you should vote AGAINST Brian Kemp. | 1638 |
1517956236309897217 | While Republicans like Brian Kemp and David Perdue attack each other over who’s more extreme, Stacey Abrams is talking with Georgians about how to build a state that works for everyone. The contrast couldn’t be clearer: We must elect Stacey Abrams as our next governor. | 1354 |
1512581572934914052 | Georgia voters made this possible. If we want more moments like this, we’ve got to defend Senator Reverend Warnock’s seat in November. | 1313 |
1515010152562409472 | NEW: “It looks something akin to pay to play.” Brian Kemp took over $300,000 from two campaign donors — then appointed them to Georgia's powerful Board of Regents. 🤝💰 RT to expose Kemp's shady campaign fundraising practices. | 1299 |
Top 10 tweets with highest Like count
ID | Text | Like count |
1593423422855462912 | If this site goes under please remember to re-elect Rev. Warnock on December 6. | 12700 |
1418591124650962947 | Happy birthday to Georgia's own puppy-loving Senator, @ReverendWarnock! | 11454 |
1592570476437860352 | 3 weeks from today, we’re re-electing Reverend Warnock. Pass it on. | 10031 |
1600335255017226240 | A son of Savannah, and a pastor for the people. Folks, we did it. @ReverendWarnock will continue to serve Georgians for another 6 years in the Senate! | 9764 |
1599862441063682067 | Tomorrow, we’re electing Rev. Warnock to a full, six-year term in the Senate. Pass it on. | 8961 |
1512581572934914052 | Georgia voters made this possible. If we want more moments like this, we’ve got to defend Senator Reverend Warnock’s seat in November. | 6820 |
1518289681661804545 | Brian Kemp wants more guns on our streets. Stacey Abrams wants more Georgians with health care, good jobs, and a quality education. The choice is clear: We must elect Stacey Abrams. | 6006 |
1517956236309897217 | While Republicans like Brian Kemp and David Perdue attack each other over who’s more extreme, Stacey Abrams is talking with Georgians about how to build a state that works for everyone. The contrast couldn’t be clearer: We must elect Stacey Abrams as our next governor. | 4749 |
1523040991430676480 | Herschel Walker wants to ban all abortions. No exceptions for rape or incest. No regard for the mother’s life. Total ban. Share this to remind folks that Walker’s stance is dangerous and that we need to keep the Senate blue in November. | 4354 |
1594145221813866496 | Elon may have let Trump back on Twitter, but Trump will never get back in the White House. We will make sure of it. | 4027 |
Top 3 Languages Used In Tweets

Top 10 Hashtags used
Hashtag | Count |
#gapol | 593 |
#trueblue22 | 49 |
#gasen | 48 |
#kempdoesntcare | 36 |
#gagovdebate | 36 |
#onegeorgia | 15 |
#gagov | 12 |
#sotu | 8 |
#nowaywalker | 8 |
#godawgs | 7 |
Top 10 Hashtags Used In Tweets

Top 10 mentions
Hashtag | Count |
@nikemawilliams | 48 |
@reverendwarnock | 48 |
@potus | 39 |
@herschelwalker | 36 |
@staceyabrams | 27 |
@ossoff | 15 |
@senatorjen | 14 |
@beeforgeorgia | 14 |
@briankempga | 14 |
@senatorwarnock | 13 |
Top 10 mentions

Wordcloud of Tweets

Emojis used in tweets
Emoji | Count | Emoji Text |
⬇️ | 69 | down_arrow |
✅ | 28 | check_mark_button |
🗳 | 26 | ballot_box_with_ballot |
☎️ | 26 | telephone |
🗣 | 20 | speaking_head |
🚩 | 15 | triangular_flag |
🚨 | 8 | police_car_light |
➡️ | 8 | right_arrow |
1️⃣ | 7 | keycap_1 |
🧵 | 6 | thread |
Emojis groups
Emoji Group | Count |
Symbols | 136 |
Objects | 89 |
People & Body | 30 |
Travel & Places | 26 |
Flags | 22 |
Smileys & Emotion | 19 |
Activities | 9 |
Animals & Nature | 3 |
Food & Drink | 2 |