Account Summary

Followers Count


Friends Count


Tweets Count


List Count



United States



Followers Analysis (based on followers sample)


Number of Verified accounts


Percentage of Verified accounts



Number of Protected accounts


Percentage of Protected accounts



Average Age of Twitter accounts

6 years


Number of users without a Bio


Number of users with a Bio


Percentage of users with a Bio


Percentage of users without a Bio


Worldcloud of Bios

List of top 10 keywords used in bios

Word Frequency
love 4720
conservative 3711
god 3534
husband 3222
father 3179
life 2986
family 2694
patriot 2647
proud 2605
wife 2597

List of top 10 hashtags used in bios

Hashtag Frequency
#maga 916
#2a 485
#fjb 270
#1a 238
#americafirst 200
#trump2024 188
#backtheblue 178
#patriot 163
#prolife 132
#kag 131

Top 10 followers with the highest follower count

Username Followers Count Friends Count Tweet Count
DonaldJTrumpJr 9823295 1848 46099
noaheverett 3177990 2018 9848
kirstiealley 1562308 816 82029
RubinReport 1383480 801 96483
RexChapman 1255181 30787 329413
ginacarano 1208778 794 5413
1pcornwell 1188620 22235 18376
BuckSexton 1009288 1501 10092
NikkiHaley 932899 926 8905
NOH8Campaign 801893 345179 13960

Top 10 followers with the highest following count

Username Friends Count Followers Count Tweet Count
IamMzilikazi 375958 545747 130367
Uldouz 347183 461470 1200
NOH8Campaign 345179 801893 13960
EvanKirstel 310832 343966 1130701
SwedishCanary 306680 475442 45411
robtswthrayguns 285467 259516 86234
andersonDrLJA 192347 197561 117539
darcydonavan 192325 240407 82828
OfficialJok1 174978 183524 14000
1drcole 167099 180770 237864

Top 10 followers with the highest tweet count

Username Tweets Count Followers Count Friends Count
monicasloves 1658767 63335 51102
tourschedule 1155861 1694 383
EvanKirstel 1130701 343966 310832
OttLegalRebels 704649 70450 42782
ArTallks 646711 15526 9513
Jeannie_Hartley 643958 22330 21624
shell_loyd 623946 11256 12379
aurorab933 578345 3978 3719
starrick1 557171 1018 933
tonyserrata 504388 15215 12555

Top 10 followers with the highest listed count

Username Listed Count Friends Count Followers Count
DonaldJTrumpJr 19905 1848 9823295
EvanKirstel 12973 310832 343966
kirstiealley 10777 816 1562308
OttLegalRebels 10653 42782 70450
noaheverett 9980 2018 3177990
NOH8Campaign 7563 345179 801893
Rasmussen_Poll 6517 617 430534
RexChapman 5899 30787 1255181
paulmasonnews 5739 6497 622587
RubinReport 5684 801 1383480

