Tweets Analysis - Keyword: @gauravmunjal
Total number of tweets analysed
Earliest tweet was on
Latest tweet was on
Tweets covering
10 days
Average age of authors' accounts
7 years
Gaurav Munjal is discussing the advantages and disadvantages of OKRs as a way to set quantitative goals for teams as well as ideas on defining the right metrics. He agrees that OKRs can be complicated but also encourages people to attempt hard things in life and respect their teachers. He further discusses the success of Unacademy, AI, and the NBA All-Star game.
Topic Modeling
- OKRs/Quantitative Goals/Metrics/Accountability
- Generative AI/Startups/Side Projects/MLops
- Mis-selling/Educational Courses/Delhi Mirror
- Huminity/Offline Classes/Revolutionary
- Students/Mobile/NaiyoLadga/Society/UkraineRussia War/Respect/Values/Loyalty/Mello drama/Circle of Life/Teachers jobs/Unacademy/RomanSaini/ShivaShivaAllNight
Emotional Analysis
The tweets express a range of emotions, from enthusiasm and excitement to frustration and disappointment. The discussion centers around OKRs, education, and the importance of planning, goal setting, and accountability. There is a sense of optimism and admiration for those who have achieved success, as well as a feeling of disillusionment and anger at the lack of respect for teachers. There is also a sense of determination and resilience in the face of challenges. Finally, there is a sense of community and camaraderie among the participants in the conversation.
Trend Analysis
- OkRs
- Education Systems
- AI and MLOps
- Generative AI
- Influential Figures
Types of Tweets
Number of Retweets
Percentage of total tweets
Number of Original tweets
Percentage of total tweets
Number of tweets that contain Mentions
Percentage of total tweets
Number of tweets that were Replies
Percentage of total tweets
Number of tweets that were Quotes
Percentage of total tweets
Number of tweets that contain Hashtags
Percentage of total tweets
Top 5 devices used to tweet
Source | Count |
Twitter for Android | 196 |
Twitter for iPhone | 126 |
Twitter Web App | 59 |
Twitter for iPad | 3 |
Mark Johnson1 | 1 |
What devices were used to tweet

Top 10 accounts with highest followers count
Username | Name | Bio | Followers count |
balajis | Balaji | Immutable money, infinite frontier, eternal life. #Bitcoin | 747,765 |
Austen | Austen Allred | Co-founder & CEO @bloomtech. Will tweet as I wish and suffer the consequences. | 254,248 |
viraj_sheth | Viraj Sheth | Co-founder @MonkEtweets. Tweets about influencer marketing, creator economy, agency business, startups, personal anecdotes. Forbes 30 Under 30 Asia. | 205,726 |
nikitabier | Nikita Bier | I make apps grow really fast. founder @gasappteam (acq by discord), ex-founder @thetbhapp (acq by facebook), ex-new products @meta | 193,827 |
VaibhavSisinty | Vaibhav Sisinty | Founder, @GrowthSchoolio | Usually rant about startups, education and marketing | Learn from Top 1% (checkout the link below) | 111,999 |
adamjacksonsf | Adam Jackson | Co-Founder @usebraintrust: Cambrian Asset ManagementFounder & Former CEO @drondemand wine: @asymmetricwineadamjacksonsf.eth | 110,992 |
Ravisutanjani | Ravisutanjani | ✍️ FinTech & Startups | Ex - VP @Testbookdotcom | Strategic Partnerships: @Zomato @OYORooms @JarAppHQ | Community:@TwiclubHQ | 92,432 |
amritat | amrita tripathi | Author: The Sibius Knot, Mindscape series | Founder @healthcollectif | Books: | Ex-Head, Content Partnerships, Twitter India | 55,385 |
Mrunal_Patel | Mrunal Patel | Vice President, Unacademy | 50,667 |
chiragbarjatyaa | Chirag Barjatya | Founder @thepfcclub . Ask me anything related to diet and workout here:… | 40,757 |
Top 10 accounts with highest friends count
Username | Name | Bio | Followers count |
amritat | amrita tripathi | Author: The Sibius Knot, Mindscape series | Founder @healthcollectif | Books: | Ex-Head, Content Partnerships, Twitter India | 6,677 |
MarkJ_ohnson | Mark Johnson | Assistant Manager at @K12Prospects. K-12 educational sales and marketing. Connecting with educators. Business opportunities.#edtech #education #data | 6,338 |
onejasonknight | Jason Knight | 🚀 Product management Z-lister & meme-lord 🎙 Podcast @oneknightinprod 🤗 Founder @mymentorpath 🌶 Tweets may contain hot & spicy takes | 5,048 |
ajitkmenon | Maverick | Vice President & Chief Operations Officer - @VivritiC Ex RB Risk & Ops @Stanchart ex @accenture AI,Futurist,RT's ≠ endorsements, My tweets are my own. | 5,002 |
brooklynrob | Rob Underwood | Heavy Things Lifter. Laborer, Teacher, Bodyguard, Dishwasher. Park Slope via Kennebunkport. ex-Goldman Sachs, Deloitte, KPMG. @ColbyCollege. Views my own. | 4,999 |
lemniscateMac | Macharayya G | Always in Beta | Growth Marketing and Enterprise Sales | #LemniscateGrowth | 4,972 |
shivaculture | Harshavardhan | @ragameditation | 4,944 |
AdityaVSC | Aditya 😺 | Community is the new moat! | 4,503 |
harsha99 | B Hari | Looking for #100XEntrepreneurs -#NoCode #leanstartup : #IvyCap #IndianAngelNetwork #LetsVenture #Angellist | 4,291 |
balajis | Balaji | Immutable money, infinite frontier, eternal life. #Bitcoin | 4,064 |
Most active users
Username | Bio | Number of tweets |
AmanSid39825027 | - | 14 |
01manish12 | Will definitely make a difference someday | 10 |
jangrajyoti708 | - | 8 |
henryulanga | I give as good as I get | 5 |
justinspratt | inveniam viam. in a startup solving for driverless cars. invest in tech startups. previously: uber, wpp, morganstanley from 🇦🇺 living 🇳🇱 working 🇪🇺+🇺🇸 | 5 |
Rajeevakumarr | - | 4 |
ShubUps | Learning everyday something is all you need | 4 |
NilStormbreaker | - | 4 |
Edu_Data2022 | ' EDTECH DATABASE EDU : K to X _ k to 12 _ 5000 data per lot @ 1 5 million INR _ online enrolled subscriber 1.50 Cr in LOTS of_ | 3 |
manojkmr455 | - | 3 |
Tweets per day

Top 10 tweets with highest Retweet count
ID | Text | Retweet count |
1624618201710759936 | The Iconic #DDLJ hits the screen & is witnessing #Greatness #akaworldwide Iconic means something we all can witness and @unacademy took it the other way n came up with “ICONIC SUBSCRIPTION” that no one is buying…#respect #studentteacher bond #Shame @gauravmunjal @RomanSaini | 8 |
1627126677947183105 | #Students without #mobile —#NaiyoLadga People towards Society—#UkraineRussiaWar Flies are taking away #Respect #Values #Loyalty People creating #Mello drama Circle of #life #Teacherjobs is taken away by @unacademy @gauravmunjal @RomanSaini #ShivaShivaAllNight give me power | 8 |
1626049807575035906 | Well i should walk across the line That has been chosen regardless of some facts #unity #support #faith #loyalty #respect Well it's not #ChampionsLeague or #UkraineWar that everyone is eying on but for me #TEACHers matters #Shame @unacademy @gauravmunjal @RomanSaini | 6 |
1625052478659256320 | Be like @elonmusk or @narendramodi or @BeingSalmanKhan and do anything without thinking about the consequences… @unacademy don’t have any #planning without #TEACHers @gauravmunjal @RomanSaini are focusing on #MONEY . They have became #moneyslaves n did not #Respect #students | 5 |
1626413255928467456 | #MONEY says - #Earn me #Career says - #build me #Futures says - #Win me #Beauty says. - #Love me #Calendar says- #Turn me #Time says - #Plan me But #Parents says - #bless u #TEACHers says - #Think of u #loveisland #ShameOnYou @unacademy @RomanSaini @gauravmunjal | 5 |
1627503331282395136 | Watching #NBAAllStar finding the odds……it’s good to relax sometimes rather to gamble ur mind overtime Keep the #Goal high so u can always move up #Respect ur family #TEACHers and #value ur #Time #Hardwork Everyone for itself #Selfish @unacademy @RomanSaini @gauravmunjal | 5 |
1627914979490889728 | #tuesdaymotivations Never loose #hope n #faith of ur #Parents n #teacher bcoz they will guide u selflessly#Respect to all who blessed me forever #bachelor ‘s #MotherLanguage is the #LANGUAGE which will define u#blind @RomanSaini @gauravmunjal @unacademy #tuesdayvibe | 5 |
1626846993162342400 | #Time to #think the odds @gauravmunjal @RomanSaini and make @unacademy a place people can #trust n #respect but for that uhh need to #respect ur teachers n #Students #shivarathri #SHIVA #Mahashivratri #Shivratri God wont help u in studies but he can keep uhh disciplined | 4 |
1624667784927145985 | Following Dr.Nishant Gupta(a legend category educator)for CAT2023 on Unacademy, suddenly UA stopped his classes, no support by UA even after writing mail's, Extended my subscription only to learn from him. Request to bring him back on UA. @gauravmunjal @unacademy #BringBackDNG | 4 |
1625846296753090565 | Try hard things in ur #life I know #LifeIsBeautiful but still we are not Teddy Bear so people will b Harsh on us Look at the #Real #WorldNews and u will realise it’s not the topic of #comfort but it’s about #survival #respect ur #TEACHers @unacademy @gauravmunjal @RomanSaini | 4 |
Top 10 tweets with highest Like count
ID | Text | Like count |
1627591282565746688 | @HooCrypto @gauravmunjal Handwritten notes in “freeform” app in iPad. | 119 |
1627496260268888064 | @Austen @justinspratt @gauravmunjal The good thing about OKRs is writing down quantitative goals for each team at the start of each quarter to hold everyone accountable. The bad part is how much that affects steering, and how hard it is to only update goals four times per year in a fast moving business. | 49 |
1627355215753248769 | @gauravmunjal But aren't OKRs just a fancy name for right metrics and clear monthly goals? | 48 |
1627410141074309120 | @justinspratt @gauravmunjal OKRs are usually goals plus five layers of formality | 34 |
1627506561194283008 | @gauravmunjal Sir, how do I define the right metrics for mis-selling educational course that are as insightful as Delhi Mirror? | 30 |
1625470733530054656 | @gauravmunjal This is great. Offline classes will be revolutionary. Huminaty has never witnessed anything like this before. | 20 |
1627326532107501578 | @gauravmunjal The time wasted in explaining to rank-and-file the difference between the O and the KR, and which is which, and the process, makes the system more in important than the reason for why it was set. So, I agree with you. | 16 |
1627408575596199939 | @gauravmunjal but this is what OKRs are, no? it’s people who over complicate the tool. or am i missing something? | 16 |
1627287065300971522 | @gauravmunjal Hard agree | 10 |
1624557127540015104 | @gauravmunjal I'm going to launch something pretty cool in generative AI next week. Haven't registered a startup, it's more of a side project but I'm not currently working so let's see where it goes. Just put an all night hackathon with a friend. Sharing more with you in DM. | 10 |
Top 3 Languages Used In Tweets