Tweets Analysis


Total number of tweets analysed


Earliest tweet was on


Latest tweet was on


Tweets covering

3,518 days

Types of Tweets

Number of Retweets


Percentage of total tweets


Number of Original tweets


Percentage of total tweets


Number of tweets that contain Mentions


Percentage of total tweets


Number of tweets that were Replies


Percentage of total tweets


Number of tweets that were Quotes


Percentage of total tweets


Number of tweets that contain Hashtags


Percentage of total tweets


Top 10 tweets with highest Retweet count

ID Text Retweet count
793135829040324608 Retweet my #ServiceSelfie to show your support for our veterans! @TeamDepot will donate $1 up to $500K for every RT! #DoingMore4Vets 28940
1431074603711954952 In honor of the lives lost today. 19724
1264269834889674753 On this Memorial weekend let us remember all those who have fallen in service to our country. And the sacrifice of the families who love and miss them. 8430
1478762709994782720 An American hero passed away this morning. Lawrence Brooks, the oldest living WWII vet at 112 years old. Here we are at National WWII Museum in New Orleans when he was 106 years old. He certainly had an incredible long life. God bless you sir. An honor to know you. Rest In Peace 6860
1147522256945287170 25 years ago Forrest Gump opened in theaters. Lt Dan Taylor will always be a fav & special role. Not only was it an honor to act alongside some incredible talent, working on a great script directed by Robert Zemeckis, but the character itself helped forge a bond w/ our military.. 4885
1071518583883251713 Over 1000 Gold Star Children travel w/ surviving parent, 1,750 in all, via @americanair to Disney World today as part of our @GarySiniseFound Snowball Express program. This charter left LAX this morning. I’ll join up in a few days. Have fun kids! We love you! 4695
1596213276198678529 Remembering a saluting today, John Michael Spann, the first American KIA in Afghanistan 21 years ago today. God bless him and his family. 3825
1625154534367457280 On February 10, our friend, WWII veteran Teddy Kirkpatrick passed away at the age of 99. Teddy & I became pals when we first met years ago at the National Memorial Day parade in DC. We were talking and I noticed he was wearing a jacket that said 8th Air Force 379th Bomb Group… 3586
1115664885143052288 R.I.P Lt Colonel Dick Cole, last surviving Doolittle Raider. An extraordinary man. It was an true honor to know him. 3569
1544850001280606209 28 years ago today, Forrest Gump hit the box office. I was honored to play the wounded Vietnam Veteran, Lt Dan Taylor, and represent so many of our wounded veterans who selflessly served our country. And today, it’s an honor to help “the real Lt. Dan’s” @GarySiniseFound #icecream 3360

Top 10 tweets with highest Reply count

ID Text Reply count
1431074603711954952 In honor of the lives lost today. 2190
1095366132574371840 Completely shocked and speechless by this surprise video. Incredibly touched and grateful by everyone’s support. I’m crying, so choked up, I thought I’d share. via @YouTube 1241
1478762709994782720 An American hero passed away this morning. Lawrence Brooks, the oldest living WWII vet at 112 years old. Here we are at National WWII Museum in New Orleans when he was 106 years old. He certainly had an incredible long life. God bless you sir. An honor to know you. Rest In Peace 1018
1071518583883251713 Over 1000 Gold Star Children travel w/ surviving parent, 1,750 in all, via @americanair to Disney World today as part of our @GarySiniseFound Snowball Express program. This charter left LAX this morning. I’ll join up in a few days. Have fun kids! We love you! 930
1147522256945287170 25 years ago Forrest Gump opened in theaters. Lt Dan Taylor will always be a fav & special role. Not only was it an honor to act alongside some incredible talent, working on a great script directed by Robert Zemeckis, but the character itself helped forge a bond w/ our military.. 893
1544850001280606209 28 years ago today, Forrest Gump hit the box office. I was honored to play the wounded Vietnam Veteran, Lt Dan Taylor, and represent so many of our wounded veterans who selflessly served our country. And today, it’s an honor to help “the real Lt. Dan’s” @GarySiniseFound #icecream 880
1609234945121341441 Wishing U all a safe & Happy New Year. To all still considering supporting our nation’s heroes through @GarySiniseFound, we’re about to the last hours, visit To all who already donated, thank U from the whole Sinise family. You make what we do possible. 812
1625154534367457280 On February 10, our friend, WWII veteran Teddy Kirkpatrick passed away at the age of 99. Teddy & I became pals when we first met years ago at the National Memorial Day parade in DC. We were talking and I noticed he was wearing a jacket that said 8th Air Force 379th Bomb Group… 745
1596213276198678529 Remembering a saluting today, John Michael Spann, the first American KIA in Afghanistan 21 years ago today. God bless him and his family. 640
1264269834889674753 On this Memorial weekend let us remember all those who have fallen in service to our country. And the sacrifice of the families who love and miss them. 572

Top 10 tweets with highest Quote count

ID Text Quote count
1431074603711954952 In honor of the lives lost today. 1273
1071518583883251713 Over 1000 Gold Star Children travel w/ surviving parent, 1,750 in all, via @americanair to Disney World today as part of our @GarySiniseFound Snowball Express program. This charter left LAX this morning. I’ll join up in a few days. Have fun kids! We love you! 921
1095366132574371840 Completely shocked and speechless by this surprise video. Incredibly touched and grateful by everyone’s support. I’m crying, so choked up, I thought I’d share. via @YouTube 789
1478762709994782720 An American hero passed away this morning. Lawrence Brooks, the oldest living WWII vet at 112 years old. Here we are at National WWII Museum in New Orleans when he was 106 years old. He certainly had an incredible long life. God bless you sir. An honor to know you. Rest In Peace 624
1264269834889674753 On this Memorial weekend let us remember all those who have fallen in service to our country. And the sacrifice of the families who love and miss them. 453
1147522256945287170 25 years ago Forrest Gump opened in theaters. Lt Dan Taylor will always be a fav & special role. Not only was it an honor to act alongside some incredible talent, working on a great script directed by Robert Zemeckis, but the character itself helped forge a bond w/ our military.. 439
793135829040324608 Retweet my #ServiceSelfie to show your support for our veterans! @TeamDepot will donate $1 up to $500K for every RT! #DoingMore4Vets 372
1115664885143052288 R.I.P Lt Colonel Dick Cole, last surviving Doolittle Raider. An extraordinary man. It was an true honor to know him. 291
1255702443779780608 Hey Folks, I just wanted to take a moment to send a message to all of our service men and women. God bless you all. Your pal, Gary 241
943270076723101702 Greetings from Troops, I'm at the dining facility at Bagram Air Base Afghanistan. Thank you to these brave men and women for your service to our country. 217