Top 10 Hashtags used
Hashtag | Count |
#respect | 19 |
#teachers | 13 |
#bringbackdng | 10 |
#students | 7 |
#time | 7 |
#loyalty | 5 |
#life | 5 |
#faith | 4 |
#parents | 4 |
#teacher | 4 |
Top 10 Hashtags Used In Tweets

Top 10 mentions
Mention | Count |
@gauravmunjal | 395 |
@unacademy | 71 |
@romansaini | 50 |
@01manish12 | 27 |
@teamunacademy | 14 |
@justinspratt | 13 |
@austen | 12 |
@balajis | 8 |
@meesho_support | 8 |
@meesho_official | 6 |
Top 10 mentions

Wordcloud of Tweets

Average number of emojis used per tweet
Emojis used in tweets
Emoji | Count | Emoji Text |
🙏 | 13 | folded_hands |
🤣 | 13 | rolling_on_the_floor_laughing |
🔥 | 5 | fire |
😂 | 5 | face_with_tears_of_joy |
💯 | 3 | hundred_points |
👏 | 3 | clapping_hands |
🤯 | 2 | exploding_head |
👍 | 2 | thumbs_up |
👊 | 2 | oncoming_fist |
💞 | 2 | revolving_hearts |
Emojis groups
Emoji Group | Count |
Smileys & Emotion | 37 |
People & Body | 22 |
Travel & Places | 7 |
Flags | 1 |
Symbols | 1 |
Activities | 1 |
Objects | 1 |