Top 10 tweets with highest Like count

ID Text Like count
1431074603711954952 In honor of the lives lost today. 111883
1478762709994782720 An American hero passed away this morning. Lawrence Brooks, the oldest living WWII vet at 112 years old. Here we are at National WWII Museum in New Orleans when he was 106 years old. He certainly had an incredible long life. God bless you sir. An honor to know you. Rest In Peace 50500
1147522256945287170 25 years ago Forrest Gump opened in theaters. Lt Dan Taylor will always be a fav & special role. Not only was it an honor to act alongside some incredible talent, working on a great script directed by Robert Zemeckis, but the character itself helped forge a bond w/ our military.. 40260
1264269834889674753 On this Memorial weekend let us remember all those who have fallen in service to our country. And the sacrifice of the families who love and miss them. 39133
1625154534367457280 On February 10, our friend, WWII veteran Teddy Kirkpatrick passed away at the age of 99. Teddy & I became pals when we first met years ago at the National Memorial Day parade in DC. We were talking and I noticed he was wearing a jacket that said 8th Air Force 379th Bomb Group… 39130
1544850001280606209 28 years ago today, Forrest Gump hit the box office. I was honored to play the wounded Vietnam Veteran, Lt Dan Taylor, and represent so many of our wounded veterans who selflessly served our country. And today, it’s an honor to help “the real Lt. Dan’s” @GarySiniseFound #icecream 34194
1596213276198678529 Remembering a saluting today, John Michael Spann, the first American KIA in Afghanistan 21 years ago today. God bless him and his family. 32838
1609234945121341441 Wishing U all a safe & Happy New Year. To all still considering supporting our nation’s heroes through @GarySiniseFound, we’re about to the last hours, visit To all who already donated, thank U from the whole Sinise family. You make what we do possible. 28962
1598083925217198082 America has lost a great American hero. 97 year old Korean War veteran,Medal of Honor recipient Hiroshi "Hershey" Miyamura. My heart goes out to Hershey's family. Sir, it was a great honor to know you. Thank you for your amazing service to our country. R.I.P. my friend. God bless 22619
1115664885143052288 R.I.P Lt Colonel Dick Cole, last surviving Doolittle Raider. An extraordinary man. It was an true honor to know him. 21603

Top 3 Languages Used In Tweets

Top 10 Hashtags used

Hashtag Count
#cmbb 66
#throwbackthursday 20
#tbt 15
#cbs 12
#veterans 9
#soaringvalor 6
#onset 6
#throwback 5
#criminalmindsbeyondborders 5
#givingtuesday 4

Top 10 Hashtags Used In Tweets

Top 10 mentions

Hashtag Count
@garysinisefound 140
@rallywithripple 35
@criminalmindsbb 22
@robertirvine 19
@getskillstowork 15
@americanair 13
@danielhenney 10
@alana_delagarza 10
@joemantegna 9
@the_uso 9

Top 10 mentions

Wordcloud of Tweets

Emojis used in tweets

Emoji Count Emoji Text
🇺🇸 33 United_States
😊 28 smiling_face_with_smiling_eyes
🙏🏼 3 folded_hands_medium-light_skin_tone
👍🏻 3 thumbs_up_light_skin_tone
😉 3 winking_face
🙏🏻 2 folded_hands_light_skin_tone
😁 2 beaming_face_with_smiling_eyes
🎸 2 guitar
🤪 2 zany_face
😳 2 flushed_face

Emojis groups

Emoji Group Count
Smileys & Emotion 45
Flags 33
People & Body 12
Objects 5
Animals & Nature 4